randamalaw-blog · 5 years
Robinson & Associates
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The statute of limitations in Maryland, as in all other states, is a law that establishes a limitation on the amount of time in which a lawsuit can be brought. In essence, the plaintiff involved in a car accident is limited to a three-year period should they wish to file a complaint with the court.  What’s more is that the “clock” starts to tick immediately after an injury has been sustained.  Should there be a death caused during a car accident, the law works somewhat differently.  If a person dies in a car accident in Maryland, the time limits for the family to file a lawsuit for wrongful death is still three years. However, that three-year period is from time of death as opposed to the date of the accident.  It is worth noting that the statute of limitations for car accidents in Maryland is non-applicable to car insurance claims.  Rather, every insurance company requires that a claim is made “within a reasonable timeframe” from the date of the accident.  Normally, what this means is that you should make an insurance claim within a few weeks at the very most. To do otherwise would likely make an insurance claim void.  Ideally, the insurance claim for a car accident should be made within a matter of a few days from the date of the accident. 
Motion to Dismiss
 If the lawsuit is filed after that three-year period, there is every possibility that the defendant, or those that are representing the defendant in court, will make a motion to dismiss the case.  Unless there’s an exception to an extension of the deadline for filing the lawsuit, which is a rarity, it is almost certain that the court will grant the motion.    
Car Accident Lawyers in Maryland
As car accident lawyers in Maryland, at
, we understand that you may well be dealing with a lot of pain - perhaps physical pain, and almost certainly mental anguish.  This pain is further complicated in that you may be unable to work. In which case, your bills will likely be mounting rapidly. Our expert and experienced lawyers fully understand your sense of urgency, and we will work very hard in helping you to reclaim your losses.  You should be aware that your insurance company is not available to you to provide you with the help that you need.  Every insurance company is a business, and businesses work on a for-profit basis.  This means that your insurance company has a primary goal of minimizing the amount that they pay out on every claim. Your claim is no different.  As a consequence of this, if your insurance company does contact you, we advise that you do your utmost to avoid speaking with them. Keep in mind that any conversation you have with your insurance company will be recorded. These recordings can be used against you at a later date.  Get in touch with us and we will provide you with all the advice and guidance that you need.
Address: 10220 S Dolfield Rd #200, Owings Mills, MD 21117Phone: (410) 484-1111
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