rallymodeller · 1 year
It only goes back to 1977! I had to look it up: a little thing called The Godfather.
i'm curious
you can check which movie it was here!
pls reblog and put in the tags which movie it was :)
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rallymodeller · 1 year
Know who else is cute this anime season?
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Elda-sama is cute this anime season. My #1 anime pick for spring. And I want one of those Takamimi Shrine stickers. 
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rallymodeller · 1 year
Know who’s cute this anime season?
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Mitsumi. Mitsumi’s cute. 
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rallymodeller · 4 years
whip it wednesday
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rallymodeller · 5 years
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Oh yeah, I have a Tumblr. 
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rallymodeller · 5 years
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rallymodeller · 5 years
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rallymodeller · 5 years
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Yesterday I made a fateful decision, one that may be seen by others as... sacreligious. I have decided to refocus my efforts regarding my low-mileage GTV6 project into something new that is totally spoiled by the above picture.
That's right, I'm putting a Ford five-litre and a T5 gearbox in my Alfa in place of the stock drivetrain. The choice is driven here largely by cost and reliabity concerns when it comes to how I want to use the car when I'm done. More info to come...
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rallymodeller · 5 years
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“I could stop whenever I want. These are just choices.”
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rallymodeller · 5 years
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rallymodeller · 5 years
Oh man, I was going through some old text archives tonight and was reminded of dear old Carlos.  Wonder whatever happened to him? 
Spam Email Recap, vol. 1
Sometimes I like reading spam emails, just to see what’s going on in that world.  tonight i received maybe the greatest one yet.  There’s so much here, and i read it all.  i don’t exactly recommend you do the same, but if you’re completely bored, then it’s something at least.
I bolded the best parts, in case you want to skim.
Sunday 6th May 2012 Re: The Most Evil Human Of All Existence Plus  More - Please DO NOT Be Offended. STRICTLY PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL. Please do not react badly.   Dear Reader,
I know we have probably never met so probably do not know each other and are probably not friends and hopefully you are not an enemy but this message (previously my outgoing MySpace Message) is very very important.
First, allow me to ‘sell’ myself: In 1979, in a part of Saudi Arabia, I founded House Music and in 1992, at a location in Greece, I founded Drum & Bass. In 1987 I founded Club Amnesia, Café del Mar and in 1988, in a part of Saudi Arabia, I founded the Ministry of Sound. I own high-end recording studios around the World including in southern Spain, U.S.A. and Germany that many items of well known Music/Song have been created in including: ‘Go’ by Moby, ‘Open Up’ by Johnny Lydon and Leftfield, ‘The Gift’ by Way Out West and ‘Movin’ Too Fast’ by The Artful Dodger & Romina Johnsson. 
Cut & Paste only the following genuinely virus-free and malware-free link to download a file from: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?66b51673kr5hmdc - it contains exclusive information about Mr. Harold Branson and some of his associates. (This link may occasionally change because of the document at it being updated therefore it may differ to that in an Email that I may have sent to another party/parties).
The file at the above link just holds a Microsoft Word document containing what would normally be my MySpace message that I would be sending to you and many other Artistes etcetera. The MySpace message is adult-rated but it does not contain any pornographic material whatsoever and it does not contain any offensive text whatsoever. The MySpace message contains information relating to extremely serious criminal activities and is designed to evoke grave concerns about Artistes that have been and may in the future literally be damaging the World very badly as predicted in the mid 1990s – “With their Music they will damage the World very badly.” and “With their Music they will help destroy the whole World.”. Please enjoy this MySpace message.
There is an officially acknowledged international crime ring known as The World’s Worst Organized Crime Ring. And, The World’s Worst Organized Crime Ring is also known as things such as The World’s Worst Murder Ring and The World’s Worst Pedophile Ring. The organizer/ringleader of The World’s Worst Organized Crime Ring is a Mr. Harold Branson alias ‘Mr. Richard Branson’ of Hull, Yorkshire, England that is fraudulently practising as the combined Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Virgin group of companies despite having served a suspected thirty-three terms in prison (eighteen short, fifteen very short?) mainly between England, U.S.A. and Germany for this, that fraudulently claims to have founded the Virgin group of companies in England despite having served a suspected eight terms in prison (five short, three very short?) between countries including England, U.S.A., Germany and Japan for this and that fraudulently claims to be of Blackheath, London, England. Mr. Harold Branson alias 'Mr. Richard Branson’ is also the World’s worst murderer.
Herein Harold Branson = Mr. Harold Branson alias  'Mr. Richard Branson’ and vice versa.
* of The World’s Worst Organized Crime Ring
The 2nd member* is a Mr. William Carson alias 'Mr. Tony Blair’ of Newcastle,  Tyne and Wear, England that from May 1997 to June 2007 fraudulently  practised as the British Government Prime Minister, that is fraudulently  practising as a United Nations Middle East envoy and that fraudulently  claims to be of Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland. Mr. William Carson alias  'Mr. Tony Blair’ is also the most evil man in the World. The 3rd member* is a Ms. Ann Branson alias 'Queen Elizabeth II’ of Hull, Yorkshire, England  that is fraudulently practising as the British Government Head of State and  that fraudulently claims to be of Mayfair, London, England. Note: Ms. Ann  Branson alias 'Queen Elizabeth II’ is the true mother of Harold Branson. Ms.  Ann Branson alias 'Queen Elizabeth II’ is also the most evil woman in the World. The 8th member* is a Mr. Harold Branson alias 'Prince Philip’ of  Hull, Yorkshire, England that is fraudulently practising as a member of the  fake Royal family of England and fraudulently claims to be of Mon Repos,  Corfu, Greece. Note: Mr. Harold Branson alias 'Prince Philip’ is the true  father of Harold Branson. The 12th member* is a Mr. Jeffrey Harris alias  'Mr. John Prescott’ of Hull, Yorkshire, England that is fraudulently  practising as a Labour Political Party British Government M.P. and that  fraudulently claims to be of Prestatyn, Denbighshire, Wales. The 18th  member* is a Mr. Dennis Norris alias 'Mr. George Walker Bush’ of England  that fraudulently practised as the President of the U.S.A. with a fake  accent, fake identification documents, fake credentials, a fake history et  cetera and that fraudulently claims to be of the U.S.A. The 23rd member* is  a Ms. Sandra Harris alias 'Ms. Joan Branson’ of Scotland (?) that is a  serious financial fraudster, that is a serious real estate thief and that is  the fake wife of Mr. Harold Branson alias 'Mr. Richard Branson’. The 26th  member* is a Mr. Stephen Harris alias 'Mr. Jack Straw’ of Barnsley,  Yorkshire, England that is fraudulently practising as a Labour political  party Member of Parliament and that  fraudulently claims to be of Buckhurst Hill, Essex, England. The 63rd  member* is a Ms. Sandra Harris alias 'Ms. Eve Branson’ of England that  fraudulently claims to be Harold Branson’s mother. The 66th member* is a Mr.  Walter Harris alias 'Ms. Edward Branson’ of England that fraudulently claims  to be Harold Branson’s father. The 120th member* is a Mr. Harold Branson  alias 'Mr. Sam Branson’ of England (son of Harold Branson) that is  fraudulently claiming to be an heir to Virgin. The 130th member* is a Ms.  Ann Branson alias 'Ms. Holly Branson’ of England (daughter of Harold  Branson) that is fraudulently claiming to be an heiress to Virgin. The  1,114th member* is a Mr. Simon Wallace alias 'Mr. Mark Rodol’ of Cornwall,  England that fraudulently claimed/claims to be Ministry of Sound personnel.  The 1,115th member* is a Mr. Michael Wallace alias 'Mr. James Palumbo’ of  Cornwall, England that fraudulently claims to have founded/part created the  Ministry of Sound brandname/club in London, England. The 1,116th member* is  a Mr. Stephen Harris alias 'Mr. Martin Ferrer’ of Devon, England that is  fraudulently claiming to be the owner of Club Amnesia, Ibiza, that is a  serious financial fraudster, that fraudulently claims to be of Spain plus  more. The 1,126th member* is a Mr. Walter Harris alias 'Mr. Ricardo Urgell'  of England that is fraudulently claiming to be the founder/owner of Club  Pacha, Ibiza, that is a serious financial fraudster, that fraudulently  claims to be of Spain plus more. The 1,196th member* is a Mr. Walter Harris  alias 'Mr. Pepe Rosello’ of England that is fraudulently claiming to be the  founder/owner of Club Space, Ibiza, that is a serious financial fraudster,  that fraudulently claims to be of Spain plus more.
Above are just a small number of members of The World’s Worst Organized Crime Ring.
There is much going on around me and much of it is very wrong - this has been described as “crime & mental illness” and is officially referred to as/rated as a collective of World’s worst atrocities.
My kidnapping into England is officially rated as the continuing 3rd World’s worst atrocity - A.I.D.S. is officially rated as the 4th World’s worst atrocity. The continuing selective blocking of any telephone of mine is officially rated as the continuing 37th World’s worst atrocity. The continuing selective theft of my electronic mail etcetera is officially rated as the continuing 38th World’s worst atrocity. The continuing selective theft of my land mail is officially rated as the continuing 39th World’s worst atrocity. Since August 2001 I have been kidnapped & obstructed in the London Borough of Enfield in London, England - the London Borough of Enfield is officially rated as the most evil place in Britain. My continuing obstruction is officially rated as the continuing 47th World’s worst atrocity. Since August 2011 Harold Branson with a small number of criminal associates have murdered more than 790 people (including babies and children) specifically around my person. There is approximately 225 years more crime due around the World because of what Harold Branson and associated have been doing specifically around me and approximately 25 years of this is because of 'Rich & Famous’ persons assisting Harold Branson around me. Many of these 790+ murders are officially rated as the World’s worst murders and some of them include the murders of the founder of Virgin Atlantic, the founder of Virgin Galactic, the founder of Virgin Holidays, the founder of Virgin Drinks and the founder of Club Space on Ibiza.
And, Harold Branson has raped many hundreds of female persons and simultaneously knowingly wrongfully infected them with H.I.V. specifically around my person and to date he is correctly charged with 120 rapes & simultaneous H.I.V. infections but unfortunately many people around the World have perceived this raping to be having (consensual) sex with lots of women and this has caused big problems around the World. Unfortunately Harold Branson has the H.I.V. in his body 'masked’ with a chemical named fluorexcolanine (or something like that) and this makes the H.I.V. invisible to 'standard’ H.I.V. tests so a 'special’ H.I.V. test is required to reveal the H.I.V. that he has infected his victims with and this 'special’ H.I.V. test is difficult (but not impossible) to access - in the U.K. a 'special’ H.I.V. test can be accessed via some members of the Team Sapphire of the U.K. Police (that deal with sexual offenses).
Do take note that Harold Branson has served thirty-three terms in prison for fraudulently claiming to be the Chairman of Virgin and eight terms in prison for fraudulently claiming to have founded Virgin. Since April 1962 Harold Branson has spent more than twenty-one years detained in prisons and mental hospitals around the World.
Harold Branson has featured on the news in Asia as “The World’s future has been destroyed” and “The World nearly ended.” because of nuclear bombings that he led - Harold Branson and close criminal associates of his have nuclear bombed approximately sixty-six countries including the Republic of South Africa (1992), India (1992), Japan (1992), the Democratic Republic of Congo (1994), the United States of America (1995, x 2), Germany (1998), Spain (1998), Israel (1998), the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1999), Malaysia (2002), Taiwan (2003), Mexico (2003), Greece (2005) and Malaysia (2006) and devastated them with approximately one-hundred and twenty-three (123) nuclear bombings with many tens of millions of people dying in them. These nuclear bombings occurred between 1992 and 2008. Be careful, Harold Branson is a 100% homosexual with a mental age of eight years and a low-quality I.Q. of twenty-seven (27) that is correctly diagnosed as very obsessed with me, and one of the mental problems that he suffers entails him deceiving all the time.
With thanks,
PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND FOR SECURITY REASONS - THIS IS A ONE WAY E-DOCUMENT  ONLY. MR. HAROLD BRANSON ALIAS 'MR. RICHARD BRANSON’ SELECTIVELY CRIMINALLY  SCREENS/THIEVES ALL E-COMMUNICATION TO ME, DIRECTLY OR BY PROXY, VIA A  GOVERNMENT ANTI-TERRORIST MECHANISM KNOWN AS THE SWITCHBOARD (THAT IS BEING CRIMINALLY USED AGAINST ME) AND THIS IS OFFICIALLY RATED AS THE CONTINUING 38TH WORLD’S WORST ATROCITY. THE SWITCHBOARD USES ELITE TECHNOLOGY INCLUDING ELITE MICROWAVES (SEE MY PERTAINANT MYSPACE BLOG ENTRY?). IF YOU ENCOUNTER ANY OF THIS CRIMINAL INTERCEPTION/SCREENING/THEFT OF E-COMMUNICATION TO ME THEN PLEASE CONSIDER CONSULTING YOUR ATTORNEY ABOUT IT. THANK YOU.  ************************************************************ Also at www.xanga.com/jakatta ************************************************************ N.B. I truly am the World’s wealthiest person (and I have been continuously  since August 1993), if this solves any problems…and it is me that is the  true Rebel Billionaire (in May 1994 I acquired this label on The Oprah Winfrey Show, U.S.A.). I do not very much like inserting these facts but it is intended  to suppress some serious organized crime. Please do not feel intimidated by any of this.
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rallymodeller · 5 years
YKK is the very definition of “gorgeous melancholy”.  The manga is even better. 
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rallymodeller · 5 years
Re-found this. Reblogging for reference.
Ooarai Girls School ups the ante.  Also: need to get myself a SAFS Raptor and a 1/20 Nishizumi head.
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rallymodeller · 6 years
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rallymodeller · 6 years
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rallymodeller · 6 years
It’s also worth noting that nobody in their 90s will ever master Twitter better than John Dingell
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rallymodeller · 6 years
Ooarai Girls School ups the ante.  Also: need to get myself a SAFS Raptor and a 1/20 Nishizumi head.
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