It is of deep sorrow that we announce Mister Jimmie's passing. Avalon is a bit shaken up right now and the moment Logan got the call he immediately came over. Avalon is not going to be back for a while, nor are we going to be writing for a while to be with her friends and family. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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The hardest thing I've had to do today was look at my grandfather and have him tell me he was proud to see the woman I've become.
The hardest thing I've had to do was listen to him tell me that I have a good heart. And that I make the lives of people that know me so bright.
The hardest thing I've had to do was see the strongest man I know, the man who helped raise me, the person who taught me to love myself be reduced to what's happening to him now.
It's so hard to stop crying. It's so hard to stop sleeping. It's so hard to function. It's so hard to look him in the eyes because I know what's happening. It's so hard having one of your best friend's break down in the middle of class because he is a grandfather to so many of my friends. It's so hard to hear my drama club tell me that they miss me. It's so hard to hear my girlfriend worry about me. It's so hard to breathe.
It's so fucking hard.
But I'm trying my best. And that's what counts. I'm trying to maintain my friendship with him and that's what counts. I'm trying to be strong for my mom and my grandma and that what counts. I'm trying to find ways to remind my goddaughter in the future what an awesome grandpa she had and that's what counts. I'm trying to get to know him even better than I already do and that's what counts.
I am here for him. And that's what counts.
He is proud of me and I have to make sure it stays that way. I am empowered. I am his granddaughter and with me I carry one of the best legacies to exist. I am someone who knows how legendary he is, how intelligent he is, how kind he is, how vulnerable he can be, how amazing he is. - Avalon
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Unfortunately Avalon will not be coming back anytime soon.
More results have come back and they are saying mister Jimmie has a few months to live. She's in a state of depression none of us has actually seen her in and we're all trying to make sure our friend is okay.
We're so sorry and we hope you understand- Abby
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We have a new statement and we're serious about giving her support
Mister Jimmie's results came back and not only does he have cancer, it is stage four. Avalon will not return until she is sure she is of the mental state to continue. We desperately ask for supporting messages and as much love as you can possibly give.
- Logan
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We cannot believe that this shit is happening.
Hi. It's Abby here. So about Avalon's grandfather (grandpa as we call him) they had him fully checked out and the spot of cancer he had was small. Until they actually realized it was a cavity. It burrowed it's way through the lung, and something is wrong. Avalon will not return as planned, we're truly sorry for the inconvenience, we will remain by her side.
For you to get to know him better so you can understand why we love him so much, this post has been divided amongst three people. Logan, myself, and Avalon. We wanted to tell the story of his life! He's not dead, he's just interesting. We ask that you take the time to actually read it. Names have been changed due to privacy or just not included at all.
Jimmie A. Last name not included for privacy but as a letter instead. He is an interesting man who was raised by very honorable people, Emmett and Helena A. Emmet was a soldier in the navy due to a WW2 draft, Mr. Jimmie actually still has his father's letter from when the government drafted him.
When he was a small child he lived in the city. One of Avalon's favorite pictures (we will try to find it when we can) is of him dressed in a sailor's outfit waking down the street with his mother Helena. Helena was beautiful in her youth and the picture was straight out of a magazine. Mr. Jimmie has a brother, though he moved away and the two don't speak often so we can't really fill in the blanks there. Mr. Jimmie went to school in a academy before moving. (This is where the time line gets a little unreliable)
Years went by after Emmett's return and he sadly passed away. After his passing, Mr. Jimmie enlisted in the Air Force, study Avionics and working on planes. He was stationed around the US from Georgia to Hawaii until he finally left the country and moved to Japan for two years. He actually enjoyed his time there, living in a village near the base of Mount Fuji. He returned to the US to Denver where he fell in love, got engaged, but broke it off due to unknown reasons. He came home and met Avalon's grandmother and they married one month into them dating. They gave birth to two son's and one daughter. Peter, Paul, Lisa.
Peter went on to work at a college, do to reasons we do not mention Paul, and Lisa became a mother. As Avalon grew up, she had a best friend by her side (Logan) and was raised with the families close. Logan views Avalon's grandparents as his own and even calls them Grandpa and Grandma. Jimmie and Grandma (name not included due to privacy) lived with her for a few years before the death of Helena. After inheriting Helena's home, the family moved in together before Lisa and Avalon moved back. Don't worry though, the home is only two minutes apart from each other.
Many can see Jimmie as a bit of an odd ball but once you speak to him you'll find he is well versed in Quantum Theory, history, philosophy, and science. The man's mind is fucking brilliant if we're being honest. Not many are truly aware of his brilliance though, due to his constant rambling (I usually can keep up though so it's endearing to me). His mind is stronger than many and he has lived an amazing life. We (the small writing team) hope that he is going to live a long happy life. We love him. All of us. And I appreciate Abby and Logan taking the time to ask both me and my grandfather about his life so they would get his life right.
We have funny stories that we will share eventually as he recovers. Thank you to those who took the time to read all of this. I know it's long. But we wanted to tell you his life. It's not over yet. But it is really cool. We love you guys and tonight we want you to call your grandparents if you haven't in a while. Check on them. Get to know them.
Because grandpa isn't just my grandfather. He is all of ours. And he's pretty great.
- The Team.
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We have good news. Finally!
So the good news is that they caught the cancer in time. They knew it was there, they just didn't know if it was too late. From the looks of it, he's going to be fine. Avalon will be back soon, she (and those of the team that are near her) wants to still spend time with him though so we're not all coming back just yet.
We can say that it'll be soon though!
We want to sincerely thank you for the wonderful support and love that you all provided for her. We really do love you guys and we have some awesome upcoming projects I think you'll all be excited about!
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So Avalon got news on whether or not her grandfather has lung cancer and it saddens me to say he actually does.
Due to the news, our team really wants to be there for her so we will be going offline for a few weeks, possibly months.
Please keep him in your thoughts. We love you and please try to send her some wonderful supportive messages.
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I know i just got back but I have bad news
Due to personal events I have to take another hiatus.
My grandfather might have lung cancer and he is like my best friend and I have to just... Be there for him
I'm sorry.
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Merry Christmas guys. I love ya!
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To my raindrops with epilepsy who like star wars
PSA for Star Wars fans:
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The best feelings in the world that keep me up at night to write something like this is exactly why I love my girlfriend
The smell of the campfire ash on her jacket as she wraps it around me because I get cold easily.
The feeling of her hand in mine.
Her side hugs that she gives when she's busy but still wants to let me know she cares.
The softness of her hair in my hands as she falls asleep with her head in my lap.
The feeling of denim.
Watching her when she's focused.
Rubbing her shoulders when she's stressed so she knows I'm there
Her lips
When she kisses my head and I fall asleep
Waking up to see her
Knowing she is amazing
Knowing that I love her to the point where I am so comfortable around her I admitted I once had feelings for a friend I still spend time with
Her being okay with him and actually getting to know him on a personal level so he knows that she will take care of me.
Logan having fun with her
Meeting my best friend's dad with her and her making loads of jokes with him
Falling on top of her and laughing at our equal clumsiness
Opening my birthday present from her
It being a rose quartz necklace.
I wear it all the time
Both of us loving each other.
Watching her face when she tells a story she's passionate about
Listening to her sing
Random"I love you" texts that get us both through the day
Watching her get flustered over cute things I say to her, even if it's cheesy.
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I just wanna wish everyone a Merry Christmas and say:
I NEVER expected this blog to go past 100 followers much less be in the 600s. You are a very amazing group of people and I am so proud to see that our family has grown. My team (Abigail & one other who doesn't like to use their name) for when I'm sick or just busy loves to see the support that we get and I love ALL OF YOU.
I mean that. I love all of you. For all the times that I was too upset to write, you all sent the most support with some of you even talking me through it. I love you guys. I really do.
Remember that if you ever need a friend in your corner I'm here. Message me, I'll talk unless I'm busy. Even then I'll just message you later. I love you all. Merry Christmas and thank you for your support to our family
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The Sparta boys and mistletoe. Maybe resulting in NSFW
Dante: He would kiss you passionately underneath it, leaving you wanting more. It doesn’t help that later he pulls you underneath it and makes out with you, running his hands over your body. By God, the sex afterwards is amazing.
Nero: Pretty boy here is actually pretty innocent when it comes to this. He’ll kiss you and you’ll love it. But he doesn’t really make it sexual.
V: See he…. He has fun with this, usually just pulling you over to tease you. He’ll kiss down your neck, he’ll nibble your ear, he’ll rub up against you. He’ll turn you on but then leave in the heat of it. Later in the night though…. Wow.
Vergil: fuck mistletoe, he’ll find an empty room and just fuck you. He’s the type to not give a flying fuck.
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Can you make a little comedy domestic story about the reader he or she is friends with Krampus and the teams reaction to him being really and asking about santa and every other holiday characters
So it started with a phone call
And before you ask
Yes, Krampus has a phone.
He was calling about some odd question he had.
You chuckled at it and said he was always welcome to visit.
Well. He took that seriously.
And he was in his human form.
Imagine Lucifer, but with red reptilian like eyes.
See the reason for this form was really funny
You got him to watch Lucifer and he really liked the human form that he took in the show.
He went with it.
When everyone saw him they were very confused.
"Guys. Say hi to Krampus." Is all you said
All literal hell broke loose.
"KRAMPUS IS REAL!?" Was Dante's question.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" was Nico's
"Oh you two know each other." Was all Trish said.
"WHAT-- HOW-- WHO--" Nero didn't even know where to begin.
Vergil and V both were just staring.
"The fuck are you?" Was all griffon said.
He totally spent Christmas with you guys.
By Christmas time everyone knew Krampus was a pretty chill dude
Course, he would jokingly ask for souls
You never gave them an explanation as to how you knew him
Truth was, you were stuck in hell and was such a sarcastic dumbass that Krampus bailed you out.
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Christmas? Yes!!! I love these stories they're so cute. I would love to have something with Dante. It doesn't matter if you use my name or not still I'll know it's me thanks and missed your writing 💕
I gotcha!
It was your first REAL Christmas. Your family never really celebrated and you never really celebrated with anyone else. Dante, who had this MASSIVE crush on you wanted to go all out. And believe me. HE DID. The entire office was decorated and mistletoe was underneath a few doors. You walked in and gaped. "Holy shit Dante." You said staring at the Christmas lights. "Yeah. We kind of love Christmas here." He said. "Clearly." You said. Lady snorted. "Last year he got us packs of socks. He set this all up because--" Trish slammed her hand over Lady's mouth. "SHE'S JOKING!" Trish laughed covering up the fact that this was for you. You rose a brow. "I got you guys stuff." You said holding up a bag. "Nice, stick it underneath the tree." Nero said biting into a cookie before Kyrie smacked him. "We're not eating the cookies yet!" She scolded. He gave her a nervous grin. "Test taste?" He lied. "Funny, you did that with the batter too." She sighed.
You set it underneath the tree and gave a small wave to a uninterested Vergil. "Vergil... What the fuck are you wearing?" You asked. "They forced me into a sweater. V is even worse." Vergil said. You looked over and laughed. "Wow." Was all you said before walking to the couch before Dante passed you and Trish stopped the both of you. "Oi! Look up." She said. You looked up to see mistletoe. You felt the blush form as you looked at Dante. "Kyrie needs me and Nero in the kitchen." Dante said. "Doesn't matter. Do it." Nico said. Dante scratched the back of his neck and you kissed his cheek. He gave you a slightly surprised look and you avoided his gaze. "Can we go now?" You asked. Nico let you two loose and you walked away.
Soon you all started opening presents and you opened yours from Dante. It was a necklace. A few years ago on a mission, you and Dante walked through a market and you found this beautiful necklace and he noticed your liking to it. So, he secretly bought it and kept it for this exact moment. "Dante..." You gaped. He smiled. "I know I'm awesome." He bragged. You smiled and he kneeled. "I'll help you with it." He said. You turned around and he put the necklace on.
You had this beautiful smile the entire night. When most of the group left and it was you and Dante, you sat on the steps of Devil May Cry. He handed you a beer sitting next to you. "So that was fun." You said. "I know how to throw a damn good party." He said. You chuckled. "Hey... Uh.." Dante said clearing his throat. "What are the chances of you going on a date with me?" He asked. You looked over. "...." You stared at him in surprise. "Statically? 100%." You said. He smiled. "And if I asked to be your boyfriend?" He asked. You smiled. "...100%." you assured. He nodded. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked officially. "Absolutely." You said. "And would you please be the only person in my life who I promise to protect and love?" He asked. "Absolutely." You said with smile. He chuckled. "Good." He said. He leaned in, kissing you before you felt something hit your face. You looked up. "Dante. It's snowing." You said.
He chuckled. "Let's make some hot cocoa."
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Oi. What about sending in some awesome Christmas requests
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I have actually been craving some nero content. How about a drabble/scenario of nero n reader sparring each other? Loser has to do a favor for the winner (whoever wins is up to you)
You knocked his feet out from under him. Nero huffed and rubbed his job. "Give it up lover boy, you've lost six times already." You said extending your hand. He sighed taking it and standing up. He sighed before finally coming up with a devious idea. "Alright fine. Let's make a bet. Whoever wins this game, owes the other a favor." He offered. You chuckled. "Okay okay fine." You agreed. You readied yourself thinking of hilarious favors that you could use for him. He stood ready. You dodged a move with ease and clotheslined him. He got up before you nearly knocked him back down. He fought long and hard with you and you could tell he was getting tired. "Just give it up Nero" you muttered under your breath. He sprinted forward and you were ready to knee him in his stomach before he distracted you with a biggie.
"I love you!" He shouted. Your eyes widened and you lost your footing before he tackled you. "Three, two, one! I WIN!" Nero said pinning your arms above your head as he was on top of you. "That's just wrong." You huffed. He chuckled and you blew a hair out of your face. Nero gave you that cocky smirk and you sighed. "Okay, okay. What's your favor?" You grumbled. "we have to go on a date." He said. "but... Nero we do that already. Unless this date includes sex, there's nothing really new there." You said as he pulled you up. Nero chuckled and walked. "Wait are we sleeping together tonight! Nero just say something!" You asked as he walked away. "You're driving." Nero said. "Nero! You're not answering my question--" he suddenly was very close and whispering in your ear. "Yes." He said. You must've been the color of a tomato as he put the keys in your hand and walked to the car.
Let's just say you lost a few sparring rounds on purpose because of these special little "favors"
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