rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
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Nothing beats an adult reptile party in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Hands on and good fun, and best of all it is completely safe. For kids, teens or adults, reptile parties are one of the best ways to have an entertaining time at your next event. Learn more at http://www.reptileparty.com.au and get wild!
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
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New to science .... more new species of lizards in Australia.
Hoser, R. T. 2024. Small and overlooked. New species and subspecies within the Australian skink genera Morethia Gray, 1845 and the closely associated Solvonemesis Wells and Wellington, 1984.. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 72:3-13.
Hoser, R. T. 2024. Pleistocene splits in the Australian Odatria tristis (Schlegel, 1839) species and Pantherosaurus rosenbergi (Mertens, 1957) complexes. The formal identification and naming of a new species and three new subspecies.. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 72:14-24.
Hoser, R. T. 2024. Out from the cold - a new species of Australian Jacky Dragon Amphibolurus Wagler, 1830 from the region near the southern border between South Australia and Victoria as well as a new subspecies from New South Wales and Victoria. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 72:25-28.
Hoser, R. T. 2024. Before we end up with mutts! The formal diagnosis of subspecies within the Sydney basin species, Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Schlegel, 1837) and Amalosia lesueurii (Dumeril and Bibron, 1836). Australasian Journal of Herpetology 72:29-34.
Hoser, R. T. 2024. Two new subspecies of Mountain Dragon, Rankinia boylani Wells and Wellington, 1984 from New South Wales, Australia. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 72:35-39.
Hoser, R. T. 2024. A new subspecies of Hesperoedura reticulata (Bustard, 1969) from south-central Western Australia. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 72:40-42.
Hoser, R. T. 2024. Atraserpens, a new genus of Australian small-eyed snakes from Eastern Australia as well as a new subspecies of the Northern Small-eyed Snake Cryptophis pallidiceps (Gunther, 1858) from north-west Western Australia (Serpentes: Elapidae). Australasian Journal of Herpetology 72:43-46.
Hoser, R. T. 2024. Taxonomic vandalism by Wolfgang Wuster and his gang of thieves. Yet more illegally coined names by the rule breakers for species and genera previously named according to the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 72:47-63.
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
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Grabbing a handful of Death Adders is enough to send anyone into a state of fear unless you are the world's foremost snake expert.
Raymond Hoser the Snake Man shares his expertise with others to train them to be the best venomous snake handlers possible.
With his top class, best in industry snake handler course training, the Snakeman can make it safe for most people to handle the world's deadliest snakes. Specializing in Australian snakes, Hoser also trains people to handle Rattlesnakes, Mambas and Cobras, being an ICZN name authority for dozens of species from all inhabited continents.
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
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World's first hybrid between a Black-headed Python and a Carpet Python.
See the details in the relevant peer reviewed paper at: https://www.smuggled.com/issue-56-pages-55-56.pdf
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
New subspecies of Horny Devil!
Two new subspecies of Thorny Devil, Moloch horridus Gray, 1841.
RAYMOND T. HOSER LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:author:F9D74EB5-CFB5-49A0-8C7C-9F993B8504AE 488 Park Road, Park Orchards, Victoria, 3134, Australia. Phone: +61 3 9812 3322 Fax: 9812 3355 E-mail: snakeman (at) snakeman.com.au
Received 21 December 2018, Accepted 6 January 2019, Published 10 May 2022.
The iconic Thorny Devil lizards of Australia, genus Moloch Gray, 1841 have always been treated as a monotypic genus. The species Moloch horridus Gray, 1841 has never been subdivided even at the subspecies level. An audit of specimens from across Australia revealed three main populations, all readily distinguishable on the basis of differences in morphology and colour. Although the genus itself has been shown to be significantly divergent from all other Australian agamids in numerous published molecular studies, there is no published data demonstrating timelines of divergences between regional populations. Due to the consistent differences between the three main populations of Moloch horridus Gray, 1841, and no evidence of intermingling due to allopatry, each warrants taxonomic recognition at the species level. Conservatively, the two unnamed forms are formally named herein. The type form Moloch horridus horridus Gray, 1841 is herein restricted to coastal Western Australia and adjacent parts of south-west Australia. Moloch horridus browni subsp. nov. is the taxon which occupies most of Central Australia, extending from western Queensland in the east, through the southern Northern Territory and including most of the eastern half of Western Australia. Moloch horridus granti subsp. nov. is the taxon found on the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia and adjacent parts of southern South Australia. Keywords:Taxonomy; nomenclature; Australia; Thorny Devil; Agamidae; Moloch; horridus; South Australia; Western Australia; Queensland; Northern Territory; new subspecies; browni; granti. Details at: https://www.smuggled.com/issue-55-pages-60-62.pdf
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
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New species of small lizard from Australia and north of there. Hoser, R. T. 2024. The inevitable split-up. Carlia sensu-lato (Scincidae), from Australia and New Guinea formally divided, including 15 new genera, 35 new species and 4 new subspecies. ... Australasian Journal of Herpetology 71:1-64.
Published as part of the permanent scientific record. Intellectual property rights reserved. Australasian Journal of Herpetology ®Nomenclatural Acts in Australasian Journal of Herpetology ® Issue 71 Total = 54 Newly named genera (15) Aurantiacolateri Hoser, 2024 Caudabrunneis Hoser, 2024 Caudaclara Hoser, 2024 Celerscincus Hoser, 2024 Circularisauris Hoser, 2024 Fasciststatescincus Hoser, 2024 Fortitercarinata Hoser, 2024 Jacky Hoser, 2024 Neglectscincus Hoser, 2024 Orangedemale Hoser, 2024 Parvabrunneis Hoser, 2024 Striatacorpus Hoser, 2024 Triacarinae Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus Hoser, 2024 Whittonscincus Hoser, 2024 Newly named species (35) Carlia adina Hoser, 2024 Carlia michaelmatheri Hoser, 2024 Carlia unt Hoser, 2024 Caudaclara alotauensis Hoser, 2024 Caudaclara chimbuensis Hoser, 2024 Caudaclara parvus Hoser, 2024 Caudaclara praecipuus Hoser, 2024 Caudaclara tiwi Hoser, 2024 Celerscincus luxbrunneislineam Hoser, 2024 Circularisauris aeriscorpus Hoser, 2024 Circularisauris ferrugineis Hoser, 2024 Circularisauris itishere Hoser, 2024 Circularisauris wereisdat Hoser, 2024 Fortitercarinata faark Hoser, 2024 Fortitercarinata itis Hoser, 2024 Fortitercarinata tasteslikesheet Hoser, 2024 Fortitercarinata tastywhencrispy Hoser, 2024 Fortitercarinata wow Hoser, 2024 Jacky hoserae Hoser, 2024 Orangedemale accretio Hoser, 2024 Orangedemale arukidding Hoser, 2024 Striatacorpus nonvidetur Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus abababa Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus albae Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus aruserious Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus barelyedible Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus closetonowhereensis Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus crurascabra Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus donoteatit Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus maculanigrae Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus orainsignis Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus taediosus Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus tastesterribleyes Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus tenebricephalus Hoser, 2024 Veloxscincus thisisserious Hoser, 2024 Newly named subspecies (4) Aurantiacolateri prava languidafemina Hoser, 2024 Aurantiacolateri schmeltzii obscuralinea Hoser, 2024 Carlia boustedi mmm Hoser, 2024 Celerscincus rostralis blacki Hoser, 2024Published as part of the permanent scientific record. Intellectual property rights reserved. Australasian Journal of Herpetology ®
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
A fake scientist named Jane Melville has engaged in taxonomic vandalism in an attempt to unlawfully rename nine species of Australian dragon lizard.
They are listed below.
The nine illegally coined names are as follows: Lophognathus horneri Melville et al., 2018 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Lophognathus wellingtoni Hoser, 2015 Tympanocryptis argillosa Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis optus Hoser, 2019. Tympanocryptis darlingensis Chaplin, Wilson, Sumner & Melville, 2023 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis deniselivingstonae Hoser, 2019 Tympanocryptis hobsoni Chaplin, Wilson, Sumner & Melville, 2023 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis courtneyleitchae Hoser, 2019 Tympanocryptis einasleighensis Chaplin, Wilson, Sumner & Melville, 2023 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis karimdaouesi Hoser, 2019 Tympanocryptis osbornei Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis lineata Peters, 1863. Tympanocryptis petersi Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis snakebustersorum Hoser, 2019. Tympanocryptis rustica Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis lachlanheffermani Hoser, 2019. Tympanocryptis tolleyi Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis vodafone Hoser, 2019. Also it is worth noting that Jane Melville also illegally renamed the genus Melvillesaurea Hoser, 2015 as Tropicagama in 2018 as well. She has been getting people to use that name as correct since then, fully aware that her name is an illegally coined synonym of Melvillesaurea and that Melvillesaurea is in fact the correct genus name.
To learn more, see: Hoser, R. T. 2024. Taxonomic vandalism by Wolfgang Wuster and his gang of thieves. Yet more illegally coined names by the rule breakers for species and genera previously named according to the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 72:47-63. That can be downloaded at: https://www.smuggled.com/AJH-72-pages-47-63.pdf
Also see: Hoser, R. T. 2019 11 new species, 4 new subspecies and a subgenus of Australian Dragon Lizard in the genus Tympanocryptis Peters, 1863, with a warning on the conservation status and long-term survival prospects of some newly named taxa. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 39:23-52. That can be downloaded at: https://www.smuggled.com/issue-39-pages-23-52.pdf
See also: Hoser, R. T. 2019. Richard Shine et al. (1987), Hinrich Kaiser et al. (2013), Jane Melville et al. (2018 and 2019): Australian Agamids and how rule breakers, liars, thieves, taxonomic vandals and law breaking copyright infringers are causing reptile species to become extinct. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 39:23-52. That can be downloaded at: https://www.smuggled.com/issue-39-pages-53-63.pdf
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
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Need to protect your dog from venomous snakes? Well Canine Snake Avoidance training is what your dog needs. Learn more at: http://www.dogsnakeavoidancetraining.com.au/ and have your pet safe for snake season!
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
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Nothing beats an awesome reptile party for the kids.
Children love getting interactive and hands on with the snakes and other reptiles. Crocodiles that are dog tame, frogs, lizards and turtles are all a part of the mix.
In Melbourne, Victoria, Australia the horribly cold winter weather is legendary and yet reptile parties can be done at any time of year. That is in the heat or in the cold, or anything in between. Make your child's birthday party the one to remember. See the website at http://www.reptileparty.com.au to find out when and where you can have the wildest party ever.
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
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If you want to get hands on with a massive Olive Python like one of the two seen mating here, then reptile shows with Snakeman and Snakebusters are the only logical choice.
Whether it is for a reptile birthday party, kids event or school incursion, Snakebusters are Australia's best reptiles. Visit them at http://www.snakebusters.com.au and take a walk on the wild side!
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
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Heteronotia crottyi is a species of gecko discovered by Snakeman Raymond Hoser in 2019 and formally named in 2023. Learn more about this species from outback Queensland at: https://www.smuggled.com/AJH-I55-Split.htm and do your bit for wildlife conservation.
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
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Think you can handle a dangerously venomous coastal Taipan like this? Well there is now a way to find out.
This is even if you have previously done a snake handling course.
Australia has verification of competency for snake handlers available in every Australian state. Using verification of competency training, snake wranglers can check out their snake hunting and snake handling skills and if not up to scratch, you can be retrained the right way. Learn more at https://www.snakehandlingcourses.com.au/snake-handler-course-verification-of-competancy.htm
and stay safe with venomous snakes.
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
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Do not be fooled. This female lizard is Tympanocryptis vodafone. Tympanocryptis tolleyi Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis vodafone Hoser, 2019. Lophognathus horneri Melville et al., 2018 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Lophognathus wellingtoni Hoser, 2015 Tympanocryptis argillosa Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis optus Hoser, 2019. Tympanocryptis darlingensis Chaplin, Wilson, Sumner & Melville, 2023 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis deniselivingstonae Hoser, 2019 Tympanocryptis hobsoni Chaplin, Wilson, Sumner & Melville, 2023 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis courtneyleitchae Hoser, 2019 Tympanocryptis einasleighensis Chaplin, Wilson, Sumner & Melville, 2023 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis karimdaouesi Hoser, 2019 Tympanocryptis osbornei Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis lineata Peters, 1863. Tympanocryptis petersi Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis snakebustersorum Hoser, 2019. Tympanocryptis rustica Melville et al. 2019 is an illegally coined junior synonym of Tympanocryptis lachlanheffermani Hoser, 2019. Also it is worth noting that Jane Melville also illegally renamed the genus Melvillesaurea Hoser, 2015 as Tropicagama in 2018 as well. She has been getting people to use that name as correct since then, fully aware that her name is an illegally coined synonym of Melvillesaurea and that Melvillesaurea is in fact the correct genus name. See pages 47-63 here at: https://www.smuggled.com/AJH-72-pages-47-63.pdf
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rapidsnakeremoval · 3 months
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Grabbing Herald Snakes in Africa. See the big paper ....
ABSTRACT Following extensive fieldwork by Raymond Hoser in Africa in 2009 and after catching and inspecting large numbers of various forms of the widespread Herald Snake (Genus Crotaphopeltis Fitzinger, 1843), the genus was subjected to an intensive audit, including inspection of specimens of all previously named species in the genus, as well as a review of literature, published photos and the like. This examination included snakes from locations across the known sub-Saharan distribution of the genus as currently recognized. The result of the audit included the recognition of the six currently widely recognized species, Crotaphopeltis barotseensis Broadley, 1968, C. braestrupi Rasmussen, 1985, C. degeni (Boulenger, 1906), C. hippocrepis (Reinhardt, 1843), C. hotamboeia (Laurenti, 1768) and C. tornieri (Werner, 1908). Also resurrected from the synonymy of C. degeni (Boulenger, 1906), type locality Entebbe, Uganda, is the related taxon, Leptodira attarensis Werner, 1908 from South Sudan and nearby west Ethiopia (Gambela). An allied species Crotaphopeltis andreeblouinae sp. nov. from Cameroon and the Central African Republic is formally named for the fi rst time. The species C. tornieri (Werner, 1908), type locality Usambara Mountains, Tanga Province, northeastern Tanzania is split into four species, with the population from Mount Rungwe, Tanzania Ukinga to the south and the nearby Misuku Mountains in Malawi formally named as Crotaphopeltis juliusnyererei sp. nov.. Those morphologically similar specimens from the Ufi pa Plateau are formally named C. ufi paensis sp. nov.. The divergent population from the Rondo Plateau area of south east Tanzania are formally named as C. rondoensis sp. nov.. The remaining population of nominate C. tornieri (mainly in the north-east) is also split with the southwestern population from the Udzungwa Mountains being formally described as a new subspecies C. tornieri udzungwaensis subsp. nov.. The most widely distributed species C. hotamboeia is formally split into six subspecies, four formally named for the fi rst time. The most divergent species in the genus C. barotseensis, believed to have diverged from the others about 15 MYA, is herein placed in a new genus Paracrotaphopeltis gen. nov.. Taxonomic vandalism by way of pretending these forms are not unique, or by assigning them non-ICZN compliant duplicate names could hamper conservation to the degree that one or more way well become extinct as has already happened for other similarly affected taxa, including as detailed in Hoser (2019a, 2019b). Keywords: Africa; Snake; Reptilia; Squamata; Serpentes; Colubridae; Crotaphopeltis; barotseensis; braestrupi; degeni; hippocrepis; hotamboeia; tornieri; attarensis; ruziziensis; Congo; Cameroon; Tanzania; Sudan; Ethiopia; Central African Republic; Ufi pa plateau; Rondo plateau; new genus; Paracrotaphopeltis; new species; andreeblouinae; juliusnyererei; ufi paensis; rondoensis; new subspecies; udzungwaensis; rubrumlabellum; luteuslabellum; labellumpulvereus; albalinguacalloso. Full text at: https://www.smuggled.com/AJH-62-Pages-3-22.pdf
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rapidsnakeremoval · 1 year
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Snakes, crocodiles, the lot! Make sure your next kids reptile party is an authentic experience and that the kids get to handle the animals. In Melbourne this means the genuine reptile party. Wildlife parties for kids in the form of reptile parties are the best educational experience they can have. Lear more at: http:///www.reptileparty.com.au/kp4.htm
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rapidsnakeremoval · 1 year
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The only kids reptile parties in Melbourne that let kids hold the animals are the snake man’s. Raymond Hoser and his reptile shows are the only reptile party in Victoria that are hands on. No one else does this. Imitators may also put lives at risk. To learn more about Children’s reptile birthday parties see http://www.reptileparty.com.au and have a wild time for your next event.
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rapidsnakeremoval · 1 year
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Sexy baby Tiger snakes bred by the snake man Raymond Hoser. Raymond Hoser is the world’s best snake catcher. The snakeman is also the world’s leading snake expert. Learn more at http://www.snakeman.com.au
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