ransulance · 4 years
The Diary of Lucas Wraith
I have decided to write a summarized version of my life in case something happens. If I went into detail I might as well write a book series. I was born August 7, 1400, at least that what the priests told me. I was left at a monastery as a baby in Ireland with a letter, I never read it but the long and sort of it was to beware of a vampire and to keep me safe. At the time it sounded like nonsense.
For a while I grew up just like anyone else. But as I got older something happened that changed everything. Demons attacked the monastery looking for something. The next day I overheard a priest saying that they were after me. That night I decided to sneak out and run, I wasn't going to put everyone in danger because of me. I lived on the run going from village to village. Between bandits and demons still looking for me I had to learn how to fight to survive.
After a few months I ran into a group of knights being attacked by a few demons. Three of them were taken out easily. Without thinking I charged in and killed the bigger of the demons making the smaller ones scatter into the forest. That's how I met a the first of many lords I would met, Lord Marcus Irunhearth. He was impressed by what I did he took me in. He had the priests in his fort teach me to read and write while he taught me how to be a kinght.
Once again though, something happened that made this life change. When I reached the age of 18 I felt a change in my body. Wish that was the only thing that changed but whenever I smelled blood I grew hungry. I asked the priest about what it could be and that is when I learned what I was. I was a dhampir, half human and half vampire all the strengths but none of the weaknesses. But I consider the need to feed on blood a weakness. But then Marcus told me about what he did to become a lord. He was a demon hunter and wasn't surprised about what I was. He advised that I joined him into go to Jerusalem to fight in the crusades. He heard reports of demons in the holy land and was summoned to stop them. He taught me how my vampire half worked, the more blood I consumed the more skills I learn from the source and the more powerful I become. I told him how I didn't like the sound of that at all and he assured me that it wasn't a bad thing to not want to, but if I wanted to survive it was something I'd have to do.
We arrived in Jerusalem and it was hell. Innocents dead, knights wounded and villages burned. I tried keeping the thirst in check as to not cause trouble. Marcus was there to help me and I grew to see him as a father. After three nights of hunting demons we found the one controlling them and man in black armor. We made a plan of attack and everything went well until we were face to face with him. Even woth my growing strength and Marcus's skill we were no match. In the end Marcus lost his life having charged the man only to be impaled. He was able to knock off his helmet and under it was a face that looked a lot like me except older qnd much more cold. After removing his sword from Marcus's torso he looked at me smiling and vanished.
I ran over to Marcus and as he laid dying in my arms he told me to drink hus blood. I would learn the other skills needed to be a hunter and to hunt down his killer. I felt forced into this but I knew it had to be done. I drink his blood and the knowledge and skills that flooded my mind were intoxicating. I stayed in Jerusalem fighting in the crusades and hunting Marcus's killer. I arrived in Jerusalem at the age of 18, but it wasn't until I was 25 that I realized I stopped aging. I also learned quickly that it's not just skills that I learn from drinking blood but languages as well and how someone thinks. Because of that I learned the one that killed Marcus wasn't in Jerusalem anymore and for some reason headed east.
I decided to sell my armor and made my way east. I made a living using my skills, and one I learned with my "gift", the skills I learned from others. The more I drink the more I learned but the more I hated what I was. Now matter how far I traveled my prey was always far ahead of me until the winter of 1499 that I learned he was in Japan working through proxies. After two years of traveling I finally arrived in Japan but not matter who's blood I drank or how many demons I killed I couldn't find him. I had built myself a home in some woods in the center of the island and laid in waiting for something to come up. That's went I met a very interesting man and his right hand a "monkey."
Apparently I became a legend since my arrival there. A foreign "Oni" that looked human but fought like a monster, slaying man and demon alike. That legend made a certain man curious and he wanted to find this creature, Nobunaga Oda. As for his "monkey" that was Tokichiro, that guy was just a ball full of energy. Nobunaga wanted to test me so he challenged me to a sparring match. This guy was as human as could be but he was no push over. After letting the fight end in a draw he could tell I held back and nodded. He offered me a better life than one as a hermit if I helped him unify Japan and help force the demons that harmed his people out. I accepted because that look in his eye was one I saw in my own, one of ambition. I packed my belongings and he let me stay in his home.
I won't lie his home was beautiful and he promised me a place of my own would be finished within the first week. Nobunaga was indeed curious about my nature so any questions he asked I answered. After learning everything I knew about my powers he ordered all of his best warriors to each offer a cup of blood and to put them at easy he even did it himself. With each cup I drank I learned all I needed to about the Oda Clan, their territories, their philosophy, how they fight, and how each one of these warriors and Nobunaga think. I became a one man army but only when it was needed.
A few months into this I was made into a lord of one of the castles I helped capture and because of many battles I had a reputation as the Oda Clan's demon. Because of that fame many humans and demons came to me asking to serve under me. Thanks to that it gave Nobunaga a title he always found amusing.
"The Demon King Nobunaga Oda, I like it!"
My forces were spread thin but were always instrumental in aiding the clan. After a number of victories Nobunaga said I should take a break and I left command of my troops in the hands of Tokichiro,now Hideyoshi, not sure why he changed his name but it did suit him. I retired to my castle and town to enjoy some peace, that is when I met someone who became very important. Her name was Yuki, an exorcist and my future wife.
At first Yuki was very uncertain of me but she stayed in my province incase I decided to turn on the people. But as time passed and the more we talked the closer we became. We ended up married and for the first time in my life I was happy and didn't feel like I was in any danger. A few days after the wedding Hideyoshi came and told me another foriegner like me was leading troops against the Oda clan. After years of silence he finally came out of hiding and I was excited.
Yuki wanted to come with me to help me fight. I wasn't about to say no to her, she was very strong in her magic and I needed any help I could get. Because of how Nobunaga needed me at the time I set aside my dislike of drinking human blood so at the time I had enough to kill this monster. When I came face to face with him I fought him alone with Yuki and Hideyoshi suppressing the man's troops. He stood looking at me unfazed but his troops being pushed back, all he did was look in my eyes just like before and smiled. We drew our swords and much to his surprise with one quick motion I took off his arm. He snarled and vanished as Yuki, Hideyoshi, and Nobunaga came to try and help me.
Even more time passed and we heard nothing of the man in black. Nobunaga rewarded me for my actions up to this point. He gifted me my own armor, a simple general's armor with a purple vest and black armor plates. On the back of the vest was the Oda Clan crest in white. He also had a katana made for me, he had it forged special for me. The blade was made from steel and what Yuki had claimed to be the fang of a dragon. Yuki had also helped in making it by blessing it making it never grow dull and indestructible.
This is the last time skip of my time in japan, I promise. Toward the end it looked like we were going to do it. But the main thing was Yuki gave birth to a son, my son Nobun. What came next no one saw coming, the man in black that killed Marcus tricked one of Nobunaga's most trusted generals to kill him at Honnoji Temple. The temple was surrounded by enemies by the time I got to the center it was too late, Nobunaga was killed. Hideyoshi then sent word that my home was being attacked. I rushed home to see it in turmoil but my forces seemed to keep the enemy at bay. My thoughts was focused on one thing though, my family.
I rushed to the castle only to find the man in black standing above Yuki's body on the ground, her head held in his hand, and to my horror my son held in a new arm that looked grotesque. You could see the muscle tissue and tendons until his hand that was still nothing but bone. The man raised Yuki's head up to show me her face and tossed it to the side. Then for the first time ever I hear him speak and it will haunt me forever.
"Consider this a gift... from father to son."
As he spoke I could see the fangs that could back his claim. Without hesitation he snapped Nobun's neck and ripped my son's head from his shoulders and tossed the remains in a fire. Everything flashed before my eyes until I saw nothing but red. I charged at him in a failed attempt to avenge everyone I came to care about only for him to vanish. After everything settled we held a funeral for the fallen and Hideyoshi asked me what we should do now. I looked at the graves of my family clutching my sword in my hands. I left everything in his hands and left Japan going back to Ireland.
I spent centuries hunting down my bastard of a father. He had his hand in almost every war up until 1888. I learned of a killer called "Jack the Ripper" who's methods were just like the old man's. I finally cornered him in a factory and fought him with everything I had. That was the first time I tasted demon's blood as in the middle of the fight I took a bite out of his wrist and for a moment I changed. I was far stronger and faster than I ever been before. I had him where I wanted him until an explosion occurred. With my new power I escaped and when everything settled I searched everywhere for his remaind but found nothing but a single fang.
After that waited 50 years, and the another, only to hear nothing. It was finally over, the one that took so much from me was gone. I spent the years after as a hunter, taking jobs and building up a network to gather intel. Some time in the 1970s my informants told me about an old druid vampire named Morzan that wanted to meet me. When I arrived at his home he said nothing, just motioned to a cup of blood. Trusting him I drank and visions of a younger him flashed in my mind. I have learned about magic but never used it because it reminded him of Yuki. I learned a great deal, more than I had from anyone but there was one thing that caught my attention. A memory of Morzan with that bastard calling him son.
Morzan confirmed that he was my grandfather and took off his hood showing that he was blind. He apologized for not being there to help me fend off my father from those I lost. He also told me about a prophecy about a child born of a human and vampire. Someone who could either end everything or protect it. He was pround that I used my power to help but was hurt because he could sense what i never told anyone. I wanted to die more than anything. He taught me a better way to deal with my pain.
My grandfather told me about everything I ever wondered about. My mother, where I came from, anything I could want to know. In the end talking with Morzan put some of my mind at ease and I decided to retire as a hunter and become an infobroker. That's when I opened up my baby, The Wraith's Haunt, at first just a front for my business with demon hunters. Information, weapons, cheap drink, and great food, everything a guy could hope for. The pub become my home and I came to meet a pretty cool group of people... and Kenway. But that's all to it I suppose, at least for now. I actually feel better about writing all this.
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ransulance · 4 years
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JAHunter OC
Name: Lucas Wraith
Born: August 7 1400
Age: looks to be mid 20s
Occupation: Info Broker/ Ex Demon Hunter
Species: Dhampir (half human, half vampire)
Orientation: Straight
Nationality: Irish, but spent most of his life in America.
Home: jeans, converses, and whatever t-shirts are clean.
Work: hunting- black pants, converse, whatever t-shirt he has on, fingerless gloves and a black vest with a hood. Info Broker- black pants, white dress shirt, same black vest with hood and gloves, and black suit jacket. Also most occasions he wears a black face mask incase his fangs pop out when he can't controll it.
Devil Trigger: None
Likes: Money, Alcohol, and strength.
Dislikes: Disloyalty, Dishonesty, having to drink blood.
Strengths: Vampric strength, speed, and senses.
Weakness: destruction of heart or brain will incapacitate him for at least a month. If he doesn't drink blood after a certain amount of time he looses his powers and becomes weaker.
Relation: Orphan
Reasons for occupation: Was hunted by demons since he was 16.
Bio: Lucas was raised in orphanage since he was a baby, after turning 16 demons would chase him wherever he went. Feeling he was endangering those around him he ran away. He learned how to fight as he was confronted by man and demon a like. After seeing his potential a human lord took Lucas in and taught him how to fight, read, and write. Lucas learned about demons from a priest who ran a monastery close to his new home. He learned all he could, there strengths, weaknesses, and how they act. After turning 18 Lucas began feeling a change inside him and a new thirst. He informed the priest and learned what he was, a Dhampir. This news brought much pain and great joy to Lucas, thinking that he can use his growing power to help kill the monsters that plagued him. He spent centuries hunting demons and murders alike until the early 2000s. Having built a sort of information network and a decent fortune, Lucas spends most of his time giving demon hunters aid in any way he could as long as the price was right. Of course he'll slide contracts here and there and maybe if you ask nicely he'll even ome out to hunt with you.
Thoughts on people:
Ashley the Pink Incubus: knows how to tease me and does it whenever possible.
Al and Amy Wolfguard: the siblings I never had.
Bella Luna: My favorite one, but will never tell anyone why.
Dax Sin: Good kid, might go places.
Carna Aye: don't talk to her much, I should fix that eventually.
Clare Diem: makes the best drinks.
Kenway: ... Kenway.
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