rashaontherun · 5 years
Text 📩 Rowan
Rowan: I'm sorry to hear that
Rowan: Umm they seem to be doing something outside the school
Rowan: So maybe there?
Rasha: Long time ago. It is fine.
Rasha: Great. I look forward to see you there.
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Text 📩 Rowan
Rowan: We didn't have enough kids in the town I grew up in to have a high school
Rowan: We had a school but they taught all grades there
Rasha: My school got destroyed in the war.
Rasha: Where would you like to meet?
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Text 📩 Rowan
Rowan: I'd love to go together
Rowan: I'd feel kind of lost if I went alone
Rowan: Still not exactly sure what the whole homecoming this is about
Rasha: Okay, great :)
Rasha: Me too. I did not go to high school here. I mean, I did go to high school just not like this.
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Text 📩 Rowan
Rasha: Are you going to any of the homecoming events?
Rowan: They sound interesting
Rowan: I might go to some to see what it's all about
Rasha: Would you like to maybe go together to a few?
Rasha: If you have plans, its totally fine.
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Text 📩 Rowan
Rasha: Are you going to any of the homecoming events?
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rashaontherun · 5 years
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Rasha stood by the bonfire and tried to keep warm.  Despite being in the United States for a few years now, she was still always cold.  She had hoped that Rowan was going to be at Homecoming and she had sent the other a text, but so far she hasn’t spotted her.  Sipping her diet pepsi, Rasha looked at the woman and shrugged.  “I guess so.”  She said quietly.  Rasha didn’t particularly like large crowds, but she was still relatively new to the city and if she was being honest, needed to meet more people.  “The fire is really nice.”  She said, trying to make conversation.
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Drink in hand and the bonfire blazing, Ember was absolutely having the time of her life. Despite the face that she and Harry had gotten seperated somehow, she’d decided to stay dancing with some others and hoped that he’d find her. Without the worry of Wilbur at her feet, her hands were free to boogie oogie oogie, and that’s entirely what she planned to do. It was her first homecoming without her husband and for the first time she truly felt her freedom. Looking over at the person next to her, she gave a little woop. “Isn’t the great?!” 
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Heading to her room, Rasha changed into a pair of leggings and a long tunic before double checking her reflection the mirror.  Since meeting Rowan her face was less sunken and grey and she had started to eat more.  Not tons by any means, but more. She had some homemade pitas, hummus and babaganoush for starters, then a tabbouleh salad, some different kebabs and rice, and then dessert of baklava and a semolina, pistachio and raisin pudding.  Her kettle was ready to be turned on and Rasha cleaned up a few things before settling on the couch and turning on netflix as she waited. 
 Rowan was pleasantly surprised by Rasha’s offer. She never had anyone offer to make her dinner before. Excited to try the dishes from other other’s home country. After changing into a dress, something she usually rarely wore. She took a moment to make sure her outfit looked alright. Everything was even and neat just how she liked it. She grabbed a jacket that matched, in case she got cold. Leaving the house she began making her way over to the location Rasha sent her. It wasn’t that far of a walk from her apartment. Rowan checked the address, more than once. Making her way up to the door and knocking four times. She stood back and waited for Rasha to answer.
Hearing the knock at the door, Rasha scrambled up before slowing herself and taking a few deep breaths before going to open the door.  Seeing Rowan, her dark eyes raked up and down her body before landing on her face.  Rasha felt her face blush and she gave Rowan a smile.  "You look gorgeous."  She said softly.
Rasha took a step back to allow Rowan to enter the apartment.  "Please come in."  She said politely.  "I made...appetizers and  then I made a main dish and dessert."  She said nervously.(edited)
Rowan nervously shifted from on foot to the other until the door opened. A smile spread across her face when she saw Rasha. She blushed when at the other's comment. "Thank you" She replied, not use to such a compliment. Stepping inside she awkwardly stood and looked around. "Wow that must have been a lot of work." She commented. "I'm sure everything will be delicious."
"You are very welcome."  Rasha replied closing the door behind them.  "Not a lot.  I like to cook."  She said, rambling softly.  "And I like to make food for people, and I like to make food that is from my home."  She ran her fingers nervously through her curls. "Um...would you like to sit?  We could watch Netflix if you want..."  Biting down on her lower lip, Rasha watched Rowan carefully.  "I apologize.  I am not very good at this."
Rowan nodded her head and smiled. "I'm glad it wasn't too much trouble then." She honestly felt happy Rasha wanted to share her culture with her. "I'm always excited to try new food." She let out a small chuckle at Rasha's words. "Its okay I'm very good at this either." She replied, taking the other's hand and leading her to sit down. "We'll figure this out what we are doing, together."
Exhaling softly, Rasha looked down at their hands and her face blushed a deep red.  "Okay."  She said softly.  She softly ran her fingers of her free hand over the back of Rowan's hand and gave her a soft smile. "I am glad that you are excited."  Rasha admitted.  "I am also very excited that you are here."  She said blushing.
Rowan wasn't normally this forward when it came to this sort of thing. However something just came over her. "I was really happy when you invited me over." She admitted, quietly.
Grinning, Rasha squeezed Rowan's hand softly.  "I am happy that you came over."  She said blushing.  "I...I was not going to ask you because I was afraid you would say no."
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rashaontherun · 5 years
My discord is  Mentally Exhausted#3484  Please add me
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Rasha gave Diva a kiss on the top of the dog’s head and gently shut the door.  Thankfully the dog was good natured and climbed on the spare bed and promptly went to sleep.  Heading to her room, Rasha changed into a pair of leggings and a long tunic before double checking her reflection the mirror.  Since meeting Rowan her face was less sunken and grey and she had started to eat more.  Not tons by any means, but more. She had some homemade pitas, hummus and baba ganoush for starters, then a tabouleh salad, some different kebabs and rice, and then dessert of baklava and a semolina, pistachio and raisin pudding.  Her kettle was ready to be turned on and Rasha cleaned up a few things before settling on the couch and turning on netflix as she waited.
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Texts 📩 Rowan
Rasha: Don't be. It's not a big deal. I'll text you my address.
Rowan: Alright!
Rasha: Great :)
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Texts 📩 Rowan
Rowan: I'm sorry you had to go out of your way for me
Rowan: It's really nice of you though
Rasha: Don't be. It's not a big deal. I'll text you my address.
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Texts 📩 Rowan
Rasha: If that is okay, that is...if not...we can drink tea and watch netflix?
Rowan: That's more than okay!
Rasha: Okay, great! Umm...there's also a dog here, but I'll keep her in the other bedroom and the place is all vacuumed.
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Texts 📩 Rowan
Rowan: Nope, none of my allergies or aversions are food related.
Rowan: Wait you want to make me a meal?
Rowan: That's so sweet of you!
Rowan: I'd love to!
Rasha: If that is okay, that is...if not...we can drink tea and watch netflix?
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Texts 📩 Rowan
Rowan: I'd love to!
Rowan: That made me sound really eager
Rowan: Not that I'm not eager
Rowan: What I mean is that sounds lovely
Rasha: :)
Rasha: Do you have any allergies or food aversions? Could I make you a Syrian meal?
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Texts 📩 Rowan
Rasha: I have some tea from Syria - would you like to try some? And I have some baking.
Rasha: Um...what I am asking...would you like to come over?
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Texts - Josephine
Rasha: I cooked too much food and Alannah is no longer here...would you like to come over?
Josephine: I'd love to. I'll be right over 🙂
Rasha: Great. Just send me a text when you are here and I will let you in.
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rashaontherun · 5 years
Only took me 4 years to get a good system down for my FI 6/7 class.
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