rascality · 5 years
Remus never would have woken up Sirius if he didn’t need to, and he was sure Sirius knew that, especially when his face quickly shifted from anger to concern. He looked terrible, it was clear he hadn’t slept since a day or two ago, and Remus felt horrible for waking him up, but he just couldn’t wait to share such news. Sitting himself down on the bed beside him, Remus fidgeted with his fingers for a moment, trying to come up with the best way to break the news. Honestly he would have preferred to bring the paper in and have Sirius read it himself, but he knew he wouldn’t want to read something so early in the morning.
“Er - y'know the last Minister? Eugenia Jenkins?” He finally started after a moment, “She was found dead in her own home. They’re saying it was an attack. Not confirmed, though.” He wasnt sure why he was so shaken by her death, perhaps because he believed her to be one of the best Ministers, she had done so much good. There has been news of deaths almost every day and he was never quite as affected as he was by this one. Shaking his head, Remus looked over to Sirius, “I’m not surprised there was a target on her back. But for some reason this is hitting me hard. She did so many amazing things, who’s going to be next? What if it’s one of us?” His friends were always his biggest concern, and with Sirius’ name and past, he was worried somebody would track him down next.
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despite his grogginess ,  it wasn’t hard enough to figure it out .  remus didn’t even have to finish his statement for sirius to piece together what had happened ,  but that didn’t numb the  shock . the minister ,  and not just any minister but a good minister was murdered .  if they hadn’t already been at war they certainly were now .  sirius shuddered to think who would replace her as head of the wizarding community .  he laid there ,  propped up on his elbows ,  for only a moment ,  but it felt like a lifetime ,  playing it over in his head .  ‘  it was an  attack  all right ,  ’  he said ,  imagining his cousins ,  maybe even his brother ,  blasting down the minister’s door  .  there was a little voice somewhere telling him now was the time for  grief ,  someone had lost their life and there would be time for  anger  later .  but anger came so easily to sirius ,  he threw the sheets off himself and reached for a shirt off his floor ,  not bothering to check it’s cleanliness as he pulled it over his head with purpose . ‘  ITS NOT ,  ’  he said ,  decidedly .  ‘  it’s not going to be one of us . ’  what his plan was ,  he had no idea but he was moving with urgency now ,  tossing his jacket on and grabbing his wand off the night stand .
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rascality · 5 years
Severus didn’t like to make a habit of going to the shops too often. In fact, it was quite the rarity to see him go anywhere besides work or home, with the ever so occasional stop by coffee shop in the morning or pub at night. But as he approached his twentieth birthday, he started noticing that the clothes he owned were fit more for a boy than a man. Come to think of it, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d purchased a new item of clothing that wasn’t socks or underwear. He’d never had the money to buy anything, including new clothes, and even now, nearly two years into receiving a steady paycheck, he felt uneasy about purchasing anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary. 
Still, it would be his birthday in just a few days, and he supposed that he deserved to spend some money on himself- even if that meant leaving a small knot of anxiety in his stomach. So he’d headed off to the shops, trying to avoid anything too expensive. He spotted a thrift shop with a leather jacket in the window, one that looked to be about his size- now that was something he could excuse spending a few quid on. He slipped into the shop and was just reaching for the jacket when he felt another hand on it, recoiling before he noticed who was attached to it. “Sorry mate, I-” when he looked up he was staring at none other than Sirius Black, and he resisted the urge to groan as he moved his hand to a different spot on the jacket. He’d planned on giving it up to the stranger, but there wasn’t a chance he’d do that now, “I’d say it was nice to see you, but then I’d be lying.” 
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sirius was a social creature ,  despite the isolated childhood he experienced at 12 grimmauld place ,  ever since leaving that place ,  sirius has  hated  being alone .  he’d never tell anyone ,  but he’s bloody awful company .  so if he’s not certain someone will be waiting at home ,  up for him ,  he usually doesn’t go home ,  preferring a friends house or somewhere public ,  anywhere he isn’t alone .  today he’s found himself wandering aimlessly down the streets ,  which seemed much more bare than usual .  he was headed to the leaky cauldron ,  but passed a clothing store with promising merchandise in the window and ,  after all ,  sirius’s motto was that one could  never  have enough leather jackets .  he’d just gotten his hand on it when he realized someone else was already reaching for it .  selfishness gripped him just as he gripped the jacket .  sure ,  he had plenty ,  but why did this person deserve this one any more than him ?  then ,  he looked up .
‘  snivellus ?  ’  the childhood nickname feel almost unbidden from lips that were biting back laughter .  he might have felt bad about it ,  maybe  should have  felt bad about it ,  but sirius rarely ever felt bad when it came to snape ,  or the blacks ,  or any of the dirty death eaters for that matter .  ‘  you weren’t -  you weren’t going to  BUY  this ,  were you ?  ’  exaggeration amplifies the disbelief in his voice ,  like the very idea is the most hilarious thing he’s heard in the world .  ‘  and ,  oh no ,  if you were going to buy it ,  you were going to  WEAR  it ,  too !  ’  it’s a train he can’t stop now ,  little insults slipping out like water .  ‘  no ,  no ,  ’  he pulled his hand back ,  gestured for severus to help himself .  ‘  please .  you were going for it first .  and i’d really like to see this .  why don’t you try it on ,  make sure it’s your size ? ’
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rascality · 5 years
closed starter for @marlsxmckinnon​
he’d been woken with the news .  he’d gone out and had to talk to people he hated about the news .  he’d gone into work and been bombarded with more updates about the news .  to be frank ,  sirius was sick and tired of hearing about the dead minister .  sure ,  he felt  terrible  about it ,  but how could he keep thinking about it when every time that he did he was sent into a  rage  and filled with a desire to murder a  family member  ?  he needed to get away and he knew the one place he could always go if he wanted to forget his emotions .  the flat of one marlene mckinnon who was an  expert  at avoiding emotions ,  almost as good as him ,  though he reckons she’d say she’s  better .  he let himself in ,  a horrible habit he’d picked up ,  but marlene had never called him out on it .  when he didn’t see her immediately ,  he went to where he knew she kept the alcohol ,  and poured them both a drink .  he finished his and then poured himself another one .  it was at this point he figured it pretty strange he was in her house and hadn’t even seen her yet ,  when usually she came out to greet him or at least shouted some acknowledgement of his presence .  he tried to swallow the sinking fear in the pit of his stomach .  he was just being paranoid .  ‘  oi ,  marls ?  you home ?  ’ 
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rascality · 5 years
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(  BELLA   folded   the   daily  profit   with  slight  sinister  smile  on  her   face   ,“  about  time .“   the   dark    headed  woman  said  ,  “   that  woman  was   doing  nothing  useful   with   her   time  nothing   but   encouraging   tasteless   behavior  . ”     the    leaky  caldron   was  not   busy   and   she  came  here    to   check  and   see   how  many   mudbloods  still   had  the  guts   to  enter  diagon   alley   .) 
of course he had noticed her the moment she walked in ,  how could he not when the whole room seemed to darken with her presence ?  but here ,  in his dark corner ,  he could hide behind his drink and pretend he didn’t see her ,  that he couldn’t even be  bothered  to waste his time on the likes of  her .  he was doing so  well  too ,  throwing back his drink silently ,  he was even on his way out when she just had to open her mouth .  fists clenched to stop him from reaching for his wand ,  the  brutal  realization that he could do nothing here .  ‘  and you do nothing useful with yours but shite on what others do with theirs . ’  he should have left it there ,  he might have been able to walk out without a word from her ,  and they could go on ignoring each other .  but the question was eating him up .  ‘  tell me ,  bellatrix ,  did you cast the curse yourself ?  ’
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rascality · 5 years
Who: @rascality​ When: The morning of January 2nd, 1979 Where: Remus & Sirius’ shared flat
Remus awoke much earlier than Sirius did. Despite what others might believe, due to his nickname being ‘Moony,’ Remus was always more of a morning person. They were spending the holidays together, Remus didn’t want to bother his parents too much and only spent Christmas Eve with them, and he didn’t blame Sirius one bit for not wanting to see his parents for Christmas. Slowly making his way out of bed, Remus shuffled in to the kitchen and flicked his wand at the kettle, he was basically useless before his tea. He moved to the front door, opening it to find their copy of The Daily Prophet at his feet. He plopped the paper down on the kitchen table while he prepared his tea, then picked it back up and wondered in to the front room where he settled himself down and opened the paper while sipping his tea.
The headline caught his attention right away, 'Breaking News!’ This couldn’t be good.
He quickly scanned over the article before he tossed the paper down and jumped up quickly. The news had woken him up much more than his tea could have. Remus basically ran in to Sirius’ room, shaking him lightly, “Padfoot!” He whispered, “Wake up, something’s happened.”
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the holidays had never been a big deal for sirius .  as a child ,  he’d  dreaded  them ,  knowing he’d be stuffed into a suit and paraded around some pureblood party .  but then there  was  no family and as everyone was going home to see theirs ,  sirius was left sorely reminded that he did  not  want to see his .  of course remus ,  james ,  and peter always made it easier ,  but their presence would never erase the pain that always accompanied thinking about  family .
he was happy to have remus this year though ,  who’d only spent a small amount of time away and while sirius  might  have felt bad ,  like he’d forced him ,  he knew while their situations may have varied greatly ,  family was a tricky thing for the  both  of them .  nothing like james ,  who had it all in that department from what sirius had seen .  so ,  it had just been the two of them ,  but the two of them were more than enough to get in plenty of  trouble .  the house was still a wreck from their impromptu party for two to ring in the new year and sirius had finally fallen into bed for the first time all year .
this was why irrational anger  filled  him the moment he was woken ,  fleeting ,  sure ,  but all - consuming until he saw moony’s face .  his expression immediately mirrored the others ,  reflecting concern in his features as he sat up ,  rubbing the sleep from his eyes .  ‘  WHAT IS IT ?  ’
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rascality · 5 years
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Is that THOMAS MCDONELL? No, it’s actually SIRIUS BLACK! HE is a NINETEEN year old PUREBLOOD who was once a member of GRYFFINDOR house. They have often been described as being LOYAL and STUBBORN, however they would prefer to describe themselves as being BRAVE and RECKLESS. If they had to pick one song from their playlist, it would be THE BOY WITH THE THORN IN HIS SIDE BY THE SMITHS. In the war they have chosen to FIGHT FOR THE ORDER.
AGE → 19
DOB → Nov 3
SEX → cismale
SEXUALITY → bisexual
BLOOD STATUS → pureblood
AFFILIATION → order of the phoenix
RELATIONSHIP STATUS → he’s got multiple partners in rotation
SHIPS → sirius/everyone, sirius/midships (like no really i am so into midships i like break ups better than actual romance)
ANTI-SHIPS → sirius/being tied down, sirius/loneliness
HEIGHT → 5′9″
EYE COLOUR → brown
HAIR COLOUR → dark brown
HAIR STYLE → shoulder length, disheveled & rarely brushed
CLOTHING STYLE → grunge (i really dont need to say anymore here)
WAND → ebony wood, dragon heartstring 11 inches, slightly springy
BOGGART → a younger sirius would once see his own mother in the face of a boggart, but now he sees the man he could have become, a cruel, black-hearted pureblood. he’s terrified of how one small change in his life could have resulted in him being a completely different person, the sort of person he despises.
AMORTENTIA → burning wood of the gryffindor common room, eupemia potter’s cooking, and ironically, the dungbombs he and the marauders were so fond of setting off.
MIRROR OF ERISED →  his family, but they’re not really his family. his mom has her arm around him, pulling her close to him, lovingly, with little reg on her other side, looking at his big brother’s reflection in the mirror with admiration sparkling in his eyes. his father’s hand is on his shoulder, light, a gentle reminder, not a crushing weight. it is a portrait that once hung in the halls of 12 grimmauld place, but it looks nothing like the one that once hung there.
HOMETOWN → 12 grimmauld place. islington, london.
PARENTS → walburga and orion black. parents are a loose term for them, both the worst of pureblood supremacist, so much so, in fact, that they married their second cousin.
SIBLINGS: → regulus black. sirius’s biggest failure. sirius’s biggest disappointment. he couldn’t tell you whether he’s more disappointed in regulus for staying or himself for leaving his baby brother. there was a time that they were close, before walburga tore them apart terrified that her black sheep would taint the perfect heir she fought so hard for. sirius really doesn’t know how to feel about his brother, whether to hate him for being a part of that family, or whether to feel sorry for him
FAMILY DYNAMIC → bad, all bad. he never had any sort of relationship with his father, who seemed to see sirius was a bad seed from the moment he was born and still his father was just a slave to his mother. her hatred of her son started later, she tried for a long time to tailor him into the perfect pureblood heir that she wanted and once she realized he wasn’t going to be it, she didn’t give up. she didn’t just kick him out and tell him to figure it out she tried to force him into it, resulting in many embarrassing encounters for herself until finally sirius got out and only then did she blast him off the tapestry. his family likes to say he’s a blood traitor, that he left them, that he betrayed them, but they drove him away from the very beginning.
LIKES → muggle culture, pulling pranks, spending time with his friends
DISLIKES → dishonesty, passivity, pureblood supremacists, the blacks
FEARS → his family. not so much in the sense that he’s actually scared of them, but everything about them terrifies him, the fact that if he had never met the marauders, if the hat had sorted him into slytherin, he could BE them.
STRENGTHS → passionate, loyal, resourceful
WEAKNESSES → insubordinate, unstable, stubborn
he’s an auror, but he absolutely hates it. he hates the rules, he hates not being able to arrest his whole family and he hates the responsibility. but he wants to be on the front lines when things really get dicey so he hasn’t left yet.
(child abuse tw) sirius is a victim of abuse. his entire childhood both emotionally and physically, his family and mother especially attacked him. this makes him pretty distrusting and hard to get to know, but once he lets you in he’s the most loyal best friend anyone could ask for. he’s very caring and passionate and is always looking out for other people, very protective of them.
he’s incredibly restless and has a lot of nervous ticks that include smoking, biting his nails, running his hands through his hair, and tapping his wand on everything. rarely will he ever just take a seat, preferring to stand and talk his way around the room.
he hates the idea of monogamy, marriage, the phrase “settling down” gives him actual panic attacks. he’s never even thought about getting married and having children, mostly just because he doesn’t really think he’ll live that long, as willing to die for his cause as he is.
unrequited love: like no really this is my shit. preferably with sirius being the one to not return the feelings, but can be plotted either way!!
pureblood exes: maybe ex partners, maybe just ex friends, but sirius used to be a part of the pureblood society & i’d love some frenemies, secret friendships or anything really with people from his old life!
hogwarts friends: although sirius was always hanging out with the marauders, he’s very outgoing and would have made friends with pretty much everyone at hogwarts. he’s kinda biased so he probably mostly stuck to his own house, but i’d love unique and strange relationships with people from other houses that got to know sirius!!
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rascality · 5 years
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rascality · 7 years
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Happy birthday, Sirius Orion Black! (November 3rd, 1959)
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rascality · 7 years
when the marauders find out remus is a werewolf
Remus: You don't hate me? But... I'm a werewolf.
James: Remus. See this arm? It's actually shorter than my other arm but you can't really tell. Especially when I twirl like this.
Peter: I'm lactose intolerant.
Sirius: I'm OBNOXIOUS!
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rascality · 7 years
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You have cream cheese on your face.
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rascality · 7 years
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rascality · 7 years
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rascality · 7 years
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New Girl rewatch → 1x16, Control
Schmidt, you are legitimately crazy. Like aging-ballerina, child-chess-prodigy, professional-magician crazy.
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rascality · 7 years
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rascality · 7 years
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