raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x liberty
Liberty: Aww he's sweet
Liberty: Are you jealous?
Raffy: Did u say Danny's sweet?
Raffy: It's not like I have any right to be jealous, right?
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x liberty
Liberty:No that doesn't mean someone else isn't
Raffy: This is so messed up. Someone should solve this soon.
Raffy: Hey, I'm going in now. Talked to Danny already. Told him I'll keep him company to look after you. He doesn't want to go home.
Raffy: I mean, if you rather have him there instead of me, I guess, whatever.
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x danny
Danny: I know. See you soon Raff.
Raffy: See you.
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x liberty
Liberty: Of course not but someone did try to kill me so theres that oh and you're probably not the only person getting text Raf. You need to talk to someone,
Raffy: Are you getting texts too?
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x danny
Danny: This isn't some random girl. This is Libs, the girl I loved dearly. I wouldn't want anything less for her. Sure, could probably use the company and I'm sure she's tired of seeing just my face here.
Raffy: Yeah, she isn't. She's special. Okay, I'll be there in a while.
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x danny
Danny: I texted Eliza, thought about that. Figured it wouldn't be good if news came up that there was another victim and she hadn't heard from me for a few hours. I'm fine, really. I found Liberty and I just feel like I need to be here with her. Everything between us ended on shitty terms and for once I actually want to put her first. She deserves that. For once she deserves for me to love her like I should have and just look out for her. I've already told those that needed to know that I'm going to try to stay here at the hospital all night if possible.
Raffy: Wow, man. I mean, that's quite heroic but okay. I can stay with you at the hospital. Like, in case you want to sleep, I can stay beside her.
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x liberty
Liberty: I know
Liberty: .......
Liberty:Why is she choice? Wait there's actually a killer like this wasn't a dealer pissed off at me? She's probably dead,I could be dead wtf
Raffy: Leighton and I just had a small thing when you were still caught up with Danny and all. Yes, a killer called me and I had no other choice. No, no, no. You can't die, okay? You can't let Danny know about this too. Not even your family. This is all on me okay? That's why I'm saying sorry.
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x danny
Danny: Thanks man, but I'm good. I just think I need to stick by her tonight. After everything, I need to follow through with something at least.
Raffy: No, man. Its good. I can stay with her. Eliza could be looking for you or something. I can stay with her tonight.
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x liberty
Liberty: Thank you
Liberty:I didn't say anything we're still a secret
Liberty:Why would the police find Leighton
Raffy: Anything for you.
Raffy: Oh, uhm, okay. That's great, I guess.
Raffy: The killer called me. He was making me choose between you two. I couldn't do it, babe. I couldn't choose but I had no choice. I sent some police to find Leighton while I tried to find you so that the both of you would be safe. I couldn't find you anywhere and I just heard you're in the hospital.
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x danny
Danny: Yeah. her parents seemed to have given their hatred of me a pardon. in her room now
Raffy: Oh, great. I could come by and trade places with you. If you want. I mean, if you want to go home. Im not doing anything tonight so I can stay with her.
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x liberty
Liberty: I like Lillies
Liberty: Nothing I was being petty
Liberty: Yayyyyy
Raffy: Then you'll get all thr Lillies i can find in town.
Raffy: Tell me come on.
Raffy: I'd always keep you safe, okay? I love you. I just wonder if the police found Leighton.
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x danny
Raffy: hey Dan, heard about liberty. Is she okay? Are u at the hospital?
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x liberty
Liberty: I can't eat I have a stab wound in my abdomen
Liberty: I can tell him he's like right here,where you're supposed to be
Liberty: I might go back into a coma and then die then what? I think the only thing keeping me alive is my pettiness
Raffy: Okay. Flowers. I'll get you flowers.
Raffy: What are you gonna tell him?
Raffy: you're not gonna die, okay? I promise that. Just hold on, okay? I'll be inside soon.
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x liberty
Liberty: Are you kidding me? That's a horrible reason not be here
Liberty: Yes he is even though my parents hate him he came...And your outside like a bitch
Liberty: Text Danny tell him that you heard I was hurt and you're on your way to see us..Lie
Raffy: Lib, I'm trying to save the both of us. Why can't you understand that?
Raffy: I'm not being a bitch. I'll just wait until Danny leaves. What do you want to eat? I'll buy food for us while waiting.
Raffy: Babe, even if I lie to him, do you think I'd be able to control myself and not hold you? He'll question everything.
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x liberty
Liberty: First of all I can't type because I'm weak so my nurse is doing it for me
Liberty: Two I was stabbed but I can still be petty before i potentially die..You have a shit load of explaining to do because your supposed to be her with him
Raffy: We can't let Danny know now. I'm sorry babe. I will fix this, I promise. Is Danny still there?
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
texts: raffy x liberty
Raffy: Lib, I'm outside the hospital. I heard what happened. I swear, the killer promised he won't hurt you. This is all my fault i'm sorry baby.
Raffy: I can't go inside. Danny will see me. I'm sorry Liberty. Please tell me you're okay.
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raffygoodwin · 7 years
Absolutely, without a doubt. I know we’ve been a bit on the backburner since I got with Eliza, but I’m going to stop that. It’s you and me bro.
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Thanks, man. I appreciate that. We shall catch up soon.
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