rauzadian · 2 years
The cast of the Original Trilogy had cliched, boring character concepts that were executed wonderfully enough for it not to matter. 
 The cast of the Prequel Trilogy had interesting concepts that were executed poorly enough to make them seem utterly stupid. 
The cast of the Sequel Trilogy had amazing, thought-provoking concepts that were executed in the town square and put up on pikes as a warning to others.
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rauzadian · 2 years
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“Interesting woman.”
“Oh, Fleur? She’s a bit full on, but she’s harmless.”
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rauzadian · 2 years
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supportive boyfriend stede
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rauzadian · 2 years
my love for ofmd has not gone down at ALL. if anything it’s gradually growing. i crave all the content i can get my little mitts on, hand it over. put it in an iv drip and let me consume it all babey
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rauzadian · 2 years
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rauzadian · 2 years
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No one can even begin to understand what we went through together, what we mean to each other.
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rauzadian · 2 years
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Why, I’ll never know but… he does.
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rauzadian · 2 years
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We have certainly earned some time to ourselves.
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rauzadian · 2 years
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Bernie + looking at Serena like That™
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rauzadian · 2 years
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rauzadian · 2 years
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insp. | insp.
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rauzadian · 2 years
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Fletch & Bernie in “It Tolls For Thee”.
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rauzadian · 2 years
The first thing Sian did when Serena told her that she was Bi was to get her boobs out and ask her what she thought of them.
Bold of you to presume Sian didn't do that when she thought Serena was straight 😂
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rauzadian · 2 years
*sigh* The TERFs are at it again
As a lot of sewing and costube nerds know, Bernadette Banner just released her book on sewing, a basic guide for sewing and mending based on historical techniques. She has a successful YouTube channel where she teaches these techniques and occasionally features other costubers, experts, etc. Naturally, in writing her book, she’s transferred some of the personal aspects that are part of any YouTube channel’s branding, such as illustrating her work with narratives and introducing the people who are featured in the book.
Because she has used people’s correct pronouns and approached this book in an inclusive way, it seems a group of TERF activists have organized and bombarded the book’s Amazon page with bad reviews, claiming the book has an “agenda” and is “political” by using the preferred pronouns of the people featured. Of course, this is this absurd – YouTube personalities, even those with substantive content who aren’t just influencers, are exactly that? Personalities? So of course there will be personal narratives, and why should someone’s identity be left out of their narrative, especially if the reason they need to tailor a garment is a gender reassignment surgery? I also imagine it may be triggering and difficult, as Banner has an openly non-binary sibling who has also been featured in her videos.
All this to say, you can go to Amazon and report these bigoted reviews or mark them as unhelpful, and if you have a copy of the book and like it, this is a good time to leave a nice review. The book was published less than a month ago, and bad Amazon reviews can tank new publications or push Amazon to force the author to make changes in some cases (though I think only with digital books, but as there’s a kindle edition and we all know that Amazon takes money from authors whose books are returned, I’m hoping these TERFs aren’t buying and returning Kindle editions just to leave shitty reviews). Anyway, it’s important to authors not to get dragged down by a TERF swarm, especially so early after publication. And it’s even more important to keep pushing back and showing TERFs that they can’t keep pulling this shit.
I’m honestly just so tired of their bullshit. Please find a non-destructive outlet for your trauma.
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rauzadian · 2 years
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rauzadian · 2 years
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rauzadian · 2 years
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The Pilot : Stede being a fast learner
Bonus : throwing the stun move out of the window
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