randomstudyblr · 7 months
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January 4
A chilly, rainy day. Working on goalsetting, journaling, and preparing for the upcoming quarter. I accidentally showed up to a cancelled class, so that was a nice surprise!
I've got a good feeling about this quarter. I'm going to make it work this year.
Reading: Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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Day 1: JOMPBPC: Reading Goals
The beautiful books I plan to read throughout 2024! ❤️🧡💛
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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bookstore browsing
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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Last week…
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
Duolingo Sucks, Now What?: A Guide
Now that the quality of Duolingo has fallen (even more) due to AI and people are more willing to make the jump here are just some alternative apps and what languages they have:
"I just want an identical experience to DL"
Busuu (Languages: Spanish, Japanese, French, English, German, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Arabic, Korean)
"I want a good audio-based app"
Language Transfer (Languages: French, Swahili, Italian, Greek, German, Turkish, Arabic, Spanish, English for Spanish Speakers)
"I want a good audio-based app and money's no object"
Pimsleur (Literally so many languages)
Glossika (Also a lot of languages, but minority languages are free)
*anecdote: I borrowed my brother's Japanese Pimsleur CD as a kid and I still remember how to say the weather is nice over a decade later. You can find the CDs at libraries and "other" places I'm sure.
"I have a pretty neat library card"
Mango (Languages: So many and all endangered/Indigenous courses are free even if you don't have a library that has a partnership with Mango)
"I want SRS flashcards and have an android"
AnkiDroid: (Theoretically all languages, pre-made decks can be found easily)
"I want SRS flashcards and I have an iphone"
AnkiApp: It's almost as good as AnkiDroid and free compared to the official Anki app for iphone
"I don't mind ads and just want to learn Korean"
"I want an app made for Mandarin that's BETTER than DL and has multiple languages to learn Mandarin in"
ChineseSkill (You can use their older version of the course for free)
"I don't like any of these apps you mentioned already, give me one more"
Bunpo: (Languages: Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Korean, and Mandarin)
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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The last few days before the blizzard hit in Sweden
Tuesday, the 9th of January 2023
I woke up to the dog curled up at my side and the sun painting the world bright gold - what a splendid start to a day. Nevertheless, the feeling of meh (have you been introduced yet?) has taken over and I desperately want to stay home to study instead of going to university. Please send reinforcement (motivation)!
Things on my mind
Read Dubois's text
Read Turner's text
Sketch down an essay structure
Look for secondary lit
Russian seminar
Read The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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Wednesday, 3rd January 2024
Another day of lab report work, but most of the formatting is out of the way & the end is in sight :)
🎵 A Light In The Black - Rainbow
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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Monday, the 8th of January 2023
Thus begins the week of doom, with many hours spent on the phone with IT to get my hacked student account back. Yet the sun is out and weirdly enough my little brother is for once sending texts to keep in touch - so overall today's lovely.
Things on my mind
Class on political rhetoric
Work together with the IT to solve issues
Go though exam instructions
Send off Scottish history essay
Read biography on DuBois
Read DuBois text
Jot down notes for DuBois essay
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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January 5
Making some very exciting plans for the future with friends today, I'm excited to see what comes of it! There's a distant possibility of snow in the near future. I think it would be nice to see my city blanketed in quiet white.
Reading: the Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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goals, aspirations and hopes for 2024
academic achievements I'm working towards:
finish writing my thesis & hand it in (finally)
graduate from my teaching degree (finally)
apply for deaf studies b.a.
do one term of deaf studies & then make a Big Life Decision
apply for teacher training ?
attend workshops about queerness in schools & other interesting topics
what I want to do and learn in my personal life:
improve my german sign language (DGS) skills by attending more deaf&hearing events (weekly sign bar!)
pick up my norwegian again
stand up for myself and set boundaries with family even if it's hard
learn to accept help and work through the guilt of depending on others
learn 1 new skill (how to whistle Really Loudly!)
read 60 books
start volunteer work (maybe at an animal shelter or queer youth group?)
things I hope will happen / am looking forward to:
So Many Concerts
ya boi is getting top surgery (already done!!)
visits from friends! <3
making new friends at language classes or joining a sports group maybe
going on holidays with my parents in the spring & doing a small train-road-trip with my best friend in the summer
working my way through my post-top-surgery bucket list
adopting one or two cats (it's time to become a cat parent)
measurable goals/achievements:
hand in thesis & graduate by end of march
DGS lvl 5 class (spring), DGS lvl 6 (summer)
Norwegian A1.1 class (spring), maybe A1.2 (summer)
whistle at a concert in august (my voice is too whacky from being on t to do the wohoo)
read 60 books
try a new café each month
cook a new recipe twice a month
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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Finished a batch of bookmarks during the Christmas break: 6 Hozier themed bookmarks and a Viking one!!
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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61/100 days of productivity | 5/1/2024
reminder to self: do not compare your journey and progress to that of others. it's not a sprint; it's a marathon. it's okay.
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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31.12.23 20:00
last post of the year! i've got a few exams in the upcoming month, revision is well underway! (i'm lying i've sent most this holiday watching one piece)
🎶water - kehlani
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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1/100 days of productivity | 01/01/2024
baked orange cupcakes on new years eve; started my bullet journal with the yearly spread at a french cafe.
wishing everyone a lovely year ahead ~
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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January 8th, 2024 | Chaotic desk, because the start of the year is chaotic to say the least! Deadlines for reports and conferences, trying to meet my own deadline on the edition, and exciting adulting stuff combined with bad sleep get me all over the place. But hey, here's to new adventures!
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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Some pages of my bullet journal + plant tracker
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randomstudyblr · 7 months
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not a tea or coffee person but a tea and coffee person. Currently I'm obsessed with lemongrass honey tea and Kahwa! the gray cup is huge enough for me to use both my hands. Can you guys believe that we're already in the second week of the new year???? Forever gonna cry about the passage of time
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