rarecat1 · 6 years
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Self control is the ability to keep cool while someone is making it hot for you. #ShowThemKindness #GoldenRule #HABD on Flickr.
Self control is the ability to keep cool while someone is making it hot for you. #ShowThemKindness #GoldenRule #HABD
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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This world belongs to the man that is wise enough to change his mind in the presence of facts. Whoever heeds correction gains understanding. -Proverbs 15:32 #HABD (at Beattie Beach)
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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Greet one another with a holy kiss. -Romans 26:16 #Love1Another #HABD (at Beattie Beach)
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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This peace within becomes the harmony without. #WorryNeverClimbedAHill On the Lord's mountain, it will be provided. -Genesis 22:14 #HABD on Flickr.
This peace within becomes the harmony without. #WorryNeverClimbedAHill On the Lord's mountain, it will be provided. -Genesis 22:14 #HABD
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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Forgiveness is a new beginning. #4GiveAnd4get #ForgivenessIsReconcilation #ForgiveIsRelease #HABD (at Beattie Beach)
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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Every word of God is pure: He is a shield to them that put their trust in Him. #WorshipPraiseGiveThanksAndTrust #HABN on Flickr.
Every word of God is pure: He is a shield to them that put their trust in Him. #WorshipPraiseGiveThanksAndTrust #HABN
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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Every word of God is pure: He is a shield to them that put their trust in Him. #WorshipPraiseGiveThanksAndTrust #HABN on Flickr.
Every word of God is pure: He is a shield to them that put their trust in Him. #WorshipPraiseGiveThanksAndTrust #HABN
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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Happiness is when we feel close to God. #HeMakesKnown2UThePathOfLife #HABN (at Beattie Beach)
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. -Psalm 23:6 #HABD on Flickr.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. -Psalm 23:6 #HABD
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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FYI: There are nine ranks of angels. From the highest to the lowest, they are Seraphims, Cherubims, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. #BiblicallySpeaking #JesusLove #HABD (at Beattie Beach)
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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The shortest verse in the Bible is "Jesus wept." (Gospel of John 11:36) #BiblicallySpeaking #JesusLove #HABD on Flickr.
The shortest verse in the Bible is "Jesus wept." (Gospel of John 11:36) #BiblicallySpeaking #JesusLove #HABD
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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Earth is crammed with heaven. -Elizabeth Barrett Browning #JesusLove #HABD (at Beattie Beach)
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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Delilah had to cut seven tresses of hair from Samson's head to render him powerless. #BiblicallySpeaking #HABD on Flickr.
Delilah had to cut seven tresses of hair from Samson's head to render him powerless. #BiblicallySpeaking #HABD
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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I always prefer to believe the best of everybody; it saves so much trouble. -Rudyard Kipling RareCatDeals.com #RareCatDeals #ROC #HABD on Flickr.
I always prefer to believe the best of everybody; it saves so much trouble. -Rudyard Kipling RareCatDeals.com #RareCatDeals #ROC #HABD
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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The name of the two thieves crucified with Jesus Dismas and Best as. #BiblicallySpeaking #JesusLove #HABD on Flickr.
The name of the two thieves crucified with Jesus Dismas and Best as. #BiblicallySpeaking #JesusLove #HABD
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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The most common name in the Bible is Zechariah. There are thirty-three of them. #BiblicallySpeaking #HABD on Flickr.
The most common name in the Bible is Zechariah. There are thirty-three of them. #BiblicallySpeaking #HABD
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rarecat1 · 6 years
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The three wise men were called Balthazar, Casper, and Melchior. #BiblicallySpeaking #JesusLove #HABD on Flickr.
The three wise men were called Balthazar, Casper, and Melchior. #BiblicallySpeaking #JesusLove #HABD
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