ragepuff · 3 months
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hey does this make sense? am i reaching?
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ragepuff · 4 months
played sims 4 for the first time and one of the married cis men had a desire to try for baby with his cis husband. i accidentally pinned it and could not unpin it. trying for baby is physically impossible. I tried to use cheats to give him a viable womb in create a sim but it wouldn’t let me do so retroactively. so I thought, maybe if they adopt the want for pregnancy will go away, and had them adopt a toddler daughter. but then the try for baby desire did not go away. since they now had an unwanted adopted child I tried to remove the toddler from the household, thinking this would send her back into the ether. it did not. instead she wanders the neighborhood like a feral cat. i thought the social worker would come and take her back so someone else could adopt her, but I guess there is no social worker in sims 4. so now the neighborhood is haunted by a smelly miserable baby that has no home but cannot die and everyone who sees her is uncomfortable. fucking omelas scenario.
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ragepuff · 4 months
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ragepuff · 7 months
Fun History Fact: The overwhelming majority of cowboys in the U.S. were Indigenous, Black, and/or Mexican persons. The omnipresent white cowboy is a Hollywood studio concoction meant to uphold the mythology of white masculinity.
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ragepuff · 1 year
The villain held your power ring in their hand, “With this out of the way your powers shall no longer work, relent.” You look at them and began chuckling before breaking out into maniacal laughter, “that doesn’t give me power, it gives me empathy dipshit.”
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ragepuff · 1 year
rip to all the “fuckyeah___” blogs that carried our society at one point </3
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ragepuff · 1 year
Ominis: *coughs*
Sebastian: *victorian boy stare* I call dibs on that necromancy book you refuse to show me.
Ominis: For the last time I don’t have tuberculosis- *coughs harder*
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ragepuff · 2 years
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ragepuff · 2 years
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Gotta remind myself not to overdo it when looking at beautiful art. There’s this special golden zone where you’re the most inspired and motivated by other people’s art but it’s so easy to slip into overwhelm and get demotivated :(
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ragepuff · 2 years
Ominis’ Congenital Blindness
I have a hot take/head canon for Ominis’ being blind. And I’ve been dying to share this out and see what y’all think.
I grew up with a blind teacher throughout elementary school. He was born with congenital blindness, which is what Ominis has because he was born blind. He described that he could see very blurry figures of people when they moved and some color depending on how bright his surround was . I remember he said the only way he would see nothing but black/nothing at all is if he had no eyes. Because the eye balls are made to sense light and the brain translates that light to images and color.
So I’m just saying it would be nice to see more detail’s like that within the fandom because blindness doesn’t always mean they can’t sense the shifting of light or if it’s day or night time.
I could also be completely crazy or way too invested in details for no reason…
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ragepuff · 2 years
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Some of the juiciest Hogwarts legacy dynamics in my opinion
Sorry not sorry lol
First one cuz Imelda is “the Muscle” and I declare it canon
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ragepuff · 2 years
MC, introducing Ominis: This is my better half.
MC, introducing Sebastian: This is my bitter half.
Ominis: Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed. Before either one of you comes up with another clever idea to get us killed. Or worse, expelled. *walks away*
Sebastian, to MC: He needs to sort out his priorities.
Sebastian: MC, I did something terrible.
MC: It's okay, I have a shovel.
Sebastian: I don't mean murder! Though, I suppose I should be glad that that is something terrible by your standards.
MC: Actually, I was going by your standards.
Sebastian: *glares at them*
Ominis: [to Sebastian] I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself.
“My heart is telling me yes, but Ominis is telling me no.”
— Sebastian
Ominis: I’ve left instructions for everyone while I’m gone.
Sebastian: Mine just says “Sebastian no”
Ominis: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
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ragepuff · 2 years
Ominis: Did you have to stab him?
MC: You weren't there. You don't know what he said to me.
Ominis: What did he say to you?
MC: "What are you gonna do, stab me?"
Ominis: That's fair.
MC: *flying*
Sebastian: MC, we need your coordinates
MC: i’m by a cloud that looks like a lion
Ominis: could you be more specific?
MC: simba?
Ominis: Do you know what your problem is?
Sebastian: I only have one?
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ragepuff · 2 years
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In the Shadow of Discovery
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ragepuff · 2 years
Certain parts of Sebastian's story line definitely aren't without fault, not gonna lie, but I really like the more realistic parts of it; Specifically when Sebastian's frustration and stress manifest through him being a complete dick to you on the imperio(?) quest. He starts questioning your commitment to the betterment of Anne's health, which is probably partly a projection of his own internal conflict between desperately wanting to help Anne and knowing that pursuing the dark arts is a slippery slope.
Also, after his Uncle forbids him from coming back to the house, you can see him deluding himself into thinking that he's doing the right thing because of how lost he really feels, and you question whether or not he's actually capable of being reasoned with from that point onward.
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ragepuff · 2 years
Don’t think about how Ominis will never be able to see the Mirror of Erised.
Don’t think about Ominis figuring out he mastered the levitation charm by feeling around in the air in front of him until his fingers meet the soft edges of the feather. Or how brightly he smiles when he does it.
Don’t think about Ominis teasing the first-years looking for mermaids as a way to cope with how he felt in his first year with everyone else looking for them and him just waiting on the sidelines, ears piqued, hoping to at least hear one.
Don’t think about Ominis having to hold on to Sebastian every time the stairs start moving with them on.
Don’t think about Ominis being excluded from flying class because nobody would trust he wouldn’t hurt himself on a broom and him not even arguing about it, telling himself he’d rather leave that sort of thing to Imelda. Sebastian still sneaked him out to fly at night on borrowed brooms.
In fact, if you don’t want to be hurt, best not think about Ominis at all.
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ragepuff · 2 years
i think most of us tend to forget that nandor isn’t human. He’s literally a man-eating monster. He’s been a predator for over 700 years and has killed millions of humans with zero regrets. no matter how much he yearns for his human days when things used to be simpler, his nature has led him to view humans as food. so when he shows affection for guillermo, it’s never bare minimum. the bar for a vampire loving a human is never low. This is HUGE. Even a little tenderness is huge and significant. just imagine an owl in love with a mouse. Or a crocodile in love with a fish. it’s…it’s a lot, guys. For a predator falling in love with their prey and also for the prey to fall in love with the predator. it’s huge and challenging and against all logic and impractical and heartbreaking and tragic. it’s beautiful.
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