random-naga · 4 years
Trans artist creates Child Porn by CheshKuro
Spread this. Honestly this is vile. People are defending her because she is trans and well
People going Trans can't be called Pedophiles  and pretty much saying it's okay for them to be creating child porn and distributing it. And claiming it is wromg to call trans pedophiles even if they are one because it hurts Transgender communities 
These people need to go get their brains checked. 
Anyone can be a fucking pedo. Doesn't matter if the are Cis or part of the LGBT+. A pedo is still a pedo. Good job on the cops for shutting down her etsy and stopping that child porn distribution 
What is hurting the trans and  whole LGBT community is people allowing shit behavior run rampant in the community or defending Pedophiles and pedo content made by the community just because they are a fellow member. Calling out the bad eggs in the community is what keeps it safe. Defending the bad eggs just makes the community look bad.
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random-naga · 4 years
I think this situation all depends on when you learnt the term, where and how. Example I was originally taught something similar for the term "shota" through anime conventions and well how to draw books the more innocent meaning of it just being a cute character in shorts. It was only decade later via the internet i realized there was a seperate meaning. So it's very much dependent on the individual. Neither side is wrong or correct. [[Please don't think i am defending pedo content. I am not. Pedophiles disgust me(and honestly i feel almost the same way about children. No offense to anyone) Just saying some are taught a different meaning to the term]] Terms can change depending on what country one is from and when they learnt the word I learnt the term over 10 years ago and now people only know it for the one meaning. But that is just probably for the western community ,as i have seen Japanese reference books teaching "how to draw shota" but it's not teaching how to draw them in sexual or pornographic content And well the western fanbase is well known for changing meanings and make up their own terms. (Example rever/riba/reversible characters are known as seke) And well back in the day for example yaoi everyone knew it was an abreviation for something that roughly translates to "no point, no peak, no purpose" now it just "gay fetish porn" and that's all that it means (good example of words changing or being different depending on location is if you look at the certain slurs. Example "fag" some may cry slur others may think cigarette) So it also has an effect on what some understand these words to be. Loli however i agree with mod. I have only ever know that as porn related as seen by the incredible amount on dA that staff seems to always give the all clear too But then again some people may use terms differently who knows. Different people learn different things. Words can have multiple meanings
Also coming from someone who lives in a country where certain government member think Sword Art Online is child exploitation....so Context for character also helps determine whether it's meant to be sexual or just innocent
Shota doesn't mean child/boy or child porn. It's can be a name OR originally refers to "character in shorts". Also some people refer to Lolita fashion as "Loli" so please do be aware of context before accusing people. A lot of these terms are often changed out of the original context for western audiences. Also people can make Shota/lolita characters but in non pornographic context, why because the term doesn't mean child porn. Can the western fans stop changing the original meanings of words?
sorry anon, I’m western myself and I’ve always believed shota / loli content is porn related (dare I say pedophilic), especially after seeing content on DA being like that. Shota is pretty much now referred as “an attraction to young boys or an individual with such an attraction”. Loli is referred as “a sexually precocious young girl”. We can agree to disagree.
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random-naga · 4 years
DA good job on allowing this pass
Proof dA accepts Janelle's death wishing piece
Here’s one of Janellemeap pieces where she wished Emma Watson would die PLUS the report saying staff had reviewed the piece giving it the pass
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random-naga · 4 years
This! I still do not get where reverse racism came from. Racism is racism no matter who it is from. People learn the definition of something before tossing it around
For fuck sake people. Racism is not about how oppressed one race is compared to another. Racism is hate towards any race no matter the skin color. Being a minority DOESN'T GIVE YOU RIGHTS TO HATE ANYONE. You're still a racist if you do. Your skin color doesn't make you special. And fact-some white races have been oppressed. That toxic behavior isnt welcome on dA either. Educate your entitled brat ass or Take your racism elsewhere
there’s no such thing as “reverse racism” either. you’re still a racist
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random-naga · 4 years
This I remember some poor guy got accused of being a rapist all for reading and liking a book that contains some rape or people accusing a user who was gay of being homophobic for making a character who was homophobic Also this can also apply to uniforms. Some people like the uniform but doesn't make them one either. Seriously if we were what we make our characters or by what we read, write,watch or play and like....where is my demon army and why am i still human? Pretty sure there ain't corpse in my backyard either nor do i have mad assassin skill yet? People seem to be getting dumber more technology advances
Just because an artist draws fanart of say a nazi cat boy or werewolf from a series doesn't make that artist a Nazi supporter. Also if an artist makes a racist or murderer OC it doesn't make the artist one. Same goes if they like a series involving murder, noncon etc. Doesn't mean they surport it in real life or one themselves. Learn to differentiate between fiction and reality people. Don't attack people over a character or fiction
louder for the people in the back!!
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random-naga · 4 years
Another day another thief. Hides callouts as well. https://www.deviantart.com/yanissaholston/gallery/ Stolen-cropped https://www.deviantart.com/yanissaholston/art/alastor-the-radio-demon-832287058 Original https://www.deviantart.com/shadethenighthunter/art/Hazbin-Hotel-Alastor-775030492 Also stolen from the above artist https://www.deviantart.com/yanissaholston/art/drawing-of-alastor-from-hasbin-hotel-832072727 Original https://www.deviantart.com/shadethenighthunter/art/Hazbin-Hotel-Alastor-784843207 Stolen https://www.deviantart.com/yanissaholston/art/alastor-on-a-pole-lol-832546531 http://archive.is/HZTy1 Original. https://twitter.com/Kat00n_art/status/1099483492973531137 Everything is stolen. Help would be appreciated in fincding and contacting the artists
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random-naga · 4 years
riccardobacci is a glorified tracer
So no one is going to mention this tracing idiot for getting swamped with attention even though he’s just a glorified tracer? Ya it’s riccardobacci. I normally wouldn’t give a shit if they just went on their marry way but this dick goes around reporting other people because he thinks everyone else is stealing from him. Bitch sit your ass down because it’s obvious you’re a giant tracing whore.
This is a direct trace from this. Like come on man. Let’s just keep it simple people: TRACED from THIS. TRACED from THIS.  TRACED from THIS. TRACED from THIS. (the mercury one) TRACED from THIS. TRACED from THIS.
And the rest of his entire gallery is pretty much this shit. He closes comments because I’m sure he’s had call outs and doesn’t want to deal with them. Fuck this guy.
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random-naga · 4 years
People please learn to look at things from a different culture perspective. DA is more then just American users. Those from different countries WILL NOT see the same way you do. Example Asian culture is different from Western and trying to force your western ideology and belief is stupid. Different people are brought up in different ways and attacking them for it or how they write, belief or art subjects is ridiculous. You need to see they are not taught the same belief as what you have learnt
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random-naga · 4 years
Take some advice. Delete your entire gallery or move it all into scraps. It doesn't belong on dA. Demotivational posters, non artistic meme(what you post classify as non artistic but political or other). Those screenshots on what's his face. Move them to sta.sh. Those are classified as a form of callout/harrassment. Only post drawings OR photos you took yourself. Because sorry to say what you are doing is not allowed on dA. Artists are fucking sick of seeing accounts like yours, treating dA as if it is photobucket or stupid facebook. It's deviantART not deviantmeme. DA is an art site. Also If you got banned for what ever reason don't ban evade. It makes you no better then any other rule breaker. Go through the proper channels and ask for a review from the staff. Ask them to revoke it. Ban evasion like what you are doing will get you banned again. Same goes with your friends. The whole stage-burner thing. She(or he) was a troll. It is obvious why they said all that to bait people. She blamed autism for all those things to get a reaction because she is a troll. That was all obvious bait Yeah it ain't nice what they said, but that is what trolls do. If you kicked up a fuss about what they said then it is falling for it. All her actions was to bait people.
Greetings there, this is AudiomachineForLife speaking. It has come to my attention that I was a topic on your drama blog. While I indeed wasn’t happy about it, I’m not angry about it too. In fact, I’m willing to accept the things you have said about me before. I’m getting used to it. And the story behind my Talented Deviants’s Wiki Page? Well, I bet you don’t know that I am the person who got featured on both Atrocious Deviants Wiki and Talented Deviants Wiki (not anymore). You see, the reason why my page on Atrocious Deviants Wiki got deleted is because of a drama that if continue then three people including me will be publicly doxxed. So we temporarily deleted the page and restore the page when the drama is over. And your criticism on Talented Deviants Wiki is actually true. The Wiki got privated for a mass renovation here, even I can’t read it.
However, there are still some information I want to clarify cause I know it’s not true:
1 - “He thinks he’s the God here.”
No, I have never thought that, not even now. I was just trying to survive in the Internet. In fact, I don’t even know that people thought me acting like a God until you come and target me. There’s a difference between acting like a God and struggling for survival in this virtual world. It’s a harsh place. 
2 - “Why are people going on still about stage-burner?! THEY WERE A TROLL. Not a real user. A fake. They were using K-pop and the other stuff to incite hate on purpose. They were not responsible for someone’s death nor are they actually a kpop fan. Stop bringing up old troll news. I feel the people who keep making anti stage-burner art are ridiculous at this point. Fell for bait hook line and sinker and making themselves look stupid bringing them up constantly when it’s a dead troll account”
Now who said I fell for her trap? I already knew that Stage-Burner isn’t behind the death of Jerimin19. But the reason why I made her relevant is because she’s also directly responsible for four of my friends’ deactivation. Even supports Daddy Dom/Little Girl, blamed autism for SJWs and mass shootings, and even falsely accused a deceased deviant of supporting NOMAP. And they never come back. I don’t get upset when I got banned, I’m upset when my friends did nothing wrong but still being banned.
“Last year, I lost about 30,000 deviants due to false bans in a blink of an eye… And the admins just fucking watched.”
3 - “This may be an unpopular opinion. But just because some are claiming Audiomachineforlife had it tough and been a victim of abuse. Does not give him the right to break the rules or ban evade. It’s like excusing people for breaking the rules because they have mental health issues. There are many people who’ve had it rough, been through abuse or mental health issues and these are absolutely no reason to break the rules OR MAKE HATE ART(against the rules as well)”
Now who said I used my autism and/or my painful past as an excuse for ban evading? I used my autism and my past as a motive for hatred. That’s what motivate me and stop me from injuring myself. As long as I know what I’m doing is for a noble cause and people supporting me, I will still be there for everyone.
4 - I don’t care about Talented Deviants Wiki. In fact I am perfectly fine with my page on Talented Deviants Wiki being deleted. I want to be a controversial liberator more than an talented deviant. Good or bad, I’m on the Grey Zone, I’m on the thin red line between them.
5 - About TeagBrohman15… I decided to delete all the hate arts out of him. But I still keep 3 deviations about him, 2 of them are screenshots of evidences, the remaining deviation was too crucial to delete.
And about ShiraseMizugami… Yeah, she’s a douchebag. I have given her ass a block. Yes, I still detest K-Pop, but I don’t support things like behaving racists to Koreans, or being xenophobic to South Korea, or disrespecting deceased K-Pop Artists. I still paid respect to deceased K-Pop artists like Goo Hara and Sulli. This deviant is the exact opposite thing of my visions, the opposite thing of what I’m trying to fight for, and an total disgrace to healthy K-Pop haters. The type of people who ruined all the efforts to expose the truth about K-Pop Fandom or at least tries to make them better. Everything I did, all the hate memes about Pop Music I posted on DeviantArt was only because I care about innocent people and want to represent and speak in regards of their silenced voices. My purpose is not to forcing healthy K-Pop fans to quit listening to that music genre; that’s not how it works.
So that’s basically everything I want to clarify. Like I said before, I can accept the criticism you put on me and willing to have a polite conversation. I’m not toxic, I’m just misguided. If you have any more questions about me, then DM me through notes.
I appreciate you coming on here to clarify everything.  If you had a problem with being brought up beforehand, I would’ve rather you DMed me / this blog about it.  If you still do have a problem, DM me now so I can put you on the user blacklist!  One other user has said to stop posting about you but when I told him to DM me, I don’t think he ever did.  It’s up to you. - Mod S
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random-naga · 4 years
Wtf?! DNI if you like Tony Stark.....weird I remember that crazy from years ago who screamed and bitched when people faved "her cosplay photos" because she thought men would do the nasty or was stealing it. Funny thing was it wasn't her in the photo or hers. She was a crazy lying thief and impersonator. She was a loose screw
I do not understand people who join dA. A public website then makes a bunch if rules that go " Do not watch me unless i know you" or "only watch me if i say you can" or "don't fav my art work". Why bother joining or posting if you don't want people to follow or fav?! Why not join a site that allows privacy settings that can select who can see. DA is a public website and it is not like facebook or what ever. Randoms will watch you on dA because PUBLIC website. People are baffling
I remember coming across one where it was something like “DNI if you like Tony Stark” 🙈 whack!
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random-naga · 4 years
Another day another thief. Hides callouts as well. https://www.deviantart.com/yanissaholston/gallery/ Stolen-cropped https://www.deviantart.com/yanissaholston/art/alastor-the-radio-demon-832287058 Original https://www.deviantart.com/shadethenighthunter/art/Hazbin-Hotel-Alastor-775030492 Also stolen from the above artist https://www.deviantart.com/yanissaholston/art/drawing-of-alastor-from-hasbin-hotel-832072727 Original https://www.deviantart.com/shadethenighthunter/art/Hazbin-Hotel-Alastor-784843207 Stolen https://www.deviantart.com/yanissaholston/art/alastor-on-a-pole-lol-832546531 http://archive.is/HZTy1 Original. https://twitter.com/Kat00n_art/status/1099483492973531137 Everything is stolen. Help would be appreciated in finding and contacting the artists
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random-naga · 4 years
If she can't handle being told she needs to improve then she should get the hell off an art site. People should not be giving her ass pats and saying it's okay. If you're on an art site. Then sorry this is common practice. Can't handle it then art ain't for you. Blocking people for telling you you need to improve shows how immature you are and shows you definitely NEED to improve. Both as an artist snd person
Destinysweetpea you are NOT an artist
sorry disregard that other post!! this is where she cries about someone being mean and telling her to draw better https://www.deviantart.com/destinysweetpea/status-update/20035261 ( http://archive.is/Shi2N ) She mocks Neon, yet is guilty of the same thing: https://www.deviantart.com/destinysweetpea/art/A-blue-cat-and-a-light-orange-goddess-fox-in-love-827007009 ( http://archive.ph/xRhGU ) https://www.deviantart.com/destinysweetpea/art/Another-meeting-826899769 ( http://archive.is/QVUXK ) https://www.deviantart.com/destinysweetpea/art/Sitting-Down-with-Destinys-favorite-characters-826566412 ( http://archive.is/HfeM9 ) https://www.deviantart.com/destinysweetpea/art/2-dollars-for-this-cute-kitty-828239357 ( http://archive.is/wvTBR ) https://www.deviantart.com/destinysweetpea/art/Benny-the-Ball-bondage-edit-828237654 ( http://archive.is/DoEDb ) (ok wtf at this one?) https://www.deviantart.com/destinysweetpea/art/Dreaming-about-love-829099043 ( http://archive.ph/UmiGQ ) https://www.deviantart.com/destinysweetpea/art/Walking-with-the-gang-828896650 ( http://archive.ph/AnOAh ) I agree with the guy that told you to get better, he’s got a point, GET BETTER AND STOP DRAWING OVER SCREENSHOTS! You arent going to get better doing this, you are stealing just like Neon is honey. Also quit fetishizing over cartoon cats, im tired of seeing ballgags on my mother’s childhood cartoons ty. Like a human being!
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random-naga · 4 years
Dear thieves your “autism” or any other mental illness is not a fucking excuse https://www.deviantart.com/comments/4/50033829/4821005222 http://archive.is/O0Qc5 Honestly why do i feel they are lying they have all of those… Sick of people who think mental illness is an excuse to get away with steal, bullying or being an asshole. As someone with their own mental health issues people who pull this shit make the mental health community look bad
Another common excuse which is not an excuse. Age is not an excuse. If someone tells you to stop and has informed you why it is bad don’t go pulling but i am underage. 
You learn since young stealing is bad. You’re school even tells you not to copy from online. So NOT an excuse.
this!  THIS!!! - Mod S
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random-naga · 4 years
Surprised no one did a video on Neon. He sure deserves a rant video on him. Even more now since after that suspension number 2 didn't change him. Still acting the same and still unwilling to accept he is extremely flawed and in need of much help
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random-naga · 4 years
Not theft, but a user going arounds falsely pretending to be a company and submitting false DMCAs and false accusations 
Just a beware to any fanartist out there. Including sailor moon community There is a person sending out false DMCAs and attempting to claim to be funimation staff (despite sailor moon not being part of it) The user to be aware off https://www.deviantart.com/lalagracia https://www.deviantart.com/ivonart101 https://www.deviantart.com/lmineffire100 Vanesa303 (deactivated) https://www.deviantart.com/darklinks200(possible) Proof https://www.deviantart.com/amalaazula/status/19848852 https://www.deviantart.com/amalaazula/journal/Update-on-the-illegal-DMCA-take-down-830499942 http://archive.is/qP5YH https://sta.sh/019vee2rdotd (the fuck how is dA that stupid.) Some stupidity.  Artist ask for a pose then copy it so it’s traced….are they an idiot?! There is a massive difference between tracing and referencing https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/801671794/4751329920 http://archive.is/ldlwl Bit of a concern asking for loli/shota hentai https://forum.deviantart.com/jobs/offers/2458898/
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random-naga · 4 years
Please reblog and alert Themeatly, and warn MMDers!
https://exposing-anastasiap-batim.tumblr.com/post/611153977656131584/she-is-in-fact-making-an-actual-series#notes This user who keeps tabs on this thirsty horny rule breaking bitch has shared a link that’s rather important. Please alert the owner to Bendy and the Ink Machine, this violates his rules since this user anastasiaBATIM is TRYING TO MAKE MONEY OFF THIS. That’s a big fat no no, ESPECIALLY with mmd models THAT YOU DID NOT MAKE! MMD model sharers are also in danger since AnastasiaBATIM takes what she damn well pleases and does nothing to thank the user who provided said models or stages and props. I am posting this here because this anastasia herself was kicked from DA due to this, she also steals models from DA STILL and makes horrible death art of users who have used the BATIM models that shinraii has made. ALSO ALERT SHINRAI! Her Alice might be in danger as well!!
(Mod note: There’s tons of posts on that blog regarding said user so I won’t link it all for proof, but I would check it out)
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random-naga · 4 years
I must agree. He is a lost cause. He can't tell the difference of trying to help or an attack. He is too paranoid. It is clear he needs help but he won't seek it because he doesn't think he has a problem.
I recently sent NeonStudioKnightZone a note suggesting that they should seek some help from a doctor or mental health professional regarding their behavior. And even thought I emphasized that I wasn't trying to harass them, they just said something along the lines of "YOU'RE HARASSING ME!!!" I think this guy might be a lost cause.
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