rats-love · 6 years
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Rats-Love turned 3 today!
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rats-love · 6 years
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rats-love · 7 years
credits can be found athttps://www.facebook.com/pg/petratslove/photos/?tab=album
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rats-love · 7 years
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rats-love · 7 years
Rats Love Pumpkins - Halloween Tribute 1080p  -  video revised.   credits work in progress here -  https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1987676454839102.1073741829.1727665730840177&type=1&l=e9a809019a
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rats-love · 7 years
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rats-love · 7 years
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rats-love · 7 years
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Nora’s baby announcement!
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rats-love · 7 years
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rats-love · 7 years
To rat or not to rat? That is the question
In response to a post, I read that really set me off. The poster clearly has their own ideology of how things must be. And why this may be their truth, it doesn’t have to be everyones. Here is a link to the post. 
the post writer says:
Rats shouldn’t be kept in those tiny plastic cages. Rats shouldn’t have an empty cage with one hammock and food bowls. They need multiple hammocks, boxes, places to hide and sleep.
A rat can be happy and healthy in a small cage.  I do not endorse small cage or single rat living, but I will not judge if that is how you choose to house your pet rat. How am I to know if your rat is mostly free range, if the tank is temporary, or if ratty is in isolation. 
I have a male that came to me very anti social of other rats. He had to live alone. He had a nice big cage and he hated it. He would block himself in with his toys (cracker boxes) and live in one tiny corner. We needed the cage for a group of siblings and put Frank in a temporary cage that was much smaller. He changed dramatically. He became very outgoing and secure in his home. He loves it and we have let him claim it as his. We leave his door open during the day and he often slips out and wonders around on top of the cage before heading back in. So he has the opportunity to stretch when needed. He is happy and healthy.
Next, the poster continues saying rats shouldn't have one hammock and food bowls but needs toys, boxes, and multiple hammocks....   Maybe the photo you are seeing is right after cage cleaning. Maybe the rats just ate their hammock! Maybe the rats get free range daily and have an entire playground on the other side of the room. Stop judging. 
None of the wire platforms covered (congratulations you’re going to give your rat bumblefoot). The substrate used, also horrible and likely to result in respiratory infections. 
I agree that wire flooring is a poor option. But then again, judging people on a photo angers me. I have a double critter nation. I have one platform that is uncovered at this moment. My babies managed to pull the cover off sometime yesterday and today is cleaning day. My rats have 4 other platforms. This one is wire. If I went over and took a photo right now at that location, it may appear as tho my cage is wire floor. 
And as for bedding, it is FRESH pine and cedar that can give problems. It is the oil that causes respiratory issues. Most store bought bedding has been dried before packing. I use a combination of scrap material, shredded paper, and aspen bedding. Aspen looks just like pine or cedar in photos. There are so many other options to consider as well. How large is the cage, how much air flow, how many rats, how often is it cleaned. 
Rats are not “easy” or “cheap” pets. They are hard to care and provide for. They are expensive, they require specialized small animal vet trips, and are prone to lots of diseases and illnesses.
I have had rats for over 25 years. Rats are easy and cheap pets. No they are not free to own, and they require attention daily, but that doesn’t make them hard or expensive. I’ve also owned many other small pocket pets, birds, exotic reptiles, and farm animals. Rats are #1 the easiest and least expensive. 
Pet rats do not require “specialized vet trips” nor are they “prone to lots of diseases.”  There are a couple of well-known health problems that can strike, but I would say maybe 1 out of 12 of my rats may face some health related problem during their lifetime that requires a vet. Tumors, respiratory issues and general injuries such a scratches or torn toenails are the main things I have dealt with. A pet owner can learn how to treat 90% of these complications at home. And 60% of vets can help with the above with exception of tumor removals. This can be the hardest to find vets willing to do surgery and it can be costly. Our last tumor removal cost $350.  While this should be a reason to save up an emergency fund for your rat, it should not be a reason to avoid owning a rat as long as you can follow through if it needs care. 
They’re also destructive. They’ll chew through all their hammocks and toys, and will pee on everything, so you’ll need to buy new ones often, and you will need to clean their cages at least weekly.
Rats are minor on the destructive scale.The rodent teeth never stop growing. Giving them proper chews and space to exorcize will help. My boys don’t chew on anything they shouldn’t. Yes, they pee on everything!  My girls will chew on things but they tend to use their litter box. If I see them begin to chew on a hammock or rope I don’t want them to chew on, I try to get them a new type of chew to excite them or even a cracker or cereal box will give them something else to knaw at.
You don't need to buy hammocks, you don't need to buy toys. You don't need to buy new when they get peed on.  I make hammocks out of old shirts, pee washes out. I make toys with toilet paper rolls, empty boxes, and pop-cycle sticks. I’ve transformed a couple of old baskets into hanging beds. Some weeks they have shredded paper piled in a little box to dig in, straw, or just hanging strings and ropes with wood beads on them. Get creative, stay smart. Don’t give them glass or plastic. Google the material if you are unsure if it's safe. I will tell you what, most of the toys you buy are no safer than the ones you can make.
Last but not least the original poster closes by saying:
It’s very obvious majority of the people in that tag, have put no proper research into the pet care required for rats and aren’t providing the basic care to their pets which will more often then not, result in the early death of their rats.
I think it is obvious the poster is assuming things by glancing at some random photos. It is good to know the poster cares about rats, and he or she wants the best for them. But raging out and telling others how wrong they are ... is judgemental, unnecessary and foolishly out of context.
If you love your pet, any pet. If you continually put in the time and research to make the experience good for both you and the animal, then keep doing what you are doing. Be happy, and don’t let anyone else spoil that by degrading methods that are different than theirs. 
Love your rat, that is what matters most. Keep them safe and never stop trying to do better for them and with them. 
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rats-love · 7 years
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i don't own rats...they own me - Quote From Recite.com
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rats-love · 7 years
Crunchy nom mom moms
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rats-love · 7 years
playing around 
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rats-love · 7 years
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Rats-Love turned 2 today!
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rats-love · 7 years
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(via Meet Our Rats) Rest in heaven Luke
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rats-love · 7 years
Enter to win - Amazon giveaway - No purchase necessary
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rats-love · 7 years
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Rats-Love turned 2 today!
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