Shhhh bby calm down, I just wanted to draw for my senpai and I love that you like my works omg
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"Sony" Belongs to Irii [Mun of dis hidan]
Baby I hope this is ok and I hope you like it. <3 I had fun drawing Sony. ;u;
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I'm not a rich person. So I can't afford to pay other people to draw my OC as much as I would like to. And I'd love to see Senri or Yume in other stiles and since I feel guilty anytime I do a request, 
I'm doing art trades. 
So, if you want an OC drawn or your favorite character, I'll do the best I can to draw them.
I'll do fluff. But I have a strict policy against doing nudes or anything sexual. I can do some borderline racy art, but still. 
If you have any requests, send them to me on  [rasengantothekokoro]
Tell me the character you want drawn and how you'd like them drawn. I'll do chibis for chibis, full body for full body. That sort of thing. I ask that you please include a description of your OC's personality! This will help me in portraying them with body language and expression. 
!!!PLEASE KEEP IN MIND I AM NOT FAST AT THIS!!!! It takes me literally 4-6 hours to do a complete lineart. Ok? And even longer to do coloring and shading. I work on art on the days I'm off from work at home. Doing art with a mouse is very tedious and I try to do the best I can to get the lines right. So please be patient. Also I will only accept three of them every week.This will help me balance out with work so I can get them done in a reasonable amount of time. 
~If I am doing a request for you, I will always give a point and time of when I will post the art. So that way you know when to expect your works. If it's not ready, I will show you the WIP as proof that I'm working on it and give you an extended date.~
Right now my inspiration's been on Naruto so ... yeah. I'd mainly like to focus on that, but if you have a character outside of the series, just talk to me and I'll let you know if I'm able to draw them or not. [Honestly I'm not that good at some characters outside of the series.]
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me here or on my rp blogs, I'll do my best to answer them. So, yeah. Hit me up~
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Hey guys just wanna give you a heads up, there's like a nationwide thing going on about Pop Rocks with drugs in them that some people have either been giving out or selling. Hell maybe both. But my mom [Who is a police officer] Got this update and called me about it just now. 
So I just wanna send this out hoping you guys are informed too. Don't take free Pop Rocks or anything that looks similar to it. The drugs have been poisoning and even killing people. 
There have been kids and teens who have been sent to the hospital taking and ingesting candy given to them. But if you buy the candy yourself from like the store or something, you should be ok to have them. It's when it's given to you by someone else, hell, even by someone you know that could turn out to be fatal. 
So just wanted to send this out. Ok? 
And if you don't believe me, there's a link here that talks about the drug that starter around 2007, but now it's becoming a huge deal here.  {Link}
-Tsuki [Senri+Yume-mun]
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when your friend dislikes the same person u dont like
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Both accounts are up and fine! Thank you so much though for sending this around and informing others. ;A; I really appreciate this!
-Senri/Yume mun
Folks: louder-with-passion/fading-healer is currently unable to access their accounts due to something going horribly wrong (hacked accounts, tumblr going haywire, etc) and will not be able to roleplay until this is resolved.
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~*~Summer's Rain~*~
louder-with-passion art
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~*~ Kagerou Days~*~
louder-with-passion art
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Ok guys please don't mind me. I'll just be posting my art up on here too. ;o; So that way a year's work isn't wasted to disappear. 
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You all have no idea how upset my muses are...
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"W-what even happened? This, wasn't everything ok?" 
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"This is just... I swear, whatever is going on is just a mess. This better be resolved soon."
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Oh dear lord wait so it's not just me?? oAo;;
Folks: louder-with-passion/fading-healer is currently unable to access their accounts due to something going horribly wrong (hacked accounts, tumblr going haywire, etc) and will not be able to roleplay until this is resolved.
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I've already sent a support ticket. Just now anyways. OTL
Now I just need to wait... it's all I can do. ;x; 
[Mun is so upset right now I just can't...]
Ugh I just… I’m so frustrated… I don’t know what to do because I’m even getting any emails from them either. ;A;
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twilitwing replied to your post: Omg you guys, I am seriously sobbing right now.  ...
tell the tech people
I just sent in a support ticket. I don't know when I'll hear back from them though. Dear god though, all my art... On both of them. 
All of it's just gone. 
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Ugh I just... I'm so frustrated... I don't know what to do because I'm even getting any emails from them either. ;A;
fading-healer/louder-with-passion got hacked :I Its either that or Tumblr is being right stupid. :X
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