If SASUKE fought Neji in the Chunin Exams finals instead of Naruto, who do you think would have won and why?
I would have to give the win to Sasuke.
Now while Neji could potentially block off Sasuke’s chakra points with his 8 Trigrams 64 Palms technique as well as having his Rotation which is deadly, don’t forget Sasuke has a two tomeo Sharingan as well as the Chidori.
And if things get too sticky for Sasuke, he has the Curse Mark to fall back on, which would definitely be too much for Neji considering how hard he struggled against Naruto’s Nine Tails chakra.
So I think it’d be a hard fight on both side, but Sasuke would eventually take the win.
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“Not everyone deserves to know the real you. Let them criticize who they think you are.”
— Paulo Coehlo, The Spy (via anditslove)
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In this house we drink "mad respect for sakura and her character development into a STRONG, selfless, independent woman" juice and "sasuke was severely traumatized and is deserving of forgiveness and understanding for his actions because it's trauma and if you thought he was annoying/toxic then yea that was kind of the point buddy" shots
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Jongup being the only member to post on social media.. TS posting about his birthday.. I got this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that Jongup renewed his contract but the rest didn’t
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Reblog and i will ship you with a B.A.P member based on your blog
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If/when BAP were to form a boy group in a different company and couldn’t use B.A.P as a name anymore, is there anything that would prevent them from being called P.A.B? Cuz I realized that P and B are similar when pronounced and it would make “covering” BAP songs easier but just switching B and P. They could be “Pretty. Amazing/Awesome. Boys” or whatever. idk just a random thought xD
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B.A.P Young, Wild & Free Comparison (Vlive vs Dance Practice)
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LiS Parallels
Guys, I don’t know if this has been mentioned before, but I found it interesting how both Max Caulfield and Daniel Diaz were able to activate their powers for the first time after watching a loved one being shot.
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So, I’m the only one made this comparison?
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Kindness goes a long way.
I live in a third-world/developing country. I’m privileged as I was born in a family that could send me to school, university even. 
I was buying some cake for my best friend’s birthday tomorrow at a local bakeshop. As I was about to pay, a young boy in tattered no more than 10 came up to me singing without words a Christmas carol. It’s not uncommon for young kids to come up to random people singing carols, especially around this time, to ask for money or spare change. I wasn’t sure if this was the same kid I’ve seen before that was mute, but he could be, as he was basically just using his vocal cords to produce sound that barely resembled a song.
As we were in front of the display of pastries, I pointed towards the part that had large cookies at about P10 each (about $0.20 I think). I asked him which flavor he wanted. Instead, he pointed to some minicookies that were sold in a bag costing P40 (about $0.80, but also about one meal, or even enough fair to travel to the main city). I’m kind off on a tight budget but I sorta already promised the kid I’d get him something (looking back, I didn’t, but in my mind, I did).  So I added a bag of those cookies (one of my favs, honestly) to my order and paid for it. I handed the kid the bag and he left right away. I wasn’t exactly expecting a thank you, honestly, because I doubt that was on his mind.
But as I was exiting the shop carrying the huge box of a cake, he was standing outside with two other kids. As soon as he saw me, he smiled and waved at me. I smiled back and I told him to share his food, which he nodded. I crossed the street to start walking home, but looked back to see him and the two other kids, also in rags, opening the bag.
I don’t like to brag for the sake of making myself look good, hence why I haven’t told anyone this. But I feel like my heart is going to burst if I don’t share the memory of that kid waving at me with a huge grin on his face while his other hand held a bag of cookies I bought him. My only regret is that I couldn’t do more.
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I bet he HAS videos uploaded there since the time he made the channel...but he can’t make them public...yet.
Ok but think about this
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Junhong had this channel since 2015, which means he couldve dropped any random thing he thought of in the past 3 years…and not to mention he made it the day before the matrix showcase so theres that too ;;;;
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Reblog this and I’ll tell you who I would think your bap boyfriend and best friend would be based on your blog 🖤
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Happiness Will Come To You.
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To all the men on tumblr
If your girlfriend tells you that you’re inherently misogynistic, she is not good for you.
If your girlfriend makes you insecure of your appearance, she is not good for you.
If your girlfriend hits you or slaps you out of anger, she is not good for you.
If your girlfriend makes you feel like you are beneath her, she is not good for you.
If your girlfriend pressures you to perform sex acts even tho you tell her you don’t want to, she is not good for you.
If your girlfriend make sexist jokes about men but takes offense to jokes about women, she is a hypocrite. She is not good for you.
If your girlfriend makes you afraid of making her mad, she is not good for you.
This has been a PSA. Girls you are worth it but men are worth it too.
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To SHAWOLs, BABYs, and anyone else who needs help, please, please, please reach out for help if you feel like you really need it already. I’m struggling with my mental health as well and I may be of help if you either just want to talk to someone about your problems or if you’re a Filipino and want to seek professional help na because I’m also seeing a psychologist (and a psychiatrist too). Just message me.
Always know that you’re not alone in this battle and you are worth more than you know.
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This is important! The director of The Book of Life congratulates everyone involved in Coco! That’s so cool.
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