raeynnblackthorne · 5 years
Until we have seen someone’s darkness, we don’t really know who they are. Until we have forgiven someone’s darkness, we don’t really know what love is.
Marianne Williamson (via theoldsoldier)
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raeynnblackthorne · 5 years
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raeynnblackthorne · 5 years
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
         i’m a   w a n d r e s s
         i’m a one night stand
                                         don’t belong to no  c i t y
                                         don’t belong to no  m a n 
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
                   they molded you into a monster 
                        sharpened your claws
                                         your fangs
                                      ripped out everything good and holy
                                  made you howl until your throat burned
                  maybe it’s time to show them what a mistake they’ve made
                          they should never have given you such a  b i t e 
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
RPG Archetype: Raeynn Blackthorne
The Anti-Hero
A central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes. They often fail many times and are known to be flawed. Opposite of the Tragic hero, you often do things out of selfishness so you can advance and grow as an individual. This is often done unconsciously. When people ask for favors, you expect rewards in return. Your personality can be seen as complicated and you often can through a cycle of moods in a matter of what seems like seconds. You're seen as typically aggressive and full of emotion. There would be times where it seems like you are completely calm and then at a flip of coin be upset about something. You have a lot on your mind 24/7 and it's hard for you to handle. Sometimes your attempts at showing you care can backfire, since you often get too into the emotional aspect of the situation. Taken from here
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
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Art that was done for me a while ago that I totally forgot to post. Whoops! 
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
Check it out!!
Sovereign Academy
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The Sovereign Blades are hosting an academy to teach the next knights that will help protect the Eorzean Alliance. Classes are not limited to actual squires and knights, you can definitely petition to join only for the sole purpose of learning from the wonderful roster of teachers! You don’t even have to join the FC! I’m a professor and I’m not even part of the FC!! Check below for our rosters, we are in need of just a few more students, our teacher spots are quite full!!!
This is for Mateus, I don’t know what’s a Balmung, but it sounds disgusting!
Teacher/Instructor Roster +Area of Expertise
Ser Cyrus Amestris - Leadership, Combat.
Kaine Fatalis - Battle Strategy, Tactics, Lance Focus
Ser Rein Lambart - Claymore Focus, Katana Focus, Defensive Tactics
Ser Anson Rockwell - Introduction to Knighthood, Chivalry, Ethics, Shield Focus
Professor Galtara Ashe - Beast Tribe Anthropologist
Y'shalva Ratli - Cooking Lessons
Ser Valentinoix Vairemont - Machinist Focus
Ayase Fhey - Medical Trainer, Aether & Triage
L'iaru Seisun - Red Magic, Rapier Focus, Introduction to Charm & Etiquette
Pepper Altana - Music Lessons
Squires/Students + Area of Interest
Saterra Nightweave - Combat, Self Defense
Eike Auclaire - Knighthood, Lance Focus
Hadrefort Clement - Knighthood
Ninette Rivoux - General Studies
Sierro Kaldun - Lance Focus
Y'shalva Ratli - General Studies
Salina Sagahl - Knighthood
Natassiiya Nokomis - Cooking Lessons
Friends of the Academy
Beatrix Sirins - Cafe Owner, Ward 18, Plot 46 Mists. She gives Sovereign Academy members 15% off if they come in groups (3 or more). The discount also applies to catered functions of the school. Be sure to indentify yourself as a Teacher/student of the Sovereign Academy.
How to join?
Please contact the ever so handsome and chivalrous Ishgardian knight himself: Anson Rockwell through Discord at: Rockwell#9939
If you have any questions, let Anson or I know!
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
Heck yes!
⚔️Shout Out To The Muses That Are UNAPOLOGETIC About Being Assholes, Antagonistic Pricks, and  Generally Bad People™ ⚔️
Stories need conflict to thrive. The Roleplay Community benefits from having muns that play antagonistic characters. Characters that not all others muses will like and get along with. Muses who do fucked up shit and love it. It can be lonely playing a character that everyone wants to treat like a punching bag, or wants to walk over, or ignore.
Reblog if your blog APPRECIATES, SUPPORTS, and RESPECTS Villains and antagonistic muses!!
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
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Expedition to Gyr Abania
Everyone who was part of the expedition had a reason to be on it. Galtara’s was upfront with hers. Gyr Abania had beast tribes that just begged to be researched. One sought a temple, another a family member, another claimed he simply wanted to protect the others. The path was arduous to say the least, they were set upon by a band of brigands but they made it through.
Galtara herself was incredibly impressed by the beautiful Rhalgr’s Reach. She will be using it as her base of operation as she works in the region for the time she will be there.
This is also a way to reach out to anyone who may have a character ICly in Gyr Abania in Mateus, if you wish it, our paths could absolutely cross.
Thank you to @raeynnblackthorne @s-udarshana and @coeurlkin
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
She got a bad reputation She takes the long way home And all of my friends seen her naked Or so the story goes Mistakes we all make them But they won't let it go, no 'Cause she's got a bad reputation But I know what they don't
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raeynnblackthorne · 6 years
✍ - a memory of their mother
There were times when the crimson-haired woman sat in front of her fireplace, legs crossed beneath herself as she closed her eyes and attempted to let her mind go blank. No alcohol in her system, no drugs. Meditate they had told her, it'll help give you clarity. You can let go of all of the anger and pain you're holding onto, but who was she without the hurt and the pain?
For a while, she was able to get to that place of nothingness, and it was nice, or so she thought. The peace was broken when the silence in the room was filled with a loud pop from within the fireplace. Her body jerked reflectively and she was back in the small room, the pantry her mother had tried in vain to hide her in when they had come to the village. Tears stained her red cheeks and the sobs were coming like hiccups when her mother had shut the door behind her and motioned for her to be quiet. The look in her eyes was so pleading, a last-ditch effort that she knew was likely in vain but she would try anyway.
The floor shook beneath her and she could feel the walls of her family's modest home shaking around her. Her small hand clamped over her mouth to try and stifle her sobs when she heard the sound of wood splintering as the door was kicked in. A scream filled the room, the likes of which Rae had never heard before as her mother flung herself at the armored soldier but was quickly backhanded and sent skidding across the floor. Peering between the small space in the wooden door she watched in horror as her mother was drug kicking and screaming from the house by her long dark hair. Something beyond panic had set in and Rae tried to back further into the closet, but as she did her small elbow connected with a broom, knocking it over and causing a clatter.
The second solider in the room had heard the sound and it was mere moments before he ripped the door open and had the small child over his shoulder kicking and screaming as he went. Tiny fists connected with his back as she tried to get away but it was no use. Soon enough she was deposited outside in the dirt with what was left of her small village. Homes that she had grown up around in her 6 years were already up in flames, and smoke filled her lungs. Screams came from all directions. Young ones were being taken and separated from the elderly.
A hand was on her, pulling her away from the group but she was reaching out for her mother desperate to try and get back to her. That's when she saw it, the blade her mother had hidden on herself and pulled out. She had it drawn on the young soldier and was threatening him with it, standing between Rae and him. Cruel laughter echoed out from beneath the helmets, "Look at the savage trying to protect her runt."
"Get away from her!"
"Hurry up and finish it." The other soldier had quickly grown bored of watching the struggle, they had orders to be done with this tiny village by noon and on to the next. She hadn't seen who had done it, as her eyes had never once left her mothers, her small hand extended out to her as gloved hands clamped too hard around her middle and yanked her back towards the strange looking metal thing she would soon be shoved inside.
Two shots and whatever life she had known previous to that was gone. Crimson spread outwards from the wounds like an ever-widening pool, staining the white linen of her mother's tunic. Dropping to her knees, those eyes never left Rae's as she crumpled only moments later. How long had she screamed? How long had she cried? Until her voice was no more. Until her body could no longer form any tears.
Her eyes flicked open and she sucked in a breath, drawing her knees up to her chest as she stared into the dwindling fire in the hearth. "Fuck this." Standing up she made her way to the bottle of rum that was kept nearby, not bothering to pour it into a glass she downed a solid three shots right there.
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