ramdenagusih-blog · 6 years
Media and information literacy as expression of freedom of speech/expression.
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Nowadays media was the most popular and commonly used by a person, in reality we cannot deny that media is a part of our daily lives. Almost all of us are involved in this kinds of media, the Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and many more blogging sites. Media is one of the most commonly used in expressing their ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions in order to let other people know what is happening in your environment and in your society. Being involve in this different kinds of media is not that easy, you must be responsible on the things that you share or post for these thing may make or break relationship and can change on how a person see the world around him. Every person has a freedom to speak but be sure to know what are the do’s and dont’s in the blogging site you are in.
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For me, as a student the things that I can contribute, is that i can share information that comes from reliable sources and express my thought that can motivate and hopefully change the person who is reading and let him understand what media is really meant for. Being a media and information literate I must post important events and ideas that can help others to be more aware on the things that are happening around me. I believe that what ever you are posting or sharing affect you in different way, it may be on how they see you or on how they see your environment is and conclude you as what they are thinking about you. Through the freedom that we have in media, we could make everyone happy, disappointed, ashamed, realize and sometimes could hurt their feelings through some offensive and insensitive words that offends in their part.To prevent any problem, it is better for us to think first the words that would come from your mouth or by way of writing, try to think if the information could help them or beneficial to them, then try to include encouraging words or flowery words that could interest them to read or watch. Some of us are afraid to involve in media because we are not open to any comments or on how others criticize our works, that is why we must understand on how media works and to cope up on the person that are in that particular media. Just reflect from John G. Riefenbaker that defines freedom as “ The Right to be Wrong, and not the right to do Wrong ”.
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ramdenagusih-blog · 6 years
Media and information literacy as expression of freedom of speech/expression.
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Nowadays media was the most popular and commonly used by a person, in reality we cannot deny that media is a part of our daily lives. Almost all of us are involved in this kinds of media, the Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and many more blogging sites. Media is one of the most commonly used in expressing their ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions in order to let other people know what is happening in your environment and in your society. Being involve in this different kinds of media is not that easy, you must be responsible on the things that you share or post for these thing may make or break relationship and can change on how a person see the world around him. Every person has a freedom to speak but be sure to know what are the do’s and dont’s in the blogging site you are in.
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For me, as a student the things that I can contribute, is that i can share information that comes from reliable sources and express my thought that can motivate and hopefully change the person who is reading and let him understand what media is really meant for. Being a media and information literate I must post important events and ideas that can help others to be more aware on the things that are happening around me. I believe that what ever you are posting or sharing affect you in different way, it may be on how they see you or on how they see your environment is and conclude you as what they are thinking about you. Through the freedom that we have in media, we could make everyone happy, disappointed, ashamed, realize and sometimes could hurt their feelings through some offensive and insensitive words that offends in their part.To prevent any problem, it is better for us to think first the words that would come from your mouth or by way of writing, try to think if the information could help them or beneficial to them, then try to include encouraging words or flowery words that could interest them to read or watch. Some of us are afraid to involve in media because we are not open to any comments or on how others criticize our works, that is why we must understand on how media works and to cope up on the person that are in that particular media. Just reflect from John G. Riefenbaker that defines freedom as “ The Right to be Wrong, and not the right to do Wrong ”.
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ramdenagusih-blog · 7 years
Thesis Outline
What are the Risks and Challenges of Seafaring?
Seafaring is still an occupation with specific work-related risks. Thus, a further reduction of occupational hazards aboard ships is needed and poses a challenge for maritime health specialists and stakeholders.
Thesis Statement Outline
Seafaring is not an easy job it is one of the most difficult job, Why? you are working just like an OFW, you are far from your family and the risks of it is that you must adjust to the environment and also can cause a homesick. The challenge is that you must Face everything in your own without the help of your family.
In every working area it is composed of different risks, on board the ship also have some; just like the cargo that you carry, sometimes the chemicals can harm your health.On board the ship sometimes have an unexpected falling debris, you must also adjust to the people on board because it will also cause you harm.
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ramdenagusih-blog · 7 years
Thesis Statement
What are the Risks and Challenges of Seafaring?
Seafaring is still an occupation with specific work-related risks. Thus, a further reduction of occupational hazards aboard ships is needed and poses a challenge for maritime health specialists and stakeholders. Nowadays, maritime medicine encompasses a broad field of workplaces with different job-related challenges. Despite recent advances in injury prevention, accidents due to harmful working and living conditions at sea and of non-observance of safety rules remain a main cause of injury and death. Mortality in seafaring from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is mainly caused by increased risks and impaired treatment options of CVD at sea. Further, shipboard stress and high demand may lead to fatigue and isolation which have an impact on the health of on board seafarers. Communicable diseases in seafaring remain an occupational problem. Exposures to hazardous substances and UV-light are important health risks on board ships. Because of harsh working conditions on board including environmental conditions, sufficient recreational activities are needed for the seafarers' compensation both on board and ashore. However, in reality there is often a lack of leisure time possibilities.
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ramdenagusih-blog · 7 years
     Maritime Law Revised Edition
     Edmar S. Hisugan Jr.
     Grade 11-Forecastle
     John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University-Arevalo
     Joana Jacinth Ferrer
I . About the author
Dr. Teresita S. Oblepias, CMILT
Dr. Teresita San Dinallego-Oblepias is a proffesiol lecturer in different graduate schools in Metro Manila. Currently, she is attached to the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) Graduate School, Asian institute of Maritime Studies- Graduate School and Pamantasan ng lungsod ng Maynila- Graduate School of Manangement.
She is also a holder of both dotorate and master’s degree in business administration and a recipient of four scholarship awards. Two of which are for her Master of Science Degree in Port Management at the world Maritime University in Sweden and Diploma in Port and Shipping Management Studies at International Maritime Transport Academy based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The other two scholarships are for her Post- Experience Courses in Port and Shipping Management granted by the Royal Dutch Government and conducted in Holland and India.
Her studies in the Netherlands and Sweden provided her with invaluable knowledge and understanding about the regulatory provision of MARPOL 73/78 which were important components of maritime courses she had completed. She delivered several lectures under regulatory regimes of MARPOL 73/78 to different maritime institution in the Philippines after her studies abroad and started writing textbooks in maritime pollution as well as maritime laws in 1999. She is the senior author of the first edition of this textbook and also authored a number of other books and published articles on topics relating to maritime education.
Dr. Oblepias’ educational achievements are distinctly complimented with many years of work experience in government regulations. She served the Philippine Port Authority in various capacities from august 1977 until her retirement in April 2005, as a Port Operation Chief. Her distinguished record in port operation and management is recognized by the International Maritime Organization based in London, where she is listed in the roster of reserved port experts.
As a writer- researcher, she won 2 international merit awards for her port related essays in 1994 and 1998 from the International Association of Ports and Harbors based in Tokyo, Japan as a seasoned lecturer, she has received numerous certificates and plaques of appreciation for speaking engagements on maritime and business related topics from maritime school as well as civic and business organizations.
Dr. Oblepias’ is formerly the President of the Philippine Movement for Maritime Development, an NGO of maritime professionals. She is currently a Board of Trustee of the Netherlands Universities Scholars Alumni Foundation of the Philippines. For international professional involvement, she is a member of the London-based. Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport-Malaysia Chapter, in which she is entitled to use the institutional post nominal “Chartered Member, Institute of logistics and Transport” or CMILT.
This maritime book is being revised by Mrs. Teresita San Diego Oblepias, and entitled as MARITIME LAW. This book talks about the Law that is being defined as a body of rules decreed by the governing authority of a state to control relationship between the state and its members and controls the relationship among members themselves for the purpose of establishing peace and order in society, there are two types of law, the international and the municipal. The municipal is the law only in a state but the international law embodies rules of the different countries that is dealing with international organizations and associations. There are two types of Municipal law the private and the public. Private law concerns about the rights and duties between a group of individuals, while the public law concerns about the rights and duties between a state and individuals in the exercise of power by public authorities. There are two common system of legal structures and these are common and civil law. Common law was based on recorded decisions of the court and is being originated in England in the 13th century and spread to other parts of the world and the civil law was based on a Germanic-Roman Law, and a legal system adopted by the country to prevent the physical use of force to avoid damage against party. The main source of maritime law are statutes or legeslations and international conventions. The most important international organizations that are involve in development of international maritime conventions the ILO, IMO, and shipping committee of UNCTAD. The importance of the maritime law is evidenced by the increase of the international maritime conventions that affect many domestic shipping laws. Former Pres. Fidel Ramos recognized the importance of maritime law when he created in 1997 a Multi- Sectorical Task Force on Maritime Affairs. Even at early times, ships were made to transport goods and people and the technical design evolves as the years went by, and it not only use for transportation but also for the search for political and maritime power. Before World War 2 the ships are smaller that can only carry few passengers, and because of that the Americans build a larger massive ship buildings. Acquisition of a ship is not easy, it needs skills and knowledge about the commercial purchase and sale. Flag state a state whose flag a ship flies and is entitled to fly. Major flag states normally maintain a diplomatic representative in a foreign state. Registration of the ship can be defined as fulfilling the states condition for the grant of nationality to a ship. Ships are the most important assets of a shipping company and most of its certificates or documents required came out from the International conventions. MARPOL 73/78 and SOLAS 1974, as amended to have the most requirements. Validity of the documents and certificates are inspected by the authorities when the ships are in the port. There are two important terms used in transporting goods and these are contract of carriage and affreightment or CoA In the Philippines the contract of carriage applies only in carriage covered by bills of lading or any similar documents in title. Contract of affreightment may include other contracts where the entire ship is being contracted. There are charter party agreements the voyage where the charterer leases the ship and the time charter is where the ship is being lease in a period of time, while in the bareboat party, the charterer assumes the responsibility on the ship.
III . Lesson Learned
The lesson that I have learned in this book is that being a seafarer you must understand first the law of the sea and also on how to negotiate with other people in different countries. I realized that being a seafarer is not easy because it is your duty to ensure the safety of the passengers and cargoes.
 IV . Critical Thinking
This book is very useful to the track that I choose, and it helps me understand the law and the different kind of work on board the vessel and also negotiating to other people.
 V . Reference:
Maritime Law (Revised Edition) from the Philippine Foundation For Maritime Teaching Aids,Inc .
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ramdenagusih-blog · 7 years
“Light of the World you step down into darkness, Open my eyes let me see”
This line that I’ve picked is from the lyrics of the song “Here I am to worship”.this states that whoever believes that God is our savior and He is the light of this world, we are also the one that serves as the light in this world that will lead people to know and serve God.So why are other believers are like blinds and having darkness in their lives that lead some people to the wrong path?. Are they hypocrites?, they are speaking about our savior sharing ideas about our God, but why is that they don’t live or do the things that they say?, Everything that your mouth speaks is all about what our brain dictates, but not all words that you say in not what your doing right?! We are created in God’s image, our physical parts are complete, we have rights, decision and choices, everything that you do or act reflects on how you understand God.You are just like a man with a blindfold that doesn’t see where is he walking at, they believe the things that they hear but don’t see who is speaking at them, is it God that is talking to you?”Open my eyes let me see” this is what we must do, we must ask help from God so that we may know if what am I doing can glorify God? or am I walking in the darkness on where i don’t even know where I stumble. So are you a light of this world or a darkness that can lead other to the wrong path?>
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