rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
New blog
After searching and trying to get my blog a new page etc. i decided to make a new blog for my 2nd year for which is: rasmuskuber2year
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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My creativity has been so limited past few days... today i just didn’t have nothing in me to create anything. Nevertheless i got some ideas out of nowhere and managed to come out with this piece. Been playing around with cloth in C4D  to create more dynamic elements.
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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Another C4D render
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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Been working in C4D quite a lot lately, trying to master my modelling and texturing. Currently working on my showreel to get internship for summer in Estonia.
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
Pros: I can’t even put this in words how proud and happy i am with my FMP. I made something that i thought is impossible to make. I told myself before FMP that i want to do UI design and that’s what i did. I didn’t have any second guesses about it and progress was very straight forward and smooth for me. Although i haven’t used Illustrator before this project but it wasn’t too difficult to get used to.
Cons: Only thing that i’m not 100% satisfied was my shoot. I didn’t have the time to finish my piece completely. Since Kerby wanted to use studio after my shoot, i had only 2-3 hours to shoot and setup. That’s why i messed up some camera settings as well.
I’m very happy and proud of my work i have created within this school year! Even bigger projects next year!
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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I thought if i wanted to use that over shoulder lock screen shot i had to roto out monitors screen because otherwise it wouldn’t make any sense. So that’s what i did. Took me 2 hours or so to roto this shot. Best vfx is when people don’t see it right?
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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Here’s my footage before and after colour grading my FMP. I used Resolve for colour grading and i was recording my screen while doing it but i thought its quite pointless because i basically finished grading my first frame and i applied the same grade for rest of my footage and adjusted it a little bit. In the end i had to match side dolly shot and over shoulder shot with my Resolve grade since it removed Warp in Resolve and i thought it would be easier to just match it in Premiere. Really impressed with my grading, it looks exactly how i imagined it before starting my shoot. I messed up some settings on the set i think but i managed to make it work in post.
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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Here’s few shots from my setup. It was super busy day yesterday, started 9:30 with Vojta and finished 21:00 with mine and Kerbys shoot. Now it’s post time!
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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that’s going to be my main UI, my friend recommended to give some texture to the levels which i did and it looks so much cleaner and nicer now.
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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So that’s my final render on DNA strand, it took 10hours to render 450 frames which is approx. 15 sec long.
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
Made it a bit faster and added transition to middle box so it pops up as green.
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
My lockscreen UI animation,a bit too slow but otherwise it looks sick imo.
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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This is going to be my final render... for now. Changed black to dark purple and it looks much better. First picture is frame 1 and 2nd picture is fram 85 so colour will be changing overtime as well rotation. I’m not sure how long it will take to render it out but these 2 pictures took only 3 mins together. Arnold renderer is really making my workflow faster and quality better as well compared to standard Physical renderer in C4D which is really good but needs a lot power and Arnold only uses my CPU so it’s faster than GPU based renderer in my case.
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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Here’s my first storyboard and shotlist for FMP. This wasn’t my first plan but it’s something very similar to it. Me and Kirby from 3rd year are going to USW hospital simulation center next week to film our FMP’s. We still don’t know what room will be available for us but we asked the one i added here and made storyboard according to this room. Will have a chat with Kris and Geraint today to finalise my storyboard and shotlist.
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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Made particles quite a bit smaller and it looks better but i still don’t like the look of particles tbh. DNA strand itself looks quite nice i think.
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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That’s my DNA helix which is going to be used in the middle of UI (inside that box). Still working on this*
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rasmuskuber1year · 6 years
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i think i will stick with these for now. Lockscreen is 100% fixed but i still might add some more things to main UI.
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