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Rahul Kapoor is a Motivational Speaker in Bangalore, India, Entrepreneur and Author, who lives with a vision and purpose to help people across the world to ignite their inner powers and achieve results that matter.
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Motivational Speaker
Inspirational speaker in India
Inspirational Speaker
Top motivational speaker in India
Indian motivational speaker
Motivational speaker in India
Motivational speech Hindi
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MONEY MATTERS -- Rahul Kapoor
Money never made a man happy. The more the man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it creates one;
Money cannot buy happiness, but it can buy you the kind of misery you prefer’
There are plenty of views and theories about money. Yet, it is money that helps people to pay their house rent, for their children’s education, utility bills, travel, medicines and other basic needs. The importance of money for each individual can vary from status in society, culture, place of living etc. however, with the rising cost of living, money has become a necessity and people, therefore, work to earn that money.
It is a known fact that employees tend to perform better when they are appreciated with a good annual increment, bonus or incentive. However, employers have a tendency to take most of their experienced staff for granted and pay them less. A pat on the back, an official recognition, a fancy designation may help in some way, but most people expect a hike in their salary or a decent bounce as recognition of their service. This monetary expectation is mostly anticipated on a continuous basis as it encourages employees to continuous basis as it encourages employees to continue giving their services. This monetary expectation is mostly anticipated on a continuous basis as it encourages employees to give there best performance.
On the other hand, unhappy employees, who are unable to fulfil their basic needs due to monetary constraints, begin to display frustration at the workplace; their energy; passion, concentration level and love for work takes a beating, thereby affecting their performance. Some of them even begin to look around for better opportunities. 
Employers wake up only when a critical member of the team threatens to quit, instantly, there is a flurry of action seen, attempts are made to retain the employee by offering a reworked pay package, special allowances, restructured profile and so on. Managers realize that it is better to retain talent rather than hire someone new and train the new employee from scratch. The disgruntled employee would have travelled some distance with his plans to move on and influencing him to stay back hence becomes a challenge.
It is necessary to be aware of employees’ needs because they are ones who keep you in business. It is difficult as an employer to keep you in business. It is difficult as an employer to keep the balance going, but you have on other choices. Put a system in place and conduct periodic performance reviews, hand over an incentive wherever possible and create a variable component in pay structure, if possible, to keep employees motivated.
Keep talking to your people to understand their growing needs and necessities. Don’t forget that with every passing year your people are getting better and more employable. So, either you retain them or be ready to lose them.
Employees need to be in a job they love, they must be good performers and you must have an award and recognition system in place, but do not ignore the money components. Stay one step ahead of your employees and surprise them with your thoughtfulness. Reward them before they ask for it. That way you will keep your employees happy, satisfied and productive. 
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TRUE HAPPINESS - Most are about as happy as they make up their mind to be - Abraham Lincoln
Happy is a word easily used, but hard to define. It could reflect in the smile on your face or the way in which you view life. You could find happiness in your works. when you make money or when you buy a new car.
Happiness is more a state of mind than the external action or incident that actually causes it. Happy people are more focused, productive and confident. They live life with a sense of purpose productive and confident. They live life with a sense of purpose and find joy in simple things. If you’re cranky, overworking, feeling frustrated and unusually pessimistic, here’s a list of six simple, yet effective ways to restore the smile on your face.
Walk-in a park, admire the plants and flowers, relish the damp scent of fresh earth, revel in the birds’ songs, sit back and enjoy the scent of fresh earth, revel in the birds’ song, sit back and enjoy the silence around you, breath deeply and savor the moment.
Recall a situation or a person who you think needs your help. Help him. Don't think of what you could get in return. Yours act of kindness will make you feel good about yourself.
Picks up the phone and call the one person you love. Speak for a while and forgets all other thoughts. A few words from a special person can turn things around to a great extent.
A young man in his 30s started his career in a very humble manner and with passion, commitment, and determination he managed to into the big league. Today he is doing very well for himself earning a decent amount of money; he now owns a property and a couple of cars. He has earned himself a reputation in the industry and people in his company consider him to be a ‘star’.
On the other hand, his life has breakfast in peace; he leaves to the office before his kids wake up and return home after they have retire to bed. Mounting work pressure keeps him so busy that he struggles to find time for his family. He has not had a holiday for quite some time now, he has missed plenty of family activities and works even on weekends. His travel schedule is packed and he barely manages to relax between two flights. He is losing out on his life and his family feels that they are losing him to his love for money.
Two brothers lived happily together with their families until one day there was a misunderstanding at home. Egos reared their ugly heads and the matter assumed catastrophic proportion, resulting in one the matter assumed catastrophic proportion, resulting in one of the brothers walking aways with his wife and children.
In order to get even with his sibling, he went to court and sought a legal division of property. This gave rise to more bitterness, leaving both families in despair. Unable to handle the stress, one of the brothers suffered a heart attack. The matter is pending in court with on solution in the foreseeable future. The results -- A minor misunderstanding, augmented by greed, led to the loss of familiar relations and concluded in loss of health.
Cutting corners to cut costs is a common occurrence, resulting in the ‘penny wise pound foolish’ pattern. A good businessman will never compromise on quality or profit. He is justified in his thinkings, as quality earns him a good reputation and profits keep him in business. Very often though, people do not understand this basic formula.
This is the story of a person who is a habitual negotiator. He makes the vendor’s life miserable cutting costs wherever possible. He gets into scraps and loses precious time, eventually leaving the vendor frustrated. He expects the vendor to supply him with high-quality products and services, but is unwilling to spend endlessly for his payment. His miserly ways and sour attitude earn him the reputation of being a pusher, leaving his business associates wary of future dealings with him.
There are plenty of situations that we experience where money-matters rule and relationships sour.
For instance, you borrow money from a friend and do not return it as per your commitment; you cheat someone to make employees and then pay them less; you can afford to pay a little more money to a deserving employee but decide to fill your more money to a deserving employee but decide to fill your work hard, save for the future, but not enjoy your present.
I firmly believe that money is important. One must earn, save and invest in the right place, but at what cost? Spoiling unhappy, leading a stressful life or treating others unfairly will never give you a sense of satisfaction or peace of mind.
The solution lies in changing one’s mindset to break free of the ‘all or nothing’ syndrome. It is imperative for us to realize and adopt the right balance of giving and take that will ensure a person’s success, happiness, and good health.
By Rahul Kapoor
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THE EPIC TRUTHS ON ANGER - Anger is an emotion which either you can control or it will end up controlling you
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The Mahabharata has inspired many people to lead a better life, to achieve excellence and to manage difficult situations. The epic has a good mix of philosophy, spirituality and practicality. In this article, I would like to quote the example of two characters from the epic – Bhima and Krishna.
Bhima, as we know, was a powerful warrior; he was well built and had strength equal to that of a hundred elephants. On the flipside, he was impatient often getting angry very easily. In fact, his answer to most of the problems was the use of power. He was the kind of person who got angry at the drop of a hat. He would confront people aggressively, doubling his problems, never finding himself at peace. This would invariably cause a lot of concern and embarrassment both for himself and his brothers.
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On the other hand, Krishna was pleasing, friendly and positive and managed most situations with patience and understanding. He rarely got angry and would remain calm even under extreme pressure. He focused on the problem, not people, and more often than not, he found solutions to suit his needs. By dealing with different situations and different people in different ways, he could find innovative solutions most of the time. His approach earned him respect even with his enemies and it was difficult for anyone to hate him. Bhima was the one who could not control his anger, Krishna on the contrary, could not only control his emotions but also had the ability to diffuse others’ anger and calm them down.
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Let’s look at it hypothetically. Imagine that you are travelling in a train and suddenly you are stopped from travelling in the particular compartment as it was reserved for ‘Whites only’.
You produce a ticket, showing that you have paid the full fare and have the right to travel in it. But the ticket collector refuses to listen. At the next station, you are forced out of the train and your luggage thrown out as well. How would you react?
If you were to use Bhima’s style, then quite naturally, you would get angry, shout and may also use foul language. You may also throw things around, create a scene and try to gather support for yourself.
But, if you were to use Krishna’s approach then you would get up, gather your things and start walking out of the station. Not really reacting but surely assuring yourself that this was unfair and
that you would fight this discriminatory at the right time and in the right place. Yes, exactly like the way Mahatma Gandhi had done when he had faced a similar situation in South Africa.
Well, Krishna was a super being and therefore he was able to succeed in everything that he did. Can mere mortals like you and me control our anger and achieve success? The answer is yes, although there is no one quick-fix technique to it. Instead, you may have to learn a host of techniques and use them as and when the need arises.
When someone gets angry, his decision-making abilities begin to drop to the lowest point. Thus we hear angry people make rude and unreasonable remarks like – ‘You are stupid’ ‘I cannot tolerate you anymore’, ‘I want to leave this company’ and so on.
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However, when the anger level drops, our decision-making ability begins to rise again. People begin to think rationally and feel sorry about their behaviour realizing that they have hurt someone in their fury and make amends for it. And most never carry out the threats they had made in anger.
So, talk less when you’re angry because you may say things which you really don’t mean but people will inevitably remember only those words and feel disappointed. On the other hand, when you encounter an angry person, try to give the person a benefit of doubt for all the accusations made by him because you know the statements are arising due to low decision-making level. This way you will be able to control your anger and calm the other person down by allowing him to vent.
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Become aware of symptoms of anger. When you are getting angry, notice a change in your body and mind, your vocabulary, the tone of your voice, tightening in the face or neck muscles and increase in your pace of breathing.
Get into action straight away and ensure that your anger level gets under control at this point itself. Relax yourself, concentrate on your breathing and normalize it. Make sure that you relax your neck muscles and fingers. Tell yourself that you will not let the situation go out of hand. Stay in control.
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Ask yourself whether you really are in a frame of mind to confront the person who is the cause of your anger. Are you sure that you will be able to focus on the issue and not make unreasonable attacks on the person? Only if you are hundred percent confident then talk to the person, else postpone the situation until you get into the right frame of mind for a discussion. This approach will help you to stay focused and solve problems without an outburst.
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Slowing down your response and becoming a better listener will help you in becoming a more peaceful person. It takes away the pressure from you. Listening shows caring and moulds you into a patient person. So, encourage the people to talk, do not interrupt them, pay attention while they talk, show that you understand and respect the person. Better listening will also enhance the quality of your relationships.
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The proverb – ‘Sometimes the best action is no action’ can be a boon for an angry mind. When you are angry with someone make an attempt to ask questions to find out the reason behind a person’s behaviour. This approach will help you to understand the other person’s point of view. Remember not to interrupt the person while he is speaking. Keep quiet and listen to his side of the story. Ask reflective questions and prompt him to speak more. The more information you gather, the better your response gets.
In conclusion, recognize that anger is an emotion, if you fail to control it, anger will control you. In other words, either you can make anger your slave and use it whenever needed, else, become a slave of your anger and allow it to rule you. It’s really your choice.
By Team Rahul Kapoor
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Attitude- The Deciding Factor for Your Victory or Defeat
“Whether you are 15 or 50, your attitude will always be under construction”- Anonymous.
Your attitude could be your best friend or the worst of the enemy. Whatever the situation is, how you take charge of it will decide what outputs you will receive. Your attitude gets stored in a repository and speaks much of your present and decides how your future would be designed. The quality of life you lead depends on your attitude.
Your attitude either makes you extremely successful and coveted or destroys you totally. However, the good news is- this isn’t one fixed state. What outlook you have can always be changed. So, in case you are feeling bogged down by your attitude, here’s how to uplift it:
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Get into your current attitude evaluation
 The toughest step of the entire process is the step of self-evaluation. You would have to detach yourself and try understanding how you respond to situations.
 Identify the pain areas that make you feel depressed. What are those attitudes that make you feel highly negative?
 Find out which areas of your behaviour is a serious concern. What are those actions that create conflict in you?
 What thoughts cloud your mind? 
After you have identified the pain areas and those attitudes that bring out negative feelings in you, you can work on correcting those. Introspecting on your problem areas and slowly working to overcome them can help in actually create the right kind of attitude.
Once you have the developed right attitude towards any situation, you will find positive solutions for them easily. All that’s required is a habit of changing those attributes that bring about negative situations.
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How to Make a Moment Perfect
Do you wait for that Déjà vu moment every now and then? Do you wish that you had experienced a perfect moment? Do you feel totally lost waiting for the perfect moment to arrive? But, how would you define a perfect moment? Eugene O’Kelly in his famous book Chasing Daylight has provided his insight about ‘perfect moment’. The perfect moment would be that ideal moment when time and space stand still. It is when you feel everything is in the present. You are living in the present. Your past doesn’t haunt you and your future doesn’t bother you. It is that special moment when you have your awareness heightened and your attention focussed.
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While this sounds nice, how do you attain that perfect moment in your life? Check these six keys and you have the answer to your question. 1. Live in the “now”- If you can learn to live in the present, you have mastered the first step towards making the perfect moment. 2. Focus on the energy adding point- Be one bundle of energy and not someone who drains away all joy from life. 3. Stop faking- Those who are into faking positivity and belittling others don’t really create genuine relations and connections. While it is okay to discuss controversial topics and disagreeing over something with confidence, it is better to explore conflicts and learn newer viewpoints from them to actually deepen the relationship. 4. Have curiosity- You cannot fathom the level of energy expansion that happens with curiosity. 5. Be a generous giver of your attention- The more you tend to give the better energy you create around yourself. This vibe of positivity actually helps others also to remain positive and motivated and willing to give in return, creating a perfect tandem of energy. 6. Remain in the lightened mood- Some people even when they have all the above-mentioned attributes, tend to get narcissistic. The moment you loosen up from being entirely absorbed with yourself, you will find communication with other totally lucid and seamless. Just follow these six points and you find many Déjà vu moments in your life. Perfect moments can be created if you are a little cautious of the present and try to make the best of it.
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Stress - How to Cope With this Menace
Each one of us goes through stress. Whether it is a one-time activity or regular work, stress has become a part of most of our lives. There are many types of stress- some that you experience at work, your partners, or even parents and kids. You may be experiencing stress managing your finances, health, or running your house. Stress can make you freak out. It can cause anxiety, depression and even breakdown. 
According to Richard Lazarus, “our resulting experience of stress is directly related to our skills in coping with the stressor.” For instance, if you have 5 meetings back-to-back at the office, and you are thinking you don’t enough time to do it, you will most evidently feel stressed. However, if you believe you got the skills to handle, obviously your stress level would be less.
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So, the million dollar question is- how can you reduce the stress levels? Check these three points and you could actually bring your stress levels down:
1. Work on specifics, not generalities
People who usually get depressed have a tendency to remember things as vague and in general terms instead of specific descriptions. For instance, rather than feeling or thinking, “ I have tons of work to do”, get down to breaking into specifics like- “I have ten pages to write or 4 blogs of 300 words to finish.” The advantage of breaking down the activities is it seems workable.
2. Work on breaking into small parts
There is this very unique concept called ‘chunking’ that can come of immense help in releasing stress at work. For instance, if you have 10 papers to write, you could think of writing down in a small notebook which one you will write first and Which one will follow.
You could also micro break into it into further of taking one paper and making important pointers of the paper you will write. If you sit with this chunking sheet and start working on one paper after another, you’ll find your task getting done.
3. Focus on your task
If you have finished chunking, and you are on a task, focus on it completely. Don’t hover around other things even in your mind, while you are at it. The best way is to finish all your extra activities before you sit to finish this task. Proper focus can get you into completing the task even before you imagined. Once one task is done, you will see some level of stress gone.
Stress is entirely a condition we develop for ourselves. Stress is a demon that takes focus out of your work, it makes you fear your capabilities and then eventually procrastinate. Once you have learnt how to tackle stress, you will see your level of productivity rising tremendously.
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How to Let Go off Your Fears
How many times have you experienced butterflies flying inside your stomach? How many times have you stopped yourself in important meetings thinking you maybe be wrong? Many a time it happens that you leave some great opportunity because you are in this great fear that you cannot do it!! Yes, fear is one of the biggest hindrances in our lives that stop us from trying. Fear destroys our ability to go ahead and achieve our dreams. It is this fear that makes us procrastinate. We delay doing that activity and then feel defeated.
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So, how do we stop fear from taking charge of our mind?
The best thing to do is to create those kinds of actions that can cure our fears. Yes, actions can actually release fears from your systems. All you need to know is how to act.
But, first, you need to know why fear stops you from taking action. So, when you are under fear, your body is not producing dopamine. But, once you know how to channelize your actions, your body starts secreting the dopamine and your fear starts disappearing.
Let’s assume that you wish to start making a big presentation. You are totally nervous thinking of the volume of the work and hence procrastinating all the time. However, if you break your presentation into small parts and start doing it one slide after another, soon you will see the entire presentation getting made.
The best way to complete a good presentation, and make a remarkable job at it is by completing the first draft. After you have finished the first draft, you can get about starting the next draft.
Just try breaking your activities into parts and see how easily your task gets done. And slowly you will observe your fear running away through actions.
What happens when your fear is gone?
 You start taking actions
 You are more productive
 Your energy levels are at real high
And once you have started acting on your requirements, you will find procrastination taking a back seat and you are actually doing the job really fast.
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Enable Smooth Conversation Between You and Your Teenage Kids
Teenage can be a difficult and rebellious time for your kids. Teenage is the time when kids
develop beliefs, ideas, and values that totally contradict with their parents. This is not an
unusual process, yet parents experiencing it seems bewildered.
Most parents are appalled by the level of rebellion they need to put up with from their
teenage kids and that too for no reason at all. Though there is a set pattern to this, the way to
tackle it may not be the same for all. To be able to communicate with your teenage children
losing their focus and direction needs patience, calm and some professional counselling.
There are different types of professional guidance that you could seek. One of them is NLP or
Neuro Linguistic Program. NLP is a scientifically designed curriculum that helps in
understanding your subconscious mind. Once the core issue that’s creating a rift between
you and your kids is understood, using some tested and tried NLP technique, the solution can
be achieved.
So, what are the three most important things NLP can deliver?
 Through NLP, you will be able to identify how without going into a conflict, you could
understand your kids better. It is vital for any healthy communication to run, that at
least one party is ready to listen and understand.
 In case the situation turns abusive (mostly the scenario when it comes to
communication between parents and teenage kids), you will be able to dissociate
yourself and not allow the conversation to go aggressive. NLP teaches you applicable
techniques of how to dissociate yourself in an unpleasant situation, enabling a peaceful
atmosphere to gradually prevail.
 Once you have looked at the situation from a third-party perspective, you will find
yourself calm and understanding what your child is going through. This will help you
two come to an understanding of how to work towards a productive solution.
To understand your children is your responsibility. To understand why they go through such
emotional turmoil in their teenage and adolescence is not an easy task. Thankfully there are
techniques like NLP that can minimize the increasing rift that crops up between you and your growing child.
-- Team Rahul Kapoor
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Commitment Versus interest – Decide What You Want in Life
“There is a huge difference between commitment and interest. You are interested in something, you would only do it at your convenience. However, if you are committed, you would accept no excuses; just results.” Team Rahul Kapoor If you are committed towards something, you will surely find a way to do it. Commitment means dedication, means extreme focus and zeal to work towards something. Commitment is the root to getting your goals accomplished. It usually brings out a strong feeling of focus and intention. It is usually planned with an SOP (statement of purpose) or maybe an action plan. You could be committed to someone, to a particular job, in a particular field or even towards something you do. The only difference between interest in your chosen field and commitment in that field is - your level of dedication and focus towards it. Difference between Commitment and Interest  While commitment is complete attention, dedication, and focus, with a steadfast determination towards doing a certain activity; interest is a casual walk down the lane in that activity.  The commitment would mean you will do it at any cost. Interest means you have a knack towards doing it, however, you may or may not go ahead in accomplishing it.  Commitment is driven by determination and calls for action. Interest could be a casual walk down the lane to work on it.
Let’s say someone is interested in learning music, while someone is committed to being a musician. While the former would go ahead in looking for opportunities of learning it, the latter will do everything under the sun to go ahead and master the craft. So, commitment is ‘never say die’ attitude while interest is ‘ummm… I can do it’. So, the big question is- why should you be committed? Life is a mission, a mission we all wish to accomplish. A mission where everything and every possible event in its process have to be considered. Certain things are important and certain things are not significant. The ones that are significant, you will do anything possible to accomplish. It is your commitment that makes your life worthwhile. However, in case of interest, you may or may not pursue it. It makes no difference in your life whether you accomplish it or not. Your life moves without it also. Nevertheless, that does not mean you do not wish to pursue it. It just means that you are not as dedicated as you are about the ones where you would do anything under the sun to accomplish. If you have read Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, it says- “If you are committed to get something in life, the entire world conspires to give it to you.”
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FOLLOW-UP IS CRUCIAL by Rahul kapoor
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Achieve results easily through effective follow-up...
Fortune lies in follow-up -- whether it is a job interview, networking with people, closing on business deals, getting the life. One of the person or to achieve success in any other aspect of life, one has to master the art of follow-up.
Follow -up is the key to building a successful business.it is both, one of the easiest and the most difficult aspect of the business. Getting getting clients is one thing, sustaining them is quite another. However, to convert a prospect into a customer and then to get repeat orders requires a phenomenal amount of follow-up.
Following up after an interview gives you an edge over other candidates. This can be done through a thank you letter immediately after the interview. If you haven’t heard from the interviewer within the period specified during the interview, it is a good idea to follow-up again.
The hallmark of great follow-up is persistence. For example, you call a prospect and he asks you to contact him in a few months, do take steps to ensure that you call. If you don’t then someone will. Have a simple to-do-list which will let you know what you need to do and when you need to do it.
Use an appropriate style of follow-up, whether it is sending a letter, using a postcard, sending an email, mailing across an AV presentation, placing a call or using a brochure. The medium could be any, depending on the situation, but you must work out a way to demonstrate that you care to take the relationship forward.
Although follow-ups are crucial for success, there are plenty of people you are not comfortable doing so. They consider the act as an intrusion into someone else’s personal territory or in some cases people think it is below their dignity to follow-up. Whatever be your reason, unlearn it and follow-up.
When someone’s first response is ‘NO’ it doesn’t always mean ‘NEVER’ it may, in reality, mean that the person is unsure at that point in time, maybe he needs more information to make a decision, there could be a    lack of trust due to inadequate data or simply that he needs time to think. Give him space and follow up again with all sincerity.
Yes, there could be a time when someone may get annoyed with you to stop approaching them. Consider that as a fair deal and move on but never get bogged down with these rejections.
In conclusion, I suggest that you design build and maintain a specialized action plan to follow-up and achieve results.
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Rahul Kapoor, India's leading motivational speaker, mentor, inspirational author incorporates valuable content for business and personal growth with practical and implementable tools. Rahul is known as a 'live wire' in delivering highly memorable, inspirational programs to individuals, teams and organizations.
His customized content, which is a combination of Psychology, Science and Spirituality, is delivered to hundreds of prominent organizations, including many Fortune 500 companies. Over the last 17 years, his programs have inspired over 150,000 people across 11 countries like India, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, USA and the Middle East resulting in increased sales revenue, superior customer service and operational excellence. His largest single audience to date is 7,000 participants.
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Words once spoken cannot be taken back.
So be careful about what you say and how you say it.
There are things line of difference between humour and insult. Let me explain this with an example. Let's say you work with a friend who is a  perfectionist, a very quality conscious person. To ensure that everything is fine he normally he goes overboard in getting things right and might appear to crib.
You are in a situation when one day, you happen to work with him on a project where his subordinates also involved. As usual, this guy is trying to get things organized in his inherent style; the atmosphere is a little tense and you decide to relax things.
So, you corner him in front of his subordinates and tell him to stop being so particular and stop cribbing about every little thing. Then, to lighten the situation, you add, “if I were your wife, I would have divorced you by now”, this brings a smile on everybody’s face.
Then you step a line tell him, ‘when I am dealing with people, I make sure that everyone gets their due in time but with you, I like to hold things back because of you crib’. Then you look at the subordinates and give them an example of how you get everybody else’s work in on time, but he takes long because he is never sure. Your friend’s subordinates do not know how to respond. Quite obviously, your friend loses in front of his people. You indeed had no intention to hurt your friend, but even without realizing, you hurt your friend, but even without realizing, you have done the damage.
It is like taking a bag of feathers, dropping them in the centre of the town and going back the next day to collect the feathers and put them back in the bag. Obviously, you will not be able to find any, as they would have been blown away. Our words are like feathers; once uttered they cannot be taken back.
Often people do not deliberately cross the line. It happens spontaneously. They think its good fun, but they often hurt people. Humour means laughing with people. Insult means laughing at people. One has to understand the difference between the two. Otherwise, you will do injustice to people around you making yourself unpopular in the long run.
When people become the target of your insults they will respond in either of two ways -- get hurt and not express it or get vocal. The bottom line is that in both cases if the matter is not dealt with tack and care then it causes a fault in the relationship.
No one wants to be humiliated or be a target of your insults. People want to laugh and stay with those who have a good sense of humour. But the problem starts when humour becomes an insult. When you are humorous, you will come across as a fun loving, chilled out person, but when you get into insult mode people will term you as a careless, insensitive person.
Some final line of wisdom -- watch your words and your word will watch you. Excessive talking does not mean communication. Talk less; say more. A fool speaks without thinking; a wise man thinks before speaking. A person who says what he like usually ends up hearing what he doesn’t like.
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Rahul Kapoor - Top Motivational Speaker in India at FCCI (flo) - The Power to Empower.
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His customized content, which is a combination of Psychology, Science and Spirituality, is delivered to hundreds of prominent organizations, including many Fortune 500 companies. Over the last 17 years, his programs have inspired over 150,000 people across 11 countries like India, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, USA and the Middle East resulting in increased sales revenue, superior customer service and operational excellence. His largest single audience to date is 7,000 participants.
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