raisinghumans · 3 years
not to be farm girl on main but teach your kids to fuckin respect animals
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raisinghumans · 3 years
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raisinghumans · 3 years
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raisinghumans · 3 years
a home-cooked meal with you as we talk about our day and unwind and relax into each other
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raisinghumans · 3 years
someone invents a recipe > their child loves it > they grow up and replicate it for their own child > their child loves it > they grow up and replicate it for their own child > their child loves it > they grow up and replicate it for their own child > their child loves it > (this continues indefinitely)
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raisinghumans · 3 years
unfriendly reminder that being an antivaxx parent is a form of child abuse, medical abuse is a real thing that affects people, and unvaccinated children and other people dependent on a caregiver who refuses to seek the proper medical care they need are not your enemy they are victims
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raisinghumans · 3 years
Sensory overload feels like content aware scaling
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raisinghumans · 3 years
At 17, I was a depressed teenager who self harmed and wondered about just how painful it could possibly be to end my life.
Right now, I’m laying on the couch, and I can hear my husband reading our four year old a bedtime story using silly voices.
Life gets better. Make sure you’re there to see it.
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raisinghumans · 3 years
its not hard (:
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raisinghumans · 3 years
I think I'm gonna keep wearing a mask forever just to piss people off. I don't want to breathe your air. Die mad about it
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raisinghumans · 3 years
i simultaneously want to take a nap forever and do everything in the world.
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raisinghumans · 3 years
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raisinghumans · 3 years
when people are like “oh so you’re just gonna judge someone for their political beliefs?” yes actually. I think someone’s values and opinions is a pretty reasonable thing to judge them for.
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raisinghumans · 3 years
CDC: if you’re vaccinated you don’t have to wear a mask anymore!
me: *sets this new recommendation gently on the ground* ah. no thank you
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raisinghumans · 3 years
“To the mothers who fight for us. And mothers who become lifeboats when we are drowning. And mothers who empower us when we are broken, fill us with hope when we have none, teach us joy even when their own is diminishing. And mothers who give us oceans of love when when we do not think we can love ourselves and who stand up for us no matter what. And mothers who are trying to do better than their own mothers. And mothers who do not let us carry our traumas alone. And mothers who show us victories even within defeat. And mothers who have fought to make this world a better place for us and light fires within us to keep fighting on. And mothers who aren’t perfect but do their very best for their children, I see you. And mothers who are unappreciated. And mothers who deserve better. And mothers who are sacred, not because they are perfect, but because they are home. Thank you for always being our home.”
— Nikita Gill, Notes on Mothers Day
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raisinghumans · 3 years
the concept of growing into love is so much more intriguing than falling in love. it's like, on all our good days and bad days, I will choose to love you, I will learn with you, I will live my life with you and we will grow into and with each other through the passage of time
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raisinghumans · 3 years
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