if isayama was a good mangaka hed have made mikasa and historia bond over their losses and drew a 20 page sex scene
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A calamity of red clashes against the purpling of the dusk
It peers through the clouds, searching, heralding. There will be a storm that will eat the world.
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Watching my cats curl up and sleep literally anywhere shows me what true freedom looks like
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I love how that automatically means the women are just divorcing for no reason, not that men are being terrible husbands. These kind of people will read numbers and then their brains just stop working.
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My cats love me when i smell bad
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Met a guy advocating for eugenics and shot him right in the fucking face and it wasn’t even a crime literally just back on my horse and kept down the street
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Murdering people in cold blood in rdd2 is a healthy way to vent out anger…
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Even when theyre in the wrong some people will try to be the victim. Never fall for the woe is me melo drama. True guilt is emphasized by silent agony and a drive to never repeat the same mistakes. Anything else is an attempt to garner sympathy, that is all.
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Finally lived for my dad to pronounce it me-mes
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Translation: I am the awkward weirdo online.
Separatism is not for everybody and it’s certainly not for 80% of women. Please let them write their feminist books for each other. Lesbians need to focus on creating something for lesbians. From what I see, lesbians largely support heterosexuals/bisexuals who say lesbian positivity stuff that isn’t even realistic, but it’s easy for them to placate when they’re disconnected from actual lesbians. I’ll bet everything I have most of them don’t even know a real lesbian and won’t try either because it’s a waste of time to them. They’d rather spend their time daydreaming about an XY that doesn’t exist because that’s really the reality they want.
Too many lesbians worship women who literally say they’re still attracted to males… that means something is still off with her mentally if she still finds him attractive. This is why lesbians end up leaving whatever platform they have, finding a few people to enjoy their life with and never be heard from while heterosexuals live online and colonize our ideas for profit. If you’re a lesbian and you DON’T have a paywall, you’re backwards. A heterosexual on here actually got mad at me for protecting my content, you think I’m lying? They will wear your skin and take it off when they’re ready for a Y chromosome, this is what they done for decades.
Heterosexuals are overall not creative beings. They have nothing else to do but depend on a male, have kids and stay at home because they don’t know how to socialize with others meaningfully. Especially the hets in their 20s taking about being childfree, relationship-free, marriage-free, etc. You really going to invest your time into somebody who outright says what’s going to happen as soon as she starts to panic when she hits 30? She’s going to look around and realize she doesn’t want to be single forever and wants a community and the only community that will accept her is a heterosexual because that is what she really wants. If a woman REALLY wants to be with women, she will find a way and won’t be talking about nonsense online. Serious and determined people will always get what they want, weak and fearful people do not. All this posting online, theorizing about communes isn’t real, it’s just for fun while she’s waiting for the right XY.
Please stop the foolishness and stop listening to these awkward weirdos online. I see it as a cry for help to argue with them; put your energy toward something you actually want, don’t give energy to what you don’t want.
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There’s literally only 1 person whose never let me down and always there for me and im so fucking mean to her
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It’s probably cuz im vain and cruel and i think too highly of myself and i have a little bit of a god complex and intense violent anger issues that’s probably why no one really likes me so ig its my fault
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Why am i chanelling my worst energy right now
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I hate having friends tabernak
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YOU FUCKING KNEW I’s s ee it too!?? Why if u knew im gonna see it why lie?
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