rambletron · 17 days
i know we all think Kim K suxx for the "nobody wants to work anymore" commentary which, as broadly as she put it, is definitely lame and untrue but guys... i literally work with people who ask for *less hours* and *same pay*. they wanna work 4 hours a day and get paid the same as the 8 hour people. i've never seen this before in my 20+ years of professional life. people are upset with our 4 day workweek we have (4x8 mind you) because they might have to come in on a saturday once per month.
i shit you not, the people in this town Do Not Want To Work.
remember the portlandia trope, "this is where young people come to retire"? that's my town. i wish i was joking. one girl said she "couldn't imagine" having a 40 hour work week. like couldn't imagine it - ironically her schedule is 40hr/week but she just leaves early every day so it's not sinking in.
i work on a team of 12 people - that's our whole company. 10-12 people. these assholes signed on for a job they *knew the parameters of* and then checked out as soon as they passed the probationary period. it's so incredibly fucked for the rest of us who have to constantly pick up after their leisurely foibles and firing & rehiring is so incredibly expensive and hard because, as per above, no one here wants to work. one of the people we interviewed for ENTRY LEVEL ADMIN turned it down because she didn't like that she only had 3 weeks paid vacation WITH ZERO WORK HISTORY.
like are people's brains being rotted by socialist memes? i'm so flabbergasted by this.
brb leaving my analyst desk to go do data entry so i can stay here for an extra hour while people leave early and enjoy the weather
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rambletron · 18 days
some of the most unhinged shit i've ever read has been posted on this website
today's winner: i'll forgive fat girls for being annoying bc it's hard for them to live in this world
like what the actual fuck ?
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rambletron · 18 days
everywhere else i go to dump my thoughts is poison and i am v tired of subliminally curating my statements to fit the appropriate platforms so now i am taking to this veritable time warp to see if this will in any way shape or form ease my intangible thought stream and help assuage my endlessly firing synapses
it's incredible how loud things get inside when you perceive that no is interested in listening to your thoughts
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