rainbowlemonbox · 7 months
Sig is sassy, I know it...
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rainbowlemonbox · 10 months
S Trio Bonding Time
Schezo moving around the kitchen while backing stuff
Sig info dumping about bugs as he helps Schezo by handing him items
Maguro chewing on a puyo while he listens and ask Sig abt stuff....WAIT, CHEWING ON A PUYO?? MAGURO NO—
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
Sig: I think i might be acoustic
Klug: you mean 'autistic'?
Sig: i know what i said. (He doesn't)
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
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and Maguro letting his intrusive thoughts win.
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He then got sick and was hospitalized for a week.
They are not the finished designs btw!! ヘ⁠(⁠。⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠ヘ
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
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nother one
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
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Headcanon time!!!!
Any pronouns!!!!★
She mainly uses She/Her but doesn't mind other people using They/He.
I don't see her minding the sexuality nor gender labels, she will say she's cisgender and bisexual if someone asks
She likes what she likes
Her favorite fruit is apples(Fact)
She and Maguro dated when they were younger....that relationship didn't lasted more than an hour, they are better as friends
The fact of Maguro's eye beam not affecting her is cause of the time they've known each other and how their bond has grown into a sibling-like one.
She makes science puns, that's something she shares and bonds with Risukuma (that's the reason of her pupils being triangles)
She and Maguro bully each other in a friendly way
She and Maguro share similar expresion habits and at this point no one knows who did wich expression first
Sometimes Maguro's little fancy tone with the "★" at the end slips out of her...Tee doesn't know how to feel about that.
Her interactions with Maguro are WAY different from her interactions with Tee.
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
Satan has 4 kids now.
OKAY SO, SINCE MY FRIEND @pocketartist151 INTRODUCED ME TO THIS Y'ALL GONNA HAVE TO READ IT (jk, just read if you're interested.
So, as y'all know if ya have read my last friendships headcanons you know that in here it's canon that Satan sees Arle as his kid and by default he feels the same about Dopperu.
NOW, LET'S JUMP A LIL BACK IN TIME REAL QUICK, specifically: Puyo Chronicle.
All the plot reason was, they got in a book to save Satan, and in the way they meet Ally, a lovely girl, who's has a love for love, that's her whole personality wich is kinda frustrating since she has potential, but since im not here to tell ALL the plot, I'll be more direct, basically imagine this, in Satan's Castle there's a magic room with different doors to multiple dimensiones, one of em being Madou's, but most importantly, Ally's dimension.
The way this doors work is; there's the need of an item or person to connect the dimension, for example, since Arle and the others are in the current dimension (wich I'm calling it the ASR Trio Dimension), the madou and the ASR dimensions are connected through the Madou door. Same happens with Amitie's and Ringo's.
Another and a way better explanation is
Satan's Castle exist in all 4 universe's, in a relative same location, the environment changes but it still being the same coordinates. So when you enter the door of the universe you wanna go, what you see is basically the same room you where in when entering the door, but there's something off, because instead of walking in you're walking out that door...if you explore the castle, it's the same, nothing has change inside the place, but it all changes when you go out. the surroundings are kind of similar but now there's trees where they weren't before and an ant thingy as well. A tiny thing to mention, if you're in the castle of other dimension Satan isn't at the time, he will see you but if there's someone with him, they wont.
Satan has now to take care of Ally, Rafisol, Dopperu and Arle, wich is silly cause he always wanted kids... although he didn't imagine it being that way and none of them.are his actual kids...Ally doesn't see him as a father, Arle has parents, the other two are more complicated since they were created by magic and don't really have a biological family...anyway, Satan is taking care of this kids who aren't his kids but still he loves them dearly and as they were his own!
I'd had this draft for quite some time, although it wasn't finnish, till today, maybe I'll explain the Satan's castle situation and structure more once I've read a little more about the Puyo/Madou universe! (Yeah, im gonna do a fucking sketch of it and probably detail every single room cause im silly like that.)
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
Ringo trying to correct one of her friends: Uhm, Actually
Maguro: "uhm actually ☝️🤓", girl stfu, this is why i bully you
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
I have a shit ton of designs from puyo puyo already done but idk which ones to post first ヘ⁠(⁠。⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠ヘ
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
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🌟Miracle Quiz Satan!🌟
Sketch+final version! (And a little extra doodle!)
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
Hi, I am a H U G E Schezo fan, and by HUGE i mean that he's my favorite and i will bully him while wanting to hug him, so here's my thoughts about Schezo dating someone. (No one in specific). ★
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At first he was really awkward, he didn't knew shit about relationships, how was he supposed to know, he didn't even knew how to properly interact and WHY did this person liked him so much??
After some time he got used to dating this person and started to express more affection, unless it came to PDA, he didn't show affection Infront of people, he was insecure about their opinion and what would they say. Slowly, he has grown used to it and kinda enjoys it, it's nice to be able to show PDA from time to time :).
With most people he express affection by head pats. When it comes to the person he's dating, he will hug the person, he will hold their hand, he will put his head on the others head/shoulder, he will kiss their hand, he will treat them so gently because he's a bit too scared about hurting the other person by accident.
He also show affection by telling the other "You're really warm" when hugging or holding hands, this being because after spending many time alone and avoiding people, he has grown used to feel cold when putting his hand together, or when hugging himself to sleep.
He doesn't really likes to show his scars, mainly the one on the neck, but with this person he feels comfortable enough to show it, he wont talk much about it tho, he just says that he's ashamed and that he has no actual reason to feel like that (at least not that he remembers anyway).
He will bake along side this person, and if they don't know how to cook, then he will teach them with patience and determination!
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He probably thinks that his partner is the most adorable thing he has ever seen and for that he will spoil them as much as he can.
That's it for now, hope u enjoy my fanboying over Schezo.
U can picture this w any character u like, if u ask me who I was picturing him with while writing this, that's a secret…⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ
If u have any requests/recommendations about headcanons or incorrect quotes u can leave them in any post, I can assure u that I will read it.
Bah byeee (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/♡
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
klug puyo puyo
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
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rainbowlemonbox · 1 year
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rainbowlemonbox · 2 years
I think that we as the tumblr puyo community, we're always on a silly goofy mood.
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rainbowlemonbox · 2 years
Satan appreciation post❗
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Jk, the only good thing about this mf is his wife.
He/Him (it's ok w any other pronouns).
He has his wedding ring on his finger, while the one that used to belong to Lilith is on a necklace, along side a heart locket with a wedding picture pf them.
He often wears an silver earring Lilith gave to him, he still remembers the day she gave it to him, she had the prettiest smile and how cute she look when saying "Now we match!" after he had put on the earring.
When Lilith died he stopped going out his office, that was until he met Arle by coincidence (It's more like Arle was trespassing on private property ).
He loves the "forget-me-not" flowers, he also loves any flowers that are lila.
After meeting Arle he started going out the castle more and more, sometimes he goes to the garden to taking care of it, some other times he goes to the library, maybe playing the piano while at it, maybe he's cleaning the castle from top to bottom or learning how to cook
He knits.
Even he finds his castle a mystery.
I will add some other stuff to his design later.
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