randomisatiom 2 years
One thing that went well this project was my introduction to level design, at the beginning of this project I wanted to begin learning about level design and to at least put up a competent start to it and personally I think I did from the detail of the tunnels and how I blacken it out to hide some visual bugs to the use of foliage to make my game more detailed with actual grass.
Amidst the development progress I ran into an issue that I would contempt from fixing for the entirety of this project; the animations. Initially everything I did for the animations such as the IK retargeting and animation blueprint, however during this I forgot to space the arms far enough apart making the animations clip into each other
If i was to redo anything different next time or if i could improve further on this project i would definitely (as i said) improve my animations but also i would probably want to advance my knowledge and learning further into level design with things like sky boxes and the background of levels i think that that step would be beneficial to a project like this to able the game to not feel so isolated and possibly make it more open.
Despite my issues i had with this project which mostly came from the nightmarish retargeting and blend spaces parts of my project i am still proud of the fact i introduced myself independently to blender. Although it was a simple model, in the form of a fence, i familiarised myself to this new program by making and UV mapping a fence model that is seen in my final product.
In conclusion my 1st project of this new term personally i thought went better than usual with my ability to post more Tumblr posts vastly improving additionally i focused my time and energy in to new areas of game development with the concept of the game being very simple and easy to make.
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randomisatiom 2 years
Feedback Fixes
A very small and simple fix this time, I just put and invisible barrier blocking you from going under the covering
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White not visible in game
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randomisatiom 2 years
Feedback 5
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In short I need to fix the roof but I cant do that without a massive barrier which is more than obvious
Tested by Pawel
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randomisatiom 2 years
Death Screen
I created a simple death screen to buffer the space between death and restarting, it makes it more clean and normal.
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randomisatiom 2 years
Fence to add some decoration to the map
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randomisatiom 2 years
Using the foliage tool in unreal engine 5 I was able too add a proper lawn to my map. The reason I chose this grass Is because it looks like a typical lawn you would see in an American suburb. Also I was able to get a good regular even spread of foliage by using the fill tool 10 times on each cube tile and then about 4 more after realising that wasn't dense enough
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randomisatiom 2 years
Feedback Fixes 4
To fix the fps issue I have decided to deactivate fire after a few moment after hitting the floor
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The following is a process that disable the physics of a object when it has stopped moving (Gives a true result when moving) So when false the physics is disabled and doesn't take up frames simulating nothing. Additionally after 5 seconds from its spawn the particles are disabled
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randomisatiom 2 years
Feedback 4
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randomisatiom 2 years
Feedback Fixes 3
Added indication of score
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Updated positions
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Also added arrow above first powerup to indicate what they are the arrow follows you around
Had an issue destroying after its picked up though I just added a massive collision box to bypass this.
To improve their appearance I made a glowing material that will be used for either a arrow or outline plus added 2 to the ammo count that you start with and also increased the speedup to .4
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randomisatiom 2 years
Feedback 3
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randomisatiom 2 years
Game Demo
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randomisatiom 2 years
On the start screen there is glitch in where the background spontaneously disappears I figured it to be different cameras to the one I'm meant to be possessing as if run and have that feed up it doesn't disappear.
It was in the end rotating 90 degrees but to fix it was to add my character into the world I have 0 clue why
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randomisatiom 2 years
Feedback Adjustments 2
Frame rate
Removed the collision box and made you loose when you it the actual rock still needs improvement though because it is still using a box
Anti Afk
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Simple code to spawn a rock above you every 10 seconds works by getting the location of the characters capsule component and then adding some height (Z axis)
Reason I did this is so yo can no longer just stand in one place and must keep moving
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randomisatiom 2 years
Feedback 2
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What I gather from this response I can improve the Frame rate a lot, an anti afk feature alongside obviously fixing up the boxes
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randomisatiom 2 years
Feedback Adjustments 1
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Generalizing blurb on the aim
Enlarged the rock hitboxes
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Icon for indicating a power-up
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Added an animated widget when you get a powerup except box
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randomisatiom 2 years
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From this I realize I need to add a more untestable powerup UI and HUD information and give the player more instructions on how to play
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randomisatiom 2 years
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