ranisthan-media · 2 years
Commander Mahreyah Kathiriyah Mahr
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ranisthan-media · 2 years
Chaturjirajah Singh
Muqti Jagirdar Chaturjirajah Singh Bhonsale al-Asad, Iqtadar of the Jagir of Daksin and Dan, Raz Tupa, acknowledged progenitor of the royal Chowtasingh line of Ranisthan. All portraits of him are based on this 17th century one, done in his lifetime and one that he reputedly didn't like because the artist gave the impression that his eyes were closed. Reports that the artist was executed because of this are unproven historically and that was not the nature nor personality of Chaturjirajah Singh. It is said that the artist did a new appropriate portrait but only this one survived and the other is no longer in existence, although 19th-20th century Neo-impressionist painter and Pointillist Jules Auguste Cezar claimed to have seen it.
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