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My dad made this fake tweet this mornimg and sent it to me. I know it’s a little after the holiday, but I thought you guy might enjoy it :)
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I feel them there, just out of sight—haunting the place we left behind.
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I had food stamps when i got laid of and was proud of it...it HELPED i had children to feed when i got a job i stopped them😊
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Americans must read!😊😊😊
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The pundits have spoken, and they know what voters want: moderation. Since the election, pundits have watched the right run off the rails while worrying that the Democratic Party might embrace moderately more liberal positions. In Alabama, pundits assured Americans that Sen.-elect Doug Jones couldn’t win because of his support for abortion choice. Pundits have lambasted progressives for being too far to the left on immigration (The Atlantic), trans rights (The New York Times), abortion (Free Beacon) and climate change(Axios). On issues like abortion and immigration, Democrats have been warned that listening to the progressive base could spell doom. Writing in the Times, former Clinton advisor Mark Penn and former New York City Council President Andrew Stein warned of a party “mired in political correctness” and “offering more help to undocumented immigrants than to the heartland.”
Instead, we’re told, it’s time to pivot to the center. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who famously recruited centrist Democrats to run for office in 2006 and urged the party to achieve “record deportations” under Clinton, told Politico in May, “The future, in a presidential election, a statewide election, or a congressional, is in the suburbs, where more moderate voters exist.” The party seems to buy this myth. “Democrats See Conservative Blue Dogs as Key to Winning House,” blared one Bloomberg headline from July, noting that the “party’s House campaign arm is now building close ties with the previously ignored Blue Dog Coalition.”
Polling data suggests that even on “hot-button” issues, like immigration, Democrats have the upper hand. In a the special election in Alabama earlier this month, voters overwhelmingly preferred Democrat Doug Jones to Republican (and alleged pedophile) Roy Moore on the issue of gay rights and, despite incessant warnings that abortion would drag him down, Jones pulled out a surprise upset by a comfortable margin.
Americans are increasingly accepting of reproductive rights, and opposition to them comes almost exclusively from white Evangelicals (a group Democrats gain little from courting). While Democrats have long cowered from discussing taxes, Americans are more and more supportive of hiking taxes to pay for services. In tracking public support for government, Pew finds that it has swung toward bigger government in the past year, with 48 percent in favor of more government with bigger services — the highest in a decade — and 45 percent preferring small government. (This is particularly surprising since Americans tend to prefer “big” government when talking about specific programs and small government when talking in generalities.) Pew also found that 50 percent of Americans support more spending on health care and 18 percent support cuts to health care. Similarly, 46 percent support increased spending on Social Security, with 6 percent supporting cuts, 58 percent support increasing spending on infrastructure with seven percent supporting cuts, and 67 percent support hikes for education spending, with 9 percent supporting cuts.
Many who argue that Democrats need to move to the center say that they need to do so in order to take over districts that are currently held by Republicans. To test the idea that Democrats need to embrace the center to win over such districts, I reached out to political scientist Chris Skovron, a postdoctoral researcher at Northwestern University who studies the way that political elites misperceive public opinions. Skovron used a modeling technique called Multilevel Regression and Poststratification to predict congressional district-level support for various policies. Rather than using national surveys, we can examine whether Democrats are right to move to the center in districts they are actually trying to win, and which pundits perceive to be moderate. Using this technique, Skovron modelled support for key issues and we calculated average support for a policy in the 91 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) target districts.
These districts range from Florida’s 27th (currently held by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who is retiring) which was won by Clinton by 20 points, to West Virginia’s 3rd, which Clinton lost by 50 points and where Democrats have fielded a scrappy outsider to run for the seat. To ensure that more liberal districts didn’t bias our results, we also examined preferences specifically in the last 11 districts Democrats targeted, which are far more Trump-friendly than the other districts.
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Our results suggest that the punditry has erred greatly in encouraging moderation. We averaged support for each policy across the districts, to measure the average across the districts. In the average DCCC target district, fifty-nine percent of the public support allowing a woman choose whether she wants to have an abortion and 57 percent support a path to citizenship. More than half of individuals in the average district either strongly or somewhat agree that white people have advantages because of their skin and 73 percent support a higher minimum wage. Less than half of the public in the average district believe that the government should prohibit spending on abortion (the so-called Hyde Amendment).
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Very good ....must read!😊😊😊
Liberals, do not expect Robert Mueller to save you from President Trump. Only politics can stop Trump and the Republican Party.
Many Democrats and liberals have spent 2017 fixated on the Russia-Trump story, especially the idea that Trump himself actively assisted Russian efforts to swing the election to him. Trump smells incredibly guilty of something, the circumstantial evidence is strong, and Mueller’s investigation has already netted two guilty pleas (of George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn) and one indictment (of Paul Manafort).
It is right and proper for this investigation to proceed. However, liberals should not delude themselves that it is definitely going to topple Trump like Watergate toppled Nixon. The American government is dramatically more corrupt than it was in the 1970s, and the Republican Party is rotten to the bone. If some smoking gun on Russia-Trump appears, there will be no Barry Goldwater-style intervention to usher Trump quietly from the White House.
On the contrary, it’s highly likely that if Mueller gets close to the president, Trump will simply fire him, and the Republican elite will help him do it. Republican hacks are already whipping themselves into a froth by smearing Mueller (who was appointed head of the FBI by George W. Bush) as some kind of deranged communist, and using that as a convenient excuse to carry out a partisan purge of the FBI.
Republican congressional leaders, glorying in their latest transfer of wealth to the ultra-wealthy, will either look the other way — perhaps their upcoming plan to gut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid — or join in the fun. The only Republicans who are meaningfully anti-Trump are a tiny handful of powerless, untrustworthy neoconservative warmongers.
On some level, this is starting to sink in among liberals. The conspiracy loon Louise Mensch finally exiled herself from polite liberal conversation permanently when she “reported” that Trump and Stephen Bannon are facing the death penalty for espionage. But that is only somewhat less likely than Mueller managing to nail Trump without being halted by Republican corruption.
The only reliable way to stop Trump and the Republican Party that has stood firmly behind him for his entire presidency is through strategic political defeat. In 2018, the GOP must be crushed at the ballot box, their congressional majorities taken, and Congress’ investigative powers put back to good use — and not just on Russia, but also on the unprecedented money corruption that suffuses the Trump White House. Never before in American history has it been possible to give a direct cash bribe to the president by simply joining or staying at one of his many golf resorts or hotels.
This will mean, of course, overcoming Republican cheating. The GOP has rigged the House to give themselves a roughly 5- to 8-point handicap, and attempted to systematically disenfranchise liberals with voter ID requirements and other deliberately burdensome measures. Democrats and other left-leaning groups must help people jump through those hoops and win by a big enough margin to overcome the handicap.
Then in 2020, Trump must be crushed at the ballot box. His corrupt administration must be thoroughly investigated, and any criminal acts punished. More importantly, the economic base of Republican plutocracy — Wall Street, monopolist corporations, and idle rich heirs and heiresses — must also be crushed. Monopolies must be broken up, taxes on the rich and corporations dramatically increased, and the size, profitability, and power of Wall Street sharply reduced with cricket bat regulations.
Meanwhile, Democrats must strengthen their own political base by strengthening democratic freedoms. They should make D.C. and Puerto Rico states, establish an inalienable right to vote, make Election Day a holiday, and strengthen and update labor law to spark a new wave of union organizing. Then they must overhaul the economy to cut the middle and working class in on the fruits of the last 40 years of economic growth, actually provide health care for all, and perhaps strengthen the welfare state for parents and children… 
(Continue Reading)
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(Conservative estimate. He likely passed that number in July.)
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Why would you pardon a TRAITOR?🤔🤔🤔
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The letter..
How HILARIOUS steve munchn the treasury dude..gets manure.(💩) in a letter😆😆😆😅😄😃😃🤣😂😂😂
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Anti-science and pro-oil decision that could endanger lives and the environment? Just another day in the Trump era.
The Trump administration halted an independent offshore oil drilling review, the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine reported on Thursday. The study was aimed at improving inspections of industry platforms, like the one responsible for the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster…
“The Trump administration has a pattern of silencing respected experts to make sure they can get their way, then clamming up themselves when you ask them why.”
“I’m still trying to get more information about this latest study, but I fear this is just another example of President Trump’s war on science and expertise,” Rep. Raúl Grijalva of Arizona, the top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee, told BuzzFeed News in a statement on the halt…
Btw, Raul Grijalva is a pretty awesome. One of the most liberal representatives in the USA. Pro-choice, would reduce defense spending, fighting to get money out of politics, against Keystone XL, supports funding for renewable energy, pro gun control, and more (x)
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Vintage Comic - Life With Archie #06
Pencils: Samm Schwartz Inks: Samm Schwartz Archie (Jan1961)
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Do you think that Santa is a capitalist construction?? I really want to see you inebriated answer to this question.
OK, full disclosure, I no longer celebrate Christmas. 
Much of this has to do with the fact that I have never been comfortable with the idea of buying something to give someone that is primarily frivolous. I did not grow up with much money and I never understood the point of buying people things that were a surprise that they would mainly use for a short period of time.    
I am not even completely comfortable with people knowing my birthday. I tell people to not give me gifts,  and the last time I asked for anything I asked for all of you to register to vote. So,  the idea of giving gifts has never been a huge part of my life, I have always thought experiences are much more important than purchasing a gift. 
For me, when I started becoming more socialist, the thoughts I had since my youth finally made sense. Even when I was Christian, I thought the gift exchange was just a part of the American worship of money (I can thank my early exposure to Chris Rock for that.) Santa is completely a Capitalist construct who was created to get us to spend more money. Just like many Christian symbols, They took someone, who at least tried to be a good person, and perverted his story to make us spend more of our money in order to enrich the Plutocrats. - @theliberaltony
- @fem-mew-nist
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💀 BEST HORROR FILM OF 2017 NOMINEE. See all of this year’s nominees here and cast your vote. Voting ends December 28th.
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Lesson learned never take your work home😊💓
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Already a two-time White House winner (Hillary and her husband left us a booming economy and a surplus after a successful two-terms — the prosperous 1990s),
Former Yale Law graduate, Children’s Defense Fund lawyer, First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, two-time New York Senator, Secretary of State, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes — she became “THE PEOPLE’S PRESIDENT” despite…
—Decades of right-wing smears (they have always known she is more than smart enough to be President),
—Manufactured “Clinton scandals” & “investigations” (Hillary has never been charged or convicted in 40+ years),
—Fox News (imagine what they will do to Bernie “Socialist” Sanders),
—Russia targeting 125 million Americans with anti-Clinton & pro-Trump propaganda in swing states (foreign interference into our Democracy and the promise of “free & fair” elections),
—James Comey tipping the scales in the final days of the election (unprecedented, especially since there was also an open investigation into Trump’s Russian ties at the exact same time — obvious double standard),
—Sexism (any man with Hillary’s political skill & qualifications would have easily won and been given the benefit-of-the-doubt on issues like gay marriage — Obama, Bernie, and Biden were all against gay marriage at one point, too. Hillary, however, passed the first-ever U.N. resolution on gay rights as Secretary of State —“gay rights are human rights”— and made it so trans Americans could change their gender on their passports),
—Bernie demonizing Hillary (spoiler —“Bernie-or-Bust”— Nader 2.0),
—The historical trend of one party staying in power for only two-terms at a time (8 years total). We were already headed for a Republican after 8 years of a Democrat,
—Obama racist backlash in Middle America (ie: the racist people in the swing states: “the deplorables” — Hillary was right on-the-money when she called out Trump’s dog whistling to racists),
—American Brexit: use propaganda & nationalism (“America First!”) to manipulate the low-hanging fruit to fall for a con-man charlatan (these Dictator types love demonizing the media—“Fake News”— and seeking revenge against political opponents — like Trump is doing by investigating the bogus “Hillary-Uranium One” fake scandal),
—The media treating the infamous “e-mails” as equivalent to the dozens and dozens of horrific things Trump has done (false equivalence) and never covering policy (Hillary had the most progressive platform of all-time and worked on a debt-free college plan with Bernie),
—Voter suppression that cost Hillary Wisconsin (also the most underreported story of 2016 — Trump won Wisconsin by such a slim margin that the amount of minorities suppressed would have put Hillary ahead of Trump),
…and yet Hillary still won the total popular vote by 3 million total votes.
A true champion — a warrior.
“Nasty Woman.”
Hillary truly was on her “A” game. She had to be. And was. Defeating Trump in all 3 debates.
Sadly, outside forces beyond her control derailed her campaign. The reality show candidate won enough votes in Middle America to win the outdated electoral college. Truly a “perfect storm.”
Never Forget: 3 million more Americans voted for the slogans: “Stronger Together” & “Love Trumps Hate.”
The woman held to impossible standards. Decades of battles. And the scars to show for it.
A true pragmatist.
And she’s still fighting for us with her new organization: “Onward Together”
Two-time White House resident and the first woman nominated as the nominee of a major political party in the United States…
The remarkable, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton.
“I’ve been called many things by many people. Quitter is not one of them.” ~Hillary Rodham Clinton
PS: Abolish the electoral college. It gave us George “Dubya” Bush. And now Trump.
Are Republicans unable to win the popular vote?
Al Gore and Hillary Clinton are our rightful Presidents. We are the *MAJORITY*!!!!
Vote in 2018!!
I’m talking to you (guilty conscience) “Bernie-or-Busters”!!
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Right wing politics these days: “Oh, if I disagree with crazy liberals and like Trump, I am suddenly a Nazi who hates Jews,  Hindus, Muslims, black people and feminists. ” *Me* “Probably not, no.  But you sure don’t seem to mind being associated with Nazis who hate Jews, Hindus, Muslims, black people and feminists.”
That itself is a moral question. 
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