randoomstuffzz-blog · 6 years
Gains and Views
Why is it that whenever there is a big conflict in society, people decide to take it as a joke or show a "better perspective". Well first of all, different social conflicts cannot be resolved by making a joke of it, 5hat only makes it worse. When someone creates a joke out of a problem things go past a breaking in which people dont know or understand how to deal with it and rely on the sources of others to fix everything for them. All humans rely on the uses of other humans. When we ask someone for something, we rely on them to give it to us. We have come to a generation in where relying is all that os know to all mankind. Some may say that is it's being helpful but when asking others to do something, we trust they follow and will give what was promised to themselves. Why do we rely so much on others? Why, as a society, have we changed the rules of "do it yourself" to "can you do this". As the population adapts we have gotten comfortable to the idea of others giving us walhat we want and giving ourselves the inability to try for ourselves. And once we do try ourselves we either give up or keep going. Most give up becasue they realize how much harder it was doing, and most likely find someone else to do it. Or the people who dont give up, persevere through the struggles and get through it. There might be a part in which they may need a friend or 2, but when they do it by themselves they feel more power and a strength in them that they may not have felt before.
What I'm trying to get at is, in society we are given tasks set from others and we do them I order to please. When one pleases another, the other person gains recognition from the main person. Social recognition is a main part of society. We, as people, feed off of others views in order to view ourselves that way. When one person says your ugly, some may not take that to heart and then it doesn't mean anything. Then when a whole group argues that your ugly, then you start doubting the truths you believed in before and replace it with social views. There was a show that explained how whenever we cross someone's path, we usually show judgment toward them. It may be bad but it also may be good. When someone holds the door open for you at the store, the person may judge positively. But if someone slams the for no reason then they may get judged negatively. Whenever we are judged negatively, we start to believe that we need to change in order to "fit in" or "look better".
We have relied on the sources of other for many years. Different sources lkke gaining recognition and pointing out social views. Everyone notices these things but never talk about the meaning behind them. So this is what that is.
A statement to the word of how we use recognition and views in order to choose our next step.
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