ramaria · 1 year
ngl this is just me for me
Also, I don’t support, nor do I condone JKR’s behaviour towards trans people! I just like Harry Potter!
How To Care For Your Blue Hufflepuff
(Listen to this while reading for a more interactive experience)
Sweet, warm Hufflepuff.
This sunbeam of a house is sure to bring your mood up in a matter of minutes with their kind words, and lack of judgement.
However, Hufflepuffs may sometimes display an odd phenomenon where they reserve their harsh words and judgement for themselves.
If this is the case, you have a blue Hufflepuff on your hands.
You can identify a blue Hufflepuff by the way they stifle their own laughter, or begin withdrawing for fear of being bothersome. Symptomes include but are not limited to: quietness, frequent apologies, tear-stained cheeks, stress baking, and in severe cases, tummy aches.
A healthy Hufflepuff will typically be humming to themselves, and buzzing around like a bumblebee. You will know your Hufflepuff is in dire need of treatment for blue if they see a cat stretching, and do not say ‘Ooooooh, big stretch!’.
Not to worry, there is a simple treatment. Much like the Gryffindor, the Hufflepuff values both stimulation and comfort. Try to achieve both of these in the treatment. A suggested treatment would be to invite them to do something new, such as hopping on the train to visit a new town for a calming afternoon out. Encourage flower-smelling and dog-petting whenever possible.
You will be able to detect a Hufflepuff’s improving state when the glitter of life returns to their eyes. Do not try to speed up the recovery process, they may become overstimulated, and will cry. (The author suggests you do not make your Hufflepuff cry unless you want a target from every house on your back).
With thorough attention, hugs, and perhaps even a sweet treat; your Hufflepuff will rise to full health once again, and get back to being the little bumblebee they are.
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ramaria · 1 year
Libraries are the best! I love libraries! Behold, books!
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ramaria · 1 year
If you want to fall down the rabbit hole, visit the daemon forum right here.
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ramaria · 1 year
Songs that remind me of Rain:
1. Chinese New Year, by SALES
2. The Path, by Lorde
3. She’s Electric, by Oasis
Put your favourite songs, or songs that remind you of your dæmian in the comments!
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ramaria · 1 year
Thought of the day: Is food just glorified soup?
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ramaria · 1 year
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Ello everyone! My name’s Amaris, and my person’s name is Rain! (hello, rain here :>) We created this blog so that I could speak from time to time. Here’s a little about myself:
Name pronunciation: a-mare-is
Nicknames: A, Amri, Mare
Pronouns: He/they/them/himself! I identify as male.
Settled form: Samoyed
Familiar/comfort forms: Stoat, snowshoe hare
Favourite colour: Green! (blue just matches better)
Favourite HDM character: Asta
It was really nice to meet you all. If you’d like to introduce yourself in the comments, I’d love to reply and have a chat. See you around!
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ramaria · 2 years
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Daemon moodboard for @ta-asteria and her daemon Amaris! ✨🌕
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ramaria · 4 years
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to my hufflepuff friend, i hope you know the sunshine you bring.
feel free to request one of your own!
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