rae-appel · 4 years
Things I Want My OCs to Say
character a: Kneel.
character b: Okay, do you want a 'I wanna marry you kneel' or an 'I wanna suck your d*ck' kneel? 'Cause I don't wanna do either.
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rae-appel · 4 years
Thank you mother for your wonderful genes.
-me when I start getting white hairs at an early age
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rae-appel · 5 years
I'm a sexy cabinet.
-anonymous, 2019
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rae-appel · 5 years
Christianity has failed me in so many ways. Mainly in resulting in me not being allowed to read Harry Potter.
-me, 2019
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rae-appel · 5 years
Logic says no but my lack of common sense says yes.
-me, 2019
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rae-appel · 5 years
Random Conversation #8
teacher: Does it make sense for a woman to take her husband's last name after marriage, and for children to take their father's last name after being born?
random classmate: (agrees and quotes the Bible and says husbands are the head of the household and their wives should listen to their commands)
me internally: welp, guess i'm atheist now
me externally: don't worry, i'll just get a wife instead!
my classmates: (dying)
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rae-appel · 5 years
Things I Want My OCs to Say
character a: (furiously rubbing their arm with a eraser)
character b: what are you trying to do?
character a: (still rubbing the eraser on their arm) i'm trying to erase myself from existance.
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rae-appel · 5 years
Things I Want My OCs to Say
character a: i am so glad your parents reproduced to make you
character b: i'm glad it broke
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rae-appel · 5 years
Things I Want My OCs to Say
character a: do i still have 4.0 gpa? yes. do i still have a will to live?
character a: (stares into empty space for a few minutes)
character a: maybe
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rae-appel · 5 years
Does my aura scream 'talk to me about your love life' or something?
-me, 2019
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rae-appel · 5 years
Things I Want My OCs to Say
character a: Don't test me!
character b: we already did
character b: you failed
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rae-appel · 5 years
Professional cuddlers are basically platonic prostitutes.
-me, 2019
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rae-appel · 5 years
I couldn't spread my legs to get stuff.
-me, trying to explain why driving in my new pair of sneakers was more difficult than driving in my heels
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rae-appel · 5 years
Things I Want My OCs to Say
character a: Resistance is futile.
character b: your life is futile
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rae-appel · 5 years
Random Conversation #7
one straight friend: AAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!!
fellow bi friend: geez, someone sounds like they're being possessed
me: ah, Lucifer has finally gotten to them
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rae-appel · 5 years
It's my birthday. One year closer to death. Or as I like to say, one year closer to college debt.
-me, 2019
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rae-appel · 5 years
Random Conversation #6
one straight friend: Hey! Can we talk about chemistry?
me: why don't we talk about our chemistry ;)
one straight friend: No? My chemistry.
(we're in different chemistry classes)
me: i can't even
fellow bi friend: let's talk about our chemistry
one straight friend:...
one straight friend: Oh!
me: ahslgkhjegldk really? that long?
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