raginginfernoofpain · 1 month
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support vital community work in Gaza, support Gaza municipality
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raginginfernoofpain · 1 month
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just read this book okay. just read it
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raginginfernoofpain · 1 month
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Les Femmes Palestiniennes (1974, Jocelyne Saab)
youtube (eng subs). vimeo (spanish subs)
Palestinian women share with men this role in the armed struggle. […] We run our suicidal operations, they attack us from airplanes. It’s easy to fight, using aviation when one is up against simple armed Fedayeen. They attack us with American and French airplanes. It’s not just Israel who’s at war with us, but also the United States and France and all the other countries. We’re not afraid of Israel. We fight at broad daylight, face to face. The coward ones fight with their aviation. The brave ones fight on foot to free their land. […] And if there’s a political (two-state) solution? There won’t be any political solution. The only thing there will be is Palestine. As long as there’s at least one of our children left alive, there won’t be any political solution. There will only be Palestine, in its entirety.
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raginginfernoofpain · 1 month
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raginginfernoofpain · 2 months
Polio epidemic in Gaza (no human cases confirmed yet, but the virus was in six out of seven samples of wastewater, meaning it is certainly spreading throughout the population).
This is devastating. This terrible disease was nearly eradicated. There were no infections of it in Palestine for 25 years.
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raginginfernoofpain · 2 months
rest in eternal peace to 9 yr old Alice Aguiar, 6 yr old Bebe King, and 7 yr old Elsie Dot Stancombe.
these are the three little girls who were killed in the mass stabbing in Southport perpetrated by a 17 year old male who targeted a Taylor Swift themed dance class for children.
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raginginfernoofpain · 2 months
please tell me again how surrogacy isn't dehumanizing?
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raginginfernoofpain · 2 months
realistic expectations of adult men:
he will expect from you 4 times more than he gives you. he will insist whatever he gives is still more worth than 4 times more you gave in return, and remind you about it
he will perceive himself as an authority on you, and on everything you talk about, want to test this? contradict him and watch him try to “put you back in your place”
he will talk about you and other women as if you’re disposable and your entire existence is a joke when he’s with other men. He will laugh at you and other women as if you’re their property and slaves, and have nothing human inside of you. He will consider this normal.
he will put expectations on you to regard to him as superior, provide him with favours, emotional support, catering, give him his way, silent down when he’s talking, and generally all other things men expect from women in long term, such as domestic labour, child labour, sexual service and availability, control over reproductive abilities, and of course a lot of ego stroking
no matter how much you do, he will decide that you still owe him more.
he will punish you if you refuse to perceive him the way he decided he should be perceived by women, he will insist on being seen as “nice” no matter how far he disrespects you
he will give himself the authority to inflict harm on you whenever he feels like punishing you, and he will convince himself, and try to convince you, that you deserved it
he will care more about how he can make himself look good in conversation, than about actual issues you’re talking about, for instance, if you talk about an issue he can use to make himself look like a hero or a saviour, that’s good, you’re allowed to talk about that. Talk about problem that he participates in creating? You’re not allowed to talk about it. He will take it as a personal attack and an offense that you dared to make him look bad in a conversation, and will silence you via attacks, diverting the conversation, guilt, personal attacks, feigning the moral high ground, or violence and abuse
he will refuse to look at the problems he’s creating and insist those are not only inevitable, but caused by victims of it
he will continue to sexualize women and female children continually and nothing will be able to stop it
once he starts talking/yelling at you with a threat in his voice, everything will go downhill from there, when he’s ready to intimidate you with fear into obedience, he’s ready to abuse you in any possible way to keep his status as superior and to have you under his control
he will not ever consider women worth protecting from harm unless those women are ready to offer ownership of their life in return
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raginginfernoofpain · 2 months
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I distro a lot.
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raginginfernoofpain · 3 months
“ [..] Colonialism is not content merely to impose its law on the colonized country’s present and future. Colonialism is not satisfied with snaring the people in its net or of draining the colonized brain or any form or substance. With a mind of perverted logic, it turns its attention to the past of the colonized people and distorts it, disfigures it, and destroys it. This effort to demean history prior to colonization today takes on a dialectical significance.” The Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon p. 149
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raginginfernoofpain · 4 months
Virtually every Palestinian-led organization in America is actively against Biden yet you have liberals online talking about "youre not helping Palestinians if you don't vote for Biden"
I'm sorry are organizations led by Palestinians not real Palestinians? Are we unable to make informed decisions about how to help our people back home?
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raginginfernoofpain · 4 months
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тихий день
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raginginfernoofpain · 4 months
on this day two years ago, russia's missile attack on the Kramatorsk train station killed 61 civilians trying to evacuate.
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the attack targeted a vital lifeline for those fleeing war-torn regions. we will never forget and will never forgive. please stand with Ukraine in our fight for freedom and peace.
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raginginfernoofpain · 4 months
A lot of Ukrainians (me included) feel like we're talking into the void. We share news about war and current genocide, talk about our history and culture, about all the opression we lived through because of russia, russian colonialism, etc. Every single question you could possibly have about Ukraine is probably answered by multiple Ukrainians on social media already. But it seems like all of this is being shared only between Ukrainians and those foreigners who already know all those things, the people who need to learn about it won't see it. Something educational about Ukraine goes viral, you check reposts - Ukrainians and people who already engage with Ukrainian activism, no regular people who know nothing about Ukraine or "war is being shoved down our throat" crowd or whataboutists.
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raginginfernoofpain · 4 months
Please please PLEASE speak up about Ukrainians who are being held in russian captivity. About Ukrainians under russian occupation. About our defenders. Military doctors and paramedics. Orphans and children who are waiting for their parents from war or russian captivity. About first responders. Parents who had to bury their children. People who are dealing with the aftermath of russian shellings. Women who have to give birth in the bomb shelters. People who are being constantly shelled. Someone who is waiting for their loved ones from the war. Someone whose loved ones came back from the war in a casket. Teachers who are having lessons underground. Someone whose hometown doesn't exist anymore. Volunteers. People who visit their friends at the cemetery. Kidnapped Ukrainian children. Farmers. People who got disabled from the war. Refugees. Railway workers. People who went through russian torture chambers and didn't survive. Critical infrastructure workers. People who died and people who grieve. Please, don't let our stories be forgotten.
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raginginfernoofpain · 4 months
Pdf of The Question of Palestine by Edward Said
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raginginfernoofpain · 4 months
Seriously if you can’t financially help or go to protests wrt palestine the second best thing you can do is learn history and talking points by heart and be ready to bring it up with people you know. There’s never “nothing you can do”. There’s no shortage of books and documentaries made by Palestinians you can find for free on the internet you have no excuse to not educate yourself especially if you actually want to help
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