rainbisou · 4 years
My latest music video 😻
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rainbisou · 4 years
Finally released my grand opus. Everything after this is a cherry on top. This was like giving birth to my firstborn daughter... a pleasure to make, several seasons to gestate, and an absolute triumph to birth. I hope you all enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed making it ✨
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rainbisou · 6 years
Awakened Goddess
Lucideity means awakened goddess.
That's who I am growing into.
I'm channeling my goddess energy in a positive way.
I'm no longer tilling the dry soul of unreturned affections.
I'm readying the field of my own personal growth, and doing it consciously.
This means being very intentional about who and what I shower with my love.
I'm not called Rain Bisou for no reason.
My love that I shower you with flowers within you as a deep consciousness and awareness of your own inner benevolence.
Are you able to entrain to my level or must I move on after leaving my signature taste on your lips?
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rainbisou · 6 years
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Simple Kids Care Tips.
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rainbisou · 6 years
Lots of Exciting Things Happening!
So, I’ve got tons of unreleased music that I am ITCHING to put out! 
From my album with Christian Okami entitled “Telenovela Soul,”the first single that I will be releasing is called “Butterfly,” and it is a nostalgic Bossa Nova song about a lover I left behind in Tokyo over ten years ago. In the song, I wonder what it would be like if I had stayed in Japan instead of coming back home to the life that awaited me. I can’t wait to share it! 
I spent a significant part of this evening contacting various potential music video shoot locations via e-mail including a restaurant and a handful of Japanese gardens. I also spent this weekend contacting various costume shops just to procure an authentic Japanese Kimono. I already have a makeup artist: now, time to put it all together, get a director, and figure out the budget for the entire shoot! 
I am also making moves to finish mixing and mastering my EP with Steelo Free and Drew Kapner called “Lucideity,” which is a continuation of my debut EP, Lucid Dreams. We will be mixing our next song, “Boom,” later this month! 
I am facing my fears about releasing these projects and just going for it! The help will come. The money will come. I just need to focus on getting excited about it, and it WILL happen. I am demanding it! 
I also recently made a connection with a gorgeous awakened Goddess of a woman who is interested in assisting me with my EP Release party and I will be seeing her this Friday at an event in Long Beach where she will be speaking. She loves my singing and is on board with my intentions to write music for the conscious, new age community within the age range of 18-35. 
I am also writing a novel about my musical journey entitled “The Singing Sub” and am excited to share what has led me to this point and what my intentions are for the future. I feel empowered and have much higher motivation than ever before to persist with the manifestation of my desires. No dream is too big for my mind to conceive and then achieve! 
So here’s the plan: 
Mix and master “Butterfly” with Christian Okami for video shoot 
Mix and master “Boom” with Drew and Steelo
Master “Oh My” for video shoot 
Plan music video shoots for “Butterfly” and “Oh My” 
Finish mixing and mastering all EP songs and get ready for release
Shoot “Oh My” music video
Shoot “Butterfly” music video
Host EP Release Party
I am now attracting the budget and the sponsors necessary to create these beautiful music videos and to facilitate the release of this music! I have already been asked to become a leader of my local spiritual center and I know that this leadership, coupled with my desires as an artist will work together to better promote the spiritual community I belong to as well as my own desires as an artist. 
In the meantime, it’s time for me to focus on eating healthy, getting enough sleep and becoming methodical and hyperorganized, fostering habits for success and letting go of anything which no longer serves me. 
I am ready to embrace my success and meet it halfway with my own personal development so that I am able to receive it! 
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rainbisou · 6 years
A Humble Prayer
With all of the talent, beauty, intelligence, energy, strength, patience, love, compassion and joy you have imbued in me, what would you have me do in your name today? How can I best work as your instrument and do your wonders? Feel free to use me as you see fit, and I'll be attentive to your call and follow your lead.
Do what brings you the most joy. Do what fills you most with love. Do what your spirit feels most aligned with. Do what calls your inner knowing to attention. There are so many ways to do my work. Just do it.
Do you.
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rainbisou · 6 years
“It turns out that we each have our own built-in GPS that leads us toward happiness in the form of an expansion/contraction feedback system. If you feel more expanded, you’re going in the right direction; if you feel contracted, it’s time for a course correction”
— Marci Schimoff
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rainbisou · 6 years
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@ my plants
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rainbisou · 6 years
“Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder. To search for the truth.”
— Albert Einstein (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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rainbisou · 6 years
You’re healing every time you
get out of bed because there’s something you’re excited about.
don’t think about people who left.
clean the clutter in the room and dishes in your sink.
smile at yourself and random people.
do something kind and out of the blue to make someone happy.
work out or meet with friends even though you have no energy to.
calm yourself down when your thoughts race.
remember to drink water.
don’t dwell on things you can’t control.
do things good for yourself, even though you have no motivation.
tell yourself that you’re growing from this, and you won’t feel like this forever.
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rainbisou · 6 years
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Working too hard, feeling overwhelmed by family responsibilities, or dealing with an ongoing challenge? 
Maybe it’s time to turn your attention back to yourself and to your own self-care. Although we often brush it aside, self-care is not optional if you want to be happy and healthy.
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rainbisou · 6 years
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Working too hard, feeling overwhelmed by family responsibilities, or dealing with an ongoing challenge? 
Maybe it’s time to turn your attention back to yourself and to your own self-care. Although we often brush it aside, self-care is not optional if you want to be happy and healthy.
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rainbisou · 6 years
5 Ways You Can Lift Your Mood Today
1. Exercise - moving into the body. Vigorous activity stimulates the release of endorphins from the brain as well as sweat which allows toxins to be drained from our lymphatic system. 
2. Meditate - clearing the mind. Setting aside the mental baggage we’re carrying allows us to put our problems into perspective and be grateful for what we have. 
3. Dress - owning our style. The way we dress affects the way we see ourselves. Instead of hiding behind dull and baggy clothing we must allow ourselves to shine in all of our glory. 
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4. Sleep - recharging our batteries. Sleep deprivation makes us cranky and less likely to create positive interactions with others. 
5. Passion - doing what we love. Investing our time with the people, places and things that make us feel good and refusing to settle for the ones that don’t is how we create higher vibrational states of mind. 
You are responsible for the way you feel.
Peace & positive vibes.
Follow me on Instagram for daily positive affirmations <3
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rainbisou · 6 years
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Me annoyed after a long day of sessions and gigs and needing space versus her after a long day of dealing with mom's sessions and gigs and excited to finally have her mommy to herself 🙄🙄🙄 #mommyproblems #thedoublelife #wevegotastage5clinger (at Cerritos, California)
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rainbisou · 6 years
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Cute face, stimulating conversations, wild temper tantrums, tough love parenting strategies, and those signature expressions that you undoubtedly inherited from your momma, God rest her dynamic soul... Ah, it's a true joy to be like a mommy to you, Princess Sofia! (at Cerritos, California)
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rainbisou · 6 years
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Our dualistic personalities in a nutshell 🤷🏻‍♀️ 👩‍👧 #motherdaughter #latinas #salvadorian #mexican
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rainbisou · 6 years
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Our personalities in a nutshell 🤷🏻‍♀️ 👩‍👧 #motherdaughter #latinas #mexican #salvadorian #vacationmode
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