randomthoughts2301 · 2 years
also, sorry, this page has basically just turned to somewhere I can rant a little and get my feelings out cause I don't really do well talking about this shit with people and I would rather share with people on the Internet than people I know.
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randomthoughts2301 · 2 years
do you ever just have one of those days where you don't feel like socialising with anyone?? cause I'm having one today and my mum invited her friend round and her daughter who I grew up with bur don't like anymore round. and she tried to get me to chill downstairs with them, but I just don't want to... like is it just me that has days where I just can't with people? on top of that, it wouldn't be as bad if it was someone I liked or at least tolerated enough that had come round. but like I dont really like any of them that's here. and on top of that she's basically making up shit that I never said.
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randomthoughts2301 · 2 years
I feel like I may be a little too bored..... I decided it would be a good idea to teach myself how to have better handwriting when writing with my left hand at 5am. I am a right handed person. i guess I just kinda wanna be ambidextrous cause it seems like a cool thing. its readable but not neat.
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randomthoughts2301 · 2 years
on another note, college has officially started back for the year, and let's just say induction week has been somewhat insane.... starting off with Tuesday, they had axe throwing going off outside one of the buildings... like wtf?!? FUCKING AXE THROWING?!?!?!? and then to follow that, they decided to go ahead and get a mother fucking mechanical bull on Wednesday!?!? I mean, anything is better than actual classes and work at least.
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randomthoughts2301 · 2 years
so, am I the only one who thinks the bootleggers are slacking a little bit??? I mean Erin Caldwell has been Veronica in the west end production of heathers for about a week now (maybe just under) and there isn't a single audio clip or video clip of her singing any of the songs???? like yes, I know bootlegs are illegal, and I know that it distracts the actors, but that hasn't stopped people before... and also, sometimes they are the only way to watch something. But like I would sell my soul for a clip of Erin as Veronica.....
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randomthoughts2301 · 2 years
there's something nice and warm about the feeling you get when a friend from school says your the only member of the friend group that they want to keep in contact with.
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randomthoughts2301 · 2 years
Have mums ever heard of knocking??? like I'm 17 and would like to have some privacy in my own bedroom, but my mum just barges in without knocking or at least yelling or asking to come in. its just so annoying, especially when you are strying to enjoy your last 2 weeks off before starting a new year at college
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randomthoughts2301 · 2 years
Six the musical has officially taken over my life, like its all I ever listen to, watch, ect. But also its all I can fucking talk about, like if anyone is talking about anything, i somehow manage to get it to the topic of six. also SVN have taken over my life aswell and those 7 Queens own my heart, and probably my soul too, like I would legit sell my soul to see them live...
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randomthoughts2301 · 2 years
my obsession with six the musical has reached a whole new level of unhealthy... and I'm loving it
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randomthoughts2301 · 2 years
what sucks, is when you have to be up at 03:45 and ready by 04:45 and you can't get to sleep and it's already 01:14. like I seriously do not understand how people can sleep when they are excited for something, like it genuinelyakes no sense.
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randomthoughts2301 · 3 years
Idk if I'm the only one who didn't know this, but I've just found out that Jennifer's Body The Unauthorised Musical From Hell is a real thing. It's sad that it hasn't become big, or that it isn't in the UK but, I wish it was. also it would be cool if someone actually wrote original music for it aswell, but a jukebox Musical is cool too. I just think that it is a cool concept and that diablo Cody should work with someone in the musical theatre industry to make this an official, real thing, rather than someone doing an Unauthorised version of what could be something absolutely amazing.
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randomthoughts2301 · 4 years
Sara: So your telling me that if I let your sister get a hold of this pink kryptonite it will turn anyone who is exposed to it gay until the infections over?
Kara: Yes. Please just dont let her get it.
*10 minutes later*
Alex: Thanks again for the help Sara.
Kara: I thought I could trust you...
Sara: Sorry, but I had to see if it was true.
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randomthoughts2301 · 4 years
Just want to remind everyone of this
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randomthoughts2301 · 5 years
Alex: Hey has anyone seen my human opener?
Kara: Your what?!?!?
Alex: My human opener.
Lena: Oh my bad, I moved it out of the way when I saw Kara flying through the window.
Kara: Will someone please tell me what a human opener is?
Lena: *Hands Alex her knife*
Alex: Thanks Lena, and Kara, I've started calling knives human openers because it is more realistic.
Lena: I couldn't agree more.
Kara: Alex, we've talked about this. No.
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randomthoughts2301 · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I LOVE IT! 🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤
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randomthoughts2301 · 5 years
Santana: Rules are made to be broken
Rachel: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Santana: Uh, piñatas
Kurt: Glow sticks
Santana: Karate boards
Kurt: Spaghetti when you have a small pot
Santana: Rules
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randomthoughts2301 · 5 years
Same reason as before
[At Booty Camp]
Mike: Okay Finn, go to the left.
Finn: Take it back now y’all.
Mike: No, I meant-
Puck, on the other side of the stage: RIGHT FOOT LET’S STOMP
Kurt, appearing out of nowhere: LEFT FOOT LET’S STOMP
Finn, Puck, and Kurt: CHA CHA NOW Y’ALL
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