rainydreams14 · 9 months
How Are You?
It was a rainy day in Sol City, people were having a coffee session in some cafes, some of them crossed the streets rushing to go to their work, and some of them were teenagers who had fun with their friends while their umbrella was open to protect themselves from showering rain. They had their face straightly on the road while chatting about random events to share of, including boys.
A black haired male student was walking towards the massive school building, tightly holding the handle of the umbrella. He was wearing his grey jacket, blue shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes while carrying his pale blue backpack from behind. His icy cyan orbs focused on the building while his wireless earphones were on, listening to the song he could vibe in which was Lemon Tree by Fools Garden. As he entered the school building, he was greeted by the brown haired man with a cheerful smile. 
“Hey, Kaine! What’s up?” 
The brown haired man noticed Kaine unresponsiveness since he was busy closing the wet umbrella, putting it on the handle where the rest of the umbrella hanged, walking to the canteen and bursting music from his earphones that the passerby could hear.  So, Kaine’s friend tapped his ears to gesture that he had his earphones on. Kaine noticed this. He removed them immediately and said, “Hmm?” 
“I asked if you have any plans for tonight?” The brown haired man asked, putting his bag on the chair beside him and taking out the notebook he reviewed for his next class. 
“Nothing,” said Kaine as he sat across his friend and opened his floating screen where he could keep the files. The start screen of the document had appeared after Kaine tapped the icon, revealing its loading display. His friend transferred beside him to take a peek on his screen. 
“You got something to do in that?” The brown haired man said, clicking on the back of his pen before looking at his notebook to answer a complicated physics problem with hopes he didn’t forgot his physics formula book in his bag.
“I’m free tonight and yes, just some research paper for our thesis,” Kaine responded as the document successfully loaded before rechecking the updated information his team had gathered. From his screen, there appeared a text that contained an update for their research.
‘Patricia and I went to the Akicia Street as stated from the news and multiple articles before, those weird liquid blood appeared at 11:48PM. We soon arrived and saw the blood spill on the ground, it doesn’t look like an ordinary blood though. It looks like an alien green leaf blood leading to the dark alley. Patricia and I were about to follow the tracks but it was late, our final decision was to get home since her parents need her presence for family affair. So, we instead, gather the alien’s blood — I have to call that since it sounds appropriate to describe — by using a spoon and put it in a tube as you suggested. It did worked though, it just look so slimy based on its appearance. Good thing the blood wasn’t dry so it’s easily slipped through the glass.
We went home on our separated ways and I took the tube with me safely. I kept them by putting them on a test tube rack. 
I need your further advice, leader. I'll be waiting at the laboratory tomorrow.'
Kaine was interested with the data his team had gathered since it was a massive news about the green blood issues in the Sol City and no one seemed to gather information about it. The data was new for everyone anyways. So, he took it as an opportunity to use it for their research which was a long life time if they wanted to continue with a cliffhanger closing. Kaine had his straight serious look maintained while he scrolled down with his index finger, his friend noticed this and tried to hold back his laughter. The brown haired man tried to convert into serious so he could follow with Kaine’s momentous vibes but he couldn’t. So, in the end, he started to laugh which Kaine heard him.
“Why are you laughing?” Kaine asked when he caught his friend’s wide grin. 
“Dude, you look so serious! I can’t help it. Why not try to smile, at least?” his friend responded with a soft laugh since he tried to hold it in. 
“Why would I smile when there is no reason to?” Kaine bluntly said, raising his brow to his friend to make sense of his answer which a large hammer hit the brown haired man’s brain to understand his response. 
“Ah shoot, yeah. I’d never thought of that. It would be weird to do that, it’s like you’re a crazy man creepily smiling at them thinking you’re planning to kill them,” the brown haired man said, writing on his paper to solve the problem than getting distracted by the girls passing by. 
“What if I am?” Kaine responded, keeping his eyes on the screen. His friend peeked over to see Kaine, trying to read his expression if he was joking about the killing, but based on his straight expression. He looked like he wasn’t. 
“Bro, are you seriously serious?” And Kaine glanced at his friend to give him a smirk. 
His friend blinked, then changed into a glare of pout and shook his head, “Nah, you must be kidding.” 
“Oh yes I am,” Kaine nodded, taking his eyes back to the computer screen to continue reading the updates. On the back of his mind, he wanted to stay to read more news articles about it but when Kaine checked on his black watch, he noticed that Biology class was up next on his schedule.
“We better go,” Kaine continued, closing the floating screen that disappeared in a flash instead of searching some articles about the alien blood. 
“Right. Jake, I know you want to skip class but you have to attend for the sake of your future,” Kaine’s friend looked like he was talking to himself while putting his notebook back. Jake does that sometimes as a sign of self-scolding but it’s his hobby. 
The two best friends left the cafeteria quietly, they could hear their footsteps echoing the hallways. But not just the two of them, multiple footsteps were heard with voices as the students entered their respective class. Feeling at this moment that they were not the only ones rushing to catch the time made them relief.
“Before we separate ways, have you seen Stella?” Jake asked Kaine as he held tight on his brown bag pack. 
“No, she look busy with her filming. What about her?” Kaine responded. 
“It’s just, we haven’t hanged out since multiple projects shoot at her like a machine gun. She’s been pretty busy nowadays,” Jake sighed. 
“She is. Not sure when she’ll be with us,” Kaine looked down on the ground, thinking about the times Jake, Stella, and him used to stay at the bench away from crowds. Jake and Stella were the talkative ones, they seem to argue a lot but in the end it was a comedic scene for Kaine. An entertainment. But, this time it was different. People change, everyone change because of their experiences and trials they encountered individually. All they had to do was to hope that Stella was doing fine with her project. They wouldn’t know if she had changed. 
“I’ll see you later, Kaine,” Jake said, waving at his silent friend as Kaine gave him a small smile before taking the stairs to the fourth floor. 
As the noises from the raindrops heard in the afternoon, the cold wind passing by as the rain continued to shower in Sol City. Students inside the classroom were sitting on their respective place, it was a formed of an auditorium yet medium size instead of a massive one. Clearly fits the number of students inside the classroom, they had their notebooks out and some others were using the floating document screen to take down notes about the discussion. The professor wasn’t writing on the board, he had his presentation on through the floating screen hologram provided by the school. It showed the pictures of human anatomy with the description of how it functions. Most of the students in class silently participated on the topic but the rest were doing their best to rush their thesis for the next subject they had to attend. As the professor finished discussing the lesson due to the time limit, all of the students packed their things to get to their next class. Their schedules were separated depending on the block, section, and courses they took. They had their free will to choose which courses they wanted to include or remove in the list, but for Kaine, he was satisfied on how he had three hours of spending time in his favorite place. 
That was where he would go, Kaine walked out of the classroom as he opened the screen to check if there’s any message especially form his teammate. Lou appeared on the message screen after three seconds of checking, Kaine opened the message to see what was written. 
‘We’ll be waiting for you in the laboratory.’ 
Kaine closed the screen after reading the message, he focused on the hallways to where the path would lead him to until he stopped his tracks to check the room. Kaine moved his head to the side to peek over the door window, there he found a black haired girl all alone with her painting palette on her right hand and a brush on her left hand. She was wearing a green dress, hair tied up into a half-moon bun, matching silver crescent moon earrings and necklace, and her blue oceanic orbs focused on the canvas. The gloomy lights dim around her like a dramatic scene of silence yet it didn’t match on how the girl was so serious with her painting. Kaine tried to familiarize what those colors were on her palette, he noticed they were yellow, red, black, and white. He remembered there were appropriate artistic names when it comes to identifying the colors but he decided to make it simple for now. 
Every stroke the girl made in the canvas was a mystery to him, Kaine was observing on how she used those different brushes that he couldn’t describe. He wasn’t familiar with the term. He didn’t pick the art related course because it was his weakness. He just knew those simple sizes of the brush she used and those were small, small medium, medium, medium large, and large. 
Weird to describe this... 
But then, Kaine saw the girl’s strokes halted and spotted that they caught each other’s stare, which made him move his head away and continued his steps at a rushing pace. He tried to calm himself. He had to take a deep breath and maintained a straight face so no one would ever see his embarrassing reaction. Knowing he was well-known as “Mister Loner with straight face”, he decided to keep that title.  
As soon as Kaine arrived at the laboratory, he put his hand on the doorknob and twisted it before pushing to open. He spotted his laboratory crew with the test tube on the rack where the green blood contained in it. Kaine walked to the seat and put his bag on the floor. He opened it to pull out his lab coat and wore it around him before the group started their discussion. Their group were formed into six with five members, each of their own would propose a research paper with a choice to be published or not, to be continued or ended it right there to let the other researchers continue their data, and if there was something interesting with the information. That would be the school’s decision. 
“Did you see the updates?” Asked the dark chocolate haired man, which it was Lou. 
“Yeah,” Kaine responded shortly, walking near to the test tube and took it off from the rack to glance at the alien blood. 
“We haven’t moved, we were waiting for your instructions” said Lou. 
“Alright, do they have any microscope slides?” Kaine asked as he grabbed the microscope. 
“We checked the cabinet if they have some. Fortunately, they do,” the blonde haired girl with hazel eyes said, grabbing the microscope slides from the other table and carefully gave it to Kaine. 
Kaine grabbed the microscope slides as the hazelnut haired girl went near him to hand him the pipette. Kaine took the two objects and placed the clean microscope slides on the table carefully so it wouldn't shatter, he used the pipette to transfer the alien blood and placed the droplet carefully at the end of the slide before smearing by using an extra clear slide. After that, he used the cover slip on the sample to stay with caution so it wouldn't trap an air of bubbles and removed the excess liquid.
The process has been completed, now the team decided to check on the microscope as they expected that they wouldn't see some cells in the blood due to the water drying up. Although by its appearance, it seemed wet and was able to spread on the slide.
Kaine placed the slide on the microscope, and he adjusted on which of the three he would be able to see clearly on the sample before he leaned forward to observe the particles in the blood. There, he spotted the cells still alive and running yet contaminated bacteria due to the combination of the ground and blood little particles. He could see the leukocytes, thrombocytes, and an unfamiliar cell that was unique from the others. That cell formed green on its blood that the plants don't have. All of the living creatures didn't have this kind of cells that would maintain its functions wet blood, although Kaine didn't know what else that blood's function in a deeper note.
Kaine wanted to know more about that blood.
Kaine mentioned what was in the green blood, his teammates were silently excited to see it, but before that, they had to wait for Kaine to finish his turn. The hazelnut haired girl opened the document, and she started to type on the floating screen as she listened to Kaine's dictation.
"Leukocytes and thrombocytes exist in this cell. Leukocyte is a cell that acts as a defender that attacks the foreign pathogens while the thrombocyte is a cell that repairs the damage of the skin, a builder role. Now for this mysterious cell is unfamiliar. This new cell doesn't exist in animals, plants, and humans or all of the non-living and living creatures. This is the first time I've seen it, no other functions that can identify but to maintain the color green of the blood." Kaine said as he stepped away from the microscope to let the others see the subject.
Lou went to the microscope to check the alien blood, and there he spotted the same thing that Kaine had mentioned. He observed deeper on the cell's movements and had a lightning function about the green cell.
"The green cell acted as the same as erythrocytes. Look, it doesn't have a nucleus. Therefore, this cell gives off oxygen while circulating the body. I notice something strange too, there's some dendrites in this cell, I think those dendrites deliver messages to the body, so maybe every time when the dendrites brush off the other dendrites from the nerve cells. Then, the information will be sent to the owner as a response to something... Mysterious." Lou explained, leaning his head back away from the microscope lens before looking at Kaine, who was thinking about his information.
"Then what could be the function of that dendrites. It doesn't have an axon and a nucleus. The nucleus is the central power of the cells." Kaine said, sighing deeply as the team decided to stay the night to analyze the blood. Although it wouldn't take too long for them to stay until midnight, they had to separate ways to arrive home and do their homework from other minor subjects.
"I'll send the notes to you later," the hazelnut haired girl said, taking off the lab coat, folding it properly, and placing it in her bag before carrying it on her back.
"I'll be expecting that." Kaine said, grabbing the key from the drawer under the laboratory table and waiting for his teammate to finish packing. Once she was done, the hazelnut haired girl walked out of the room together with Kaine.
Kaine locked the door with the key and put it in his pocket as the two of them walked down the hallways quietly.
"You're going to return the key?" The hazelnut haired girl said, looking at him for a second before glancing back at the path to where the exit was.
"Yeah." Kaine responded shortly.
"Okay." The hazelnut haired girl said with a nod once.
The hazelnut haired girl's name was Patricia. She had been with Kaine a lot during their groupings back at their minor subjects for four years. They had been seen as potential partners whenever it was by pair in their previous chemistry class without Lou. Although throughout her life, their conversation was so short. They only talked about academic topics such as assignments and discussions, which made Patricia eager to know more about him.
Patricia opened her mouth to speak, "So, Kaine."
"Yeah?" Kaine responded, activating the floating screen to check if he had a message, but no one did.
"Do you have a Valentine date?" Patricia said slowly.
"I wish." Kaine responded and took out the earphones from his bag.
"Oh, well, I don't have one too." Patricia said, trying to make a point of her side and hoping for Kaine to realize what she was saying. But on the way Kaine plugged his earphones on his ears and blasted music, Patricia found his actions disrespectful, and she felt offended that he wasn't interested in their short conversation. Her heart twisted with a stabbed knife once again, telling herself that she was used to it and keeping herself quiet most of the time to give up talking at this moment.
After returning the keys to the guard, Kaine and Patricia separated ways when they exited the campus' gate. Kaine turned to his side to continue his track while listening to the song Caribbean Blue by Enya.
Letting the moon from above linger down the streets of Ocher.
'Hush now. You don't have to be afraid, my dear. You will be safe here in my land and soon you will get what you want.'
Every steps that the six girls would take marks the sandy floor. They had their navy blue dress as their red hair flow down, taking its movement whenever they turn around the rock where the blonde haired girl was sitting.
She had her arms around her knees, keeping her blue oceanic orbs on the rocky seat and observed every feet moving to the right before she looked at her left ankle where the silver anklet with a tiny amulet of a diamond crescent moon hugged. The girls held their hands together to form a chain of circle as a change of pace from their dancing. Continuously flowing their navy blue dress from the curves of the wave, the blonde haired girl kept her pale pink lips shut. She listened to their chants that were done unknowingly whenever it was full moon, waiting for the phenomena to happen, which was the super blue moon.
The blonde haired girl sighed, disliking what she was wearing. She had her white dress on yet transparent where her breasts and every curve of her body exposed and a crown of leaves with a diamond crescent moon in the middle on her forehead. On the other hand, she didn't dislike the accessory she had, which was a matching earrings and necklace tiny leaf wrapped around the tiny crescent moon. Barefoot kept still on the rock, not touching the ground as she kept her tears in. Not wanting to fall those salty salty tears off her eyes, she had to be brave enough to stay still and get used to their practices. She couldn't even understand their words since she wasn't taught by it when she was four.
"Naghihintay ang dagat sa kanyang sinta.
Hindi niya makuhang maibalik ang kanyang sinta.
Natutulog na lang siya sa loob ng kuweba.
Umiiyak habang nananaginip ang hawak ni luna
Gusto niyang hanapin ang kanyang luna.
Ngunit hindi siya makagalaw.
Dahil sa pusong nadurusa."
The girls looked so happy, and they had their lips curve up into a smile as they changed their dance. This time, they turned around to face away from the girl. They had their eyes closed while the blonde haired girl tilted her head in confusion.
She was always confused about their dances. She had no clue what was going on, but she remembered what her mother said.
"When the girls turn around, stand on the rock and reach out for the moon, then recite this..."
The blonde girl stood up from the rock, she locked her eyes on the moon and extended her right arms up as if she was reaching for the moon, looking at it before closing her eyes to hide her blue oceanic orbs.
She opened her mouth to speak, "Ako ay babalik sayo, aking sinta. Mahintay ka lamang at hindi na ako aalis sa iyong tabi habang buhay. Ito ang aking pangako."
It was black in the vision, but when the eyes opened, there revealed a blue oceanic orbs staring straight at the crescent moon yet the horizon of the night blue ocean with her peripheral vision. Her feet on the sandy floor, silver anklet with a diamond crescent moon around her left ankle and the wind passing by her as it kissed her skin, giving her shivers. The black haired girl was wearing a navy blue triangle bra and a long gray skirt up to her ankle, matching crescent moon earrings and necklace, feeling the quiet atmosphere of the night scenario as she heard a sentence from a female voice which made her turn around.
"My dear, let yourself get rest now. You have school tomorrow." Said the short brown haired woman, her brown eyes focused on the black haired girl.
The black haired girl smiled and said, "Okay, mama."
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rainydreams14 · 9 months
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Mourn of the Night
By Xivene
"I still hold you in my heart forever..." Cerulean whispered as she held onto her silver crescent moon necklace and eyes closed while facing to the moon. Those seven floating candles with flowers spread the ocean salty waters surrounding her. Each of them connects to her heart, the soul that roams around the earth and repose in peace as the crescent moon guides them to their home.
But, there is always one of the candles that keeps coming back to her whenever she dreams.
She always sees him. Twice a month.
And it shatters her heart every time she wakes up. She felt a piercing piece of shards stabbing right through her progress of healing from the knives that the real world had given to her. The real world did not give her time to heal through the hurt every time she drifted far away from her Dreamland.
I want to go back. Please, take me back to Dreamland...
I thought, feeling the deepest pain from the continuous knives stayed and moved in as deep as it could. It clouded my thoughts that blurred the way where I was supposed to see, and everything I felt was just full of darkness that overlooks my regrets.
I've always wondered why the moon can't take me instead?
Why am I still breathing? They still deserve to live. Why can't the world heal them?
Why are always the good people die, and while the other people who are trying to be good stay alive?
I want to go back to Dreamland... When will you take me away?
I'm tired...
"But there's so much you need to see. But, do wait, my dear. Soon, you and I will be living with love and peace forever." Someone whispered to her ears as she stood there, the bodies of salty water engulfing her lower body as the waves crashed to the surface. She felt like someone was there the whole time, standing behind her back or beside her.
Someone was watching over her, and those whispers felt so real. The wind that kisses her skin felt that someone wrapped their arms around her coldly, sending shivers on her body.
Are you a human? No. Stop fantasizing.
It's the hole in your heart and a problem to your brain.
But what if he is real? Stop. Fantasizing.
She could not help her salty tears continuously flow out of her cheeks silently.
Longing to return to where she truly belongs.
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rainydreams14 · 3 years
Her Beginning and Her End
Cerulean was born in the Real World where she belongs yet that was the world’s place for her, not on her own will. She wants something more in life, she will find a way which her thoughts were a mystery to Kaine.
Enya - Caribbean Blue
amies - Destination Unknown 
Hevy and Kainbeats - Uncertainty
Yoko Shimomura - Love Lost
List of Chapters: 
Hello, Real World
How Are You?
?? ???? ?????
Of Her:
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rainydreams14 · 3 years
Hello, Real World.
Sometimes, you don't know what you're feeling. Every single day, you feel decently neutral, happy then to sadness and exhausted that leads to numbness.
The numbness you feel inside it's like a missing hole that needs to be fixed soon. A puzzle that has to be completed or to be accomplished with a plan and a solution by solving those questions of existential crisis. Whether if you truly belong in this world or in your perfect world.
A perfect world a philosophy would say that those world of forms in our mind, thinking what we see is completely perfect and there but the image is incomplete — the reality of forms. The world of sense.
Those people you meet at first, they're so perfect. Their lips curved up into a smile, showing their teeth of happiness as they're all around with their friends to talk about different topics that seems "interesting".
But behind those masks are just... A mask. There are just a few people who are true. Very true. And I'm not sure if I'm one of them.
I'm so exhausted... Really, I need to rest. I want to slumber into my own world whether I would encounter such wonderful dreams that is too good to be true or nightmares that I want to escape from their bloody evil smirk with their deadly hands to capture me into their arms and forever possessed because of their seduction.
Or my faith had just gone low that I need to be stronger to fight against those evils.
But overall, I just want to live in my dream world. Reality is cruel. Real world is cruel.
I just want to walk into my room, activate that elegant lamp that was seated on the floor. Maybe release the aroma of peppermint or panaway, then lie down on my bed as I hug my pillow. Filling my room with silence and darkness with a little red orange smooth dim light as my eyes went heavy.
I yawned, pulling the pillow close to me as I closed my eyes to give up on fighting to stay away at this beautiful mood. Then, I felt something that wrapped around my waist. It was cold that made the hair on my skin stood up, I could feel myself snuggling closer to that mysterious hold, tightly buried my pillow to my chest as I suddenly heard a warm air hitting against my skin.
Maybe... It was a human?
No. That can't be, right?
Holding me closer like he wants me.
Stop. You're just fantasizing the impossible.
But it's like the feeling.
The feeling is dragging me into something.
A feeling that I took a heroine drug, taking it every single time as I drink it. Every time when I'm away from it, I can't live without it. So, I came back and took the bottle of heroine, put a few drops on a small glass before I drink it. Then again and again.
Whenever the real world drag me out of my bed, I have an urge to finish it all of these homeworks as fast as I could so I can be in my own world.
Honestly, reality exhausts me. So as the energy around me, their emotions, their dramas, their laughter, and their activities.
Oh, reality. When will you let me go and be in my own dream world where I truly belong?
"I will take you back to me. Don't worry, my dear. I will make sure of that. So, just wait then we will both love and live for eternity." The moon whispered, hoping Cerulean to reach that message but she didn't hear anything. Only the coldness of silence in her room.
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