ranting23466 · 2 years
just an update on my beliefs cuz i havent been on here in a while
i dont fucking care. all this drama is stupid and unessecary, and im sorry for controbuting to it
al though, i dont regret it. i learnt a lot about the tucute community, and even though i still dont see their values well (well, i do see it but i dont agree with it), ive learnt that its none of my fucking buisness, and its not yours either
instead of the in fighting in the trans community, we should be focusing on what the fuck is happening in america right now
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ranting23466 · 3 years
i agree with the last one, it’s pretty much what i believe
it’s like, i believe in gender dysphoria and euphoria, but i think euphoria is a branch of dysphoric, bc the only way to feel happy is if there’s been sad times, same with dysphoria, the only way to feel euphoria/dysphoria is if you’ve felt dysphoria/euphoria before
Full offence but cis tucutes telling trans transmeds to die for disagreeing with them about our own medical condition, is straight up transphobia.
I mean, we don’t let TERFs tell trans people to die just for having strong feelings about our rights and our condition, so why do we let other cis people do it so long as they claim to be allies?
The only cis person who has a right to yap at me about what being trans is, is my doctor… and funnily enough my doctor also sees dysphoria as a huge component of the trans experience.
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ranting23466 · 3 years
I juat wanna make it clear (again ig)
Im a transmed, not a truscum
And that sounds similar but they arnt
Transmedicalism is just beliving theres a medical part to being trans, as in you need dysphoria to be trans (but personally i dint really belive ppl when they say theyre non dysphoric bc there has to be a drive to transition so they obviously have some firm of dysphoria but i digress) while, in my eyes at least, being a truscum is being toxic to people who dont 'look trans'
I do also belive that some people fake being trans, but i dont know why and its not my place to comment on if they are faking, only themself and an appropriately licensed therapist
This account has become inactive bc I'll be real, i have a life. I dont have time, or the emotional energy, to debate angry dysphoric twelve year olds and transphobes (st least its a debate on my end, on theirs its a pissing contest)
What im saying is, i probably wont come on this account often because i dont care as much amymore. I had to realise that my old beliefs and the shit i said? It wasnt that deep
Tldr: get a life instead of yelling at angry twelve yearolds, transphobes, and internet strangers. Its getting sad
And,, one other thing, while im here-
Tucutes arnt using up recources, we have plenty T and E to go around.
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ranting23466 · 4 years
I feel like some people dont realise that dysporia isnt completly hating yourself, its just the feeling that somethings not right
Its the thing that makes you realise that youre trans, the driving force behind it
It can be really subtle or really extreme but its not always hating yourself
So yeah, i dont really belive in non dysphoric trans people. I belive they are dysphoric but to a much lesser degree, lucky enough not to get upset by looking in the mirror, andd i envy that. I only wish i didnt feel as much dysphoria as i do
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ranting23466 · 4 years
Out of curiosity, how many transmeds here actually believe that you need debilitating gender dysphoria in order to be a valid transgender person. Tucutes always explain transmedicalism to me (a transmed) by saying we think that you need to absolutely hate yourself to be seen as valid. I know I don’t believe that and I don’t think any of you (minus possible radicals, but radicals are always shit) actually think that.
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ranting23466 · 4 years
Im gonna address this point by point, trying not to be an ass but if i come across as one then in genuinly sorry, im tired as hell rn
Gender dysphoria is the name for what we mean to say is gender incongruity (just like in the name, an incongruity between your sex and your gender). Gender incongruity is not dysphoria, although they're usually comorbid. Gennder uncongruity dosnt mean dystress, but it dose mran the general feeling 'something isnt right, i need to transition'. Gender dysporia is that, but more urgent and it dose cause distress, although that can be on a scale. Both are, by definition, a mental disorder because none of whats making you want to transition is physical, its all phycological (and there dose spark the debate that if its called a mental disorder that makes it sound like there's a 'cure', which there isnt. The closest thing we have to a 'cure' is to transition). Of course, transphobes do also say its a mental disorder but they usually use it as if that means that its inherintly bad, or that its caused by an external sorce (like idk depression) but its not, its suspected that gender dysphoria/incongruity is caused in the womb by a hormone thing.
(TLDR) we usually mean gender incongruity, but a lot of transmeds dont know the term, and it is a mental disorder because its all phycological, but its not caused by an external sorce, it might be caused by something in early development (the best thing i can compare it to [in how we suspect it starts in a persons life] is adhd or autism]
Take this point in mind that im tired and i have shit memory so this could be wrong but, im pretty sure the DSM has been proven to not be the most reliable source of phycological stuff. Theyve gotten stuff like adhd and autism wrong a couple times, and yes they have refined their stuff for both of those, thats only because others have had to say 'thats not right' and thats only because adhd and autism have had more research done for both of them. Being trans as a whole hasnt been studied that much (compared to other stuff) so theres not as many people tell the DSM that they're wrong
And as for APA, i have havent heard much about them, but they did reference the DSM as a reference so keep that in mind
(TLDR) both sources have been proven unreliable.
Dysphoria is a mental illness, thats 100% correct. It dose cause distress. And you dont need dysphoria yo be trans, but you do need a gender incongruity. Ive already said what a gemder incongruity is in point 1.
(TLDR) i went over this point in the first thing
No trans person will misgender someone, and if they do then they are genuinely disgusting. Those people are 100% the minority. Even if a transmed finds a persons weird, we'll still respect them, because its what makes the person feel comfortable, or we'll default to they/they (i personally try to use the persons prefered pronouns because, again, its what they feel ocmfortable with). If someone is perpously misgendering another person then they deserve to be shunned and called out.
(TLDR) people who misgender others suck, should be shunned, and are the minority
I, and a lot of transmends, agree with this point, genitals dont define your gender
Same for the second point, because even if you have the smallest amount of dysphoria, thats still dysphoria You cant be 'more trans' than someone else. But then again, you need gender incongruity to be trans, dysphoria is just (very commonly) comorbid with it
Amd as foe the last dysphoria part. Im sorry to say, but it really isn't. Its not pain. It is distress, but not pain
Tell me if i need to clear anything up, sorry ot ots messy
dude honestly..
truscum suck. i couldn’t see it when i was one but, jesus christ. the entire community and ideology is so toxic and transphobic, and it ignores science and common sense while claiming to be all for it. the APA says dysphoria isnt needed. so does the DSM. it’s like y’all have got blinders on. like can y’all not grasp the concept that like, you don’t have to be distressed to be trans? it’s okay to just be okay with yourself and still be trans. not that hard. gender dysphoria is a mental illness. saying dysphoria is needed to be trans is saying being trans is mental illness, which you can guess is transphobic. and the misgendering of non dysphorics is so fucking gross. no one likes being misgendered, not even cis people. you can be a man or woman with a vagina/penis and be okay with that, because it’s normal. a penis is not the measure of a man. dysphoria is not the measure of a man. learn this and accept it and stop lashing out because you’re in pain. and don’t try to tell me that being dysphoria isnt inherently distressing and terrible. look at the dictionary definition. not that hard.
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ranting23466 · 4 years
today, in transmed/tucute discourse
arguments and discourse over aesthetics which are loosely based off of whatever side it correlates with. this website is such a wild ride
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ranting23466 · 4 years
Hey, can you not?
Youre literally cross posting, which you guys get pissed at us for doing
We dont post stuff like this in the trender core tag, so why do it to us
Using your own logic, its not hurting anyone so why be against it
How we're taking over the trucore tag
Just post grunge/punk stuff that looks like it could be in trendercore and post with with the trucore tag + anti truscum/transmed/trumed, mogai, tucute, and trender tags, add supportive captions with the option of emojis, feel free to add a matching dni if you want, things like that, also try and get other tucutes/trenders into it. You can also make punk/grunge trendersonas and edits, pretty much anything you want as long as it fits into the punk/grunge trender aesthetic
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ranting23466 · 4 years
Hey !! Tucutes and transmeds!!! A message for u!!!!
I hope u all have a good day!!! Drink water and stay healthy!!! U r a human being and deserve to be treated like one!!!
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ranting23466 · 4 years
@ yall who r sayin shit; stop telling transmeds that we cant do trucore. literally just let us have our own aestheticy shit w/o having to worry about everyone screaming “uwu truscummies dni and PERISH”
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ranting23466 · 4 years
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I love how this meme is relevant to anything
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ranting23466 · 4 years
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ranting23466 · 4 years
Aight what u wanna argue about
My dms don't work btw
Im ace incluse, belive the nb identity is based in science, belive there are two sexes but multiple genders, belive intersex shouldn't be in the lgbt community, and belive you need dysphoria to be trans
If rather not make this just a 'ur opinion is wrong so fuck you' type of deal but passive aggressive responses are great
Hey if anyone needs an argument tonight I'm in one hell of a mood so....DMs should be open and anon should be on
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ranting23466 · 4 years
You literally just spouted 'hate the sin but not the sinner' bs, which has been used against gay people for multiple years and just begins to show a flaw in that argument
And there is an ace spectrum, there's just not as many labels as people like to think there are. I agree, some labels don't need to be said and some of them are just allo but with fancy labels, but that didn't erase the fact that actual ace people are still
And how. All we're trying to do if find a reason for why we're like this. And saying you ID as any ace type is never permanent, in fact you can grow out of it or grow into it (and i know that sounds dumb but I have no way of explaining it otherwise). The only actual reason I've seen you give is that 'ace people call sex filthy' or 'in lgbt spaces we can't hold hands with our partners bc ace people don't like it' which I can debunk both those bc us ace people genuinely do not care what you do in your sex or romantic life, as long as it's not with us. No ace person is going to go up to you and ask you to stop kissing your partner bc it makes them uncomfortable, and if they do then yeah they're a massive dick, but I have not met one ace person who would even think of doing that, they'd just look away
You keep spouting reasons why the ace labels are harmful but then turn around and say that if we made a community of our own then you'd back up but from what your saying right now I don't think you would
And I do have reasons we deserve to be in the lgbt community (namely bc a lot of ace people have been straight up r*ped because we are ace, but that's a rant for another time) but I don't think you'd even listen if I told you
If you're going to argue a topic then at least try to listen to the other side before you say it's bs (And I know you damn haven't because from what you say it's so painfully clear that you havent)
Not to send hate, but like, its not very cool of you to be spreading hate. If you dont think ace-spectrum folks are valid, then dont live on the ace-spectrum! Remember the saying “live and let live” ? It means mind your own goddamn business and just fuck off
I don't hate the people. I hate the labels. Also, there is no ace spectrum. If anything is a spectrum, it's "allosexuality". Your stupid labels are harmful.
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ranting23466 · 4 years
So, my opinions have changed a bit
Im still transmed, but I now understand tucutes much more
I've learnt why people go by nonbinary man (it's for a nonbinary person thst feels more masc then neutral) and nonbinary women (a nonbinary person who feels more fem then neutral) but o still don't agree with nb lesbians or nb gays
I just thing thst the people using those labels don't realise there are labels for those already (I can't remember then rn but I know they exist)
I understand why pans prefer not to use bi (they're different, but in kinda minor details but not minor enough that they could be classed together, ya know?)
I still don't understand neopronouns tho bc everyone I try and talk about it to always start attacking me for not immediately accepting it, so if anyone would like to explain the mn please do (id rather a debate where we can present our sides then bounce off that but I'm also chill with it just being explained)
If anyone rose want to explain then just comment on this as my dms don't work
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ranting23466 · 4 years
Every person that say 'no' is almost defiantly a battle axe bi
You all say 'don't derail a positivity post' but then you guys decide to derail this
It's damn stupid and hypocritical, I mean, it's none if my damn business of any of those exist but I'm not gonna comment on their post saying 'no you're invalid because a couple people going by your title decided to say slurs'
Stop with the double standards. Either let your positivity posts get derailed or stop commenting on others. Y'all are just being fucking mean
For anyone who doesn’t know!
The ASpec and AroSpec is massive, and important and valid.
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ranting23466 · 4 years
The ⚔ is a transmed code thing, so maybe to show your a bladed bi you can have the purple heart next to the swords?
Anyway, good post!
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bisexuals of the blade 💜 ⚔️ 🗡
meaning: a solidarity movement made up of bisexuals who support all of our m-spec siblings, whether they’re pan, ply, omni, or beyond!
I’m really tired of following bi positivity blogs only to find out somewhere down the line that they’re part of an exclusionist group called the “battleaxe bis” (anti pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual/any multi-gender-attracted label that’s not ‘bi’), so I thought I’d try spreading a message of support and acceptance instead!
- FAQ -
what makes someone a ‘blade bisexual’?
all you have to do is acknowledge and uplift pan/ply/omni/etc. people!
are there any symbols we can use to signify we’re bi people who support other m-spec orientations?
yes! personally, I’ve been using the following:
sword (of any kind)
double/dual-wielded swords
purple heart
official flag (see above image)
I wholeheartedly support pan/ply/omni/etc. people. what can I do to join?
to show your support, put at least one of the previous symbols somewhere in your bio using emojis!
that’s everything I can think of! if you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! 🌈
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