rand-mircea · 8 years
Thou Shall Not Take Bananas for Granted
I went to the store today, and between others I quickly grabbed a kilo of bananas scanned them in a hurry, and dropped them in the basket. I love the self scanners; together with Spotify they remind me like nothing else that I live in the 21st century! No interaction with humans while you’re buying stuff and your soundtrack streams seamlessly straight from Sweden :)
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And then it hit me. I have absolutely no feeling of thankfulness when I buy bananas. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. None. And you, my dear reader, probably you also don’t have any such feeling towards bananas. And maybe this serves you right, but for me it should not be like that.
Let me tell you a fragment of a story.
I grew up in communist Romania. The policy of the government was that the country will import less than it exports. They cut all kinds of expenses, including electricity and water, and that was not always pleasant. But in time, the country almost completely got rid of the foreign debt. This is laughable nowadays, when Romania like every government and even every local authority are borrowing money from financial institutions… but that’s another rant for another time.
In any case, because of this policy of not importing too much, and because bananas do not grow in Eastern Europe, we only saw the fruit for Christmas. That was the one time in the year when the government imported and distributed a scant quantity of bananas to the stores. People would queue for long hours to be able to buy. (In fact, I remember that the best strategy at the time was, if you saw a queue, to first sit in line, and then ask what are people waiting for. You would gain several places like this).
The bananas were also green and had to be home-ripen. Everybody knew at the time that bananas should be covered in newspapers, and left somewhere in warm temperature till they would ripe.
An apocryphal story says that once, my grandma received bananas from one of my uncles. And since she never saw anything like that before, she thought those were actually some weird cucumbers gone bad, so she fed the cows with them.
In any case, I’m digressing. The whole point of this time trip was for me to remind myself and to you dear reader to be grateful for being able to have bananas any time we like. (Don’t you find it funny how I am breaking the fourth wall here, like I would be Woodie Allen in Annie Hall, although I suspect I am talking alone anyway?).
So yes, I think we should all remember, every now and then, where are we coming from, and be thankful for it. Sure the bananas are just a very simple example, and metaphor. There are many other things that I need to remind myself to be thankful for, things that I nowadays I take for granted and I could not even imagine having them some time ago.
And if you think that bananas are trivial, then I’ve got news for you: I have an even more basic reason to be thankful. And this one is an actual holiday for me.
Two years ago, in August 2014, I attended a conference in Vienna for one week. Unbeknownst to me, I ended up contacting a terrible pain in my neck. The moment I would try to look up, I would feel this horrible pang in my neck. I could not turn my neck. I could not walk. I could not enjoy anything, because of the pain.
I went to the pharmacy, and described the horrible situation in which I was. The kind lady there, recommended a warm patch, and I think I burned her down with my gaze at that moment trying to convey the following: “i’m dying here woman, and you’re recommending me a warm patch?”. You see, I was convinced that what I got was some injury to my vertebrae or something really horrible. Long story short, with the warm patches, in two days, my neck eventually recovered.
For the remaining two days, my biggest pleasure was to simply walk around and turn my head. Using my neck without the pain was a joy I hadn’t experienced in a long time.
We don’t know what we have, until we lose it. And that’s ok. The thing which really bothers me is that once we get it back, we still too easily forget.
So, to make sure that I don’t forget, or that if I forget, I will remember every now and then of the times when I thought I was doomed to never look up again, I have decided that for me, August 25 will be the “Day when my pain in neck went away” day, which I will observe yearly.
And now that I’m writing this I wonder when should I institute the Banana Day as a the next personal holiday.
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rand-mircea · 10 years
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Bern at night. 2015
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rand-mircea · 16 years
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rand-mircea · 16 years
The Course of Empire
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#1. The Savage State
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#2. The Pastoral State
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#3. The Consumation of Empire
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rand-mircea · 16 years
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#5. Desolation
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#4.  The Destruction of Empire
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Robert Fogel
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why the lucky stiff (wikipedia)
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