raikanata · 27 days
Banquet Beneath the Clouded Moon - Chapter 5
English translation by @raikanata. Not proofread.
Characters: Rinne, Kanata
A few hours later. Aoumi Aquarium.
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Kanata: we made it~ this is the "aoumi aquarium".
Rinne: I was expecting a small place, but this is much larger than I thought.
Kanata: there are many "sea animals" here, after all.
Kanata: since "chief"-san isn't a high school student, it'll be the adult entrance fee.
Rinne: Huh!? You're gonna take money for this!?
Kanata: but of course. it costs money to "run" an "aquarium".
Rinne: I’ll try and take a look through my wallet, but… I’ve really got no money…
Rinne: -oh?
Kanata: what happened?
Rinne: I found a thousand yen bill! I hadn't noticed it ‘cause it was folded!
Rinne: Gyahaha, it's extra income! I'm lucky~☆
Kanata: you put it there in the first place, so it doesn't really feel like "extra income"?
Rinne: Don't worry about the little things ♪
Rinne: Though it'll all go towards the ticket fee soon. How sad…
Rinne: Ah, I got it! Kanacchi, can ya wait here for about an hour? I'll double this money playing slots ♪
Kanata: "gambling" again? in that case, there's no "guarantee" that the "money" will increase.
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Kanata: there's no other way, huh… since it was me who invited you, this time i will let you in as an "exception".
Rinne: Eh, for real? Thank you, Kanacchi ♪
Kanata: but, next time, please pay it back "two-fold".
Rinne: You'll… charge me twice as much, huh? I got excited for nothing…
Rinne: As expected of Mr. Director… Ain't ya too serious about this?
Kanata: ufufu~ i am the "manager" after all.
Inside Aoumi Aquarium
Rinne: ...
Kanata: how's your first "aquarium", "chief"-san?
Rinne: ...
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Rinne: If I'm being honest… I didn't have a good impression of the place called an "aquarium".
Kanata: hm? what made you think that way?
Rinne: I found it pitiable to take animals from the sea where they lived freely, and close them in this small space. So I'd been avoiding them for some reason.
Rinne: But that may have been just prejudice, or a preconception.
Rinne: So I accepted Kanacchi's offer to confirm the truth with my own eyes.
Kanata: and now, has your "impression" changed even just a bit?
Rinne: Well. I don't comprehend all of it yet, but I get that aquariums aren't just "freak shows".
Kanata: yes. "aquariums" have a number of "social" roles.
Kanata: aquariums spread information, and "educate" people about the "conservation of species" that protects lives.
Kanata: they do "research" to extend the lifespans of sea animals. they are also a place of "recreation" to enrich your heart.¹
Kanata: you can have fun in an "aquarium", while learning about these things.
Kanata: and your fun memories will forever stay with you…♪
Rinne: I see. I'm real glad I came here to see it for myself.
Kanata: fufu. i'm also glad that i invited you here.
Rinne: …Hey, Kanacchi. You got sea anemones here?
Kanata: of course. they're in the "petting corner" there, so you can also touch them if you want.
Kanata: do you like "sea anemones"?
Rinne: I've been told I look like one when I put my hair up. I'd never seen one outside of pictures before, so I thought I should see them now ♪
Kanata: hmm. i think "chief"-san looks like a "sea slug".
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Rinne: Sea slug… Is that the kind of slug with all sorts of colors?
Kanata: yes. a sea slug has "all sorts of colors" to give off a warning to those who get too close.
Kanata: isn't that just like your "image" of seeming dangerous?
Kanata: also, sea slugs spend nearly all their time eating and sleeping.
Kanata: in that aspect too, they're just like you doing nothing but eating and sleeping on your days off ♪
Rinne: Gyahaha. I merely had an impression of the sea-dwelling slugs, but… I started to feel a kinship after you put it that way ♪
Kanata: in that case, let me introduce you to the "sea anemones" first, and then the "sea slugs".
Kanata: since there are more than "3000 kinds" of sea slugs…
Kanata: if we look for it, we might find one that is exactly like "chief"-san…♪
Kanata is talking about the four social roles of zoos, which are also accepted for aquariums! Conservation, education, research and recreation - which are each reflected in his emphasized words here.
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raikanata · 3 months
A Room To Definitely Find A Favorite - Kanata Shinkai Q&A Part 2
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raikanata · 3 months
Banquet Beneath the Clouded Moon - Chapter 5
English translation by @raikanata. Not proofread.
Characters: Rinne, Kanata
You can also read this on my website!
A few hours later. Aoumi Aquarium.
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Kanata: we made it~ this is the "aoumi aquarium".
Rinne: I was expecting a small place, but this is much larger than I thought.
Kanata: there are many "sea animals" here, after all.
Kanata: since "chief"-san isn't a high school student, it'll be the adult entrance fee.
Rinne: Huh!? You're gonna take money for this!?
Kanata: but of course. it costs money to "run" an "aquarium".
Rinne: I’ll try and take a look through my wallet, but… I’ve really got no money…
Rinne: -oh?
Kanata: what happened?
Rinne: I found a thousand yen bill! I hadn't noticed it ‘cause it was folded!
Rinne: Gyahaha, it's extra income! I'm lucky~☆
Kanata: you put it there in the first place, so it doesn't really feel like "extra income"?
Rinne: Don't worry about the little things ♪
Rinne: Though it'll all go towards the ticket fee soon. How sad…
Rinne: Ah, I got it! Kanacchi, can ya wait here for about an hour? I'll double this money playing slots ♪
Kanata: "gambling" again? in that case, there's no "guarantee" that the "money" will increase.
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Kanata: there's no other way, huh… since it was me who invited you, this time i will let you in as an "exception".
Rinne: Eh, for real? Thank you, Kanacchi ♪
Kanata: but, next time, please pay it back "two-fold".
Rinne: You'll… charge me twice as much, huh? I got excited for nothing…
Rinne: As expected of Mr. Director… Ain't ya too serious about this?
Kanata: ufufu~ i am the "manager" after all.
Inside Aoumi Aquarium
Rinne: ...
Kanata: how's your first "aquarium", "chief"-san?
Rinne: ...
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Rinne: If I'm being honest… I didn't have a good impression of the place called an "aquarium".
Kanata: hm? what made you think that way?
Rinne: I found it pitiable to take animals from the sea where they lived freely, and close them in this small space. So I'd been avoiding them for some reason.
Rinne: But that may have been just prejudice, or a preconception.
Rinne: So I accepted Kanacchi's offer to confirm the truth with my own eyes.
Kanata: and now, has your "impression" changed even just a bit?
Rinne: Well. I don't comprehend all of it yet, but I get that aquariums aren't just "freak shows".
Kanata: yes. "aquariums" have a number of "social" roles.
Kanata: aquariums spread information, and "educate" people about the "conservation of species" that protects lives.
Kanata: they do "research" to extend the lifespans of sea animals. they are also a place of "recreation" to enrich your heart.¹
Kanata: you can have fun in an "aquarium", while learning about these things.
Kanata: and your fun memories will forever stay with you…♪
Rinne: I see. I'm real glad I came here to see it for myself.
Kanata: fufu. i'm also glad that i invited you here.
Rinne: …Hey, Kanacchi. You got sea anemones here?
Kanata: of course. they're in the "petting corner" there, so you can also touch them if you want.
Kanata: do you like "sea anemones"?
Rinne: I've been told I look like one when I put my hair up. I'd never seen one outside of pictures before, so I thought I should see them now ♪
Kanata: hmm. i think "chief"-san looks like a "sea slug".
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Rinne: Sea slug… Is that the kind of slug with all sorts of colors?
Kanata: yes. a sea slug has "all sorts of colors" to give off a warning to those who get too close.
Kanata: isn't that just like your "image" of seeming dangerous?
Kanata: also, sea slugs spend nearly all their time eating and sleeping.
Kanata: in that aspect too, they're just like you doing nothing but eating and sleeping on your days off ♪
Rinne: Gyahaha. I merely had an impression of the sea-dwelling slugs, but… I started to feel a kinship after you put it that way ♪
Kanata: in that case, let me introduce you to the "sea anemones" first, and then the "sea slugs".
Kanata: since there are more than "3000 kinds" of sea slugs…
Kanata: if we look for it, we might find one that is exactly like "chief"-san…♪
Kanata is talking about the four social roles of zoos, which are also accepted for aquariums! Conservation, education, research and recreation - which are each reflected in his emphasized words here.
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raikanata · 4 months
Check my translation directory!
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raikanata · 4 months
Banquet Beneath the Clouded Moon - Chapter 3
English translation by @raikanata. Not proofread.
Characters: Rinne, Niki, Kanata
Season: Autumn
A while later
Rinne: I'm hoome!
Rinne: Blamery-chan, how'd ya like your walk?
Rinne: You're wagging your tail? Good girl...♪
Rinne: The walking must've made her hungry, she's really goin' at it.
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Rinne: Seeing Blamery-chan eat so eagerly got me hungry too. Should I get something from the kitchen...?
Rinne: A few minutes later. At Starmony Hall’s Kitchen
Rinne: I don't want a hassle, so I'll just get cup noodles.
Rinne: I'm grateful I can just freely eat from the instant noodles stock. I'm not starving, thanks to that.
Rinne: ...Hmm? There's an appetizing smell coming from the kitchen.
Niki: ♪~♪~♪
Rinne: Hey, great timing!
Niki: Uwah, Rinne-kun!?
Rinne: I missed you, Niki ☆
Niki: Uu, I didn't miss you at all, though....
Rinne: You're actin' like you crossed paths with a jinx. 1
Niki: Well, aren't you one? Most of the troubles I get mixed up in are thanks to Rinne-kun.
Niki: Especially if you're saying something like "great timing", I gotta put my guard up.
Rinne: Gyahaha, you praise me too much♪
Niki: I was not praising you at all!
Niki: I'm busy making fried rice for lunch, so please go somewhere else!
Rinne: C'mon, don't be so heartless. While you're at it, I just want you to make some food for lil old me as well.
Niki: Really〜?
Rinne: Oioi, when have I ever lied to you before?
Niki: Many times! So many that I lost count!
Niki: But, well. A chef can't ignore someone who comes to them hungry, so I guess I can cook for you.
Rinne: Ah, that's what makes ya Niki ☆
Niki: Well, I'm in a good mood.
Rinne: Lend me some money, while you're at it ♪
Niki: No way!
Niki: I'm not "at" something like that right now, also!?
Niki: And did you lose all of your money gambling again? You got a talent for never learning your lesson, you know!
Rinne: Don't say that. Isn't what's Niki's also mine?
Niki: It's not! My money is only mine!
Kanata: ...oh. "chief"-san and niki. isn't it quite lively here?
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Rinne: Kanacchi, are you back from work?
Kanata: yes. the job ended up being much shorter than "planned".
Kanata: there is nothing for me "to do", so i am struggling a bit. what would you do in this situation, "chief"-san?
Rinne: If it were me-
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Niki: Shinkai-kun, don't ask that to Rinne-kun. His answers won't help anyone, and he'll just be a bad influence if anything.
Rinne: Don't say bad things like that to other people, and stop spreading rumors.
Niki: Though it's not a rumor but a fact...
Niki: Then go ahead and tell us. What would Rinne-kun do in this situation?
Rinne: Well, if I gotta kill time, I'd go gambling ☆
Niki: You're really no good...!
Kanata: gambling... that's right, the other day, you called me "the god of gambling" and started worshiping me on your own accord , right?
Niki: Now that you mention it, that did happen~
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Rinne: I'm sorry for bein' bad that time ♪
Niki: Saying it like that, you don't feel any remorse, do you?
Kanata: you don't feel any "remorse"? mm...
Kanata: ...
Kanata: ..."chief"-san. as an "apology" for calling me "the god of gambling", please take me somewhere nice ♪
Rinne: Ah, today's-
Niki: Good, right? Rinne-kun doesn't have work today.
Rinne: Oi, Niki.
Niki: Aren't you free anyway? Why not take him out?
Rinne: ...Tch. I got it. I was planning on apologizing some day, ya know.
Rinne: Niki, are you done with the fried rice? My belly's touchin' my back, so please hurry.
Niki: I just finished it now.
Niki: Shinkai-kun, would you like, would you like to eat too?
Kanata:i already ate "outside", so it is alright.
then, i'll go put my stuff in the "room" and be right back.
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Kanata: ehehe. let's get along well today, "chief"-san.
Rinne: Mhm. See ya, Kanacchi.
...Where can ya even go when ya don't have any money?
Niki: You can't go gambling, right?
Rinne: Yeah yeah. That goes without sayin'.
Niki, where'd ya go in this situation?
Niki:If it were me? Uum... My favorite restaurant, maybe?
Rinne: Dumbass. I'm sayin' if ya didn't have any money.
Niki: Eh...
What about the mountains? There are wild plants you can pick up to eat for free.
Rinne: Not gonna work. Goin' to the mountains costs the transportation fee.
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Niki: You can't even afford the transportation? I feel second hand embarrassment as your friend.
Rinne: Shut up. Speaking of places you can go without money...
Should I try goin' to "Beehive", then?
lit. God of Pestilence. the usage of this in Japanese is not only literal but also as "a person who should be avoided, a person who brings bad luck" etc.
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raikanata · 4 months
Banquet Beneath the Clouded Moon - Directory
Summary: Rinne has become dirt poor as result of believing in the "God of Gambling". Just as he’s loosely spending about his day off, Hiyori asks him to be a petsitter. (description translation from the wiki)
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Full Moon and Canned Food - Chapter 1 Full Moon and Canned Food - Chapter 2 Full Moon and Canned Food - Chapter 3 Full Moon and Canned Food - Chapter 4 Full Moon and Canned Food - Chapter 5 Full Moon and Canned Food - Chapter 6
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WIP as of July 2024!
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raikanata · 4 months
Banquet Beneath the Clouded Moon - Chapter 2
English translation by @raikanata. Not proofread.
Characters: Rinne, Yuta, Sora, Hiyori, Jun
A few hours later
Rinne: Blamery-chan, where do you wanna go?
Rinne: Okay-okay, that way. I guess that’s the park.
Rinne: Blamery-chan, everything OK? Can you keep walking?
Rinne: Don’t push yourself, alright? I’ll pick you up when you’re tired, and we’ll go back.
Rinne: Look at me, walking the dog leisurely on a weekday. How peaceful…
Sora: HaHa~♪ Take a look, Yuu-chan! It’s Gambler-oniisan, walking a dog~!
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Yuta: Really. Isn’t that a Yorkshire Terrier? Doesn’t suit him at all.
Yuta: Hello, Rinne-senpai ♪ What’s with the little one? Don’t tell me you kidnapped it?
Rinne: I have a reason, y’know. I’m pet-sitting.
Yuta: Huh, like a side-job?
Rinne: It’s not really a side job. Hiyori-chan tasked me with walking his dog, basically.
Rinne: Oop- Because Yuta-kun put his hand out, Blamery-chan hid behind me.
Yuta: Eh? Is it my fault?
Sora: We’re not scary, y’know? C’mere, c’mere~♪
Rinne: Like Hiyori-chan said, she gets scared and starts trembling if someone she doesn’t know reaches out.
Rinne: But she’s all lovey dovey with me since we live in the same room. Right, Blamery-chan?
Yuta: Ahaha, look at her face. It’s like she’s saying “We’re not that close.”~.
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Yuta: But being feared by a dog who likes Rinne-senpai just fine, it's giving me mixed feelings…
Sora: HiHi~♪ Don’t feel bad, Yuu-chan. She was only scared because she “met you for the first time”.
Sora: When we aren’t strangers to her anymore, I’m sure we will get along too~.
Sora: Gambler-oniisan, is her name “Blamery”?
Rinne: Nope. That’s what I call her, but her name’s Bloody Mary.
Sora: HuHu~♪ Bloody Mary, got it!
Sora: Nice to meet you, Bloody Mary! Sora is Sora Harukawa, and this is Sora’s friend Yuuchan~
Sora: Sora and Yuuchan both played “Werewolf Game” together with Dazzling-oniisan¹ before. You might feel scared now, but I’d be happy if we can become friends little by little~
Rinne: Ah, Blamery-chan is sniffing Sora-chan’s hand. Looks like she’s taken an interest in ya.
Rinne: Amazing. When we started living together, she kept her distance from me, and would only barely look at me.
Yuta: It’s like Sora-kun understands the things that animals want to say, huh.
Rinne: Eh, for real?
Yuta: For real, yeah. He interpreted a cat for me before.
Rinne: Interesting. I want to try talking with an animal for once too.
Yuta: Me too. I wonder what kind of stuff they normally think about.
Yuta: Huh? Rinne-senpai, I think a sound came from your phone just now.
Rinne: Oh, it’s a message from Hiyori-chan.
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Rinne: “Take a picture while on the walk!”...I almost forgot about that.
Yuta: Picture?
Rinne: Yup. It’s proof that I’m doing the pet-sitting properly.
Rinne: Blamery-chan, c’mere~ Say cheese…☆
Rinne: Ugh, it came out blurry.
Rinne: But still, it’s obviously a picture of Blamery-chan, so… Sent.
Rinne: Hmm? Another reply came.
Rinne: “It’s not cute, redo!”, huh? He’s a client with many orders.
Rinne: Alright Blamery-chan, pay attention to me~☆
Yuta: Ahaha, no picture will be good enough for him, you know~♪
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Rinne: It’s hard to photograph animals, though. Yuta-kun, give it a try.
Yuta: Alright~. Sora-kun, could you tell Bloody Mary that we want to take a picture of her?
Sora: HeHe~♪ Sure thing!
Yuta: Okay, say cheese…☆
Yuta: Take a look, it looks pretty good.
Rinne: Ah, that’s cheating, Yuta-kun.
Yuta: Not true~. Nobody told me I can’t ask Sora-kun for help.
Yuta: Hey, Rinne-senpai, why don’t you try again like this now?
Rinne: Alright. Blamery-chan, look at me, pretty please ♪
At the same time, in the photo studio
Hiyori: ... ♪
Jun: Ohii-sama, what’s got you smirking at your phone like that?
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Hiyori: I’m not “smirking like that”, I am smiling!
Jun:Doesn’t change much either way.
Hiyori: No, they are completely different!
Hiyori: “Smirking” is an expression that Ibara makes, and “Smiling” is an expression that Nagisa-kun makes!
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Jun: When you put it that way…
Jun: I got it. I’ll say it the correct way.
Jun: So, what is it that’s making you smile? Did something good happen?
Hiyori: I’d asked Rinne-senpai to take Mary on a walk. I just got a picture from him!
Jun: …Huh? Isn’t that Harukawa-kun in the picture?
Hiyori: Rinne-senpai is the one taking the picture, so he’s not in it. Looks like he’s with Sora-kun and Yuta-kun right now.
Jun: Hmm… In any case, isn’t it pretty unexpected that you’d ask that guy to do this~?
Hiyori: I gave him a job in exchange for money. This is a noble’s duty, and I think he can manage since it’s just walking.
Hiyori: Since I know him, I knew that there was a chance he would slack off.
Hiyori: It’s good that he seems to be taking his job seriously…♪
1. Dazzling-onii-san is Sora's nickname for Hiyori!
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raikanata · 4 months
Banquet Beneath the Clouded Moon - Chapter 1
English translation by @raikanata. Not proofread.
Writer: Yuumasu
Characters: Kanata, Chiaki, Hiyori, Rinne
Season: Autumn
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Kanata: chiaki, good morni~ng ♪
Chiaki: Good morning! Are you going to eat now too? If it’s no problem, shall I prep your meal as well?
Kanata: is that fine?
Chiaki: Yup. I was going to start grilling fish just now.
Kanata: hmm? i thought you weren’t that "good" at "cooking"?
Chiaki: I can make anything that is considered beginner-friendly. I’ve already attempted grilled fish once before, so it’ll definitely be fine ☆
Kanata: is that so~. the trick to making grilled fish is using "strong fire" at a "distance".¹ When you do that, the outside becomes "crispy", and the inside becomes "juicy".
Chiaki: Strong and distant fire… Is it far enough right now?
Kanata: yes. let’s hold it “carefully” like this and wait for it to cook ♪.
Kanata: while it’s cooking, you can’t move, right? is there anything i should help with?
Chiaki: Well, could you prepare tea and rice for the two of us?
Kanata: got it.
Kanata: chiaki~ do you want a “big serving” of rice?
Chiaki: Yep! A good day starts with a good breakfast, after all. Let’s eat lots, and grow big…☆
Kanata: hehe. are we going to keep growing "bigger" as well?
Chiaki: I don’t mean just getting taller. People are always growing.
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Chiaki: Let’s make sure to live regular lives and eat balanced meals, so that we can continue to grow!
Location: Rinne, Kanata and Hiyori's room
Time: At the same time
Hiyori: C’mere, c’mere, c’mere Bloody Mary! It’s breakfast time!
Hiyori: Eat lots and grow big, okay~?
Hiyori: Since I slept pretty well, I have a good feeling about today. That’s good weather ♪
Rinne: (snore) zzz…
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Rinne: Only a loser of a gambler would run away now! Let’s bet all of the money! (mumble)
Hiyori: Ugh, isn’t that a harsh case of sleep talking…
Hiyori: Mary, don’t grow up to be an adult like Rinne-senpai, okay?
Rinne: Huh… Hiyori-chan, did you call for me…?
Hiyori: I didn’t, I was just amazed at your sleep talking. “Gambler” this, "bet all of the money" that, it shows a lack of character, no?
Rinne: Kyahaha. Sleep talking is no sign of character, good or bad.
Hiyori: You look slovenly… Is this your day off?
Rinne: Ah… There is nothing to do other than to loaf around all day.
Rinne: It’s all because I believed Kanacchi to be the "god of gambling" the other day that I’ve become penniless.²
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Hiyori: It’s all because of that, you say? Isn’t Rinne-senpai at fault here, for placing such an importance on Kanata-kun to the point of believing he would truly become lucky at gambling?
Rinne: That might be so, but. Hiyori-chan also holds part of the blame.
Rinne: Since you were the one who told me "Kanacchi seems to have good luck", isn’t that right?
Hiyori: I can’t deny it, when you put it that way.
Rinne: Right? So why don’t ya give me some money?
Hiyori: No, no way! I am not your wallet!
Rinne: Then at least lend me some? I’ll pay it back two-fold, ‘kay? Hmm? Okay?
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Hiyori: I am not a bank either, and I can not believe that you will pay it back two-fold.
Rinne: Hiyori-chan’s so stingy~.
Hiyori: This isn’t being stingy. I just don’t want to hand over any money without getting anything in return!
Rinne: But if there's something in return? I’ll give you my thanks…☆
Hiyori: What is that good for!
Hiyori: …Mary, what’s wrong? You became sleepy because your stomach’s full now?
Hiyori: Good girl, good girl. Good night, sweet dreams ♪
Rinne: Dogs sure are living the life. They get called “good” just for eating and sleeping.
Hiyori: If Rinne-senpai was as lovely as Mary, I’d call him “good” many times too, but-
Hiyori: Since this is your one and only life, it’s a shame if you don’t enjoy it! If you lived all your life just eating and sleeping, I’d feel sorry for you.
Rinne: I gotta have money to enjoy my life though, y’know? Soo…?
Hiyori: Ugh, you’re so stubborn! I am not going to give you money.
Hiyori: But. I have a favor to ask of you, and if you do it, I’ll lend you some?
Rinne: For real? Alright, if it’s something I can do, I will!
Hiyori: I want you to pet-sit, in other words, take care of Bloody Mary.
Rinne: Blamery-chan?³
Hiyori: Mhm. Meaning, I want you to take her out for walks.
Hiyori: Both Jun-kun and I have been busy lately, so we’ve only been able to play with her within Starmony Hall.
Hiyori: Mary is physically weak, so I can not just take her anywhere I go. So it would be nice if you can make her walk just outside Starmony Hall. Can I ask you to do that?
Rinne: It would be good for me too, but. I wonder if Blamery-chan will like me?
Rinne: Doesn’t she get all scared and start trembling whenever someone other than you or Junjun touches her?
Hiyori: It’ll be fine. She only does that when a stranger touches her. She will be calm with Rinne-senpai, since we live in the same room.
Hiyori: Still, be careful when walking her. Like I said, she’s physically weak.
Rinne: I got it. Well then, I’ll give it my all.
Rinne: So, what about the payment? Up front? Or after? How much will you give?
Hiyori: Of course I will pay after the job is done. This is the norm, you know?
Hiyori: Oh, also, I want you to take a picture of Mary while on a walk and send it to me as proof, okay?
Rinne: So I’ll remain penniless for now. How sad.
Hiyori: No need to be sad. I’ll compensate you generously for taking care of my precious Mary.
Hiyori: Bloody Mary is like my child. Treat her like you would treat me!
Rinne: I’m looking forward to the compensation, Hiyori-chan.
Hiyori: Of course. Well then, I’ll be leaving for work now.
Rinne: See ya late~r.
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Rinne: Walks, huh… He didn’t specify what time, but it’s not like we can go when Blamery-chan is asleep.
Rinne: Until Blamery-chan wakes up, I’ll go back to bed.
1. This is a technique for grilling fish called "遠火の強火". It doesn't seem to have a defined name like that in english, at least that I could find, so I just translated it. Lit. distant and strong flame.
2. This happened in Rinne's idol story titled "Please, God☆". Associated with this card.
3. Rinne shortens "Bloody Mary" to what reads as "buramea" in Japanese, since the katakana for Bloody Mary reads buraddi meari. Blame-chan unfortunately does not come across the same way in English. Blamery-chan is not the official localisation, but I think it works.
💧directory💧 next chapter
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raikanata · 4 months
Taking Care of a Difficult Child - Mayoi Ayase Feature Scout 2 4* Story
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su♪ ]
Warning: This is a Fan TL and is not proofread.
Characters: Mayoi, Tomoya, Tatsumi
Season: Winter
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Mayoi: So you're asking m-me to take care of Hokuto-senpai?
Tomoya: I'm sorry to ask so suddenly. It turned out that our next location wasn't going to be a day trip.
I can't take Hokuto-senpai to work with me, and the pet shop manager hasn't returned to Japan yet, so...
I'm looking for someone who can take care of him until I return from work...
Mayoi: I see. I understand your situation.
Well... I'm very happy that you came to me for help, but...
I really don't think I'm suited to take care of Hokuto-senpai...!
Even when you first got Hokuto-senpai, I mostly spent time in another room so I wouldn't get in your way...
Um, umm... Can't you ask the people in "ANIMALS" for help, like you did before?
Tomoya: Well, I tried to ask them. But it looks like everyone already has plans on that day.
They can only be back by the evening...
Mayoi: And someone has to take care of Hokuto-senpai until then, right...
(Wh-what should I do? I more or less know how to take care of Hokuto-senpai, since I watched Mashiro-san doing it...)
(Even though I know how to care for him, I don't know if he'll listen to me at all.)
(Nevermind that, if something was to happen to Mashiro-san's precious Hokuto-senpai because I wasn't able to take care of him properly...)
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Tomoya: ...I'm sorry, Ayase-senpai. I put you in a difficult position by asking something like this so suddenly.
Mayoi: No, I...
Tomoya: Please forget about it. I'll try and ask some other people as well.
Mayoi: (I've troubled Mashiro-san a lot, not only in the "Dead End Cafe", but also as a roommate...)
(I want to return the favor if I can...)
(After all, he came to me for help. There must have not been anyone else that he could ask.)
I, I got it!
Tomoya: Ayase-senpai...?
Mayoi: If the members of "ANIMALS" can make it towards the night...
I will accept the responsibility, and take care of Hokuto-senpaii!
Time: The next day
Mayoi: Then... Let's get along today, Hokuto-senpai ♪
(Since Tomoya-san is off to work, from here on, I have to take great care of him..!)
Uum, Mashiro-san already fed him, so next up...
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Mayoi: Eek!? Hokuto-senpai cried out suddenly...! What's wrong!?
I'msorryI'msorryy, I know someone like me isn't fit to take care of you!
But please, be a little patient with me...!
Ah, where are you going...! Please waaiiit!
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Tatsumi: (I'm relieved that my vegetables seem to be growing nicely♪)
(Right. Before I forget, let me send this picture I took to everyone in "Gardenia". Uuh, to attach an image...)
(...Hm? There's a familiar crying sound coming from somewhere.)
(The source of the voice... seems to be Mayoi-san and Tomoya-san's room. That means...)
Mayoi-san, Tomoya-san. It sounds like Hokuto-senpai is crying. Did something happen?
(No answer. I can still hear the crying, but no sound from Mayoi-san or anyone else...)
(I'll have to invite myself in, Mayoi-san!)
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Tatsumi: This is!? Mayoi-san, are you okay!?
Mayoi: Uuu...?
Tatsumi: Why did you collapse in the room like this!?
Where is Tomoya-san!? What exactly happened here!?
Mayoi: ...Ah, God must be so merciful as to allow even a person such as myself to receive a final call of fate...
Tatsumi: Please hang on! This isn't a final call of anything!
Mayoi: Uuu... I'm sorry to make you worry like this...
I was so deeply focused on taking good care of Hokuto-senpai, I forgot to take care of myself, even to eat...
But I never thought that I'd pass out... If Tatsumi-san didn't find me, who knows what would have become of me...
Tatsumi: You're exaggarating. However, I'm relieved that you seem better now.
Mayoi: You even made toast for me. Thank you so much, really.
Tatsumi: It's Hokuto-senpai that you should thank. I was alerted to the situation thanks to his cries.
Mayoi: I-is that so. Thank you, Hokuto-sen--
Eek!? Why are you screaming so much? Did, did I do something to offend you...?
Uuu, you really won't listen to me...
What do I do... At this rate, we won't even make it until everyone from "ANIMALS" arrives.
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Tatsumi: Please raise your head, Mayoi-san.
Tatsumi: Hokuto-senpai is yelling at me as well, it's not because of you.
I heard from Koga-san that the reason why Tomoya-san started to call him "Hokuto-senpai" was to get him to listen.
He seems to have a bit of a difficult personality, right? We need to get him to let his guard down first.
Mayoi: Let his guard down, huh... But, how...
Tatsumi: That's right. Is there anything that Tomoya-san uses regularly when taking care of him?
Mayoi: Well, there's a blanket on the bed over there, but...
Tatsumi: I heard that having an item around that carries their smell, or their owner's smell, is calming for animals.
Using that, maybe we can try and see whether we can get Hokuto-senpai to lower his guard?
Mayoi: I see...! It's bath time right now, so I'll try to take him to the bathroom with the blanket!
He-here! This way, Hokuto-senpai! It's bath time now♪
Ah, he's walking this way...!
....but, ahh! He completely stopped in his tracks!
Tatsumi: Hm, it's not going all that well.
Mayoi: N-no! When I take a step back, he also takes a step forward...! I just can't get any closer to him!
Tatsumi: That's fine. We can work like this until Koga-san and the others arrive.
Mayoi: Yes! Like this, I'll succeed in taking care of Hokuto-senpai properly ♪
Tatsumi: That's right, keep going, Mayoi-san.
Tomoya: ...Ah. Akehoshi-senpai sent me a text.
"Hokuto-senpai's doing just fine~!", it says.
Hm, there's a picture attached too... This is, Ayase-senpai feeding Hokuto-senpai?
I'm glad that Hokuto-senpai seems to be listening to Ayase-senpai seriously...
I have to thank Ayase-senpai properly. Let's get him a nice souvenir before returning home ♪
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Tomoya: ....That aside, why does Ayase-senpai seem to be holding my clothes that should have been in the laundry basket?
[ ☆ ]
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raikanata · 4 months
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Raika Hojo Animal Square interactions!
featuring Jeanne d'Arc, Koppe, Daikichi, Leon and Hokke-senpai!
English TL by me <3
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raikanata · 4 months
A Room To Definitely Find A Favorite - Kanata Shinkai Q&A
English translations by me!
[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su♪ ]
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Q1. Where would you go on a first date? (初デートに行くならどこ?)
Kanata: if it's warm, i want to go play in the "sea"~. if it's a cold season, then let's go to the "aquarium"...♪
Q2. What are your best subjects? (得意教科は?)
Kanata: "history" or "biology" might be my best, i think? when i say "biology", of course i mean "fishies"...♪
Q3. What's the last texts you've exchanged with a unit member? (最後にユニットメンバーとしたメールの内容は?)
Kanata: i texted chiaki to tell him that i was at the "sea". because he will get "worried" if he doesn't know my "location".
Q4. What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning these days? (最近朝起きて最初にするとは?)
Kanata: a new "fishie" has joined the "fish tank" in our room, so i check its "state" while giving it my "greetings"♪
Q5. Why are you so cool? (どうしてそんなにかっこいいんですか?)
Kanata: must be because there are so many cool people around me. did you get caught up in that, and end up thinking i was cool as well...?
[ ☆ ]
Note: The question translations are from the wiki!
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raikanata · 4 months
SURF ON SMILE English Translation
I translated Kaoru's 2nd solo! The translation relies a bit on my interpretation so it may not be 100% correct 🙏
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I only want to make you smile, that’s my Message
I’ll surely make it come true, my selfish Hope
I want to say it with my own words, so please look me in the eyes
I want to see your expression, so please raise your head up
Even if today doesn’t go as expected
These things happen, right, Days go by
So why don’t you try and embrace your freedom more?
The waves hit the shore anyway, the heart is a Surfrider
I want the splashes of your popping smile
Anything you don’t like, blame it on me, forget about it
Riding the waves of music, I’ll make it come true, My Hope
Since you came here, go with the flow of your emotions, ‘cause
A feeling of having been reborn, isn’t it nice?
Don’t think this is just a momentary escape from reality
Tomorrow is a new day, and its wind I will Blow at you*
Well, what kind of freedom do you want to try on?
The waves hit the shore anyway, the heart is a Surfrider
Just jump in gently, ‘cause I’ll catch you
Blame it all on me, I just want you to smile, so
If I seem selfish, please forgive me
Anyway, whatever I try to say
I’m afraid you might take it in a bad way
But, it’s definitely better to have that moment of happiness in your heart, right?
So I only want to make you smile, that’s my Message
I want to see the sparkles of your popping smile
The waves hit the shore anyway, the heart is a Surfrider
Ride on the waves of music, together with me
*: Thanks to Mika and 310mc for their help on this stanza!
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