rafatheworm · 4 years
im making a new account bc im a Fool and am never active and,, just want to start over without going through and deleting Every Post oop new account will be rafathenoodle
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rafatheworm · 4 years
I don’t feel okay doing this, but I need help.
My family is passing through a very rough economical situation, my mother lost her job, and my father might lose his too (they fired 12 workers the last payment date).
My sister and I have been helping with the bills and buying food, but my sister is getting overwork for it and I don’t even have an actual job, so I’ve been helping with the money the state gives me for the scholarship I earned.
My family is paying rent every month so we have been focusing on that, but there is not enough money to buy food, and if my dad loses his job we’ll have to go to the streets and sell stuff, which is dangerous in our country (Colombia).
I opened a RedBubble store, if you find anything interesting and buy it, that would help me a whole lot.
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I also make commissions, even if you just commission me a sketch it would also mean a lot for me.
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5 dollars may seem very little, but with 5 dollars in my country, I can buy 2 good meals in a restaurant.
I don’t feel okay asking for charity, but if you don’t want to buy anything from me and just want and can help me, this is my paypal: [email protected].
If you can’t help me this way, which is understandable, please share this.
Thank you all for following me, I’m sorry I had to post this.
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rafatheworm · 4 years
hello someone on instagram made a document with a ton of resources on the movement surrounding george floyds murder and how to help and educate yourself. its updated very frequently and is super comprehensive and well organized, i thought i could share it here
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rafatheworm · 4 years
ways to support the blm movement
this google doc includes a list of petitions to sign, resources to help educate yourself and others, organizations to donate to, and contacts of law officials to get in touch with to express your support for the george floyd and black lives matter movements. this includes ways to help even if you don’t live in america. please read it and support the movement. 
use your voice. use every platform you have, no matter how big or how small. nothing will change if you just sit there and watch. if you think you’re the exception, you’re not. remaining indifferent will only support the oppressor. do something.
write to your legal representatives. express your support for legislation that would bring justice to the unarmed civilians who’ve been murdered by law enforcement officers. demand for justice. 
call 612-324-4499 ㅡ this is a hotline that will coach you on how to get connected with the people who can arrest the officers that murdered george floyd. 
create serious conversation. stop demeaning people who disagree with your philosophies on how to overcome. it is useless and no better than the practices of the oppressor to silence. we need to listen to each other with respect and really consider how we can combine our perspectives to create practical change. 
please feel free to add any links or resources or information that you think will be helpful and also reblog to spread awareness. the systems we are fighting against were literally created to oppress marginalized communities and therefore will not go down without a fight. we need to collectively stand up and do something about it. 
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rafatheworm · 4 years
yo FUCK baby yoda we love baby appa in this house
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rafatheworm · 4 years
I said something once and it didn’t really go very well
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rafatheworm · 4 years
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rafatheworm · 4 years
“Ferb I know what we’re gonna do today, we’re gonna try to bring mom back”
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rafatheworm · 4 years
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bread cushions designed by creme of fraise
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rafatheworm · 4 years
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pink wisteria floral stall
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rafatheworm · 4 years
sorry to get romantic on main but i want to go to an art museum and hold hands with someone i care about
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rafatheworm · 4 years
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i would like u guys to please witness the tiny toad complete in its glory the original didnt show up in the tag for some reason so sorry for the repost but im so proud of this little guy i cant afford for people NOT to see the detail work
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rafatheworm · 4 years
if you’re offline or away and i message you something (like a link to a meme or a picture or w/e) honestly just assume that i’m just leaving it there for when you get back and not expecting you to answer straight away. i don’t need you to respond with “hey, sorry, i wasn’t at the computer!” or anything. i was leaving u a gift for later.
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rafatheworm · 4 years
Once you become a certain age, it is your responsibility to unlearn behaviors that hinder your growth as a person.
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rafatheworm · 4 years
*exports you as a jpeg* *and turns the quality waaaaay down*
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rafatheworm · 4 years
i hope all the trans people of color reading this have a wonderful year filled with happiness, safety, and success
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rafatheworm · 4 years
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