rainconnect-blog · 13 years
Get your playoff tickets for Wednesday night's game tomorrow, Monday March 19 at 11 a.m. at Ticket Atlantic locations.
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
ABA Celtics practixe
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
Mavs Gillis from Sportstream.ca catches up with Coach Pep after the team's January 28 win over the Summerside Storm.
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
One on One with Taliek Brown and Jad Crnogorac
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
One on One with Justin Johnson and Jad Crnogorac, brought to you by EastLink
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
Interesting Day Of Travel.
8:30am I get to the airport and of course I'm there before everybody else because we aren't suppose to be there until 8:45. I hit up Tim Hortons for a breakfast sandwich and decide to just kick it for a minute. Finally everybody arrives and we go through customs, the lady working the gate said "where r u from? Who are you guys going to play?" I said "I'm from the Halifax Rainmen and we're going to play London, they're in first place and we're in second so we need to win" she says, and I kid you not "London, England?...that will be amazing, I wasn't aware we had a ball team here that plays over there" before i could correct her she starts talking about how beautiful it is over there and places I should go see! She had the biggest smile on her face and I just didn't have the wart to rain on her parade. So.... I went along with it, little did she know I'd never been there in my life and the only thing I said I wanted to do when I got there was go to Harrads and I only know of that place because I used to always watch "The Fabulous Life of..." on Much More Music... The crazy thing is, not only did she tell me about London, she talked about soccer players over there and said "maybe I'll catch one of your games in Halifax, what field do you play at?"... Then it all became clear to me... She thinks the Halifax Rainmen are a soccer team that plays in the Champions league......... Can you believe that? Lol I was sincerely mind blown and had no intentions of telling her any different. Before i say this i have to make something clear, If you didn't know by now, Darrin Dorsey is my road dog, we always roll together... So we're boarding the plane and he's a bit taller than me so he wants the isle seat and I want the window seat, it works out perfect right?... Wrong... He was sitting in 8D and I was in 8A meaning we both had window seats on the opposite sides of the isle... All we had to do now was figure out if the people in between us wanted to switch. Before we actually figure out who we're each sittin with Dorsey says "if I have to sit by the window I'll flip", in the back of my head I'm thinking "I would to if I were you"...Pfff, little did we know that I was sitting next to Taliek and there ain't no way he's switching wit a rookie. Then we find out Dorsey is sitting wit Tyrone Levett...uh...uh... If there's one guy on the team not about to try and muscle with it was him lol so I wait for Dorsey's reaction, I was sure he would flip...ya right... He asked Ty what seat he ha and when Ty answered Dorsey said "cool, I got the window...." in my head I'm saying "ya Dorsey, my elbow still hurts, I wouldn't be able to help you with that one lol" And with that being said, I'm signing off! Teddy bear, Also Known As T-Bear, Best Know As Where's The Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
Susie's Shortbreads!
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
Little minor basketball action at westmount!
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
Here we go again!
Another road game. So that means some more interviews haha
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
Killing the oval!
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
Speaks for itself
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
The Oshawa Power's Morgan Lewis talks about the upcoming game this Thursday at 7 p.m.
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
Go Rainmen!!!
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
For all those wondering when T-Bear Upshaw will be back in action...This should give you a good idea of where he's at in terms of progress!  Video was shot at Needham Recreation Center in the North End of Halifax. 
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
Live from the Martyr's Minor basketball tournament with Trayvon Clayton!
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rainconnect-blog · 13 years
Pep gets the team ready for their road games in Quebec and Oshawa.
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