raroxc · 12 days
I Don’t Want To Go Back
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I’m sitting in the doctor’s office and I feel butterflies in my stomach. All I can is look down at my legs and feet— well I guess Luke’s legs and feet. They are his in the first place but I now control them.
I’m waiting on a response from the doctor who’s helping my big brother Luke and I with our situation. He’s with Luke right now in the other room who’s in my body.
From what I can understand, one of us gave the other some kind of sick that caused everything. All I know is that, one night I went to bed as me and the next morning I woke up as Luke.
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That night, Luke was doing his workout when I walked in to his room. I was trying to ask him if he could help me out something.
“What do you want twerp? Can’t you see I’m busy?”
“Suh—sorry Luke! I just wanted to get some help with—”
Before I could even ask him anything he got all angry with me and pushed me out of his room.
Then the next morning happened…
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I remember waking up and feeling strange, but it wasn’t until I sat up and saw Luke’s big feet and hairy legs that I knew I wasn’t myself.
The next thing I noticed was Luke’s morning wood, i learned quickly that morning that he does not go to bed in PJs.
I looked down at the hard wiener amazed by its size, I touched it and it sent sparks through me.
It took me a second to fully focus but I eventually got up and went to the bathroom.
That’s where I realized that I am now my brother Luke. 
Seeing Luke’s reflection in the mirror made me feel nervous and excited. I had so many questions.
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But then I felt something for the first time, confident! I feel so confident in this body.
I stood in front of that mirror for awhile until I heard a loud voice hollering.
I peak out of the bathroom door and saw my body rushing down the hallway angry.
But the second we made eye contact, he froze in one spot.
“Bradley… is that… are you me?,” he said to me.
“Yeah it’s me, are you Luke?” I asked him back.
I thought he was going to be nice to me for a second but nope!
Like charged down the hall and almost like he was going to lunge for me. Before he could get to the door, I quickly shut it which caused him to crash into it.
A locked the door, scared of what he was going to do. Then I remembered something, I’m the one with all of the strength now! I opened up the door and Luke was on the ground still trying to get back up.
“You little shit! You did this! I don’t know how but you did this!” he said to me.
All of the sudden, my dad came out of his room.
“Boys! What’s going on here?”
“Your son over here took my body!” said Luke.
“I didn’t take it Luke! I promise!! I’m just as confused as you,” I said crossing my now bigger arms.
“Can someone clue me in on what’s going on? And Luke can you please get some clothes on!”said my dad.
We sat down with him after I put on a pair of pants and explained what happened that morning.
He didn’t believe us at first but after a call with a speciality doctor, my dad’s eyes got wide and then he hung up.
“Boys, I’ve some good news and bad news.”
“What’s the good news?” said Luke.
“Well this is a rare situation to happen but you’re not the first ones ever. And you’re both physically fine other than uh… well.”
“Come on dad! What did they say? Are we stuck like this?”
“Well they want to run some test but that won’t happen until next week.”
“I’m sorry but you have to cancel Luke!”
“Fuuuuuuckkk this! I’m going upstairs!”
Luke stormed away from the table while I stayed back.
“Sorry bud that’s he’s so upset, you know it’s not directed at you right?”
“I guess so,” I said back.
“Do me a favor for right now, just stay clear of him for right now.”
“I promise I will!”
The next few days changed me a lot. It started out with Luke and I having to switch out all of our stuff. My dad wanted us to at least pretend to be each other for the time being so I got Luke’s room, clothes, even his cellphone (which made him the most mad).
I even learned a lot as well. Like how to work out, what being a 19 year old is like, my dad’s started to teach how to drive.
But what I find interesting is all of the things i like about my new self.
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Like my new feet! I love the way they look, my dirty socks, the way they smell after a long workout— it makes me so hard!
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I’ll take pictures of them and even put my face into them after a long day!
I also love my muscles! I feel so powerful with them!! Even my friends are into them.
Well once again, technically Luke’s friends. Specifically Seth, who I talk to everyday. We go back and forth sending pictures of ourselves. I think he likes me, a lot! I like him too, a lot lol.
He even told me last night.
Seth: Dude, I wish you told me how you feel. I would have made a move a long time ago. But if you want to keep this on the DL, I’m cool with that. But as long as we have our fun on the beach trip.
Bradley: We are going to ALOT of fun on the trip I promise!
Seth: Well could you send me a little teaser? Maybe a body pic 😈
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Seth: Hot!!🥵
Bradley: Do you like feet?
Seth: …
Seth: If I have to be honest, I’d never tell anyone else this but yes. I do indeed have a foot fetish.
Bradley: I took this one earlier 😎
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Seth: Well since you’re showing off 😛
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Bradley: You have really nice feet!
Seth: Oh do I? I’ll let you do anything with them on the trip.
Reading that text from Seth made me instantly hard!
I talked to him for a while and this morning but I’m so nervous to find out what’s going to happen!
Are they going to give me something that will put Luke and I back in our bodies? I can’t go to my body, not before I go on my trip with Seth!!
A knock was at the door.
“Bradley, can I come in?”
The doctor came in and I felt like I was about to puke!
“Hey, sorry that took a little bit. Your brother doesn’t seem that happy. How are you with all of this?”
“Me? Oh I’m good, just an adjustment.”
“Well you seem to be taking it better. You know this is very rare. Unfortunately, this is something so new even to us. I wish I could tell you things are going to be back to normal soon but…”
“Wait, are you saying this is forever?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say forever. I guess I’ll just go ahead and say it. This is a lab made disease that somehow got to either you or your brother. We don’t have a cure for it at this moment. So I’d highly advise you, your brother, and your father to try and make this your new normal for the time being.”
“Oh wow! I can’t believe it!”
“So you’re good to go—”
I hopped up and immediately went for the door. As I walk out, I see Luke with his head turned down.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Well cheer up! That body isn’t so bad,” I say messing up my former hair.
“ Easy for you to say!”
“I’m sorry Luke but we are gong to have to accept this for now. Sides, I’ll be a good big brother to you. I promise.”
Luke looked up at me and for the first time in a while he had the tiniest smile.
Two Days Later:
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“Flex on em Luke,” says Seth as he takes a picture of me.
I walk up to him and say, “You have the bigger muscles why don’t you show them off.”
He grins and says, “I only show them off for you.”
“Hey do you wanna sneak up real quick while none of the other boys notice?”
“I thought you would never ask!”
We run up the stairs and as soon as we’re out of eyesight Seth pulls me in and kisses me.
“Come on inside Luke, I’ll let you play with these piggies,” he says wiggling his toes in my face.
“Can you do that thing you did last night with them?”
“You want another foot job?”
“Oh boy! You’re lucky you’re so cute!”
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raroxc · 13 days
Por algo rara vez tenemos visitas
Max pov:
Nacer en una familia con varios hermanos puede ser complicado pero que pensarías si uno de tus hermanos tiene la habilidad de cambiar cuerpos con quien sea, bueno esa es mi realidad, tengo 5 hermanos (Carlos, Nick, Rafa, Josh y Daniel), pero mi hermano menor Daniel nació con esa habilidad, o bueno eso creemos ya que a solo 2 meses de su nacimiento encontramos a papá comportándose como un bebé en la sala solo para después comenzar una oleada de cambios hasta que todos regresamos a nuestros cuerpos, mama no soporto la situación y nos abandonó, así que mi papá se encargo de criarnos el solo.
Al inicio fue difícil pero cuando Daniel cumplió 2 años ya controlaba con quien cambiar a voluntad, fue hasta entonces que nuestro familiares nos comenzaron a visitar, ya que tenían miedo de terminar en otros cuerpos, sobra decir que nunca invitamos a nadie a la casa después de todo Daniel solía tomar el cuerpo de cualquiera para escapar y divertirse hasta que lo encontráramos y lo trajéramos de regreso
Esta de semanas mi papá fue a visitar a mi hermano Carlos a la universidad pero regresaría en 2 semanas ya que aprovecho para resolver algunos pendientes, yo también estaría en la universidad ahora pero decidí tomar un año sabático ya que no podía decidir que estudiar, en fin mi tío Edgar vendría a cuidar a mis hermanos en especial a Daniel ya que la última vez que nos dejo solos mas de 5 días Josh terminó en el cuerpo del vecino y yo en el de su hijo de 2 años, mientras que Daniel estaba en el cuerpo de Josh, el vecino en mi cuerpo y su hijo en Daniel, si estarás confundido por tantos cambios pero Josh suele chantajear a Daniel para que lo cambie con tipos de entre 21 y 35 años, el motivo Josh tiene solo 15 pero le gusta disfrutar del sexo y placeres carnales en los cuerpos de personas que legalmente pueden hacerlo y entrar en páginas para mayores de 18, créanme también a tomado mi cuerpo y fue muy incómodo ya que literalmente escuchaba mi cuerpo gemir desde afuera de la habitación.
Eso nos lleva precisamente al día de hoy, la asa se volvió un caos, pero empecemos desdé el inició.
EI tío Edgar llegó justo antes de que se fuera mi papá y yo salí para visitar a mi amigo Zack, el sugirió ir a mi casa pero yo no estaba muy seguro, aunque mi tío no nos prohibía tener visitas nunca lleve a nadie por el riesgo de un cambio de cuerpo inesperado, pero al final acepte, al llegar todo parecía normal excepto porque mi tío Edgar no estaba y Josh estaba jugando con un dinosaurio de juguete, fue entonces que Zack me miro y estaba claramente aguantando una leve risa, yo lo pasé por alto y nos fuimos a mi habitación pero en eso escuchamos un ligero grito desde el patio trasero era el cuerpo de Rafa gritándole a mi tío semidesnudo, fue entonces que mi mente reacciono, Josh hizo que Daniel lo pasara al cuerpo de Tío y ahora lo habían descubierto.
Zack ahora estaba claramente incómodo ya que no lograba razonar la situación, nunca le hable del poder de Daniel pues no lo creí necesario pero creo que me equivoque, claramente en esta casa nada puede durar 5 minutos sin hacer un desorden, trate de explicarle a Zack de la forma en que menos pareciera que estaba loco, pero comprensiblemente no me creyó y se estaba por ir pero entonces Daniel en el cuerpo de Josh lo tomo del brazo y le dijo:
Daniel: Eres nuevo?, tu cuerpo me gusta, préstamelo
Zack se quedó callado y claramente estaba muy incómodo, pero en eso vi como se empezaron a tambalear pero luego recobraron el equilibrio, yo conocía perfectamente ese patrón, Daniel había cambiado cuerpos con Zack, para luego salir corriendo de la casa, quise detenerlo pero entonces mi visión se oscureció y ahora estaba en el cuarto de invitados recostado sobre la cama con una mano en mi entrepierna a punto de correrme.
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No podía ser verdad ahora estaba en el cuerpo de mi tío Edgar y al parecer Josh lo estaba usando para... ni siquiera puedo pensar con claridad se siente tan bien, su polla era tan sensible, solo podía continuar lo que estaba haciendo, fue entonces que comencé liberar un gemido de placer y no fue muy discreto y decir ugh-uf esto se s-siente tan b-bien-, sentir como estaba apunto de estallar y entonces paso, dejé salir la gran carga de la semilla de mi tío que callo sobre todo mi nuevo pecho y abdomen, eso había sido sorprendente, tanto que olvidé lo que estaba pasando.
Al caer en cuenta de todo corrí a la entrada solo para encontrar a Zack en el cuerpo de Josh sentado preocupado y a Josh en mi cuerpo diciéndole que recuperaríamos su cuerpo, en eso los dos voltearon y me vieron, Josh no dejo ir la oportunidad y me dijo en burla.
Josh: no seas así, respeta el cuerpo de nuestro tío
Max: no empieces Josh cuando Daniel me metió en el cuerpo del tío tu ya lo habías dejado a punto de correrse.
Josh: a punto pero aun no pasaba esto, además mínimo te hubieras vestido.
Por todo lo que estaba pasando olvidé que estaba desnudo frente todos, solo miraba a Zack tapándose los ojos.
Zack: Max puedes vestirte, no se que tan común sea para ustedes verse desnudos pero...
Max: si ya se, y no es normal esto, el único con esas manías aquí está sentado junto a ti, regreso enseguida.
Subí al cuarto en el que se estaba quedando el tío Edgar y me vestí con lo primero que encontré, al mirar por la ventana vi a Josh en mi cuerpo observando mi pene por encima de mi ropa antes de subir al carro del tío e irse, sin duda esto era malo, fui a donde Zack y me dijo que Josh buscaría a Daniel para regresar a la normalidad, se que lo va a hacer pero no me cabe duda que primero va a aprovechar mi cuerpo para su placer así que no se cuanto estaremos así.
Josh pov:
Si la verdad arruine todo pero bueno termine con el cuerpo Max así que eso es bueno,sabia que en cuanto regresemos Max querrá su cuerpo de regreso así que primero haré una parada en medio de la nada jeje, salí de la ciudad en el carro del tío y cuando llegue a un punto donde no hay nada empecé una muy merecida sesión de masturbación, si, mi hermano será muy aburrido pero tiene el pene más grande de la familia, comencé a bombear su polla con la mano derecha y a pasar su mano izquierda por todo su pecho sin duda me gustaría usarla con alguien más, pero no se podrá ya que de por si tengo poco tiempo, no se que podría hacer Daniel en el cuerpo de Zack.
Luego de de llenar el tablero del auto de Edgar con la semilla de mi hermano regrese a la cuidad y para mi sorpresa no lograba ver a ese mocoso por ningún lado, solo tiene 7 años mentalmente y se que Zack no tiene carro así que tenía que estar por el área. Solo espero que papá no se entere de esto o estaré castigado de por vida, aunque que es lo peor que podrida hacer decirle a Daniel que cambie conmigo por una semana o encerrarme en el garaje del jardín...
No puedo creer que olvide sacar al tío Edgar del garaje, no cabe duda estoy muerto, tome el teléfono de Max y le marque a mi número.
Josh: Zack, estas ahi?
Zack: si, ya sabes algo de mi cuerpo?
Josh: aun no pero pásame a Max.
Max: que pasa Josh?
Josh: puede hacerme un favor?
Max: que quieres.
Josh: por favor finge que eres yo y saca al tío Edgar del garaje del jardín trasero porfa.
Max: que lo dejaste donde?
Josh: si si, es que no dejaba de regañarme por usar su cuerpo para bueno ya me conoces jaja.
Max: si bueno, pero porque quieres que finja ser tu?
Josh: porque en cierta forma acabo de llenar su carro de... bueno no importa si piensa que eres tu tendrá menos motivos para castigarme cuando regrese papá.
Max: Josh infeliz que hiciste con mi cuerpo?!
Josh: que importa ahora hazme ese favor si?
Colgué la llamada y seguí buscando por el área sin éxito hasta que llegue a un parque y ahí estaba el cuerpo Zack en los columpios, era raro ver al amigo de mi hermano así, por lo general el es más serio jaja.
Me acerque a él y dije que teníamos que irnos, que tenia una sorpresa para el en la casa, el se veía emocionado y corrió al carro, al llegar vi todos en la sala, Max actuaba como yo y estaba siendo regañado por mi tío, era gracioso ya que mi tío esta en el cuerpo de mi hermano Rafa y estaba regañando a su propio cuerpo.
Max POV:
Así llegamos a este punto, pero lo bueno es que al fin Josh regreso con Daniel, estaba tan preocupado pero sin duda me debe un favor muy grande, el tío Edgar ha estado insoportable, es un regaño tras otro, fue entonces que mi tío le dijo a Daniel.
Edgar: vamos campeón regrésanos a la nuestros cuerpo ya casi oscurece y Zack tiene que regresar a su casa.
Daniel: No quiero, me gusta ser grande.
Edgar: campeón pero llevas más de 7 horas en su cuerpo ya es suficiente.
Daniel: no, quiero ser grande más tiempo.
Edgar: si quieres puedes tener mi cuerpo, es hasta más grande que el de Zack.
Daniel: No, en el tuyo me verían raro porque eres viejo.
Edgar: no me digas viejo apenas tengo 36, y ya regresa el cuerpo de Zack o no te vamos a dar la sorpresa que te dijo tu hermano.
Daniel: pero si le regreso su cuerpo ya no me lo va a prestar, mejor me quedo como el hasta que regrese papa.
Podía ver a Zack en shock estaba muy nervioso, todo lo que vivió hoy sin duda debe ser algo muy difícil de asimilar.
Edgar: por eso debes regresarnos para que te lo presten otra vez, además su familia debe estar preocupada por el y tu no sabes su vida así que no podrías engañar a su familia,
Daniel: mmm, esta bien, pero con una condición.
Edgar: cual campeón?
Daniel: que me lo va a prestar mañana
Edgar volteo a ver a Zack, y luego trago saliva, eso era algo que no podría prometer nadie en la sala más que Zack pero no creo que aceptara tal petición.
Zack: pero porque mi cuerpo?
Daniel: tu cuerpo me gusta es algo nuevo, ya he estado muchísimas veces en los de mis hermanos, eso ya es aburrido.
En eso vi como el cuerpo de Zack y el de Daniel tambaleaba, luego el de rafa, después el mio, luego el de Josh y después mi visión se perdió por unos instantes al regresar, miré a todos viendo sus cuerpos, habían regresado pero algo estaba mal, yo me sentía raro mire a mi cuerpo a un lado mio y me di cuenta que ahora yo estaba en el cuerpo de Zack.
Daniel: listo todo esta bien.
Zack: he niño, creo que me pusiste en el cuerpo equivocado.
Daniel: No, están bien, con mi hermano en tu cuerpo tiene que regresar mañana y así yo podré tomar prestado tu cuerpo otro rato.
Max: pero Daniel, es la vida de Zac, no puedes jugar asi con el regresamos a su cuerpo.
Josh: si, o si quieres... meterme ami en el y te aseguro que mañana estaré aquí a primera hora.
Al escuchar eso, me asuste ya que sabía el para que Josh quería el cuerpo de Zack, pero la repuesta de Daniel fue un alivio.
Daniel: No, Max es el único que se podría hacerse pasar por su amigo, tu no puedes.
Al final Zack accedió a pasar la noche en mi cuerpo pero no estaba del todo convencido, yo me fui a su casa y solo podía pensar en que si a Josh o Daniel se les ocurría algo mañana podría ser un día largo e incomodo, por lo pronto mejor me preparo para dormir o bueno quizá pueda intentar algo...
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raroxc · 19 days
Romania dreaming
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It has been a few months since I met George on the site for long distance dating for gays. He was from Romania, kind of cute twinkish guy. Never had much luck. I honestly can't say why I went on that website, maybe I was just bored, but it turned out as the best decision of my life.
It was strange cause from the start, we knew we had chemistry between each other, but the distance made it complicated. We often sex-chatted on the website. About what we would do to each other and so.
One day I told him I wanted to jerk off furiously, because of what he wrote, but my rommate was unfortuantely in the room. Then just a strange idea popped into my head. "What if you'd swap into his body? Then you could be with me." George told me about his Romania ancestor magic skills he had, but he did just some small parlor tricks from time to time. The bigger spells were harder. He needed a friend for that. A friend that I could be. And that I could benefit from too
George loved the idea, but was scared at first. "What if the other one in my body ruins my life while he is me? I can't let that happen."
"Ok, you know what. Find anyone hot from your life that you would like me to swap into and I will come to see you. Then you'll swap me back and I'll see what the other person did. Maybe the spell makes them think they're us. That would be neat" I suggested
George was more confident now and even sent me some photos of his straight colleagues from work, so that we could see if they behaved differently after swapping back. I immediately set my eyes on Daniel. His hot, absolutely 100 % straight, colleague who worked out. Insanely hot.
We both agreed. I got ready in my bed. I told George to start the spell at 21:21. I looked at the clock and still had some minutes left. I tried to fall asleep. Maybe Daniel would be asleep in my body and it would be easier. Then it hit me. Strange nauseating feeling and the light
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I was standing in the locker rooms. Cold win from the AC on my bare torso. Bare torso? Holy shit. I am shirtless in the locker rooms of some gym. That's something I never expected to happen to me. I looked down. First thing that caught my eye were the shorts. Then I looked at my beautiful muscular torso. My new arms. Then I caught my new reflection. In the mirror was the guy that I saw in the photo. Daniel. "Daniel" I said aloud. His voice sounded so strong and commanding. If he told me with this voice to get down on my knees and suck him, I would. Speaking of sucking I looked in my shorts. Nice flacid shaved cock. "Gotta find out how big you are when you're hard big guy". His phone vibrated. Fuck, I almost forgot I was suppose to send Daniel proof of swapping bodies
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I sent the photo to George's instagram. Then I wrote:"This is what you'll be looking up at tonight while you suck me off"
"Peter? I can't believe it. You're really him. You have to come over!"
I wanted to get his stuff and leave immediately, but the some of his friends got to the locker and ridiculed me for being a pussy and leaving without lifting. I don't know if it was Daniel's personality or something else in me, but I felt like I had to prove them wrong. And then I said things I didn't even know. Shit about cars, girls, FUCKING GIRLS. I even lifted without knowing how. This body was on autopilote.
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I left early without saying anything. Bunch of messages from George waiting for me and being stressed out what happened. I explained and asked for his adress of his dorms.
The twink I used to talk to late at night was waiting for me in black compression shorts and black shirt.
"Heey...." was all I let him say out loud. I agressively pressed him against the wall and kissed him. Tongues twisting around each other, my teeth biting his lips, hands feeling up and down his body. Slowly we were working our way to his bed. I set him down and took of my shirt. He was visibly shocked, that his work colleague was now in front of him stripping down. I whip out my hard dick and pushed it into his face. He obliged immediately and worked his way with his tongue around the bright purple head of my new dick. He was working it like a pro, trying to swallow it whole, not gagging. But that didn't matter, I had to fuck his ass. Now.
I turned him around, not even stripping him, only pulling a bit of his shorts from his ass. I spit into my hand, got it on my dick and pushed myself in. He screamed out. But I didn't care, I just pused inside and kept thrusting. He was so tight. His ass was so tight around my shaft. I shot my cum inside of him. Pulling out and immediately searching for clothes to leave.
"You're leaving?!"
I snapped out. "Fuck, jesus George I am so sorry. I don't know what happened. I think Daniel's personality still had effect on me. I didn't mean to be so rough on you. Please forgive me."
"It's ok. It did hurt at first, but it was worth it. I still can't believe you're him now. And I lost my virginity with Daniel who I crushed over for years! That's so amazing!"
"Wait, this was your first time? But, you told me all the stories. Was none of it true? Jesus, George, maybe if I knew I would have fought Daniel's personality harder."
"I didn't expect we would me irl. I honestly didn't expect the spell would wrok, but here we are. Daniel is here. In my room. Wait, I have a great idea!" he started casting a spell
"Wait!" I wasn't fast enough to stop him.
But now I was looking at Daniel. From his point of view. Already feeling more submissive than in Daniel's body. The personality of the original body truly does have an effect on the one swapped inside.
George was now posing in front of the mirror. His eyes focused on his biceps and all the tense muscles.
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I was now in George's twink body. I could feel his ass hurting from the sex with Daniel's body. I could feel the cum in his ass. I felt the attraction towards Daniel's body. But I didn't feel right like I did in Daniel's. I wanted to swap back.
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George now got to his new dick, which was already throbbing hard again. How that's possible, I have no idea. But as soon as he started jerking his new cock he looked at me and I felt his predator eyes on me. Fuck, this is gonna hurt
The next morning I woke up sleeping next to George still in Daniel's body. We didn't sleep much tonight, but don't get me wrong, while the sex felt great I still couldn't shake the feeling that I was in the wrong body. As soon as George woke up I told him about my dysphoria with his body. He got mad. I could tell that Daniel's personality took over. And then few seconds later I found myself in my original body again already in my university lecture.
For several weeks George didn't answer my messages. I could only see as his Tumblr profile had more and more photos of Daniel's body in the gym etc.
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Not only was I worried, but I had to admit to myself that I was extremely jealous. I was in that body first. I need it more than he did
I kept spamming him with messages and then one day he answered. The message said:"I need to fuck this guy in gym. I'll swap u with him tonight. Be ready". Man, I think it's better to have one body close to Daniel's rather than be far from him
He did as he said in the message. I woke up again in the bright gym. Now lifting. I proceeded to not cause suspicion.
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This guy I was now in was really handsome. More muscular even than Daniel I dare to say. I could feel that his personality was not as strong as Daniel's. He seemed more kind in my eyes, but who knows who he is. I may not know before George tells me. I saw him on the other side of the room eyeing me. Stalking me even. I left the body on autopilote and finished the workout. His body was probably used to take photos after so I let him
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Maybe I could stay in his body. He is really hot. And more handsome too. But I don't know. He is the type I would love to have as a boyfriend, not to be him.
I followed George to the showers. We were eventually the last people in the gym. I got into the lockers. Patiently waiting for him to speak.
"You're Mihai now. He's the owner of the gym. So we got the place for ourselves. Let's hit the showers"
I followe him. Mihai, what a nice name for this guy. I don't feel that Mihai is someone who would just follow others and do what they tell him to. Maybe I figured out how to overpower the personality of the person.
We got naked and stared at each other.
"Nah, this is wrong." and yet again he proceeded to perform his ritual
I was now Daniel again and was looking at Mihai. Now the reality of how he acted hit him. And as I suspected before, Miahi was irl a very nice guy. "I am so so so sorry Peter. I didn't know that Daniel had such a strong personality. I tohught I could fight it, but most of the time I just found myself being the passenger, but still enjoying his life. It's so weird. But I feel better now as Mihai. Maybe you should stay in Daniel's body for now. I'll learn to control the personality of others, just as you did and then we can safely try to swap with other people. What do you think?"
"I think" I said as I turned on the water in the showers "that you need a post workout shower. And that George and Mihai need to get to know themselves better" I smiled at him kneeling down to the nice hairy cock already waiting for my mouth
Few months later
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Are you asking if we stayed in their bodies? Well yeah, kind off. We made their bodies our main ones. We got them to live together, start a relationship and now even if we swapped into other bodies Daniel and Mihai bodies continue what we established. Romantic right?
Me and George often take trips to some new locations travelling around the world, enjoying life of other people. Most of the time we try to find some straight friends travelling to foreign locations, trying to score some pussy there and slightly changing their vacation plans. Heh, there was this one time where we didn't even exit our hotel room. For a week. Crazy right? That was wild. But maybe I'll tell that story another time and tell you how our life in Mihai and George is proceeding
But now we are in the bodies of these two gym bro friends, waiting for the gay bar to open. See you
A story from messages we came up with while body swap roleplaying with @hunkpossesion
I changed the plot a bit, but still the hot bodies remained.
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raroxc · 24 days
Entre compas. Parte 1. Eduardo
Marcos y yo hemos sido compas desde  la prepa y siempre hemos tenido muchas cosas en común, además de ser los más guapos de la escuela, porque aunque él siempre fue más deportista, yo también le daba al gym. Ahora ya estamos en la universidad, y aún cuando vamos en carreras diferentes, siempre nos juntamos para pistear y pasarla chido, nos tenemos un buen de confianza.
Me acuerdo que el día del cambio tomamos un montón. Esa vez, mientras cotorreábamos en su casa, me dijo que mi novia se le hacía muy guapa y que la neta le gustaría acostarse con ella, yo no me molesté porque a mí su novia también me gustaba.
- Sí, we, pero ellas no van a querer cambiar de pareja. Son bien celosas.
- Ya sé, we, pero igual estaría chido. Ha de estar chido ser tú y poder darte a tu morra.
- Jajaja, quisieras wey.
Seguimos un rato hasta que no pudimos más y se nos acabó el alcohol. Pedí un uber y como pude me fui para mi casa, nada más me acuerdo cuando caí en la cama.
En la mañana me dolía un buen la cabeza como si estuviera bien crudo, abrí los ojos y vi que seguía en el cuarto de Marcos, era muy extraño porque juraba haber ido a mí casa. Da igual. 
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Sentí mi erección matutina y como estaba solo, decidí que me iba a hacer una paja para  bajármela, aunque al llevarme la mano me saqué un buen de onda porque traía una truza y yo siempre uso bóxer, es más, ni siquiera traía pantalón, espero que las cervezas no nos hayan traicionado y me haya ganado la calentura con Marcos... mi torso también estaba desnudo y me preocupé más cuando me toqué y sentí los músculos demasiado marcados, en chinga abrí los ojos, miré hacía abajo y comprobé que mi pecho, mis piernas y mis pies estaban diferentes, no entendí qué estaba pasando y asustado corrí a buscar un espejo. Cuando toqué mi cara no podía creer que estaba en el cuerpo de Marcos...
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raroxc · 1 month
Poseyendo a mi mejor amigo
Alex ha sido mi mejor amigo desde hace varios años hemos sido inseparables hasta ahora que vamos en la universidad he comenzado a sentir cosas por él, no puedo dejar de pensar en que le diré hoy justo iba cruzando la calle cuando derrepente todo se nubló no recuerdo nada más que el sonido de un carro frenando hasta que abrí mis ojos estaba en el hospital podía ver mi cuerpo acostado en la cama y al lado estaba Alex, que estaba pasando? Me sentía tan perdido pero feliz de poderlo ver, creo que soy un fantasma
Trate de comunicarme con Alex hasta que vi que saco su teléfono, pase mi mano fantasmal por la pantalla creo que puedo escribir en su teclado
Alex al instante supo que era yo, supongo que de tantos años de conocernos tenemos algún tipo de conexión, empezo a preguntar Jon eres tu? Que esta pasando?
Jon: creo que estoy muerto soy como un fantasma no se como regresar a mi cuerpo
Alex: puede que sea algún tipo de proyección astral de tu alma,me alegra poder hablar contigo aunque sea de esta manera
Jon: a mi también me alegra que estes aqui pero ahora necesito volver a mi cuerpo
Alex: hablando de eso tu cuerpo esta en coma, no parece ser algo grave pero no sabemos cuando puedas despertar así que si vuelves a tu cuerpo talvez ya no podamos hablar
Jon: entonces que hago no me puedo quedarme así
Alex: déjame pensar Tu sabes que todos estos temas de fantasmas me gustan pero nunca me había pasado algo parecido
Jon: es cierto siempre me obligabas a ver esas películas de terror
Alex: tengo una idea es algo rara pero si funciona seria genial, por que no me posees?
Los ojos de Alex se iluminaron no podía creerlo que idea tan descabellada aun así cierta curiosidad nació en mi interior por que estaba tan emocionado por que yo poseyera su cuerpo, aun así no lo pensé mucho quería salir de ese hospital
Jon: estas seguro de esto alex, crees que funcione?
Alex: hay que intentarlo no perdemos nada, simplemente voy a cerrar mis ojos, me voy a relajar lo más que pueda y cuando sientas que es el momento trata de abrazarme yo te dejarte entrar a mi cuerpo
Jon: okey aquí voy
Me acerque a Alex mientas él cerró sus ojos y empezó a meditar se veía tan lindo así que fue fácil al instante quize abrazarlo Fue ahí cuando todo se nubló
Abrí mis ojos me sentía mareado todo me daba vueltas mire hacia abajo fue ahí cuando vi las manos de alex. No puede ser en verdad lo he poseído.
No recordaba lo bonitas que eran sus manos, sentía mi corazón latir me volví a sentir vivo en el cuerpo de mi mejor amigo corrí al baño a verme al espejo. En persona Alex es más guapo empeze a tocar mi cara mi pelo mis brazos hasta me quite la playera que bien se ve el cuerpo de Alex todas esas visitas al gimnasio le han dado resultado me di cuenta que podía hacer cualquier cosa con su cuerpo ahora que lo poseía pero solo tome una foto en el espejo.
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Ya iba a salir de baño cuando me entraron unas ganas de mear. No puede ser no quiero ver ahí abajo pero no puedo aguantar más, me la tuve que sacar, no podia creerlo tantas años siendo amigos y es la primera vez que le veo el pene a Alex no pensé que se lo vería estando en su cuerpo, su pito es de buen tamaño, sin circuncisión, es un poco más grande que el mio y vaya que necesita una rasurada
Al acabar Inconcientemente sacudi su pene para limpiarlo, había olvidado que este es el cuerpo de Alex en seguida empezó a ponerse duro no podía evitar ver su pito crecer sentida como su corazón bombeaba toda su sangre ahí abajo empezaba a incharse. Derrepente ya estaba viendo todas las venas de su pene, sentía que iba a explotar pero no podía martubarme que diría Alex aun así todo su cuerpo me lo pedía empeze a apretarlo se sentía tan bien que una cosa llevo a la otra cuando me di cuenta ya estaba masturbandome. Solté un gemido con su voz, esto fue lo que me puso aún más caliente y segui martubandolo hasta venirme
Pude sentir como salia toda su leche y escuria por mis manos. Un pensamiento intrusivo paso por mi cabeza y me lleve la mano a la boca sabia bastante bien su leche estaba caliente y bastante espesa Me sentía tan culpable pero a la vez tan bien en su cuerpo. Al final es como si Alex lo hiciera solo que soy yo quien controlo su cuerpo, solo pensar esto me ponía más duro pero antes tuve que limpiar todo el desastre que deje, ya se hacia tarde asi que guarde sus cosas en la mochila que traía y regrese a su casa
No había nadie en casa sus padres llegaban hasta tarde me sentía cansado y estaba bastante sudado por la caminata y lo que paso en el baño, sus axilas ya olían bastante fuerte aunque no me disgustaba ese olor tenía tenía que cuidar el cuerpo de Alex así que decidí meterme a bañar Me empeze a desvestir al quitarme los tenis me di cuenta que las axilas de Alex no eran lo único que olia fuerte no me imagine que los pies de mi amigo fueran tan bonitos no se por que pero comencé a ponerme caliente
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era raro ver que el cuerpo de mi mejor amigo desnudo pero aún más raro era ver como su pene se ponía erecto al ver sus pies, me sentía exitado pero antes necesitaba bañarme abrí el agua y comencé a tallar por todas partes fue toda una experiencia bañarme en el cuerpo de mi amigo estoy bastante agradecido con él y su cuerpo
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Ahora tengo que fingir ser él y ver como me puedo comunicar con Alex pero antes creo que me haré otra paja este cuerpo es muy caliente
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( hola esta es mi primer historia pienso subir más tengo varias ideas si tienen Algúna sugerencia o simplemente quieren platicar estoy feliz de escucharlos aquí en los comentarios o por DM)
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raroxc · 1 month
Feel free to message me what you think is so hot about them!
Peter Katsouris - from "The Swap Club - New Peter's POV":
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Jared - from "Fun During the Swap Flu - Breaking Quarantine":
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Jay - from "A Second Lease - The Wedding":
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Nathan - from "Like Father Like Son":
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Bryce - from "Breaking Eric's Trust":
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Nico - from "Nonno's Globetrotting Adventure":
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Ezra - from "Fit Into His Soul":
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Cole- from "Virtually Limitless":
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Alex - from "Family Reunion - Steve's Youthful Journey":
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raroxc · 1 month
The Swap Club - New Peter's POV
Read Part 1 here.
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I'll never understand why someone as attractive as Peter Katsouris would join the Swap Club. I mean, just look at him - those chiseled muscles, that confident smirk. He could have anyone he wanted effortlessly. Yet, here he was, willingly swapping bodies with a random stranger.
At least for me, being in the Swap Club made sense. My old body was constantly out of shape, no matter what I tried to fix it. Hours at the gym, strict diets, you name it – nothing worked. I felt trapped.
By the time Peter came around, I had been a member of the Swap Club for years. I was what we called a “banker,” someone who held onto their first place pick until the perfect body came along. Sure, some cute bodies had come up in the monthly lottery, and they had potential – but they mostly weren't my type. So, I held out hope for something better, knowing that eventually, the perfect opportunity would present itself.
As soon as I saw Peter's body pop up on the list, it was like the universe had finally heard my prayers. With just five minutes to make my decision before my swap, I didn't hesitate. I confirmed my selection without a second thought, my heart pounding with anticipation.
Suddenly, for the first time in three years, I felt all the sensations of the physical world. And I knew immediately that I had made the right choice.
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Standing in front of the mirror, I marveled at my new reflection. Peter's chiseled features stared back at me, his sexy smirk now my own. The power and strength emanating from this body were palpable. For the first time ever, I felt confident.
As I flexed Peter's hard muscles and admired his toned physique, I knew I needed to hit the gym to test out what this body could really do.
Arriving at the gym, I wasted no time diving into my workout routine. For two hours straight, I pushed myself to the limit, testing every muscle group imaginable. The weight felt lighter, the movements more fluid than I had ever experienced before. It was as if this body had been tailor-made for physical perfection, responding effortlessly to the demands I placed upon it.
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As the beads of sweat dripped down my brow and my muscles screamed in exertion, I felt alive in a way I had never felt before. Each rep, each lift, I reveled in the sensation of strength coursing through my veins. After what felt like an eternity of intense working out, I finally decided to leave the gym, my body still buzzing with adrenaline and satisfaction.
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Making my way to the showers, I couldn't resist the temptation to feel myself up, to explore every curve and contour of this perfectly sculpted form. As the warm water cascaded down my toned physique, I began to lose myself in arousal.
However, my tranquility was soon interrupted by the sound of footsteps entering the shower area. Glancing over, I saw a cute young twink making his way towards me, his slender frame adorned with nothing but a towel draped loosely around his waist.
Watching him, a surge of desire started stirring within me. As he stepped into the shower stall next to mine, I couldn't resist stealing glances in his direction. The temptation to reach out, to touch him, was overwhelming. I hesitated, but then I remembered that in Peter's body, I’m hot as hell.
He caught my gaze and flashed me a shy smile. I responded with a confident smirk. Without saying a word, I motioned for him to come over to me.
I guided his hand to trail down my chiseled abs and defined waist, relishing in the sensation of his touch against my newly acquired body. As I lifted my other arm and flexed my bicep, I watched with anticipation as his eyes widened in awe. Encouraged by his response, I guided him further, urging him to explore every inch of my muscular frame.
But it was when I lifted my arms, exposing my hairy pits, that the true intimacy began. With a sense of desire hanging in the air, I guided him to lick and nuzzle against the soft tufts of hair, reveling in the sensation of his warm breath against my skin.
Even though he eagerly complied with my silent commands, it was still not enough. I wanted more. I wanted to feel him take all of me.
Without hesitation, I turned him around, pressing his arms against the slick tiled wall. With a sense of urgency driving me forward, I thrust my thick cock into his waiting ass, the tightness and warmth of his hole enveloping me in ecstasy.
Lost in the throes of passion, we surrendered ourselves to the rhythm and came together in perfect harmony, the twink climaxing without me even touching his cock.
Letting him down off the wall, the twink turned to me and said, “That was amazing. Thanks so much, uhh... what was your name again?”
“Peter,” I replied, flexing my new bicep for him again. “Peter Katsouris, nice to meet you.”
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raroxc · 1 month
Fun During The Swap Flu - Breaking Quarantine
Check out part 1 by @viceversa-666 here.
Day 74:
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As the days passed by, I found myself settling into Jared's life more and more. Even though initial novelty of being in his body had worn off, I was still jerking off my huge cock at least 5 times a day. Damn Jared’s sex drive is through the roof.
Anyway, they said that the virus would last 30-45 days. When Day 30 came, I felt a wave of emotions. Mostly I was dreading giving up these muscles and my sexy face, but I was also feeling a bit afraid of losing my identity. Even though I hadn’t been like this for that long, I had truly come to think of myself as Jared. But, to my momentary relief, nothing happened.
However, the following weeks were excruciating. Every day felt like a countdown, with the looming possibility of being ripped out of this body at any moment. I found myself constantly on edge, wondering exactly it would happen.
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But here we are, 74 days and counting and it still hasn't happened yet. Somehow, I'm still here, still inhabiting Jared's body.
We keep hearing reports of some cases of the "long swap flu," where people just seem to be infected indefinitely. At first, it sounded like a wild rumor, but every day past 45, more and more I began to cling to these stories like a lifeline. Could it be possible? Could I really stay like this forever? I hope to hell its true - I love my body.
And you know what gives me the most hope? I don't think that anyone is particularly concerned about it long swap flu. It seems like they're more focused on preventing more swaps and making sure the majority of people get back. I guess a few hundred is an okay margin of error in the grand scheme of things - even if for me, it's everything.
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My brother isn't too happy about all this. I can see the worry etched into his face every time he looks at me. He keeps googling different information about treatments, desperate to find some sort of cure.
Honestly, I feel a bit bad for him. I know how much he misses this body, and I can see that he’s not taking on my old identity as much as I’ve taken on his. But at the same time, I can't help but feel a sense of selfish relief. The thought of going back to my old life fills me with dread, a stark contrast to the comfort I've found in living as Jared.
In the meantime, I've been hitting up the dating apps, eager to explore this newfound sexual appeal. It's exhilarating to flirt and connect with people as Jared, everyone just keeps telling me how hot they think I am and keep asking me to send nudes. In fact, I’m in such high demand, I decided to start an onlyfans just to make sure the people get what they want.
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But up until now, I've been a bit nervous about exploring anything physical in-person – I mean you never know when I could switch back. But hey, I think I’m just gonna say fuck it and break the quarantine. I have this absolute stud in my DMs begging to breed me, and I for one can’t wait to be dominated.
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raroxc · 2 months
Stuck For The Semester: Post-Pandemic
Catch up on Part 1 & Part 2
“Peter Thomas?”
“Yes, I'm okay!” I replied to Professor David.
I know it's been a few years since we last caught up following our class semester swap that got caught up by a global p*ndemic.
The university agreed, without our consent, to continue the experiment for longer than it's ever been done with the hope that it would help the scientific community.
Unfortunately for some of us, it had adverse effects.
Several students experienced swaps where the original bodies personalities began to overtake their own, eventually leading to them believing they had always been in that body.
After almost a year and a half when we finally got to return to campus, Professor David came to me to "break the news".
"Elton" did not want to swap back because he didn't believe he ever swapped to begin with.
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So I was now Peter Thomas...who didn't even have a plan for his life despite being in school. So the professor offered me a future. Join him as a teaching assistant and help him with future swaps, and here we are a few years later where I help him "teach", but I had my own motives.
Enter the star athlete of the newest batch of students. Shi.
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Being a college athlete, the universities pave the way to make graduating as EASY as possible for us, but we still have to go to at least one class.
I kinda failed at even doing that.
So my advisor and this one professor came up with the idea that if I take part in this one major experimental class I could be covered for the semester. I said yes, no questions asked.
When I walked in that first day, I just sat back and thought I would coast through napping.
As I dosed off, I heard someone up front yapping about learning from past experiments and saying swaps begin on day 1 now.
That's when a hand shook up and I was ripped awake.
This guy that was upfront with the professor named Peter said the class had an odd number so we ended up partners.
"BODY SWAPPING for the SEMESTER?" I knew they had to be joking.
My advisor said I couldn't drop the class....I was stuck.
I walk over to an empty pod....sigh...I guess it could be interesting to see what it's like to be a little white guy. Plus at least it looks like he kind of knows how to work out.
A bright light flashes and soon everything went black.
I held my eyes shut and tried to hold in my excitement.
I had worked with the advisors to get the class hard cap at an odd number so I would be forced to take part in the swaps once again. I had to do it to make sure I could corner Shi into swapping with me.
What gay guy wouldn't want to experience being inside such a hunk of a man.
I felt butterflies in my stomach and opened my eyes. I looked down at my hands… strong, calloused, fingers with perfectly cut nails… they're Shi's hands.
I knew the routine. I could hear my last body waking up and Professor David got closer to him to help him on his journey.
But he knows I've been through this rodeo before and clumsily darted to the door to head to the restroom. I locked myself into the single restroom, and ripped my shirt off...I couldn't believe my reflection.
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I had so much energy, is this what it's like to be a real athlete? After popping Peter's cherry, my perverted mind drifted into thinking about all the things I'd have Shi do for the first time. Immediately opening the app store to download Grindr.
This body wasn't ready to take all the d^ck I was gonna get with it.
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Waking up felt like a hangover. Not like a headache, just the disorienting part.
The professor was talking to me about something but I had to take a piss so bad.
I went down the hall to the restroom and began to pee. Damn this kid's not as big as I am down there but surprisingly long? I guess he's me for the time being. Shit I have to go to practice...coach is going to kill me if I'm late one more time.
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Wait. I don't have to go to practice for the semester. I gotta find my body to make sure he goes to the field.
Shit this kid's hard now. I don't wanna jerk off some random white guy.
I just started pumping out of spite, but damn this dude is sensitive. I don't usually moan like this but this body had an immediate reaction to my stroking. I tried to hold it in but all I could do was loudly moan.
I know I was in public but I just couldn't stop it. This body didn't want to finish but when I finally climaxed, it went everywhere. I scrambled to clean it up and that's when my phone vibrated.
A notification from....Grindr. Oh this dude's gay. It's from an account with no name and no profile picutre....wait.
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raroxc · 2 months
I took possession of my son's body (male possession)
I was a middle-aged man, I had made mistakes all my life and I was tired of a monotonous, boring life without any motivation.
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I had been married for a while, I never really fell in love with my wife, from that marriage we had a son whose name was Bryan, what can I say about him, except that he is the most popular boy at his school, and he is also the most handsome, every weekend he visits me since the other days he lives with his mother.
Only feelings of envy pass through my head, I know I don't have to have them, he is my son, but I can't help it, everything turns out well for my son, he has everything I ever wanted to have.
Around Wednesday, I had to go deliver some insurance documents to one of my clients who was a really strange old woman, she lived on the outskirts of the city, her husband had recently passed away and I was in charge of her case, In the afternoon I arrived at her home, she invited me in and we sat in the living room, we talked all afternoon about all the legal requirements to claim her husband's insurance, until it was time for me to leave, she strangely got up from his seat and took out a book from a drawer, he gave it to me and said: "what you want so much is in the content of this book, please take it, I know it will help you." At this point I already knew the old woman a little more and out of curiosity I decided to accept that strange book without knowing what was really waiting for me.
The next day at noon I couldn't stand my curiosity to see what the pages of the book that that old woman had given me said, so I just picked it up to see what it said, suddenly the first page said "I see which one is your greatest." I wish, keep reading the content of this book to find out how to get it", surprised, I continued reading the content which said that if I wanted to change my life and start over I would have to sacrifice something to achieve it, I continued and it told me that for years this book had passed through several hands and to be careful because once this started there would be no turning back, the book told him to prepare a strange mixture of ingredients that he had to get, I read the list and I could get everything without any difficulty, really I had nothing to lose so out of curiosity I got them and the next day I decided to prepare it.
When I finished preparing it, I left it aside in the refrigerator since my son Bryan was coming to spend the weekend with me and I didn't want him to notice that his father was doing strange things.
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He arrived always so athletic and in his training uniform, he greeted me and we spent some time together, I went to my room, but he stayed in the living room, this was a big mistake for him, since he went to the refrigerator looking for something to drink since after that training he was quite exhausted, for his bad luck he chose the potion that I had prepared, when he finished drinking it, everything went dark for both of us.
Our bodies fell to the floor at the same time, and I can't explain what happened but they began to move energetically, Bryan didn't stop moaning, to the point that two simple spheres of plasma came out of our mouths, I couldn't believe it, I was conscious but I couldn't. move since I was only a soul, when a strange energy dragged me to Bryan's mouth, I entered his mouth until I settled in his bowels, his athletic body did not stop moaning, until everything stopped.
When I woke up I felt lighter and strangely lighter, I didn't know how I got up from the floor, when I opened my eyes and saw my old body still lying on the floor, it was no longer moving, in my head I still didn't know what was happening , I went straight to the room to look for the book with which I had prepared the potion and it clearly said that the sacrifice was that to get what I wanted so much the spell would take something that belonged to me and that price was my son.
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Now my son was no longer there and my old body was empty, there was no longer a soul that would inhabit it, this was something very strange, I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and there he was, I was Bryan, I still didn't believe that This was happening, that young face and that athletic body now belonged to me, I couldn't take it anymore and I fainted.
I still can't believe that now I am my son, one night I couldn't take it anymore and I decided to exploit what is now my body, I can't stop thinking that it is something wrong for me to do this but I don't care, I could only feel with my hand that soft, young cock, God, that night was very exciting, I still can't believe what happened.
After so many days Bryan had to return to his usual routine and I had already learned it and I got used to it very quickly, he was a soccer star and with my experience there was nothing that could stop me, finally my great desire had been fulfilled. fulfilled I had everything I deserved.
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A young body, a carefree life, I was quite handsome and athletic, I was doing well in every way, having stolen my son's body was the best decision I could have made, just look at this perfect body in which I took advantage of every day as if it were The last one, I sleep with whoever I want and whenever I want I will never leave this body and I regret what happened to Bryan but I don't regret having done it.
I have to go because now I have a new date, God being my son is something incredible. When I arrived at his school it was an incredible experience, none of his friends noticed the change, apparently being Bryan will be easier for me than I thought. I went to the school bathroom and I couldn't stop looking at myself in the mirror, I know it's my son but it's so exciting, I love this body and all its privileges, I admit it, I'm in love with this new body, it's fabulous.
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raroxc · 2 months
Rings in Rio
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Marcelo’s POV:
Under the scorching sun of Rio de Janeiro, I found myself captivated by the pulsating energy of the city. My husband Valentin and I had been dreaming of this vacation for months, longing to escape Brasilia and just hang out by the beach.
As we walked along the ocean, the gentle breeze carried the scent of salt and sunscreen. I held Valentin's hand tight, savoring the warmth of his touch against my skin. I couldn't help but feel thankful to be sharing this moment with someone as amazing as him.
You see, I came out later in life – about a decade ago – when I was in my 40s. It hadn't been an easy journey. But meeting Valentin changed everything. We first crossed paths about five years ago – he was a vibrant 27-year-old then. I still remember the day we met like it was yesterday. I was attending a gallery opening, feeling out of place among the younger crowd, when our eyes met across the room.
Valentin approached me with a smile that lit up his face, his confidence and charm drawing me in immediately. We struck up a conversation that flowed effortlessly, as if we had known each other for years. He was unlike anyone I had ever met – bold, unapologetically himself, and utterly captivating. And from that moment on, we were inseparable.
I'll never forget the day he proposed to me, his eyes shining with excitement as he got down on one knee against the backdrop of a rushing river.
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His confidence was magnetic, a trait I wished I possessed. We exchanged vows two years ago, surrounded by friends and family who celebrated our love with us.
But despite the happiness we shared, there were moments when envy crept in. Seeing Valentin so carefree and liberated reminded me of the youth I never had, the years spent hiding my true self from the world. But even in those moments of insecurity, Valentin's love was a constant source of comfort.
As we walked along the beach, we stumbled upon a run down ring kiosk. Intrigued by the display of colorful trinkets, Valentin tugged at my hand excitedly.
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"Look at how cool these are, babe," he said, his eyes lighting up. I couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm.
"Ah, you have a nice eye," the shopkeeper remarked, his gaze lingering on the rings in Valentin's outstretched hand. "These ones are actually quite special – they're enchanted."
Valentin's eyes sparkled with excitement as he turned to me. "Did you hear that, Marcelo? Enchanted rings! How cool is that?"
I raised an eyebrow skeptically, exchanging a glance with Valentin. "Enchanted, huh? What kind of enchantment?" I asked.
The shopkeeper chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, you see, these rings have the power to grant the wearer's deepest desires," he explained, his voice low and mysterious. "They can bring love, luck, and even transformation."
Valentin's grin widened, his fingers tracing the intricate patterns etched into the surface of the rings. "That sounds incredible," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "What do you think, Marcelo? Should we get a pair?"
And as I watched him try on one of the rings, the metal glinting in the sunlight, I couldn't help but think about how hot they looked on him.
I hesitated for a moment, but as I looked into Valentin's eyes, I felt a surge of warmth wash over me. "Why not?" I said with a smile, reaching out to take his hand. "It could be fun."
After paying for the rings, the shopkeeper handed us a small book which he said explained the rings’ power.
Later that night, back in the comfort of our hotel room, we eagerly opened the small book the shopkeeper had given us. Its weathered pages revealed ancient symbols and cryptic instructions, which seemed more like a page out of a fantasy novel than anything grounded in reality.
"It says here that if we trade the rings – which we've been wearing all day – it will swap us into the other's body," Valentin exclaimed, his eyes alight with excitement as he scanned the text.
I couldn't help but arch an eyebrow skeptically. The idea seemed far-fetched, to say the least. But the thought of slipping into Valentin's skin, of experiencing life from his perspective, was undeniably enticing.
"Wait, we should totally try this, babe," he urged, his enthusiasm infectious.
I hesitated, unsure of what to make of it all. "I don't know, Valentin," I replied, trying to downplay my own excitement. "It's probably just some silly myth."
But Valentin was undeterred. With a confident smirk, he reached for the rings, his fingers brushing against mine. As we exchanged them, a strange sensation washed over me, like a surge of electricity pulsing through my veins.
Before I could react, I felt myself being pulled, as if my very soul was being forced out of my body and into his. The world spun around me, colors swirling into a dizzying blur, until finally, everything came to a halt.
As I blinked away the disorientation, I found myself staring at my old body – now inhabited by Valentin's spirit. My heart fluttered with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, unsure of what this newfound experience would bring.
But amidst the confusion, there was something else stirring within me – a primal, raw desire that I couldn't ignore. Seeing my old body through Valentin's eyes, I couldn't help but feel a surge of attraction towards it. The familiar contours and features that I had grown accustomed to suddenly seemed incredibly alluring.
Valentin, on the other hand, wasted no time in admiring his new form. He approached the mirror with a confident stride, his movements fluid and graceful. As he stood before the mirror, I watched him subtly flex his muscles, the faint ripple of strength beneath his skin, and run his fingers along his jawline, his touch gentle yet possessive.
With a nod towards the door, he turned to me. "Well Valentin, what do you say we go hit the town?" he suggested, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.
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Valentin’s POV:
As Marcelo and I strolled along the sun-drenched beaches of Rio, his hand tightly clasped in mine, I was overcome with gratitude for the man by my side. Marcelo wasn't just my husband; he was my anchor, my sanctuary amidst life's tumultuous waves.
We first met five years ago, an encounter that forever changed my life for the better. Marcelo's presence was like a beacon of warmth and wisdom. Despite the age gap between us, he welcomed me into his heart with a kindness and understanding I had never felt before.
Marcelo often complained about his age, lamenting the passing years and the toll they took on his body. But to me, he was perfect. With his salt-and-pepper hair and chiseled features, he had a timeless charm that I found irresistible. Marcelo took impeccable care of his body, maintaining a level of fitness and vitality that men half his age would envy.
However, while Marcelo exuded a quiet strength and maturity that commanded respect, beneath the surface lay a well of insecurities and doubts. There were moments when his gaze lingered on younger men, a wistful longing flickering in his eyes. When that happened, all I wanted to do was infuse him with the confidence and self-assurance he truly deserved.
That's why when we stumbled upon the rings, I was so happy. The prospect of swapping bodies with Marcelo, even temporarily, could give him the chance to see himself like I saw him – strong, resilient, and sexy as hell.
Exchanging the rings, I couldn't suppress a thrill of excitement. Marcelo's body certainly didn't disappoint; his rugged features and well-defined muscles radiated an undeniable magnetism that was impossible to ignore. I couldn't help but admire the way my new face looked in the mirror, the sharp contours and strong jawline making even Marcelo in my body flustered.
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We made the decision to remain swapped for the duration of our vacation, and I must admit, I was thoroughly enjoying the experience.
The change in people’s perception was undeniable. While I had always been accustomed to the occasional flirtatious glance and admiring looks when I inhabited my former body – I'll admit, I was quite the catch – the response now was on a whole other level.
Hotel concierges greeted me with deference and respect, always calling me sir. And waitstaff at restaurants fell over themselves to attend to my every need, no doubt aware that I was the one who would be footing the bill.
The intimacy we shared that week was also nothing short of extraordinary. Marcelo's enthusiasm and skill in the bedroom were unmatched, and he was an expert in pleasuring his former body, leaving me breathless and craving more.
He had always been a power bottom, and even in my former body, he wanted to keep it that way. Railing my former body, I was consumed by arousal, the sensation of my cock buried deep within him sending waves of pleasure radiating through every fiber of my being.
But it wasn't just the physical pleasure that fueled my desire; it was the profound sense of control and dominance that I felt, commanding Marcelo's massive body with an authority that bordered on exhilarating.
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Two nights before our departure, with the gentle glow of moonlight casting a soft sheen over our hotel room, I found myself poring over the pages of the book once more. My fingers traced the intricate patterns etched into the pages, searching for answers, for a solution.
And then, there it was – nestled within the text like a hidden gem waiting to be discovered:
"After transformation, should one be without the rings during the climax of sexual intercourse, the transformation shall be forever sealed."
I glanced over at Marcelo, sleeping peacefully beside me, his features softened in the gentle glow of moonlight. He looked so content, so at peace in my body, unaware of the decision that weighed heavily on my mind. And yet, as I gazed upon him, a sense of clarity washed over me. I reached out and gently brushed a lock of hair from his forehead, before leaning over and kissing it, saying “I love you”.
As I put the book down, a surge of determination swept through me. This was it – my chance to make our swap permanent.
Marcelo’s POV:
Laying in bed on our last night in Rio, the cool breeze from the open windows danced across my skin, carrying with it the scent of the sea. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of leaving this vibrant city behind. But at the same time, I couldn't deny that I had enjoyed every moment of our vacation, relishing the opportunity to experience life from Valentin's perspective.
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Being in Valentin's body had been nothing short of exhilarating. I felt a newfound sense of youthfulness coursing through my veins, an energy and vitality that I hadn't experienced in years. And the sex – well, let's just say it was beyond amazing. Valentin knew exactly how to work my body, his confidence and expertise leaving me breathless and wanting more.
But amidst the excitement and the pleasure, a question that had been gnawing at the back of my mind. A few days ago, I stumbled upon a passage in the book that would seal me in this body forever. I hadn't told Valentin about it, but the temptation to make our swap permanent was undeniable. It wasn’t fair, but the thought of returning to my old body – to the limitations and insecurities that came with it – filled me with dread.
Fiddling with the ring between my fingers, I carefully placed it in the bedside drawer. Just then, the bathroom door swung open, and Valentin emerged, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a warm halo around him. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he padded towards the bed, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Hey there, handsome," he purred, his voice sending a shiver down my spine. As he slipped under the covers beside me, I couldn't help but marvel at the effortless charm and confidence that radiated from him. I smiled in response, my heart fluttering at the sight of him.
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Pressing me down onto the bed and entwining his fingers with mine, Valentin’s strength and dominance overwhelmed me. With each thrust, I lost myself in the raw intensity of our connection. But amidst the haze of pleasure, a realization dawned upon me – Valentin wasn't wearing his ring either.
The revelation sent a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins. Could it be possible he wanted this too? Valentin's lips found their way to my neck, planting tender kisses along my skin. "I love this body so much," he murmured against my skin, his breath warm against my neck. "I don't think I can ever go back."
My heart swelled with a mixture of love and desire, knowing that he cherished my body as much as I cherished his. Smiling softly, I ran my bare hands down his back. "I took off the ring too, babe," I whispered. "I want your body now and forever."
A playful smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he met my gaze, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes. Without a word, he quickened the pace, driving us both to the brink of ecstasy once more.
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As the intensity of our passion peaked, I surrendered myself fully to the moment, losing myself in the raw, unbridled pleasure. With a primal roar, he released his load into me, our souls locking in our new bodies.
Basking in the afterglow, I felt a profound sense of fulfillment wash over me. With Valentin's strong hand tracing lazy patterns across my bare chest, I couldn't help but smile, knowing that this, right here, was all I could have ever asked for.
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raroxc · 2 months
A Second Lease - The Wedding
See the original from @mrwavellswaps here. Its probably my favorite story ever.
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Five years had passed since I made the decision to seal myself into my son's body permanently. And let me tell you, it's been nothing short of ecstasy. Today, as I stand here in front of the mirror, adjusting my tie, I can't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. It's my wedding day, and I'm about to marry the love of my life, Sean.
As I straighten my tie, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I can't help but pause and appreciate the sight. I turn slightly, flexing my biceps, admiring the sculpted physique that now defines me. The reflection staring back at me is a testament to the transformation I've undergone. This body, once my son's, now mine, is a masterpiece – sculpted muscles, flawless skin, and a confidence that radiates from every pore.
With a smirk, I run my hands over my chest, feeling the firmness of the muscles beneath my fingertips. I lift my shirt slightly, revealing the chiseled abs that now adorn my torso. It's a sight to behold, one that fills me with pride and satisfaction.
"You're looking good, Jay," I say to myself, unable to tear my gaze away from the mirror. I straighten my shirt and adjust my collar, feeling a surge of excitement as I prepare to embark on this new chapter of my life. Today is not just about marrying Sean; it's about celebrating the journey that has brought me to this moment.
There hasn't been a single day where I haven't felt thankful for the choice I made. I can still vividly remember the day I proposed to Sean. We were hiking in the mountains, surrounded by breathtaking views. I got down on one knee, my heart pounding with nervous excitement, and asked him to spend the rest of his life with me. The look of joy on his face as he said yes will forever be etched in my memory.
Meanwhile, my dad's life hasn't been as rosy as mine. Every month that went by, he still went back to the woods, hoping against hope that he can reverse the swap. I can't say I blame him. After all, since I've been in control, this body has only gotten better. But unfortunately for him, no matter how many times he threw coins into that mystical well, it still never worked.
As the years went on, I noticed he began to look older than before. Whereas I kept my hair neat and trimmed and – in my eyes – quite youthful, he let himself go a bit. His long hair was still handsome, but definitely aged him up.
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As he struggled to hold onto his youth, I eventually succumbed to a bit of guilt and couldn't keep the truth from him any longer. I came clean about what happened – about how I made that wish and sealed our fates. And let's just say, he didn't take it well.
"I made the choice that was best for me, Dad. It's time you accepted it," I stated firmly.
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He stormed off, cursing me as he walked. "This is how you fucking repay me?" he shouted. "And why does that make any sense? Even if you wanted to keep my body forever, why would you make it so that the well wouldn’t work on me anymore?"
You might be asking yourself the same question. Why did I make both our bodies impervious to magic? Well, to be honest, I needed to ensure that I would be the only Jay – no other versions to detract from the attention. Nobody to take away the perfect life that I was living. And someone to stand in my place, so people wouldn't make my life a hassle coming and asking what happened to my dad.
Looking back, I can't help but acknowledge the brilliance of my decision. I mean, come on, look at me – I'm hot, young, and irresistible. But I can't help but wonder what it would have been like to let myself keep this version of it forever. But hey, I still look amazing, and that's not changing anytime soon.
As for my dad, he refused to come to the wedding. I'm not surprised, really. Ever since I came clean about what happened, our relationship has been strained, to say the least. But you know what? It's no bother. Because at the end of the day, Sean is all I need.
As I stand in front of the mirror, lost in my thoughts, the sound of the door creaking open breaks the silence. Sean's presence behind me is electric, his hungry smirk sending a jolt of anticipation through my body. As he wraps his arms around my waist, I can't help but smile, feeling his warmth against my skin.
"You clean up well, babe," Sean's voice is like velvet, low and husky. His fingers trace along the contours of my chest, sending shivers down my spine. The warmth of his breath against my ear sends a thrill through me as he whispers, "But you know what would make this look even better?"
Before I can respond, our lips meet in a fiery, passionate kiss, igniting a blaze of desire between us. With a teasing tug, Sean rips off my shirt, leaving only the tie around my neck. "You're one sexy hunk," he murmurs, his gaze filled with hunger as he takes in my exposed chest.
Moving towards the bed, Sean takes hold of the tie, using it as a leash to guide me, a silent command that I'm more than willing to follow. As he lines up his cock against my eager hole, I can't help but marvel at his size, every thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through me.
"You've been putting in extra hours at the gym, babe," Sean chuckles sexily, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "I can tell."
He keeps pounding me. Its so good I can hardly stand it.
"God, Jay," Sean gasps, his voice strained with pleasure, "you feel so good."
Hearing him use that name, Jay, ignites a fire within me, fueling my desire as I flex my muscles, showing off for him.
As our passion builds, reaching its peak, we both find release our massive loads together, our bodies moving in perfect harmony as waves of ecstasy wash over us. In the aftermath, Sean's fingers trace patterns across my skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "You're amazing," he whispers, his voice filled with reverence and adoration.
As Sean puts his shirt back on, I can't help but voice my concern about staining it. But he just chuckles, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Don't worry, babe," he reassures me, "it'll dry. And then, when we're on the altar and dancing the night away, it'll be our sexy little secret."
Later, as we stand at the altar, preparing to exchange our vows, my mind drifts back to our passionate encounter. Aside from being extremely horny for him, I also feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the love and happiness that Sean brings into my life. Becoming Jay and making his life my own was definitely the right decision. And as Sean and I embark on this new chapter together, I'm ready for whatever lies ahead.
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439 notes · View notes
raroxc · 2 months
A Second Lease - The Wedding
See the original from @mrwavellswaps here. Its probably my favorite story ever.
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Five years had passed since I made the decision to seal myself into my son's body permanently. And let me tell you, it's been nothing short of ecstasy. Today, as I stand here in front of the mirror, adjusting my tie, I can't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. It's my wedding day, and I'm about to marry the love of my life, Sean.
As I straighten my tie, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I can't help but pause and appreciate the sight. I turn slightly, flexing my biceps, admiring the sculpted physique that now defines me. The reflection staring back at me is a testament to the transformation I've undergone. This body, once my son's, now mine, is a masterpiece – sculpted muscles, flawless skin, and a confidence that radiates from every pore.
With a smirk, I run my hands over my chest, feeling the firmness of the muscles beneath my fingertips. I lift my shirt slightly, revealing the chiseled abs that now adorn my torso. It's a sight to behold, one that fills me with pride and satisfaction.
"You're looking good, Jay," I say to myself, unable to tear my gaze away from the mirror. I straighten my shirt and adjust my collar, feeling a surge of excitement as I prepare to embark on this new chapter of my life. Today is not just about marrying Sean; it's about celebrating the journey that has brought me to this moment.
There hasn't been a single day where I haven't felt thankful for the choice I made. I can still vividly remember the day I proposed to Sean. We were hiking in the mountains, surrounded by breathtaking views. I got down on one knee, my heart pounding with nervous excitement, and asked him to spend the rest of his life with me. The look of joy on his face as he said yes will forever be etched in my memory.
Meanwhile, my dad's life hasn't been as rosy as mine. Every month that went by, he still went back to the woods, hoping against hope that he can reverse the swap. I can't say I blame him. After all, since I've been in control, this body has only gotten better. But unfortunately for him, no matter how many times he threw coins into that mystical well, it still never worked.
As the years went on, I noticed he began to look older than before. Whereas I kept my hair neat and trimmed and – in my eyes – quite youthful, he let himself go a bit. His long hair was still handsome, but definitely aged him up.
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As he struggled to hold onto his youth, I eventually succumbed to a bit of guilt and couldn't keep the truth from him any longer. I came clean about what happened – about how I made that wish and sealed our fates. And let's just say, he didn't take it well.
"I made the choice that was best for me, Dad. It's time you accepted it," I stated firmly.
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He stormed off, cursing me as he walked. "This is how you fucking repay me?" he shouted. "And why does that make any sense? Even if you wanted to keep my body forever, why would you make it so that the well wouldn’t work on me anymore?"
You might be asking yourself the same question. Why did I make both our bodies impervious to magic? Well, to be honest, I needed to ensure that I would be the only Jay – no other versions to detract from the attention. Nobody to take away the perfect life that I was living. And someone to stand in my place, so people wouldn't make my life a hassle coming and asking what happened to my dad.
Looking back, I can't help but acknowledge the brilliance of my decision. I mean, come on, look at me – I'm hot, young, and irresistible. But I can't help but wonder what it would have been like to let myself keep this version of it forever. But hey, I still look amazing, and that's not changing anytime soon.
As for my dad, he refused to come to the wedding. I'm not surprised, really. Ever since I came clean about what happened, our relationship has been strained, to say the least. But you know what? It's no bother. Because at the end of the day, Sean is all I need.
As I stand in front of the mirror, lost in my thoughts, the sound of the door creaking open breaks the silence. Sean's presence behind me is electric, his hungry smirk sending a jolt of anticipation through my body. As he wraps his arms around my waist, I can't help but smile, feeling his warmth against my skin.
"You clean up well, babe," Sean's voice is like velvet, low and husky. His fingers trace along the contours of my chest, sending shivers down my spine. The warmth of his breath against my ear sends a thrill through me as he whispers, "But you know what would make this look even better?"
Before I can respond, our lips meet in a fiery, passionate kiss, igniting a blaze of desire between us. With a teasing tug, Sean rips off my shirt, leaving only the tie around my neck. "You're one sexy hunk," he murmurs, his gaze filled with hunger as he takes in my exposed chest.
Moving towards the bed, Sean takes hold of the tie, using it as a leash to guide me, a silent command that I'm more than willing to follow. As he lines up his cock against my eager hole, I can't help but marvel at his size, every thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through me.
"You've been putting in extra hours at the gym, babe," Sean chuckles sexily, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "I can tell."
He keeps pounding me. Its so good I can hardly stand it.
"God, Jay," Sean gasps, his voice strained with pleasure, "you feel so good."
Hearing him use that name, Jay, ignites a fire within me, fueling my desire as I flex my muscles, showing off for him.
As our passion builds, reaching its peak, we both find release our massive loads together, our bodies moving in perfect harmony as waves of ecstasy wash over us. In the aftermath, Sean's fingers trace patterns across my skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "You're amazing," he whispers, his voice filled with reverence and adoration.
As Sean puts his shirt back on, I can't help but voice my concern about staining it. But he just chuckles, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Don't worry, babe," he reassures me, "it'll dry. And then, when we're on the altar and dancing the night away, it'll be our sexy little secret."
Later, as we stand at the altar, preparing to exchange our vows, my mind drifts back to our passionate encounter. Aside from being extremely horny for him, I also feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the love and happiness that Sean brings into my life. Becoming Jay and making his life my own was definitely the right decision. And as Sean and I embark on this new chapter together, I'm ready for whatever lies ahead.
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raroxc · 2 months
Like Father Like Son Pt.2
Read the original from @exploratorytfs here.
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It's been three years since that bizarre twist of fate turned my life upside down, or should I say, right side up. Looking back now, I can't help but smirk at the irony of it all. I won't tell my dad (yeah, I definitely think of him as my dad now), but the truth is, the body swap wasn't entirely an accident.
I just wanted to give him a taste of my carefree lifestyle, show him that growing up and being mature isn’t all it's cracked up to be. So, I went online and found a way for us to swap.
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I never meant for it to be permanent. I mean, who would want to stay in someone else's body forever? But the moment I found myself in his shoes, staring at the world through his eyes, I knew I had hit the jackpot. His body, his life—it all felt like a perfect fit.
It had only been a day, but I didn’t want to ever leave. What was I gonna do now? I couldn't imagine going back to my old life, to the mundane routine and endless expectations. No, this was where I belonged. But how could I make it permanent without causing even more chaos?
Surprisingly, my dad seemed content in my old body, reveling in the responsibility of it all. He didn't seem eager to find a way to swap back, and I couldn't help but gloat inwardly. It was almost too easy—I had traded up in every possible way.
Every time I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, a surge of excitement coursed through me. The chiseled jawline, the toned, youthful physique, the effortless charm—it was like I had been upgraded to the deluxe model. And as much as I tried to suppress it, I couldn't help but revel in the undeniable satisfaction of it all.
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So when my dad brought up the idea of making the swap permanent, I didn't hesitate. "Hell yeah, Dad," I replied with a smirk, savoring the taste of victory.
We hashed out the details over dinner, but in my mind, it was already a done deal. And just like that, the deal was sealed. Sure, there are moments when I feel a twinge of guilt for keeping my dad's body, but then I remembered how much better I look in it, and the guilt just turned to horniness. After all, who wouldn’t want to be me.
Shortly thereafter, I signed a modeling contract – of course, who wouldn’t wanna see a body like this? Every photoshoot, every runway strut, only served to reinforce my belief that I had made the right choice.
My dad was so excited for me and gave me his sports car as a present for that and my birthday. He told me to be careful with it like the responsible guy he is. I promised him I would be, but I speed down the highway blasting music. After all, a hot young jock like me has to do that! … But I'll let him think he's having a good influence on me.
Through my modeling gig, I met my boyfriend James. He embodied everything I found irresistible: tall, dark, and undeniably handsome. What intrigued me even more was that he had no clue this body wasn't originally mine. That really turned me on.
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Even though I'm used to living this life by now and fully think of myself as Nathan, I still get a thrill every time he calls me by my name. Just last week, we were having a night of passionate sex. As he pressed me down onto the bed in missionary, he thrust back and forth in slow. deep strokes.
Rubbing his right thumb in circles around my left nipple, he leaned down to kiss me. I looked up at him in awe. Smirking back had me he said in a husky voice, “I love you Nathan.”
Before I knew it, I was shooting my load across his thick, muscular chest.
Mixed in with the pleasure, I had to laugh to myself. In a way, I got what I wanted. Nathan (or at least his body) definitely is living his youth now.
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raroxc · 2 months
Pandemic Blues Pt. 2
Read Part 1 from @malebodyinvasion here.
After that first week, we swapped back, and true to my word, I made sure my stepson got his PlayStation as promised. He was thrilled, and I could see the excitement in his eyes as he unpacked it and began playing Call of Duty.
However, over the next few days, I found myself feeling disappointed to back in my own body. While I was still muscular and relatively good-looking, I couldn't help but compare myself to my stepson.
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His youthfulness, his energy, his effortless charm – I was so jealous of it now that I was no longer experiencing life through his eyes.
Every time I looked in the mirror, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. I missed the strength and vitality that came with being Tom. I knew I needed to feel it again.
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"What do you say we swap again?" I said to Tom, who had just walked into the kitchen.
"What's in it for me?" he asked.
"Well, I know you've been looking to upgrade your wardrobe," I said. "How about $500 to go on a bit of a shopping spree for yourself?"
"I don't know," he said.
"How about I throw in an extra $200 so you can get that pair of trainers you've had your eye on too?"
He agreed.
As we downed the potions again, I was exhilarated to be back in his body. The rush of energy and vitality flooded over me once more, and for that moment, all my worries and insecurities melted away. It was like slipping into a perfectly tailored suit, every aspect fitting just right.
The next week was a whirlwind of excitement as I strutted around in the new clothes Tom had ordered for himself. Lucky for me, they were not only stylish but also quite revealing.
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Not only did it feel like I was dressed just like a young guy, I was also definitely showing off to Tom in my old body. On more than one occasion, I caught him staring at my ass and saw the outline of his hard dick through his shorts.  
Feeling mischievous, I decided to take things up a notch and texted photos of myself in the new clothes to Tom's friend Zack. Zack was super cute, and going through Tom's texts, I could tell he had a crush on me … or at least on Tom. The messages were all in good fun, of course, but I couldn't resist teasing him a little.
The playful banter and flirty exchanges added an extra layer of excitement to my week in Tom's body.
One night, feeling a surge of adrenaline and curiosity, I decided to sneak out of the house to go see Zack. As I made my way to his house, a mix of nerves and excitement coursed through my veins.
Hanging out in Zack's backyard, under the soft glow of the moon, we chatted for a bit, the gentle breeze carrying our words into the night.
"You know," Zack said with a playful smirk, "you're being more flirty than usual tonight. What's up?"
I chuckled nervously, trying to play it cool. "Oh, you know me," I replied with a shrug. "Just tired of denying myself the good things in life."
Zack's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he leaned in closer, his warmth enveloping me. "Well then," he said softly, "maybe it's time to embrace those good things."
Before I could respond, he pulled me close and kissed me. His lips were gentle yet filled with longing, and in that moment, time seemed to stand still. The world faded away as we lost ourselves in the sweetness of the moment.
As we pulled apart, breathless and exhilarated, Zack whispered, "I've been waiting to do that forever."
My heart skipped a beat as I looked into his eyes, feeling a rush of emotions flood over me. In that instant, I knew I wanted to see where things would go with him. There was something electric about the connection we shared, something that felt undeniably real and promising.
When I got home, I couldn't shake off the desire to prolong the swap just a bit longer. I scoured the internet for any possible solutions, but unfortunately, I couldn't find anything that I could do on my own. That meant I would have to convince Tom to swap again if I wanted to spend any more time with Zack.
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The next morning I got to work on convincing Tom to let me be him for another week.
"Hey, Tom," I began tentatively, trying to gauge his reaction. "I've been thinking... what do you say we do another swap?"
Tom raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued but cautious. "Another swap? What's in it for me this time?"
I took a deep breath, knowing I had to make it worth his while. "I'll give you $2000," I said, hoping the offer would catch his attention.
Tom's eyes widened in surprise. "$2000? That's a lot of money."
"Yeah, I know," I replied eagerly. "But think about it – you'll get to experience life in my body for another week, and you can use the money for whatever you want."
Tom hesitated, clearly mulling over the offer. "I don't know... it's tempting, but..."
"But what?" I pressed, sensing his uncertainty.
"It's just... I don't know if it's worth it," he admitted reluctantly.
I racked my brain, trying to come up with a way to sweeten the deal. "Okay, how about this," I suggested, desperation creeping into my voice. "I'll throw in an extra $500, and you can have full access to my car for the entire week. Sound good?"
Tom's eyes lit up at the mention of the extra cash and access to my car. "Deal," he said, extending his hand to seal the agreement.
I grinned, relieved that he had agreed. "Great! Let's do this."
As we prepared to drink the potions once more, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement coursing through me. This second swap was going to be even more thrilling than the last.
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That week, I found myself sneaking out every night to see Zack. The thrill of our secret rendezvous filled me with excitement, but as the days passed, a sense of dread began to creep in.
On the second to last night before we were due to swap back, I couldn't shake off the feeling of desperation gnawing at me. I needed to find a way to make this swap permanent..
I spent hours scouring through online forums where I had bought the potion, searching for any clue or solution. And then, just when I was about to lose hope, I stumbled across something – a glimmer of hope: a testimonial from two users who had found a way to make the swap permanent.
My heart raced as I read through the testimonial, each word igniting a spark of hope within me. According to their experience, if they were having sex when they swapped back, it would confuse the direction of their essences, sending them back into their new bodies and rendering the potion ineffective moving forward.
I had my plan. It was risky, but it was the only chance I had to hold on to this newfound happiness. With determination coursing through my veins, I knew that I would do whatever it took to make it work.
The following night, I tiptoed into my old bedroom where I saw my old body naked and asleep in bed. I slowly stripped off my own clothes, took a deep breath, and climbed under the covers next to him.
Turning on my side, I backed my bare ass up against his crotch. As I did that, I could fell my old cock become hard and rub up against me. I was prepared to accept it. I had already loosened myself up with some toys and lubed up my hole. I wanted to make this process as easy for myself as possible and make sure Tom didn’t have any time to overthink about what we were doing.
Half asleep, Tom began to feel up my muscles, grabbed around my thin waist, and rubbed the tip of his cock against my hole
As I felt him lined up, I thrust my hips backwards onto my former dick and felt him slide inside.
Tom, who was now fully awake, seemed a bit confused at first. But as I turned my head back to look towards him and bit my lip, he moaned in pleasure and began to pick up the pace.
“Fuck, my ass is so tight” he said, as he continued thrusting and leaned over to gently kiss me on the shoulder.
We went at it for a while and eventually, I found myself on top riding cowboy. It was then that I started to feel a bit lightheaded, just as I had the past few times we’d swapped back.
I leaned down, and kissed my former self, before whispering in his ear “thanks so much for the sexy body.” We both blacked out for just a second and then when we came to, we were still in the right positions. That was enough to send me over the edge to completion, I was Tom forever.
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raroxc · 2 months
Saliendo de prisión parte 2
Leo Pov:
Últimamente me la he estado pasando recordando mis años en prisión, ya casi han pasado 6 meses desde que salí, pero de lo que más me acuerdo es de mi compañero de celda Marcus, era un tipo brillante, y además buena persona, nunca supe como es que una persona tan agradable había sido capas de cometer tantos asaltos con victimas y terminado en prisión.
El fue sentenciado a una condena de muerte, hace poco, si bien llevaba 3 años en prisión, su abogado conseguía extender parte del juicio para evitar ese destino, pero ya no lo logro más y sería ejecutado en solo una semana, pobre hombre solo tenía 47 años.
Fue entonces que no se si por el aprecio y mi amistad con el, se me ocurrió una tonta idea, iría y le contaría como poder poseer, seria sencillo, solo tenia que llevar a Aron y que el lo posea en lo que le buscamos un cuerpo afuera, Erick trato de convencerme que era una mala idea pero yo confiaba que era solo una preocupación sin motivo.
Erick: Tío te estas arriesgando a que Aron pierda su vida.
Leo: no te preocupes será seguro, solo necesita salir de Aron y entrar en alguien más, y después regresar a Aron hasta que consiga un cuerpo.
Erick: pero terminaran arruinando la vida de alguien.
Leo: Ya lo pensé bien, será fácil, le daré una nueva oportunidad en el cuerpo de alguien que haga más mal que bien, sabes el otro día logré que un cliente que es un tipo que cometió intento de asesinato será liberado por buena conducta y porque la víctima retiro los cargos ya que llego a un "acuerdo" poco ético en mi opinión ya que la soborno.
Erick: pero si tuvo buena conducta es que esta cambiando.
Leo: No lo creo, lo conozco bastante y la verdad se que solo esta manteniendo esa actitud, sabes me contó que lo hacía porque le gusta la adrenalina que surge de esos momentos.
Erick: eso es confidencial, no puedes decir las confesiones de tu cliente.
Leo: por favor no es como si tu lo fueras a difundir.
Erick: estas hablando enserió?!, soy un traje ahora se que no le puedo decir a nadie pero se te puede hacer costumbre.
Leo: bueno ya no digo nada.
Y esa fue la última vez que pude hablar con Erick.
El plan había salido perfecto, Aron y yo nos habíamos vuelto grandes amigos para este punto y cuando regresábamos de u pequeño viaje de fin de semana le pedí que me acompañará a la cárcel a visitar al compañero de mi tío "ya que el quería decirme una de las últimas voluntades de mi tío".
Aron accedió y llegamos, yo ya había informado a Marcus del plan, pues lo estuve visitando por 3 semanas y le platique lo ocurrió entre Erick y yo, llegué y le di los últimos detalles del hechizo en una nota, claro que la nota la metí en un libro de lectura para no tener sospechas, al salir del lugar fingí que no encontraba las llaves se mi moto, eso le dio tiempo suficiente a Marcus para tomar el cuerpo de Aron.
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Tras notar como parecía luchar por el control y tomar poseesion, le dije que teníamos que ir rápido a casa y después debería tomar el cuerpo de alguien más para evitar que Aron sea expulsado de su cuerpo.
Vi como Marcus admiraba su nuevo cuerpo, era raro había un toque en su mirada que no conocía, n osadía si era por que al estar e carcas parte de su personalidad podría no adaptarse a sus gestos, pero era extraño.
Al llegar a casa nos bajamos de la moto pero Saul nuestro vecino de 22 años nos jugo una broma para su canal de internet, nos tiro un globo grande de slime a cada uno, por lo general siempre nos da gracia sus bromas en parte porque nos llevamos muy bien pero esta vez solo complicaba que nos diéramos prisa.
Marcus sugirió entrar a bañarse ya que tenia slime en toda la cara y estaba bajando a su espalda, yo estaba igual pero le dije que estaba bien, que el fuera primero, se metió a la ducha y tardo media hora, pero lo peor es que escuchaba como hacía cosas indebidas con el cuerpo de Aron, me comencé a cuestionar si había cometido un grave error.
Luego de que Marcus saliera del baño, yo entré, tome una du ha y al salir vi a Marcus haciendo la comida, le cuestione si no saldría a buscar un cuerpo para dejar a Aron.
Leo: Sabes la comida puede esperar ya casi pasan las 2 horas, descuida Leo, no pasa nada, tomaré al vecino, después de todo nos retrasados por su culpa.
Leo: bueno esta bien, además el echo que viva cerca es de ayuda para poder comunicarnos.
Marcus, puso la mesa y nos sentamos a comer, la comida estaba muy buena pero el agua de frutas sabia un poco extraño, Marcus lo noto y me dijo que también le sabia raro, quizá era mi impaciencia cuando ya note que faltaban solo 10 minutos pero el cuerpo de Aron no mostraba señales de me inacción ni estímulos, yo para ese momento me sentía débil y en mi mente escuché una voz.
Marcus POV:
Mi vida se volvió un desastre, cometí varios asaltos pero mis nervios me llevaron acabar con la vida de inocentes, no se suponía que eso pasara, lo único bueno fue que conocí a un tipo llamado Leo, se volvió un gran amigo para mí, pero falleció hace 6 meses y como si de un chiste se tratara, hace 3 semanas llego su sobrino a contarme algo impresionante, en realidad era el mismísimo Leo, pero en el cuerpo de su sobrino, me ofreció una salida que yo aceptaría, no quería morir, así que tomaría la vida de un reo que no estuviera convencido con pena de muerte, pero ese reo estaba en otra prisión así que primero ocupaba uno o dos cuerpos en lo que llegábamos al que sería mi cuerpo permanente.
Al llegar a casa de Leo su fastidioso vecino me lleno de slime para un "video", y tuve que tomar una ducha, le agradezco mucho por ello, desde que entré sentí la fuerza y la juventud de este joven motociclista, no me sentía así desde hace muchos años, y ahora vería este cuerpo desnudo antes de dejarlo, seria la experiencia completa, subí al cuarto de este tipo por un cambio de ropa y me llamó la atención el traje que Leo usaba aveces cuando me visitaba, su traje de motorista, era raro que estuviera en esta habitación, sea que Aron y Leo son pareja o son amigos con... una voz interrumpió mis pensamientos al tocar el traje.
Erick: ¿quien eres?
Marcus: disculpa?
Erick: acaso eres el amigo de mi tío?
Marcus: si.
Erick: Ya veo, bueno mira no se si mi tío te dijo pero tienes menos 2 horas deseé que entras para dejar un cuerpo.
Marcus: lo se, no fastidies mocoso.
Erick: Sabes mi tío te describió como alguien agradable pero pareces un pesado.
Marcus: si bueno, sabes antes de sentir este cuerpo planeaba aceptar l oque me ofrecía tu tío, pero este cuerpo es sorprendente, no lo dejare.
Erick: no hagas eso, no vale la pena robar un cuerpo.
Marcus: si lo vale, sabes si acepto lo que ti tío propuso solo acabaré siendo vigilado y aunque estaré "libre", no se compara a un nuevo comienzo.
Erick: Sabes no creo que mi tío este de acuerdo con eso.
Marcus: y no le dirás, basta con ocultarte para que no digas nada.
Escondí el traje que contenía al sobrino de Leo y tome otra ropa, me fui a bañar, pero al desnudarte vi este cuerpo en toda su gloria, estaba en forma y no podía dejar de posar frente al espejo, tome mi nuevo pene con una mano y acariciaba mi pecho con el otro, era tan excitante y caliente, aproveche el ruido del agua para silenciar mis gélidos, al bombear esta gigante polla carnosa, era demasiado sensible y a su vez solo podía bombear más fuerte hasta que eche una voz.
Aron: ¿que pasa?, porque estoy haciendo esto?, no estaba en...
Marcus: muy bien chico, para ahí, te diré algo, tu cuerpo ahora es mío, tu amiguito Leo te vendió, me dio tu cuerpo.
Aron: que?, Leo?, no tengo ningún amigo llamado Leo y el más cercano es el tío fallecido de Erick.
Marcus: bueno con ideando esta situación adivina quien evitaba el cuerpo de Erick.
Aron: no puede ser... uf eso se siente bien.
Notaba como Aron sentía lo que yo, me costaba poder hablar con el y más porque el placer me hacía estar más cerca de correrme, entonces recordé algo y decidí lo mejor para mi.
Marcus: mira chico, desaparecerán en cuanto suelte tu espermatozoide, te iras a través del desagüe.
Aron: no entiend-do.
Marcus: al tomar tu cuerpo un alma suplanta y expulsa la otra, sorpresa la otra eres tu y te iras, Leo me dijo que puedo atrapar tu alma en un objeto que te pueda absorber ya que te convertirás en esperma o dejando entrar tu espermatozoide en el de un se vivo, así que escoge.
Aron: me meterás en un anim-mal o una tela?
Sentía como estaba más cerca de correrme.
Marcus: no, te meteré en un humano o en ropa, tu eliges.
Aron: q-quiero a Erick.
Sentía que no quedaba tiempo, tome un fresco vacío que estaba cerca y me corrí en el, fue glorioso y liberador, mi hipótesis fue correcta, el cuerpo al estimulará suelta el alma, las 2 horas es el tiempo natural, pero se puede acelerar con una masturbación o sexo.
Aron quería a Erick, quería su cuerpo, no entendía el porqué, o bueno talvez si, quizá venganza, después de todo le eche la culpa a Leo, y pensándolo bien, no se si Leo pueda echarme a la fuer,a de este cuerpo y regresar nos a la normalidad, tendré que sellarlo, pero enserió quiero eso?, es mi amigo y en prisión fue el único que me apoyo cuando me dieron pena de muerte, seria capaz, entonces vi mi actual reflejo y con todo el pesar de mi corazón tome una decisión, ya solo faltaba el como sellarlo.
Tuve una idea, lo engañaria con tomar el cuerpo del vecino, después...
Aron pov:
Mi visión regresaba y mire a mi anterior cuerpo sonriendo frente mío, no entendía que pasaba, solo recuerdo la desesperación y el placer de estar a punto de ser expulsado de mi cuerpo y luego un vacío, y ahora estaba frente mi viejo yo.
Lo mire y me calmo, me explico que concedió mi petición, me dio el cuerpo de Leo, basto con poner mi alma en forma de semen en su bebida y así mi alma se fundió con su cuerpo, el no sabia que pasaría, dijo que quizá yo seria expulsado en 2 horas o talvez Leo sería expulsado, o quizá no pasaría nada.
Yo camine a un espejo que estaba en la sala y miré mi nueva cara, en secreto estaba enamorado este rostro, en el pasado usaba el traje de motociclista de Erick, porque era como tenerlo conmigo, tocando mi piel, estaba enamorado de él y no podía decir nada, en cierta forma esto era aún más caliente, sentía como mi nuevo pene tocaba con los bóxer que llevaba puestos, y mi cuerpo me dijo que no me juzgarla que podía hacer lo que quisiera, lo mire y me desde en la sala, comencé a masturbarme y a mirar mi pecho, vi como mi anterior cuerpo se ponía duro, mi cuerpo mantenía esa atracción a Erick aunque Marcus lo condujera, no lo sabía con exactitud pero podría segurar eso, le guiño el ojo y el comenzaba a dejar ver que mi viejo pene estaba duro sobresalía de los shorts que llevaba puestos, ver eso me encendió mas, sentía como cada que bombeaba me acercaba mas y mas a correrme pero antes de que eso pasara el corrió a mi anterior habitación y tomó uno de mis trajes de trabajo, y me obligó a correrme en el, no sabia para que pero eso fue tan caliente.
Luego de eso se vistió con ropa limpia y me ordenó hacer lo mismo, yo le seguí y paramos en medio de la carretera, el viendo hacia una montaña solo decía como amaba estar libre al fin.
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4 meses después
Leo pov:
Han pasado mucho desde que estoy atrapado, Erick tenía razón, me advirtió que sacar a Marcus de la cárcel era mala idea y gracias a eso ahora perdí su cuerpo y el me encerró en un traje que usa para presumir su nuevo cuerpo, aunque es agradable ver el mundo de vez en cuando y sentir que le hago compañía a pesar que a su vez el rencor no deje disfrutar de los pocos momentos en que siento lo que Erick sentía cuando lo usaba, aunque Marcus aveces me usa para sus conquistas amorosas y siento placeres que nunca me anime a dejar que Erick viera conmigo en su cuerpo, eso me recordaba que todo lo que Erick hizo y perdió por mi fue en vano, todo lo que se es que Aron lo usa seguido en su día a día para salidas en moto.
Marcus pov:
Tener este cuerpo es genial, han pasado 4 meses y sin duda es una fuente de diversión y placer interminable, me gusta salir mostrando este cuerpo o salir usando trajes, ver las miradas de todos es tan entretenido, aunque Aron parece llevarse bien con el original propietario de su cuerpo, no le he dicho a Leo, pero Erick prefiere que sea Aron quien lo use ya que hay más acción jeje, y digamos que le ha tocado conocerme también, sin duda el se adapto, además que no le queda de otra, no puede hacer nada para evitarlo.
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raroxc · 2 months
Breaking Eric's Trust - A Year On
Read Part 1, written by vice versa swaps, here.
Read Part 2, written by me, here.
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A year has passed since Will and I made the decision to permanently stay swapped, and I've never been happier. It's like living a dream every day, waking up in this body that is this sexy and feels like it was tailor-made for me.
A few weeks after Will and I made our choice to stay in our new bodies, news broke that the body swap lab had shut down. Apparently, there were people refusing refused to swap back, leaving their partners stranded in their old bodies. I guess the police had to intervene in some cases, to force them to switch back. Thank god Will didn’t feel that way and we avoided that whole mess. Looking back on it, I don’t think there’s any world in which I would have given up this perfect face and these perfect pecks.
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When I heard about the lab's closure, I couldn't help but smirk as I looked at myself in the mirror. I immediately took out my phone and began recording a video to send to Will. Slowly playing with my waistband, I quickly whipped out my cock and begain stroking. As I stroked with my right hand, I began feeling up my chest with my left hand and said in a low voice,
“Unghhh, yeah. you like that Will? Regretting your choice to abandon this sexy body yet? Too bad, lab’s shut down and I am officially going to be Bryce LaMontagne forever.”
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I picked up the pace, making direct eye contact with the camera as I shot my hot, young spunk all across my phone. Licking it off slowly, I then hit send.
Months passed, and I started university, moving in with Eric. To his surprise I decided to pursue a studio art degree. Although he knew about my fellowship, I think he thought that it was more just to keep busy. That said, I really seemed to be excelling and my professors told me that I had the makings of a real artists. But I also took up a double major in business, drawing on my past experience as an accountant, just to be safe.
Living with Eric again has been fantastic – we’ve grown as close as brothers. Sometimes, I hardly remember that he used to be my son. We often find ourselves hanging out and talking late most nights. Together, we've also been hitting the gym hard, sculpting our bodies and enjoying the attention it brings.
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Eric's found himself a stunning girlfriend, which is no surprise considering how much effort he puts into his physique. And as for me, well, let's just say I've become quite the catch on campus. Although Eric gives me shit for it, I have a rotating door of guys coming to our apartment to pound me. And how could they not with an ass like this. That said, all of those guys still pale in comparison to the fucking that I used to get from Will. Maybe its just that I can fantasize about having stolen his sexy body from him or something, but I haven’t shot my load like that with anyone else since. And although we promised to link up from time to time, we haven’t been together since that fateful day a year ago. Regardless, I still make sure to flaunt my body when Will comes to town, and lately, I have been openly flirting with him in front of Eric. While Eric has given me some strange looks, I think I'm making some headway in gaining his approval. I can only hope that one day he trusts me enough to be able to fuck his dad guilt free.
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