rastanley2011-blog · 3 years
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@maverick1988s-blog @kjnsweets-blog @helloosunnshine @djdeeptoot-blog @destroyandrecreate 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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rastanley2011-blog · 3 years
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@maverick1988s-blog @kjnsweets-blog @helloosunnshine @djdeeptoot-blog @destroyandrecreate 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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rastanley2011-blog · 3 years
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@maverick1988s-blog @kjnsweets-blog @helloosunnshine @djdeeptoot-blog @destroyandrecreate 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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rastanley2011-blog · 3 years
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@maverick1988s-blog @kjnsweets-blog @helloosunnshine @djdeeptoot-blog @destroyandrecreate 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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rastanley2011-blog · 8 years
I kind of had the same moment earlier today when watching Untold Stories of the E.R. It's a very weird but satisfying feeling.
Sometimes I forget I’m a medically trained professional, and I feel like if something happened I’d be the one yelling “does anyone know CPR?!!” And then it’d hit me. I literally know how to deal with this shit. I went to school to learn how to deal with situations like this.
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rastanley2011-blog · 8 years
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1. People die.
2. You can not always prevent number one.
3. You aren’t required to know everything.
4. You are required to know the foundational knowledge and skills of your job. NO EXCEPTIONS!
5. Blue is bad.
6. Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round. Any variation of this is bad.
7. If you drop the baby, pick it up!
8. Remember when dealing with patients, families, and supervisors; if it felt good saying it, it was the wrong thing to say.
9. All bleeding stops….Eventually…
10. Generally, its a BAD thing to use the terms “That’s not good” or “oh shit” in refrence to the patients condition.
11. It’s okay to pet the dog, even with gloves on.
12. All patients have a full stomach.
13. A patients wieght is directly proportional to the probablitly that the elevator does not work.
14.If you respond to a car accident after midnight and do not find someone drunk, keep looking, you are missing a patient.
15. The dead seldom get better, on the other hand, they never get worse!
16. An unconsciouse patient is a co-operative patient.
17. Most of your patients will be healthier then you are.
18. If during your transport, your driver yells don’t look out the front window… or the back, abide by this.
19. If its stupid but it works, its not stupid.
20. Training is learning the rules: experience is learning the exceptions.
21. Dispatchers will never miss their lunch breaks… they can also ensure you get yours.
22. Patients who fall or get injured outside will always move inside to the top floor bedroom before calling 911 because they can no longer walk.
23.To figure out the true amount of drinks a drunk has had, take the number they say and multiply it by 2 and add 3.
24. In apartments your patient will always be at the last room at the end of the hall on the left.
25.Common sense… is NOT common.
26. Think of your shift as a game. Survivor, the 12 hour version.
27. There are only 3 kinds of patients; 1) Ill, 2) Injured 3) Ignorant… 3 usually leads to 1 or 2.
28. Standard responses from nursing home staff include: it’s not my patient, I just got here, I was on vacation, they are new here, It’s not my floor, I think so, I am only here 1 day a week, I didn’t ask for the fire department, I don’t see it on their chart.
29. Don’t ever lie to your patient. If something is awkward to say, learn to say it without lying.
30. Proper use of a BVM is hard and takes practice.
31. OPAs and NPAs make using a BVM less hard.
32. Carry your weight.
33. Carry the patient.
34. If the FD or PD does #33 for you, make sure you thank them!
35. Have someone to talk to when the world crashes down.
36. Let human tragedy enhance your appreciation for all that you have.
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rastanley2011-blog · 8 years
Ha! This is awesome.
I wonder if I could talk my instructor into doing this in the front office...
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rastanley2011-blog · 12 years
Same words that I've been screaming for years..
Truth is, I’m not strong like I appear I am. I walk around with this fake fucking smile almost everyday. The feeling of being let down so much, is getting to the point where I dont know what to do anymore. So many people left my life, that I would do anything to have some of them back. My...
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rastanley2011-blog · 12 years
Yes, please.
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rastanley2011-blog · 12 years
Fuck Bitchezz.
Yup. No sleep tonight. AGAIN. Stupid headache needs to go away. And so does the drama. People really need to get some other hobby besides playing all up in another person's kool-aid. I'm sure you wouldn't like it very much if I did it to you so do us all a favor and keep your nose on your face where it belongs.
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rastanley2011-blog · 12 years
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Two days ago, you guys stepped up once again to show the world just how much we care about protecting the Internet. Together, we generated more than 140,000 calls to Senators, spent more than 4,200 hours on the phone with their staffers, and blacked out 650,000 of our blogs to make our point and inspire others to get involved. And what’s more, this was on top of the 90,000 calls we sent to members of the House of Representatives a month ago. Incredible.
It’s now becoming clear just how much impact our action is having. On January 18th, only 31 members of Congress opposed these bills. Just one day later, 101 members of Congress publicly stood with us in opposition. We are being heard.
And as of today, it looks like both the Senate PIPA and House SOPA bills have been shelved, for the moment. It seems pretty likely that the bills won’t pass as written—a big first win. We now hope that Internet companies, the creative community and the content industry join together to innovate and devise new partnerships to combat online piracy. We’re confident there are effective ways to do this without damaging the Internet or diminishing our freedoms.
You’ve made a big difference in keeping the Internet a safe and open place for creators. Thank you again.
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rastanley2011-blog · 12 years
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rastanley2011-blog · 12 years
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rastanley2011-blog · 12 years
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rastanley2011-blog · 12 years
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rastanley2011-blog · 12 years
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rastanley2011-blog · 12 years
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