raunchyblonde21 · 6 years
Jamie: Claire says I only have a few hours to live.
Brianna: What? Are you sick?
Jamie: No. I knocked over some ingredients in her surgery.
Claire: [in the distance] I’M GOING TO HUNT YOU DOWN JAMIE FRASER!“
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raunchyblonde21 · 6 years
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raunchyblonde21 · 6 years
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True story 😉 SamCait
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raunchyblonde21 · 6 years
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April 15, 2018 | Sam Heughan with a fan at Wallace Monument in Stirling, Scotland | ©
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raunchyblonde21 · 6 years
Maybe the woman who took his photo at the airport was the same one who took his picture when he came back from SDCC 2015 there, cropped all the photo to not show who he was with and sent to you know who. Maybe she's not found of a certain brunette next to him.
Hmm..you may be on to something..
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raunchyblonde21 · 6 years
Loss, Part 7
@kkruml: Thank you for suggestions and help with the pacing. Thank you for telling me when I’ve used the word “tweezers” too much. I’m going to owe you a vat of bourbon when we reach Kentucky.
WARNING: This part has NSFW bits in it. If that’s not your thing and you’d like to read sans the NSFW parts, hit me up.  I can email you an edited version. Because Claire Belle cares. Though, I’m sure you can figure out where you want to stop reading as much as I can. I think there’s plot and character development in this NSFW, though. 
Part One: here. Part Two: here. Part Three: here. Part Four: here. Part Five: here. Part Six: here.
Loss (Modern AU) Part 7
Jamie’s face was intent as he carefully used tweezers to extract bits of earth from my palm.  He nearly had a doctor’s way about him: his hand cupping mine gentle and firm, his demeanor calm and soothing. Despite my careful washing at the pub, remnants of my fall were embedded in the flesh of my hand – mostly the tips of pine needles and grit.  When he nudged a particularly tender gouge I flinched and hissed out a curse word.  Jamie held my hand firm and kept his grip steady.    
“Sorry, Sassenach,” he said simply, sounding at once apologetic and yet not.
“It’s okay,” I responded, relaxing my hand in his and gripping the porcelain bathtub with my free hand.  I needed to keep the earth from tilting on its axis. Eyes closed, I diverted my attentions from the sensation of Jamie plucking forest floor from my flesh. Rather, I willed myself not to empty the whisky in my belly in a spectacular explosion all over this hulking man kneeling on the bathroom floor.
Keep reading
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raunchyblonde21 · 6 years
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April 3, 2018 | @valbo00 - Total bro session today… I think the testosterone was dripping off the walls 💪 @bobbymaximus we’re ready for you.
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raunchyblonde21 · 6 years
“The important people in our lives leave imprints. They may stay or go in the physical realm, but they are always there in your heart, because they helped form your heart. There’s no getting over that.”
— Rachel Cohn, Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares
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raunchyblonde21 · 7 years
Yesterday I found out that my neighbor is one of those shirtless highlanders who are always with Outlander people in SDCC. He has pictures with Sam and others. I asked why not a picture with Cait and he replied: "Impossible! Sam didn't even let her get near to us." WHY JESS? WHY? Even a "muscle guy" can see the things🙄🙄🙄
Lololol wtf
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raunchyblonde21 · 7 years
C may still be in LA though, she was on IG liking his movie pics about 6 hours ago, making it 4/5am Scotland time.
She might be since he’s filming with Sophie this week. She probably has more time off.
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raunchyblonde21 · 7 years
I don’t know which was more funny(sad) ….
The extent to which MC tried to Samplain what “together” means (probably he meant it in the existential sense😂) , or why he said she steals his blanket (uh… Cause he looked down and saw one so it popped into his head🙄), or the ridiculous “someone who isn’t Cait/Sam” portion.
It’s like they were scrambling to write something, anything, to get the trains back on the rails.
Meanwhile, Sam is sitting there with his shit eating grin thinking, “Yep, I said it.”
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raunchyblonde21 · 7 years
I just started watching Sam's interview's video and I noticed something else. At the start, when he's joking that he and Cait aren't talking he says "now we have separate sets, separate trailers (...) No, we are together". Oh so that "we share a trailer" comment back at ECCC really wasn't a mistake is that what you're saying? No need for shipper goggles, pretty clear they do share a trailer now. Thanks Sam! ;D
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raunchyblonde21 · 7 years
A post shared by Outlander (@outlander_starz) on Mar 18, 2018 at 12:45pm PDT
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raunchyblonde21 · 7 years
Remember the girl last year who said his bf saw Sam and a beautiful tall girl at the airport. There was a huge team of Scottish rugby supporters flying somewhere. I cannot remember where Sam was going though. Guess they travel together, Cait is just really good in stepping away or maybe giving that look to fans that she doesn’t like her presence to be known.
Yep. I think they travel together far more than we realise. 
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raunchyblonde21 · 7 years
Why are they coming to LA this weekend? Emmy panel???? Or something like that? Is that the same thing as Paley? Is it the same thing as when we got the awesomely hot photo shoot of Sam and Cait a few years ago, with Cait in that stunning green dress and the different poses on the couch and her legs that go on for miles between Sam's? Hmmm? Wonder if we'll ever get anything like that again?
It’s far more professional than the Paley panel. It’ll be more like that one they did in 2016 when they were nearly outed as a married couple. As for the super hot photoshoot of them not in costume, not happening again. Ever. 
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raunchyblonde21 · 7 years
In the Garden
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Their garden was the only place where Claire felt even halfway human right now. It was always the right temperature and somehow being surrounded by living things made it easier for her to grow other things. Or to grow humans. She’d never been this big with Faith she mused, glancing over at her still-petite daughter as her hand ran back and forth over the next one. “Any day now, Baby,” she muttered under her breath. “Feel free to come any day.”
Jamie had gone to the store and had suggested that, while he was out, she should rest since she’d been struggling lately to find a position comfortable enough to sleep for any stretch of time. But Faith had woken early from her nap. Claire could hear the small child singing to herself from the crib in the other room in her sweet, gentle voice, and had decided that a visit to the garden would be more restorative that an attempted nap. Faith would have entertained herself, but somehow Claire sensed that she needed these moments with her daughter.
So they’d gone out to the garden. Set behind their small home was their own little bit of green. Claire had planted herbs as soon as she’d realized there was a garden but as the seasons passed she had grown vegetables as well. Though Faith would follow her anywhere in the garden, the vegetables had been a particular delight of hers. Watching her daughter realize that those living, growing things weren’t there for mere decoration but were edible had brought both Claire and Faith particular joy.  
The weather was mild for a day so late in autumn. Faith tramped around the edges of the plots Claire had cultivated all summer and had begun to clear as the weather changed. When she spied something of interest she would crouch and inspect it closely. Her tiny fingers grasped, pinched, and picked small petals and leaves that she brought to her mama along with her questions.
“This Mama. What’s this?” she whispered, holding a flower so close to her face that here eyes nearly crossed.
Claire laughed musically as she rocked back from her hands and knees position, the only position from which she could actually reach things. She’d been pulling dried vines out of the dirt in front of her. “That’s purple heather,” she said as she cupped Faith’s tiny hands in her own.
“Heather, Mama?” she asked again in the repetitive nature of inquisitive toddlers.
“Yes, lovey.” She’d never forget it, Claire knew. Faith didn’t talk much, but when she asked a question, she meant to know the answer forever.
“Thanks!” she chirped then gave Claire a kiss before toddling off once more to continue her observations and discoveries.
Claire had almost completely gotten rid of the unwanted tangle of dead vines before she heard Jamie’s rich, warm voice carry across the green space between them.
“Ah, there are my lasses!” He strided purposefully back to the garden to be near them, kissing Claire soundly then going to where Faith was collecting her bits of nature.
“Look, Da. Please?” She held out her tiny hands full of treasures and began to name them one by one. “Heather, fern, just-moss,” she held out a clump of moss she’d meticulously scraped off a tree. “Mama said, Da,” she nodded, her eyes round and serious, her curls dark and bouncing.
“Oh, aye?” he asked her, examining the specimens. “And where did ye find the moss?”
“Just-moss, Da,” she corrected sagely, albeit inaccurately.
“Aye, the ‘just-moss,’” he smiled over Faith’s head at Claire who was trying to stifle her giggles behind her hands.
“In my garden,” she replied, gesturing vaguely. Apparently the attention to detail that had led her to correct him only moments ago no longer applied to describing the location of one’s discoveries.
Jamie snorted as Faith went back to seek more wee treasures. He reached down to pull his wife to her feet. She rose laboriously, kneading her lower back that always seemed to ache these days.
“Was the bairn restless? Did she no’ let ye sleep then?” His brow furrowed in concern for his wife and the strain she was under. She was the strongest woman he knew but there were days when, under the burden she carried, she looked so fragile.
“No, she’s still now,” she smiled serenely, fingers ghosting over the bump. “Not restless at all. I just wanted to be here with Faith, doing something, creating something.”
“Dinna sell yourself short for all ye are doing.” He smiled in that heartbreakingly sweet way he had. “Ye are creating something.”
His hand protectively joined hers, twined fingers, then swung down between them as they began to slowly walk, hand in hand, in the calm of the garden. Together.
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raunchyblonde21 · 7 years
People with special needs are special in their own unique way. They have a lot to give of themselves as long as we give of ourselves to them and offer them the respect that they deserve.
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