raesedwards · 4 years
Performance Art: I am not oppressed.
Following what’s going on in the world, as a Muslim, I felt obligated to talk about this and especially in the way I love most: through my work.
I am a proud Muslim. As this proud Muslim, I can tell you that my religion in no way calls for violence and murder; in fact, it calls for peace, equality and love between everyone, Muslim or not. Everything you see about Muslims is what the government and political system wants you to see...
Please, I only ask this of you. DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON MEDIA! I cannot stress how important this is to me. The world is protraying Muslims as terrorists, ignorant and uneducated people, when in fact we are civilized humans just like you! This portrayal actually makes it so hard for us to fight this Islamophobia we face daily and live among everyone else. I cannot tell you how many times Muslims were beaten up, killed and harrased for being Muslims. Since when was abusing people for their religion okay?
It’s 2020 and there is a concentration camp in China, trapping millions of Muslims, brainwashing them out of Islam. FAMILIES ARE BEING TORN APART JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE MUSLIMS! They are forced to drink alcohol and eat pork (considered as sins in Islam), sleep with each other without marriage (also considered a sin) and are banned from prayer. You may not agree with our beliefs, but for sure you can agree that terrorizing people in this way just because they have different beliefs IS NOT OKAY!
My main focus was the Hijab; for those of you who don’t know, a Hijab is a veil wrapped around the woman’s head, along with dressing modestly. It is a way to show loyalty to our religion and obedience to God, similar to nuns. I have one question for you: why is it when you see a nun you have this immense respect for her, but when you see a Hijabi, you think she’s oppressed or “forced to wear it”. My mom is a Hijabi and the ammount of stares she gets when we go out is raging!
Please I do not ask of you to believe in what we believe in, but we are all entitled to believe in whatever we want and respect others who don’t as well. All I humbly ask is PLEASE do your own research; do not believe everything you see on social media!
If you’ve made it this far THANK YOU SO MUCH! I appreciate you giving time for this so so so much!
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raesedwards · 4 years
Art Project 4
For this art project I decided to do a video of me tracing my pencil drawings, taking the drawing a few steps closer to its final version. At first I wasn’t sure what to do because I have COVID and the things I would usually choose for this project aren’t available to me. After some thinking and finally feeling better I realized this is actually more meaningful to me than the other things I had in mind for this project. One of the best parts about drawing for me is this process of tracing the lines I have already drawn in pencil. There’s this peaceful, meditative aspect to it that you don’t get while drawing in pencil. It’s like, everything is already done and now all that’s left is the flow between you and the art. I often use this time to brainstorm what will come next in the drawing too. It’s a special part of the process.
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raesedwards · 4 years
Artist Statement: Project 4
For this project I wanted to use ambiguity to convey an idea. Looking out over the city led to me thinking about all those who are suffering right now. The recent rise of Covid cases in Denver reminded me how many people have been affected world wide. The numbers are astounding and reflected on the piece of paper in the video. The first number represents the total number of global cases and the second number represents total deaths. I chose to make the video simple and tracked to somber music to convey the emotions that I’m sure we’re all feeling these days. 
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raesedwards · 4 years
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raesedwards · 4 years
Project 3 : Fun Ariana Moments
These are a collection of videos that I have of Ariana Grande. If you can’t tell by now I am a pretty big fan of hers. Every time I see a video of her that I find interesting I save them. For this project I thought this would be fun to make a video collage with some of my favorite moments of her. She has been a huge inspiration to me and her music is something I listen to very often. I love singing and I think she is one of the best singers in the music industry right now.
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raesedwards · 4 years
1 minute music video 
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raesedwards · 4 years
Art Project 2: The Loop
In its project I decided to focus on movies. One word that call my atention while I was reading the assignment was ¨fun¨. Because of that word I decided focus my project on moments that stold a smile or even a laugh form me. Many of this movies can be circled on the category of comedy and it is essay for them to make you laugh, but other have a more serios tone like The Hungers Game, when Katniss make the reverence, or when Obi-Wan Kenob say “Hello there” letting their enemies know that they shout be worry or let his other know that he is there to help.
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raesedwards · 4 years
The aesthetic of the images is very admirable. This is an awesome collection of gifs!
Art Project 2 Part 3
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raesedwards · 4 years
In a World of Originality,                                         Be Unoriginal
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Recorded videos are little remnants of the past, giving us the ability to travel back in time and to allow us to reminisce; immortalizing the experience and the sensations related to such an experience. This series of GIFS was created to preserve snapshots of my favorite “past-time” activity; banging my head, dancing as hard as possible, and being mesmerized from the beauty of the pure color of light. I used the process of rendering a few seconds of a few videos from my personal archive of a few hundred examples of EDM music production lights and lasers. Look for the spectrum.  
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raesedwards · 4 years
Reading & Film Response 3
Time-based art forms are so interesting to me. This reading was very interesting to me because I do know about film and time-based art but I got to learn a lot of new things. For example there's so many more ways you can represent time through different forms of Art. Whether is photography, videos, or even both. They represent time passing And very unique ways. For example there are 19 different ways listed In the time and motion reading we had or this week. My favorite ones mentioned are the chronology, narrative, and Motion. These gifts and photos I chose were to represent different ways time plays throughout our lives and media that we consume. I tried to have some creative gifts there for example one relating to Star Wars and the other relating to My Neighbor Totoro, a Studio Ghibli film.One is a still representing the movement of cars and traffic in Denver. we lost one I found I thought was pretty cute and I felt related to me sometimes because I've been working on a lot of things. Over all these different methods of filming and photography or something that I will use for the future because it's something new. I knew of some of them but it's good to learn more and have more options.
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raesedwards · 4 years
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Mini Cinema - my gif I made from Ariana’s thank u, next music video 
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raesedwards · 4 years
Gif Reading Response
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( I like this one because it is so simple and cute) 
Gifs are something that has changed the internet with a big impact. They became so popular fast because how simple they are.These moving images have become something people use to express emotions and have fun. They are a creative way to use images and videos in a combined manor. It completely took over the internet when they were invented. It was something completely different that no one had seen before. There are all used to convey different messages. Some of them are used as mini clips of longer videos and others are art that moves. Because there are so many different ways to use gifs you can give them different meanings.
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I like this one because I feel like I do that while driving.
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I like this one because it reminds me of might light pink ds lite.
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This gif I like because I’m a big nintendo fan.
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In this gif you see a beautiful scenery that I like.
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This gif shows one of ariana’s most iconic performances in her career.
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This gif is really cool because of the colors and the lighting. 
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This one was from the Selena movie and showed how much of an impact Selena made through her life.
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I like this one because its a great way to respond to someone’s message.
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I love this one because its part of my favorite movie, its great because it shows the attitude of the cat throughout the whole movie.
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raesedwards · 4 years
These posters are awesome I really appreciate how you were able to make them all cohesive but uniquely different. :)
Art Project 1
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This series of images is ´´What we Ignore´
Each piece is composed of a poster for a ¨Classic¨ movie that had an impact on pop culture in its respective moment and a sequence of photos taken by Ronaldo Schemidt in 2018. What I try to respect here is how we prefer to live in a fantasy world where characters create or fight agains chaos, but we completely ignore the real people who are doing it in reality.
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raesedwards · 4 years
Such an amazing way to talk about such an important issue going on right now. Its so interesting the way you used different opacities to incorporate images. The mix of black and white and color images is done really well!
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For my collage series, I wanted to highlight different American political movements. The mediums of which these campaigns start are just as important as the message itself. While living through and participating in the Black Lives Matter movement I began to think of all the elements that go into, and the genesis of, grass-root movements. This worked for the idea of implied time because I was inspired by how history is written and how difficult it is to predict how future generations will look back at historical events. To convey these messages I played with the ideas of texture. I was inspired by the ideas of a cloudy future Vs. messages set in stone.
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raesedwards · 4 years
I love the idea of mixing the album covers it so cool how you found a way to combine their different aesthetics. :)
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Art Project 1 and Artist Statement 1
The title of this series of collages is “What is Man?” Each collage is based on different album covers of musical artists that I enjoy: Nirvana, Playboi Carti, and David Bowie. The three collages, combined, represent time and masculinity over the course of life. However, each one has its own separate meaning.
I made these collages because I absolutely love music and wanted to express time through the musicians I like listening to. My aim was to choose three different album covers of artists that represent three different genres of music. The albums I chose, the album cover art, and the stage of life each musician was in when they created these albums is very important to this piece. I had a great time creating this!
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raesedwards · 4 years
Mother Nature Shows no Mercy
Mother Nature has not held back this year. With so many tragic events going on its hard to not forget the smoke that soaks into my clothes. Burning, itchy eyes, a stuffed up nose, a cough here and there, and a confused mind on whether the symptoms are from allergies, the sad notion of Covid, or from the burning ranging forests. I have seen how deadly Mother Nature could be on the news, and from social media but I never wanted to live through it. A few days before completing this project I went outside to see the forbidden snow that started to drift down onto my car and I looked up into the sky to see the sun look like a bright red target warning us that it is not over.
~ First image shows how I wanted the images to be displayed, the bottom three is broken up so that others could see the detail~
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raesedwards · 4 years
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The Implied Time Project
In this project I chose my theme to be about movies and the different ways I perceive time through movies. The time making and consuming movies in different varieties.This was inspired for my love of consuming media and film. Movies have always been a big part of my life, when I didn't have friends I would spend hours watching movies. I love getting to know the story plot and the characters in them. Taken from the royalty free photo websites of the Internet I used many different concepts to combine the photos in a creative way. I wanted to make photos that had a similar feeling to them but also used photoshop in different ways. Sort of making collages of these photos in a way and trying to make them all cohesive.
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