randomfan35 · 2 years
In issue 24 , Zim's pack legs also has Tweezers apparently x)
(other tools too)
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Can I talk about how much I love the design and use of PAK legs? Because I’m going to talk about how much I love the design and use of PAK legs.
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Even when you ignore their ability to shoot lasers and create energy shields, PAK legs are cool as hell and I love seeing them be used for everything from climbing to combat to faster movement to even fast dodging and launching the user in various directions in episodes like Plague Of Babies (with Zim using his PAK legs to launch himself to the ceiling and generally dodge things during the Giganto-Baby fight) and The Frycook That Came From All That Space (with Zim using his PAK legs to dodge out of the way of Sizz-Lorr).
We also see them be used for intimidation in Halloween Spectacular Of Spooky Doom with Zim using them to tower over Dib.
But best of all, best seen in Dark Harvest, PAK legs can be used for more delicate actions as well, like flipping a light switch. They aren’t just a mode of transportation, they’re mechanical limbs that can be used for everything that an Irken’s hands can do. Hence why I headcanon that the tips of the PAK legs can split into three smaller claw-like tips, able to be used as fingers.
And one thing I constantly think about is things like PAK legs acting in tandem with the user’s organic limbs, mimicking the actions of the user’s arms and hands, even using those mechanical claws to mimic the user’s fingers.
I also think about things like Irken locks that can only be opened with a PAK leg, requiring that someone insert a PAK leg into a hole and use the leg as a key, rotating and maneuvering the leg as needed. Or an Irken control panel where the user inserts a PAK leg and maneuvers it to control whatever the panel is attached to.
I also think about things like an Irken struggling to control a ship and then deploying the PAK legs to press buttons and flip switches in the cockpit around them while they keep their organic hands on the steering wheel trying to regain control.
Or an Irken using their PAK legs to attack something behind them while they keep doing something else. Like this one clip from Sonic Prime:
And once again, this is IGNORING the fact that PAK legs can shoot lasers and create energy shields and I headcanon they they can also be used as welding equipment or precision laser cutters and a bunch of other tools.
This has been my incoherent ramblings about PAK legs.
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randomfan35 · 2 years
Hey this is important!
Hating on m/f ships does not make you “progressive”.
Hating on people who ship boys and girls just because it’s not gay does not make you “better”.
If, let’s say, a boy character who showed interest in both boys and girls, ends up with a girl, it’s not called “hetero bullshit”.
If, let’s say, a trans woman character ends up with a guy, nobody has the right to say “this character does not belong in the community because she’s straight”.
Bi, pan, ace and trans people exist in the lgbt community.
The lgbt community is not a club for gay people only.
It’s possible to be gay and still be biphobic, panphobic, acephobic and transphobic.
This is appearently considered controversial by some people so please reblog if you agree!
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randomfan35 · 2 years
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randomfan35 · 2 years
Zim not only attractive by irken standards it seems xD
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Irken beauty standards:
Height. Obviously.
Body shape. Being thin and slim is considered attractive. This is best seen with Skoodge, who is considered ugly in part due to his body shape, along with a slew of other factors. However, unlike height, this doesn’t have any actual societal effects besides surface level beauty, as people like Sizz-Lorr still have high ranking jobs like Frylord despite not being thin.
Posture. Stand up straight. It makes you seem taller and slouching is viewed as unattractive unless you’re already extremely tall, like the Tallest are.
Cleanliness. Although the extreme germaphobia and hatred of messes that Zim shows is unique to him (and Tak), irkens still view cleanliness as synonymous with attractiveness to a certain degree.
Antenna. Short antenna are viewed as unattractive, but so are antenna that are too long, so you want antenna that are right in the middle. Not too short and not too long. Luckily, antenna can be strategically cut to increase/decrease their length.
Symmetry. A more symmetrical face is considered very attractive. It’s like how we humans are attracted to symmetry, but taken up to eleven in terms of just how important it is. Just for example of how valued symmetry is when it comes to irken beauty, Tak’s beauty mark is considered ugly by irken standards simply because it throws off the symmetry of her face.
Many irkens will use makeup to either hide things that make their faces unsymmetrical or add identical things that mirror the imperfections to make it symmetrical. (For example, Tak using makeup to either hide her beauty mark or add a second beauty mark that perfectly mirrors her real one on the other side of her face.)
Eye colour. Irkens can naturally have just about any eye colour besides black, white and grey. And although Red is the most common eye colour, followed closely by purple, eye colours besides that aren’t uncommon.
The rarity of irken eye colours goes like this (in descending order from most to least common):
Orange, Yellow, Green and every other colour that isn’t Red, Purple or Blue.
What eye colours are considered more attractive than others depends heavily on other popular irkens with said eye colour. For example, currently, red and purple is considered in style because of the current Tallest, but there are other factors that can play into all this as well, like popular Announcers with certain eye colours for example. Different irkens can have different colour preferences as well.
Blue eyes are the only eye colours that are always considered attractive, due to them being the only eye colour that’s actually rare, being a recessive trait that only appears if the irken gets extremely lucky when being made in the smeetery, as their genes are randomized. Blue is considered a rare, desirable and almost exotic eye colour, and is always considered very attractive as a result of that.
Brighter coloured eyes are considered more attractive than duller eyes.
Surprisingly enough, Zim is considered to be pretty damn attractive by irken standards, with a slim build and symmetrical face, along with antenna that are just the right length and bright red eyes. He also has excellent posture and is probably one of the cleanest irkens you’ll ever meet due to his hatred of dirt, grime and germs. This can also be said about Tenn, with them being Zim’s twin sibling.
On the other side of things, Skoodge is considered ugly by irken standards because he’s short and chubby, along with having antenna that are too short and stubby, an unsymmetrical face and dull red eyes. The fact that he’s often seen in dirty clothes doesn’t help.
Tak is slightly taller than average and has a slim body shape, along with bright purple eyes and excellent posture and cleanliness, which should make her extremely attractive among irkens, but her unsymmetrical beauty mark and the holographic system that she installed into the side of her head, which also isn’t symmetrical, is considered very unattractive at the same time, so that isn’t really the case.
Tallest Red and Purple are considered to be the most attractive and beautiful irkens in the entire empire because of their extreme heights, slim builds and bright eyes, along with the fact that they rule the entire irken race and insulting them can very easily get you killed.
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randomfan35 · 2 years
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randomfan35 · 2 years
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I have never seen a layout in a skoolie conversion like these girls have. It’s very unique and appears to make more efficient use of the space. Take a look. 
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Doesn’t it look larger and brighter? 
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I like the color of the penny tile backsplash and the built-in spice rack.
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They’ve got a small work area with a comfy chair plus room to spare, and it’s one of two desks.
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Apparently, the driver’s area is utilized as part of the living space.
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A 2nd work area is larger, and look at the little bar.
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I have never seen a gallery wall in a skoolie.
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The bed is slightly awkward, b/c the bath is there, but they can easily crawl in.
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This is the roomiest one I’ve seen. Usually, they’re along the side of the bus. 
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Very thoughtful layout. 
via home junkie
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randomfan35 · 2 years
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Back to our regularly scheduled daydream plot
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randomfan35 · 2 years
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randomfan35 · 3 years
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randomfan35 · 3 years
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Thinking of The Trial, 10 Minutes to Doom, and Mopiness of Doom again
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randomfan35 · 3 years
Don’t say you have OCD because you like your room clean and you colored pencils in a straight line. Don’t say you have ADHD becuase have trouble focusing and fidget sometimes. Don’t say you are bipolar because your mood is inconsistent at times. Don’t say you have any mental disorder unless you actually suffer the effects from it every single day. You have no idea what obstacles and challenges these people face everyday. Don’t downplay their disorders to superficial tendencies everyone experiences every so often. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Goodbye :)
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randomfan35 · 4 years
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randomfan35 · 4 years
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I’ll admit it..
 this is another weird one and I did it really quick because I just had the idea while talking to my wife and I just wanted to .. not lose it. So..
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randomfan35 · 4 years
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I don’t see any of ya’ll talking about Zim’s jammies and i’m disappointed 
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randomfan35 · 4 years
[Spoiler!!] IZ Quarterly #1
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The doctor is a whole mood
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randomfan35 · 4 years
Honestly I will never get over that one scene of Zim and Professor Membrane literally just…. chilling having a normal conversation. Idk why that scene stays with me so much but it just. does
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randomfan35 · 4 years
Zim dissociates and keeps forgetting what Dib says to him multiple times
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