rapjoon-blog · 9 years
;; moving this bae to here to be able to send memes & follow back. If you follow, I’ll take it as a sign you want to keep our previous interactions going. Follow, and I’ll skim through your blog to send you a meme, pinky promise.
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
me in 10 years time
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
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    “....are you the dead guy or is it me, it’s hard to tell....” he sing-songs, the sound being slightly muffled by the palms pressed against his cheeks. “Pay attention to me or I’ll pay attention to someone else.” Someone you like.
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HE DOESN’T EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE what he’s saying –ignoring the phantom and focusing on the beloved work.
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
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“You haven’t been like this last night, you know. Playing hard to get. Why don’t you skip all of that and come ‘a crawlin’??”
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
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“Longer than that!” He corrected, honestly hurt when having to prove how much it hurt him and the others when they’d lost the leader. “Hyung we went through hell and back trying to piece ourselves back together after it happened, hell some of us are still broken.” Jungkook could feel the corners of his eyes beginning to water, and they grew wide at the sight of Namjoon’s neck being revealed, quickly looking away and feeling nauseous just at the thought now. “I-I don’t want to. Please just… Cover it again… a-and..” He was shaking, heart rate speeding up when he’d heard that Yoongi was involved as well. Had he visited him, too? 
“Y-You.. You wen’t to see Yoongi hyung too..?” He breathed out in a stutter, eyes watering even more when he mentioned his happiness again. “Stop it–Stop saying that I’m the busy one, that I’m the one who left everyone and everything behind without a care! I didn’t want everyone to go, okay, everyone left me and I didn’t know what else to do but to move on! J-Jimin hyung stayed, but everyone else got their o-own lives and that included Yoongi hyung and–and I try to see him when I can, when he’s not busy..” He sniffled, rubbing his wet eyes before he gasped, looking up at the ghost again. “No, don’t.. Don’t say things like that! You’re lying, you’re lying to me and you’re trying to scare me–”
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He chuckled once more, tongue coming to flicker over his bottom lip as he scent of fear mixed with sadness. The little thing truly smelled more than delicious, so he came in a little closer, the emptiness in his eyes being drowned out by something predatory. “Included? Oh, there there. You’re speaking in past tense of him.” He hummed, pointing out that little slip up of him while reaching out to wipe the tears away from one corner of Jungkook’s eyes with his thumb, just to lick them off right where he caught them. 
“I know you do. I know you’re trying.... believe me, I’ve seen it all. But what matters is that you’re not succeeding.” It was interesting, that Yoongi had never mentioned anything about his presence to his so called ‘friends’, probably in the fear of being called crazy. Better this way, he didn’t want for him to end up in a mental institution, that would be too boring. Clever little Suga. “I did not ‘go to see him’. He sees me every day. Though what we do is a little too intense for ‘seeing’...” Another chuckle, his pupils growing wide and almost consuming his entire iris. “Did you not notice the purple mark on his neck? Too bad. It seems like the next time, I’m going to have to bite harder~”
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
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“SHHHHH, stop all of that YAPPING, you’re like that awful little rat of a dog!” Namjoon drawled once he’d lowered the finger that he’d been attempting to shush Jungkook with --- or was he really trying to shush Jungkook? Because there was still that awfully annoying voice of Namjoon in the back of his head, and it was far more annoying than whatever this delicious, scared little thing was saying. Fact was, Jimin was fine. He didn’t even have any idea he’d been living with him (or a dog, too, for that matter) before he’d inspected the apartment.· “Crying for weeks, hm? How many? One and a half?” He laughed, much in a manner akin to the dead leader, except that his eyes were empty of actual amusement.·“You’ve been talking back to me a whole lot seeing you think I’m not real... that’s cute.” Reaching upwards, he untied the choker he’d been wearing around his neck to reveal the ugly scar from when Namjoon had hanged himself, wanting Jungkook to see it.·“Look. You can touch it, I don’t mind... see how real it is...Yoongi doesn’t like seeing it. Makes him cry. He does a lot. Doesn’t sleep well. Doesn’t eat. But you don’t notice that, do you, because you like being happy so much better. Well, whatever, keep doing what you’re doing and hyung will be joining me in no time. It’ll be nice~”
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Jungkook was still in a state of shock just hearing Namjoon’s voice right now. It wasn’t possible, he must’ve been hallucinating, the other had been gone for months… Right? Although when he turned around his eyes grew wide at the hazy sight before him, now not only hearing the voice of the old leader but actually seeing him–or at least, a faded version, but that must’ve been because Jungkook had been shaking too much. “N-Namjoon–” He stammered, before feeling his heart ache at the first few words. It sounded like he was judging Jungkook for moving on with his life, and the worst was that he felt guilty for possibly making Namjoon feel like it was an easy decision. 
“I didn’t just move on, I.. H-Hyung I cried for weeks, we all did, we were all a mess, w-we had to move on at some point, th-that doesn’t mean we–” He tried explaining, his voice going a little higher and almost cracking. When Jimin was brought up, he furrowed his eye brows, what did that have to do with anything? “What are you talking about, Jimin’s.. Jimin’s out walking Cloud, he’s..” Jungkook stared at the figure in shock, lips parting a bit as his jaw dropped. “Stop, stop that. you’re lying, stop lying to me, you’re not.. you’re not being serious, Jimin’s okay and he’ll be home later and you–you’re not real and I’m imagining this all! Stop fucking with my head and leave me alone!”
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
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Sugamon commissioned by the wonderful sugmon!! I hope you like it! ;A;
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
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“I–” He froze up at the sound of the other’s voice. How was this even possible? He must’ve been dreaming or hallucinating–right? "Jimin? Are you home–” He called out, wondering if it was just the other pranking him; he could be really angry if he was, because this was just fucked up. When he realized that no one was home aside from him, he furrowed his eye brows, before hearing it again. I know you know who I am. It was Namjoon’s voice.. but it couldn’t be, he wasn’t.. around anymore, right? Jungkook’s face grew pale as he felt his heart beat a little faster. “Th-This isn’t funny, who ever it is… Namjoon hyung isn’t.. he can’t be here, he’s gone. Stop messing with my head!” He snapped, covering his ears and looking around in panic.
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Well wasn’t this FUNNY? Wasn’t this perfect? Not being confined to Yoongi’s pathetic apartment anymore, being able to move at his free will, being able to destroy and FEED ON what the Namjoon that once was held dear? It wasn’t that whining voice in the back of his head (’no, no, please don’t, I beg you, don’t, just see if he’s okay and LEAVE PLEASE LEAVE’), but rather the fact that Suga wouldn’t let him touch him anymore if he actually ate Jungkook. “You know what’s funny? How you moved on. How you live here happily, like the good little sheep you are. Living with Jimin, I see.” Smelling fear was almost as good as tasting it, a wide, mocking smile spreading on his face as he materialized in front of Jungkook and bowed, gesturing around the flat. “Well, guess what, honey won’t come home tonight. I discarded him, he was useless, didn’t want to play~ But I’ve got you as a playmate now, don’t I?”
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
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OF COURSE THE SCORNED youth had some difficulties understanding whatever intentions the creature sharing appearance with a deceased companion seemed to hold towards him. He barely was caring enough about himself –what he needed to just keep himself from turning the very floor into his bed while collapsing, his gaze half lidded, blurred, almost preventing him to see what kind of disaster his own room had been turned into during his tiresome absence-.
It was still there, the mark Namjoon left –red with a hint of black coaxing so much with the pallor of his thin, way too malnourished figure, almost somehow resembling some kind of curse that had been cast and started to manifest on him. People would even think that even just touching would turn him to dust, let alone the way he limply flopped on bed and sunk his face in the pillows.
He felt miserable. He was miserable.
« I miss him –I miss you, ‘joonie.. » a mutter, barely audible due to the pillows muffling any sound, his figure on the verge of sleep and tears only curling more and more in a fetal position over the messy blankets.
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He RAISED A BROW as the rapper simply walked past him. No questions asked, no protests given about the mess around him, even though he’d assumed that he’d be especially mad about the sheets of music that he brought out of order. His movements sluggish, he would have assumed he’d been drinking if he wouldn’t have smelled it, and there were no substances he could make out Yoongi might have taken.  He followed him, looming above where he laid down, his gaze flickering from the mark (violet rose petals, still beautiful) to his body, all skin and bones. He’d like to feed him, give him some leftovers from his last secret meal, but there was no way Suga would gobble it down after figuring out what it was. The words that followed had him coo lowly. Namjoon didn’t miss Yoongi back. He pitied him. All that was left was despair and pity, washing over the affection once felt. Refraining from mentioning that, he slid down right behind Suga, pressing his body flush against him, arms around him, one strong, long fingered hand easily curling around Yoongi’s malnourished one.  “Shhh.... shh, baby, ‘m here. I’m all here.” Nose pressed into the crook of Yoongi’s neck, he lightly pecked the mark even though the prospect of biting into such defenseless prey made his stomach clench. “Hush boy, oh hush boy, don’t say a word, throw on a jersey and no one gets hurt...” His thumb rubbed rhytmic circles into the back of Suga’s hand, the rhymes coming all to easily to him, whether it was something Namjoon had once been thought of or something he’d heard of himself somewhen during his existence being unclear to him. 
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
“You’re second hand smoke, second hand smoke I breathe you in, but honey, I don’t know What you’re doing to me, Mon chéri But the truth catches up with us eventually
Try to say “Live, live and let live” But I’m no good, good at lip service Except when they’re yours, mi amor I’m coming for you and I’m making war”
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
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Suddenly, he took up on the smell of FEAR, mixed with something much, much sweeter; the corruption of a being once powerful. Senses tingling, a low sound was created in the back of his throat and he pushed himself into the other’s way, one arm propped up against the bookshelf to keep him from continuing his so called “work” (pointless waste of time, to his opinion). He just hit the jackpot. “Doctor, doctor, do I need help....” He hummed, picked up the book on top of the pile the little angel was carrying, eyed it and dismissed it, dropping it to the floor and removing it out of both their ways with a pointed movement of his foot, causing it to slither across the ground. It aroused other people’s attention, which was just what he was aiming for to make sure the Seraph would cater to him to stop any further destruction.  “There’s something.... nasty I wanna get rid of. I’m sure you know the feelin’.”
rapjoon ( cont x )
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The name kept echoing in his head –Leviathan, Leviathan–, giving him horrorful chills all over his mangled spine almost as if he ancestrally knew what kind of trouble that one name seemed to carry with itself . Eyes were cautious when studying the way black veins seemed to pop up from the collar of the other’s shirt alongside a weird scar tracing it horizontally –the lowering of his own gaze easy to mistake to a simple gesture of shyness.
« I just am doing my job. » He in fact asserted, preferring to make a few steps back with the pile of books still keeping his own limbs busy. « If you need any help, I’ll be around. »
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
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“I did NOT ask--” he turned on his heel, turning away from the other, before his head whipped back and he reached up, massaging his temples. “Okay, maybe I did.” He’d been playing the audiobook to Yoongi sometimes, without really caring for the content except that Yoongi always cringed quite amusingly whenever it was on. “Still, your cue to shut up. You’re giving me a headache.”
“This is not a bad vampire romance novel, please shut up with the dramatics.” - rapjoon
hollyoaks sentence starter || accepting
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« You’re the one who asked for a sincere opinion about the Twilight saga and I delivered. » There was something odd in the guy and he could definitely tell that –the name ‘Leviathan’ kind of screaming in the back of the seraph’s head but still seeming off to him. Oh well.
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
the morning after sentence starters
“Get out, get out, get out, get out!” “This has to stop happening.” “This isn’t just sex to me. ” “…We can just stay in bed a bit longer.” “We were angry, so we had angry sex.” “Do you remember anything from last night?” “Why are you in my bed?” “I’d offer you breakfast, but I think I’m too sore to move.” “So.. Was it good?” “Is it awkward now?” “Who topped?” “I thought you’d be gone by the time I woke up…” “I should go.” “This didn’t mean anything.” “We shouldn’t have done this…” “Of course I’m freaking out! You’re my friend!” “I’m guessing this was a one time thing?” “Yeah, yeah, I know how this goes. I’ll grab my clothes and get out of here.” “Good morning, hope you don’t mind me borrowing your shirt..” “I made you coffee, did you want some Aspirin?” “This stays between us.” “Congratulations. You actually convinced me to sleep with you.” “Are you sneaking out on me?” “So, how much for last night?” “Holy shit! she’s on her way over here right now, she/he CANNOT see you!” “Don’t answer it!” “Do you have any idea how wrong this was?” “We’re cheaters. We’re horrible people. Oh god my mother would be so ashamed of me right now.” “..Do you wanna do this again sometime, maybe?”
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
woozixpd started following rapjoon
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    “I kinda hate to break this down to you, but there’s a spider hanging from your fringe. You might wanna remove that. Unless that’s some kinda concept, then just forget what I said.”
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rapjoon-blog · 9 years
[INSTAGRAM] moongom119: 🐥 ー Hot Coffee ☕️ With @i_b_kte ー (Hat :@insanedcom) Cheer up if you’re working 🍂 #NineMuseHyuna
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