rafe-montenegro · 2 years
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Lark had stretched up as high as she could she found that her fingers could only just touch the box of pasta that she needed. “I really don’t understand why they have shelves that go up so high” she mused to herself, letting out a soft little humph like sound. it took her a few minutes of talking to herself to go down to the other end of the aisle “excuse me. do you think you could help me with something?”
Rafe had been picking up a handful of things, and had his hands full of said handful when someone approached him. "Hmm?" He turned and glanced at her. "Yeah, sure. What do you need?" He had made the offer automatically, though when he realized that whatever she needed would probably require the use of his hands, he said, "Uh, just give me a second to set these down first."
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
Honestly being in public with such a large crowd was kind of a lot. He’d kept mostly to himself over the past year or so and this was a big deal. He was there to support Monty. Monty who had disappeared and not Grayson was lost trying to find him again. He shot off a text hoping the other would check his phone. Looking down he didn’t notice someone passing by and knocked into them by accident. “Shit. Uh. Sorry I didn’t… aw fuck.” One of the Walker pack. “I’m not here to cause trouble okay? You can tell your Alpha that.” @rafe-montenegro​
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Causing trouble was pretty much the last thing Rafe wanted to do, considering he had come to Faerune to get away from trouble. Running into a wolf from another pack did not automatically mean trouble either, but since he had heard from Lucas that this one, Grayson, was one to tread lightly around, Rafe wanted to be on his guard. "Considering this is a party, I hope no one's here to cause trouble." Giving Grayson a firm stare, he added, "But just in case anyone is thinking about it, I'd advise them to think twice."
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
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Rafe’s Costume for the Halloween Masquerade
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
James had been chatting up the nurse, purely a biproduct of the morphine as he hated small talk, especially with strangers.  But hey, they were hot and they brought him that sweet sweet pain reliever.  So sue him.  When someone called his name he turned, groaning as he realized he’d turned his torso out of habit.  Fuck that was gonna be hard getting used to.  “Raaaaafe.  My man!  Just like ol’ times huh?”  The older wolf had an absolutely giddy expression on his face, compliments to the high dosage needed for his fast metabolism.
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Obviously Rafe did not hesitate to go visit James in the hospital, sorry to see his friend in such a state but more than ready to offer support. Yet again he had not heard the whole story of James' incident, but he figured he would get it in time. Not any time soon, though, considering how out of it James sounded now.
"Oh sure. I definitely remember you getting into trouble way too much," he commented, coming closer to the bed. Even though Rafe doubted he would get a coherent answer, he asked anyway. "What did you get yourself into this time?"
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
[Continued from here x] @rafe-montenegro​
Okay. Alpha time. Lucas blinked and sat himself up straighter. Fuck he’s had a few too many. “Imb.. Imbibibi?” Lucas laughed to himself. “I have no idea what you just said.” He admitted, resting his head against his hand. 
He wasn’t going to unload onto a pack member let alone a new pack member. It had taken him enough to convince Rafe to join their pack he didn’t want to make the man uncomfortable. “How are you settling in? Have you met everyone yet?”
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"I said I think there's got to be a reason for having that much to drink," Rafe said. That had always been his experience. But again, he still was not expecting Lucas to tell him, and he had clearly been right, since Lucas turned the questioning on him instead. "Pretty well, yeah. Thanks again for letting me in. I really appreciate it. I'm still not really used to being welcomed into a pack instead of being expected to be part of one. And I think I've met everyone, unless there's any secret pack members you haven't told me about?"
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
Simon had been afraid of the answer that Rafe gave him. but he had at least been prepared for it as an option. “Oh no, I was just going to see if he wanted to go grab some lunch.” He probably should have texted first, “You wouldn’t want to go grab something with me, would you?”
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He might not have been sure if he should pass on a message to Lucas for Simon, but Rafe certainly could grab some lunch with him. "Sure, I'd love that. I was getting a little hungry anyway." The rest of the work on the car could wait until later. "Got any place you'd like to go? I'm not sure I've tried all the restaurants in town yet."
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
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Rafael “Rafe” Montenegro -- Moodboard
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
The vampire gave the other a relieved smile, shoulders sinking in gratitude.  “Thank you, so, so much.”  He lifted up the umbrella so it could cover them both, although by this point it was rather useless for Edgar now that he was soaked.  
He couldn’t help the resounding laughter that left him at the other’s comment.  “Hell of a pun there.  Yeah, I uh, tripped down the stairs at work the other day and I’m still recovering unfortunately.”  Edgar turned to look at the other.  “I’m Edgar, by the way.  Really, thank you again.  Oh, and we’ll be turning right on Viewpont and then it’s just two blocks on the left.” 
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In hindsight, maybe Edgar should have called someone.  Kirby, Rory, Sidney, Felicia, Grace.  He knows any one of them would have been more than willing to help him bring things home from work, but he didn’t want to be more of a burden than he already felt.  And to his credit, things were working just fine until his bag snapped.  It was pretty old.  Apparently it was time to get a new one.
"No problem." It really was not. Rafe might not have wanted to draw attention, but he definitely did not want to stand by and do nothing when someone needed help. That was a lot of what had led him to becoming a cop in the first place. "Ouch. Sorry to hear that. I'm Rafe, and you're welcome. I wouldn't want anyone to be left out in the rain like that, much less with such a load to carry." He really did have no qualms with vampires, so if Edgar had no problem with a werewolf, everything was fine. "Two blocks on the left? Got it. At least, I think I've got it. I haven't been here too long. Have you lived here a long time?"
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
Bobbing her head in acknowledgement, Nash took her shot. “Well that makes a lot of sense. You come for vacation and get stuck?” The introduction was appreciated, she hated giving information first. A bark of laughter escaped her mouth at the mechanic comment. “Why is it every werewolf I know is a god damn mechanic? I’m Nash. I’m out at the cemetery beautifying the dead.” She wasn’t an Alpha tonight so she didn’t feel like mentioning it.
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"Sure, a vacation from the crap I had to deal with before," he replied curtly. Rafe had no desire to elaborate on said crap, but he did not like the insinuation that he had come to Faerune for a pleasure trip. If he was playing into some town stereotype about werewolves being mechanics, he had not realized it. That just happened to be the place he had gone for a job, which had led to him meeting Lucas, which had led to him joining the pack. "Could be because my pack's Alpha owns the shop," he commented, glad he had found the repair shop and was not working in the cemetery, "Sounds like a lively job. You get any complaints from customers?"
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
He nodded in understanding.  It was the same reason Ray had chosen to come here.  A chance at a new life.  Did it hurt a little that Rafe hadn’t tracked him down all the way to Faerune?  Maybe a little.  But it’s likely everyone had presumed him dead by now.  Fuck.  His family.  “Hey uh…have you talked to my family at all?  My folks?  Dottie?  I need to know how they’re takin’ the whole ‘missing’ thing.”  He sent letters, and flowers, but never with a proper return address.  
His expression softens, eyes glistening with tears beginning to well up.  Ray knew Rafe had his back, but to hear it allowed, after so many years on the run.  It was a lot to take in.  “I ‘preciate it man, really.”  
The older wolf shook his head, turning his attention to the amber liquid of his beer.  He…hadn’t told anyone.  But Rafe was the one person who at least deserved to know.  And…and his partners.  But Ray was scared of how they would react if he told them the truth.  “Do you remember the Moore kid?  It was the last case I was on til…ya know.  You’d filed for vacation time around then, so it was jus’ me.”
Ray took a large swig of his beer, needing the encouragement.  “Grew up in the system, an’ that’s what got him killed.  He was brutalized by that fuckin’ piece of shit foster dad of his.  It…it brought back a lotta memories.  Shit I’d seen in the system too.  30 years later you’d think it wouldn’ be as broken.  Anyway, the case was easy enough.  Simple open an’ shut type deal.  Prick wasn’ smart about covering his tracks.”
But that was the thing.  They had seen so many cases like the Moore kid.  Dealt with so many shitstains pretending to be human that this should have been another drop in the bucket.  “I…I never told ya.  Or anyone.  Was afraid to look weak, get forced to see that asshole shrink they used to have at the station.  But all of it was startin’ to get to me.  Loved doin’ the work.  Fuck, still miss it, every god damn day.  But I guess after 12 years ya start breakin’ down if you don’ talk that shit out with no one.”
Ray finished off his beer and waved for the bartender to bring another.  He wished he had something stronger to take the edge off…but Rafe needed to know, deserved to know.  And he had to do this sober whether he liked it or not.  “Got a lead on the shit the day before a full moon, so went out to get ‘im.  It was a pretty routine arrest til he…”  
He had to pause, his breath becoming more uneven as his hands shook.  “The fucker laughed and said no one was gonna miss some orphan trash.  An’ I lost it.  I…I just.  I beat the ever loving shit outta him til there was nothin’ left.  Someone musta called the Five-0, cuz it took four officers to pry me off’a him.”
The older wolf slowly shook his head.  “That’s when I ran.  Knew I’d be more a danger to others’ if I got locked up.  Ain’t no judge out there in the real world gonna believe me if I said ‘hey, I’m a god damn werewolf, just like the movies, so don’ put be in general pop.’  I’da killed too many people, made it all so much worse.”
As the new beer got placed in front of him, Ray chugged nearly the entire thing in one go.  “So there ya go.  That’s what happened.”
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One of the first things Rafe had done after James had disappeared was to check in with his family. He had had no information to give them, but he had wanted them to know that he was not going to give up hope of seeing James again either. "I did, for a good while after you had gone. They were as upset and confused as I was. I wanted to give them more assurance that you were alright, but I could only tell them the same thing I had been telling myself: that I believed you were alright. I haven't been in contact with them since I left New York though, but I'm guessing you don't want me to tell them that I've found you?" He could only assume so, if James did not tell them himself where he was.
Rafe nodded. It had taken time for him to warm up to James, after the harshness of his own family, but once they had become friends, there was no way he would betray him. "Putting anything other than friendship first is something the rest of my family would do, but I never will."
He listened as James told his story. Yes, Rafe remembered the Moore kid, and he also remembered why he had not been on the case too. He had not known how much it all was getting to James. He wished he had before he had taken the time off. "I do, yeah. Sorry I wasn't on the case with you. Sorry I wasn't there." Would his presence have made a difference? Would he have been able to step in in time? Rafe wanted to think so, but he was not so sure.
"It can hurt when you keep things inside," he said quietly. Rafe might not have understood James' exact mindset, but he knew what it was like to carry painful memories. "You wouldn't have looked weak, but I can get why you didn't want to say anything. It's hard to bring things like that up. Always just want to keep it buried if you can."
He also damn well understood how unstable a wolf could become around the full moon. Rafe had always tried to avoid aggravation as much as he could at that time, which was never easy with his family or with being a cop. So knowing something which hit so close to home for James had been what set him off came as no surprise, nor did Rafe judge him for reacting the way he had. He took a moment after James finished. watching him drink down the beer before he spoke again.
"I don't blame you for reacting that way. I know we're supposed to try and control our urges, even around the full moon, but somehow it never gets any easier. It's still a pain to rein it all in, no matter how many years pass. And being a cop is the same. So yeah, I can't say what you did was no big deal, but I sure as hell can't condemn you for it." Being in jail would have been even worse, so he did not blame James for running either. "I get why you left, I do. I just...I still would have liked to know you were ok. Even if you hadn't wanted to tell me where you were."
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
He was well past sober. It had been a while since he had drunk enough to actually feel intoxicated but here he was trying to hide from his feelings by drowning them. “Thank you.” He murmured to the bartender as he pulled the new pint close, pushing over a note and a small ruby he’d come into the possession of. He didn’t want it, may as well give it away. 
Lucas wasn’t the type to really let things show. Usually he knew what to do or say but the past two years he’d kept getting the rug pulled from under him. He felt like a failure. He failed to keep Colton safe, twice. He’d gotten no resolution from the first time and only ended up losing a friend as a result. The second he’d only been able to act in response, after Colton was hurt. 
Then there was Lacy. And Simon.
He leaned his head on his hand and sighed before taking a long drink from his glass. As he set it down he noticed someone watching him but his eyes hadn’t focused enough for him to see who it was. “Man can’t be thirsty?” He joked but it fell flat, his usual cheer just… gone. @faerunestarters​
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When he had settled in Faerune, Rafe had not expected anyone to take him in. He did not want to be the proverbial lone wolf, but he was not sure he had been ready to join a pack. Lucas had convinced him that he was, and he was grateful for that. So when he saw Lucas in the bar, clearly into his cups, Rafe came over, willing to talk if his fellow wolf wanted to, or just to give some companionship if he needed it.
"Thirsty's fine, but I'm wondering if you're getting a little past that," he commented, sitting down next to Lucas, "I know we haven't known each other long, but I have to think there's a reason behind that much imbibing. I don't expect you to tell me, but I'll listen to anything you do want to tell if that'll be a better distraction."
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
“Hey Rafe” Simon gave a little nod and lifted his hand up in a wave before setting his arm on the counter. “My uncle’s not in, is he?” he asked. The younger werewolf was really hoping that he was, or at least that Rafe would tell him he’d stepped out somewhere for a moment. Anything but that he hadn’t come in at all that day. That would mean that more than likely Lucas was at the pack house, and Simon was still avoiding going. 
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"No, sorry." Rafe shook his head. He had not seen Lucas in the shop yet that day, but that did not mean he would not show up later. "Were you hoping to tell him something? I can pass on a message if I see him." He was still getting used to being a member of the pack, after all, and was not quite up on all the ins and outs yet, so he did not know if it was his place to pass on a message, but he made the offer anyway.
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
It was just his luck, really.  One of the last summer showers had to pop up as he was walking home from a meeting on the upcoming semester.  Edgar actually had brought his umbrella, so at first things seemed to be going on the up and up.
Until he crossed one intersection and the strap of his satchel snapped, spilling its contents to the wet cement.  Cursing repeatedly, the vampire fumbled with his umbrella as he tried to pick things up with only one hand and failing miserably. Blinking rain out of his eyes, he noticed someone bend down to pick up a few of his things.  “Thank you,” he grumbled miserably.  He was soaked.  His things were soaked.  He fucking hated this cast.
Standing back up, Edgar looks at a loss for what to do.  “Could I possibly convince you to help me carry this home?  I promise it’s not far, and I’ll buy you coffee for your efforts.”
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Rafe had never been looking for trouble, but these days he was making an effort to avoid it. He had had enough upheaval with his family. He did not need more from anyone else. While he knew of the animosity that often existed between werewolves and vampires, he personally had no desire to pick a fight with any. Thus he had been giving most vampires a wide berth, not wanting  to unintentionally antagonize any of them.
But when he saw one struggling with his belongings in the rain, he could not exactly stand by and do nothing. So he slowly came over and started to pick a few things up. "Sure, anytime," he replied, glad to see the vampire seemed not to care that Rafe was a werewolf. He had not intended to help him all the way home, but he did not really mind either. "Yeah, I can do that. And coffee would be great." Picking up the rest of the vampire's belongings, he hefted them up under his arm. "Sorry you're, ahem, under the weather, in more ways than one."
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
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“Thanks I’m basically a pro.” She forced her grimace into a smile as she stood and wiped her sticky hands on her pants. “Sorry for the inopportune game of footsie. Should have bought you dinner first.” 
Siri nodded towards a bartender to get their attention and turned on a heel to place the ball back on the pool table. “Maybe I should get you a drink?” 
He was not quite sure if she meant a pro at hitting pool balls or a pro at scoping out bar room floors, but he refrained from asking. "Well, that shot's going to be pretty hard to beat. I don't think I could do that if I tried!" Rafe chuckled and waved off the concern. He had not minded her intrusion. "No worries. Though I will say that's an interesting way to meet!"
Even if he had not minded the intrusion, he would certainly not refuse a drink either. "Well, if you're offering, sure. I'm Rafe, by the way. I couldn't quite introduce myself while you were under the table."
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
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Rafe Montenegro -- Color Palette
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
It blew his mind just as much as Rafe’s to be sitting next to his best friend again.  And it was such a fuckin’ coincidence.  Ray had gone to the shop to see if Atlas was free during his lunch break (maybe steal some kisses while he got a chance), and there mother fucking god damn Montenegro was, that amazing son of a bitch.  
Nostalgia washed over the older wolf as Rafe brought up their rocky beginning.  “Heh, glad I offered a round after that case.  Your first arrest as a detective was worth celebratin,’ man.  Big ‘fuck you’ to all the naysayers, eh?”  He reached across to pull the other into yet another hug.  “Fuck I’ve missed ya so much.  What even brought ya here?”
Through all the excitement, realization hit Ray like a hammer to the gut.  “You uh…you’re not here to turn me in are ya?”
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Rafe might not have put much stock in fate before now. If anything, he would have been pretty pissed at fate before. But if fate had thrown him and Ray together once and now twice, he was looking at it a little differently. 
"Yeah, it was." He nodded. Though the naysayers were mostly his family, who sadly were still not impressed when he had become a detective. But Ray had been impressed, and that was all that mattered to Rafe. He hugged Ray back, still amazed that they were were there together. "I'd been trying to get as far away from my family as I could, and I heard about this place where supernatural creatures were all living together. I couldn't believe that was a thing, but I had nothing to lose, so I came to check it out. Obviously I'm eating my words now."
At Ray's question, he immediately shook his head. "No. Hell no. I'm not a detective anymore, and even if I was, there's no way I would ever be able to turn you in. If I had been ordered to, I would have turned in my badge on the spot." As much as he had wanted to be a policeman, Rafe would never have been able to turn in his friend. "I have to say though, I've never gotten the whole story about what happened that night. You don't have to tell me, but..." He spread his hands, indicating that if Ray did not want to elaborate, he was not going to press the issue.
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rafe-montenegro · 2 years
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Santiago Cabrera from the new cast portraits for Season 2 of Star Trek Picard
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