raipie07 2 years
So I just stumbled on your AU, and it鈥檚 really cool, but I just have one question: what鈥檚 it about? I鈥檓 not entirely clear on what the premise is meant to be here. (Also, who鈥檚 Sunrose?)
Thank you! And there's not really a central premise to the AU, I think. I normally just write stuff as I go. But if I had to chose something to be considered the main premise, it would be the SoulJams being a curse that needs to be lifted.
And Sunrose is an OC of mine. She's a part of the Ancients, and was killed, which lead war. (This is part of the aforementioned curse.) She was also White Lily and Matcha's half-sister lmfao
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raipie07 2 years
So we already saw Cacao鈥檚鈥oul thing. What about the others? Hypothetical situation.
[xxunnamedcookierun au]
These are two very loose sketches of very loose concept designs for PV and Goldie.
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Azure (The Light of Truth) is an cloud nymph, which makes PV's form very light and soft, which can also reflect the soft and kind personality he shows. He completely drops the flower staff, as it's an entirely different entity.
Aura is a snake lady (I forget what the species is called) and that shows through in Goldie's form. The snake features also bring out and highlight her dragon features. Goldie's knickknacks also shine more in this form, and makes more clitter-clatter when she moves.
Gala (The Light of Integrity) was the most "human" out of them all, and was very gothic and associated heavily with spiders. Truffle already shows these traits, but in this kind of form, it becomes much more prevalent. I imagine that she's be the only one to be able to speak in this form (albeit, brokenly) considering it was her speaking (venting to her friend, specifically) that brought the whole mess with the Ancients in the first place.
I've no idea what to do for the others, but here's what I'm thinking so far.
Matrix (The Light of Passion) at first glance, doesn't have much of an interesting appearance. Aside from Gala, she's the most normal. No tail, no wings, no funky eyes, no unattached limbs, nothing. Matrix, however, secretly, is a shapeshifter who just prefers her natural appearance. Holly's form shifts around constantly between her friends, family and others she grown to adore. She's always felt like she wasn't enough for everyone, so she continues to shift in this form.
Pip & Pop (The Lights of Cooperation) [Names are a WIP] are two elven witches who ended up falling in love. This story transfers to Rev and Matcha, even despite their sisters having beef at the time. I don't know if I want them to be physically connected in this form or not. These two I imagine would stay the closest to their actual selves, considering they have the least amount of problems to work through.
[Feel free to ask questions!]
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raipie07 2 years
Infodumping about my Cookie Run AU (xxUnnamedCookieRunAU [or "xx" for short ig, idk]) because I have no life.
Today, I'm tackling this little shit.
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This thing happened once and never again, with no explanation or lingering effects in canon.
In this AU, the Divine (If you don't remember, the shits Madeline goes on and on about) are like gods. After some beef with each other, one of them cursed a few rocks and hid them in current day Earthbread.
The Ancients found them and Bad Things happened from there. These cursed rocks are the Soul Jam, each representing a different Divine. (Or, in the Light of Cooperation and the Light/Spark of Integrity's cases, two)
The Soul Jams have an ability to give the holder a major boost of power, changing their form to become stronger. Both highlights parts of what makes them them and changes them to align with the Divine their Soul Jam represents.
The Light of Resolution is associated with the Divine Eclipse. Eclipse is most known for creating the bloodline that created the Dragons, but had also created (and succumbed to) the Darkness. That is where the dark, ghostly and almost melty form of Dark Cacao comes from.
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This, being a thing associated with the Soul Jams, means that this could possibly happen with the rest of the Ancients, or the next generation of Soul Jams holders (being the Current Era).
The Ancients, however, will possibly never realize the full potential of their power with the Soul Jam, as exploring the Soul Jam's ability seems to be taboo within the group.
[Feel free to ask questions!]
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