ravalice-blog · 8 years
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GLOW Behind The Scenes ; Alice 
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
romantic comedy sentence starters/meme
“It’s so nice when you can sit with someone and not have to talk.”
“I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night.”
“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”
“You’re high maintenance but you think you’re low maintenance.”
“You say things like that, and you make it impossible for me to hate you.”
“You look like a normal person but actually you are the angel of death.”
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is, I love you.”
“We were friends for a long time.”
“You know, you may be the first attractive woman I’ve not wanted to sleep with in my entire life.”
“When I buy a new book, I read the last page first. That way, in case I die before I finish, I know how it ends. That, my friend, is a dark side.”
“I am not your consolation prize.”
“No one has ever quoted me back to me before.”
“I’ll have what she’s having.”
“Are those sad tissues or happy tissues?”
“Nice boys don’t kiss like that.” 
“I like you very much. Just as you are.”
“I realized that I had forgotten to kiss you goodbye.”
“Come on, we belong together - you, me, poor little skirt.”
“If I can’t make it with you, I can’t make it with anyone.”
“I realize that when I met you at the turkey curry buffet, I was unforgivably rude, and wearing a reindeer jumper.”
“Did I really run around on your lawn naked?”
“Aren’t you a bit young to be in love?”
“You can’t lose something you never had.”
“You’re already falling in love with me.”
“I’m gonna make you wish you were dead.”
“I love you, but I don’t have to like you right now.”
“Get down on one knee, it���s more romantic!”
“I’ll never let anybody put me in a cage.”
“I don’t want to put you in a cage, I want to love you.”
“I’d marry you for your money in a minute.”
“I just want somebody I can have a decent conversation with over dinner.”
“When you’re attracted to someone, it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious, subconsciously.”
“Gentleman… I had forgotten what you fellas looked like.”
“I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be you so badly.”
“But I just want to say that all this nothing has meant more to me than so many somethings.”
“Isn’t everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?”
“I like to feel his eyes on me when I look away.”
“People always talk about how love is this totally unselfish, giving thing, but if you think about it, there’s nothing more selfish.”
“Do you know anyone who’s in a happy relationship?”
“Listen, if somebody gave me the choice right now to never see you again or to marry you, I would marry you, alright? And maybe that’s a lot of romantic bullshit, but people have gotten married for a lot less.”
“I’m gonna take your picture. So I never forget you or all of this.”
“It’s amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy.”
“People put you down enough, you start to believe it… the bad stuff is easier to believe, you ever notice that?”
“I’m gonna treat you so nice, you’re never gonna let me go.”
“I appreciate this whole seduction thing you’ve got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I’m a sure thing.
“I love you. And not in a friendly way, although I think we’re great friends.”
“I love you. Very, very simple, very truly.”
“You are the epitome of everything I have ever looked for in another human being.”
“If this is a crush, I don’t think I could take it if the real thing ever happened.”
“You are lovelier this morning than you have ever been.”
“That sex was the most fun I’ve ever had without laughing.”
“You’ve got an old fashioned idea divorce is something that lasts forever.”
“You’re wonderful, in a loathsome sort of way.”
“How long is it since we’ve last seen each other?”
“I love you, but you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
“Probably not, considering we’d only have every other weekend available,” he admitted, corners of lips tucked in. Seokmin couldn’t complain when he was lucky enough not to have to worry about going to extra schooling until late at night, but it would be nice to have a part-time job. Of course, his friend had immediately abandoned the thought and moved on to the next while he plodded along behind. “Ah, I think it’d be more like a grow to love thing! Say some poor soul got dared to try us and bam! It’s the most amazing thing they ever ate, so more and more people try it.” Eyebrows inched ever upwards as he spoke animatedly, hands outstretched for emphasis.
That was until eyes settled on her suggested snack, his tummy seeming to curl up in an instant reflex of distaste. With brows bearing as many furrows as the lake monster had tentacles, the hufflepuff studied them carefully. “I don’t suppose you’ll just let me wait until we open Honeypukes?” The youth didn’t wait for an answer, however, already knowing his fate too well,and began scooping a couple of the candies into a plastic bag. “You really should think about it. I’d love to have some of your stuff on our menu back home and why shouldn’t we open up a nice little shop?” There wasn’t anything else he could truly think of doing with his magical education.
“Oh, come on. It can’t be that bad if they’re selling it here! Besides, the best way to beat the competition is through an insider’s scoop. And this–” She taps on the candy jar as he brings it down from the shelf “–is only step one of a thousand! We can only climb up from here!” The chances of her trying out the candy she suggested herself were slim to none, but the very idea of having someone else squirm at the thought of digesting life-like cockroach-looking treats is more than worth it. Plus the fact that it’s Seokmin, whom she knows is a lesser fan of these magical creations than she is, makes it even better.
The ravenclaw perks up at the suggested idea. “Do you really mean that?” She’s full of smiles, already thinking of menus and names and all sorts of instruments that would make their shops distinguishable and stand out from others. “Ah! What if the both of us come up with a recipe for a limited sale item? We could even charm it! …Unless that’s not legal? Whatever, laws are made to be broken, anyway!” She chirps, giving his back a couple of pats that could either mean ‘that was a really nice idea!’ or ‘move faster!’ “We should have a mascot, and a slogan– Oh, and a TV commercial! I don’t suppose you know any spell that could hack into local television and broadcast our ad without us having to pay for thirty seconds of screen time, do you?”
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
”i’m not sick,” junmyeon replies, making sure there was an emphasis on the condition of his health. its been the second time this week that someone’s asked if he was sick. he definitely wasn’t; at least, not yet. junmyeon worries at the thought of the upcoming flu-season. he raised his brow at the name kachow. throughout the years junmyeon’s known alice, the girl had her fair share of questionable ideas. he’s always been understanding, since they both grew up in different conditions. but this idea, this kachow idea, is her most questionable yet. 
“wait what. what’s kachow,” junmyeon tries to imitate the way alice says the word. he notices the shih tzu look up at the word; this must not be the first time alice has called cashew that. “he’s my dog alice, i think i would know what i named him. its cashew, like the nut you put in your mouth and devour in one sitting?” 
“you don’t even know the origin of the name you chose for your own pet? really, junmyeon. first you don’t look after him, now you’re disrespecting his ancestor, lightning mcqueen.” the ravenclaw shakes her head in feign disappointment, mumbling quiet- but loud enough for junmyeon to hear- words to the dog. “i don’t blame you for running away.” she nuzzles her nose against his head.
the next words that came tumbling out of the other seventh year’s mouth had alice laughing- and would be practically wheezing, had she not been taken aback to the point of choking on her own saliva. “i’m not interested in the nuts you put in your mouth, or how many you can fit in there in just one sitting.” she pauses. “though if it’s more than three, then color me impressed.”
◌ kachow
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
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House Common Room aesthetics - Ravenclaw Tower
Hufflepuff | Gryffindor | Slytherin
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
don’t look back ⤮ alice & alec
there have been a couple of instances where alice loses sight of her reason for being at a certain place, and the situation she finds herself in is another example to add on that list. ah, right. she was supposed to meet up with a friend earlier at dervish and banges, but thanks to her terrible sense of direction and growing thirst from walking around too much, she ended up witnessing a fight about to break out at the three broomsticks. alice sees herself with two options: to start a betting pool among the bystanders, or to interfere before anything goes down. upon getting a better look at he familiar robe worn by one of the guys, alice didn’t need to think twice before throwing some of the smoke pellets she always carry (hey, who knows when she needs to make a grand entrance) as means of distraction so she could grab hold of the gryffindor’s hand, shouting a mighty “RUN!” as she pulls him outside of the pub. 
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
A chilly breeze, bearing the lightly frosted touch of coming winter followed a set of students into the famous sweet shop. Thin digits attempted to brush penny brown hair back into some semblance of order as he grinned brightly at the array of goodies before them. As usual there was a crowd ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the various displays and colorful names. Sweet tooth’s appeared to be a universal constant, no matter your level of peculiarity.
Shooting a sidelong glance at Alice, the elder remembered how the names had nearly made him pass out the first time he’d entered, but it was nothing compared to what her treats actually looked like. In fact, Seokmin was beginning to think he’d become a bit addicted to being shocked and appalled. “So what’ll it be? Want to give the Ice Mice a try or maybe the Fizzing Whizzbee’s?” His own tastes were pretty tame. At least, they had been. Pink Coconut Ice was his favorite to date. Probably because he wasn’t mentally prepared for Exploding Bonbons or Fudge Flies. 
Hogsmeade weekend visits are- according to Alice’s standards- by far the best thing to ever be implemented to the school system. (The grand staircase is a close second). Despite the fact that she’s more or less accustomed to how things work in this ‘magical realm’ she had already spent majority of her teenage life in, there’s always that anticipation of the unlikely that keeps her on her toes. She’s gotten used to greeting the life-like paintings in the castle, but chocolate that hops is still something she hasn’t stomached yet.
”Do you think they hire student employees here?” Came the first absurd question of the day. “Or better yet, we can open our own shop here! Business blooms with competition, after all. We’re only helping them out, if anything. Ah.. what if they grow to hate it? They’ll call our shop names like Honeypukes, or something.” She frowns at the thought. (Although, given the appearance of the possible sweets they would be selling in their hypothetical shop, the name might be more accurate than insulting.) “I don’t think I’ve bought some of those before. I only tried the Sugar Mice- is it the same thing except, you know, it’s iced?” Turning around the corner, an audible gasp leaves her lips at the sight of something Alice knew Seokmin would rather not digest. “Cockroach Clusters! We have to try this, Minnie-ah~”
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
this far along into the school year taehyung is basically on first name terms with the healer and the interns of the hospital wing from the amount of times he’s sent here to sort out a bump, scrape or a burn from some wildly stupid or stupidly wild shenanigan of some description. he has a favourite bed, the one right under the window just left of centre placement; this is where he’s sat today as he holds an ice pack to his face and whistles a tuneless song under his breath as he waits for poppy to return with his medicine. a voice has him turning his head, peering at her through the one good eye that’s not squinted shut behind a fistful of ice. despite the circumstances he grins at her, lopsided and somewhat charming. “close, but nah, not this time. as it happens, turns out blast-ended skrewts don’t like it when you sneak up on them. but don’t tell any of the other slytherins how cool this place is either, you know, i don’t wanna have to fight people for the good beds.”
"i thought that would have been a given, since it applies to every living thing.” had it been alice who was snuck up on from behind, she would have- if the timing allows her- done a three-sixty roundhouse kick (wait, isn’t that redundant? whatever, it sounds cooler anyway) and went for both of his eyes...if the whole situation took place in some alternative universe where such actions were deemed moral. it would have looked cool, though! “yeah, it’s pretty cool.” she nods, despite the fact that they were most-likely agreeing about two entirely different things. “you’re at a disadvantage at aiming with one eye so you better swing with two fists at one. if worst comes to worst, i’ll give you directions on where to aim. i pride myself in accuracy, after all. shift your left foot  ninety degrees to the right and take a swing right where your nose is aligned, and pow!” she moves in time with her own instructions, acting out an imaginary fight as she punches the air in front of her. she allows herself to fall back on the foot of the bed, grinning at him. “they’ll go stumbling backwards to a different bed...and maybe get treated for something worse than what they came here for, but hey, it’s the hospital wing for a reason!” alice, out of sheer curiosity, gestures to his eye “does that hurt?”
wingstop ⤮ alice & taehyung
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
”wait what,” junmyeon is taken aback. “well, amenities are provided for us. so, i’m assuming we wouldn’t need to carry money. unless, its a hogsmeade day.” 
junmyeon sits down on the common room’s carpet to pet cashew, making the dog turn its head the other way. the ravenclaw frowns, but he should’ve expected the dog to reply that way. it was the usual. “seriously, alice.” he repeats his question. “where did you find cash – cashew? he was sleeping on my bed when i left to tutor, but when i returned, he was gone. i feel like cashew always likes to mess with me and run away from me.” the dog perks one of its ears up at the mention of its name and adjusts itself on alice’s lap.
“if you knew then why are you asking me?” alice asks, looking at him as if he has lost his senses. dismissing the subject, she shifts her attention back to the cute little fluff on her lap, tickling the bottom of his chin and watches as kachow close his eyes. “cashew? junmyeon, seriously, are you sick? i wouldn’t peg you to mispronounce the simplest of muggle reference. it’s kachow. you know, like kachow!” she imitates the way Piston Cup Rookie Racer and Rust-eze Sponsor Lightning McQueen says his catchphrase, even going as far as to wink and point finger-guns at the other ravenclaw as impromptu for her lack of props. 
“maybe he runs away from you because you pronounce his name wrong. isn’t that right, kachow?”
◌ kachow
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
wingstop ⤮ alice & taehyung
alice isn’t prone to accidents per se, but seven out of ten incidents show that she’s one of the prime candidates to cause one, and yet manages not to get a single scratch from it all. just like now, for instance, where she’s comfortably leaning against one of the four walls of the hospital wing, treating the place as if it’s a lounging area. not to say she isn’t worried about the person she accidentally whacked with the end of her broom, no, of course not, but alice found it unnecessary to stick around despite the concussion being her fault. ah, there he is! ...injured, yet again. she doesn’t often see familiar faces, but this one guy’s almost always confined whenever she drops by the hospital wing, drawing to a conclusion that he’s either a klutz, or someone who just enjoys being in a lot of physical pain. from how she sees it, the former seems more logical. “so is this the new hotspot for slytherins now? or are you just here to skip class? cause i can totally relate. i have history of magic next. it’s called history for a reason, you know? just leave it in the past, is what i say.”
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
a cold shiver runs down his spine while walking past a class that he’s 100% certain that alice is in right then. the lecture will be over in a matter of seconds, his conscience manages to remind him. if he runs now, he could escape the wrath of the frightening female ravenclaw that torments the boy whenever and wherever. thinking back to the times that alice has managed to scare the living crap out of him causes the beating organ in his chest to race rapidly. imagine how untroubled he’d be right now if he hadn’t used a stupid pickup line on her! 
managing to get through the crowd of students, theo thinks he’s gotten out of seeing that insane noona as he turns the corner. oh, how mistaken and naive he is. when the eerily familiar voice booms the young gryffindor’s direction, an exasperated ‘fuck’ flies past his lips, his entire body tensing up. it’s a terrible day to be theo kang, it truly is. hands clutch onto the sides of his house robe until the knuckles turn white as snow. he slowly turns around to face alice, releasing a nervous chuckle. 
“hello to you too, alice noona. nice to see you.” 
ah, theo. she finds it endearing how, despite knowing the treatment he receives from the ravenclaw, he still acts under her order. what an obedient  underling i have, alice muses to herself with pride. the only thing that leaves her in wonder is theo’s constant need to play chase whenever they happen to meet by chance. whatever his reason is, alice had already accepted it as part of their ritual, humoring his silent request by going after him without restraints. his indirect consideration of my physical health will be rewarded accordingly by the dark one. 
with fingers sprawled to cover half of her face in a pose theo should be familiar with by now, alice let’s out a chuckle from behind her hand, shoulders rising along with the motion. “your summoning has become impeccable. have we perhaps obtained the gift of telepathy? quick, theo, what am i thinking right now?!” she asks, an expectant twinkle seen in her eyes.
hide & squeak ⤮ alice & theo
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
the common room quickly became alice’s go-to place whenever her schedule fits her free, and it’s all because of a certain dog she often sees wandering about. she met him around the later months of her sixth year. during that time, most students were wary of her, too obviously cautious around the girl who spouts nothing but nonsense, so she wasn’t able to address him properly until she overheard a group of ravenclaws call out to him. “kachow~” she’s situated on the carpet, petting her lap as she waits for him to climb on top of her. “that’s a good boy!” alice coos, giving his head a ruffle and gentle pets. 
the ravenclaw looks up at the familiar voice. “cash? sorry, i don’t carry money with me.”
◌ kachow
“cashew,” junmyeon calls out for the tenth time. “where are you? cash?” 
junmyeon is sure his dog is nearby. when he left to tutor a group of first years on potions, the shih tzu was sprawled on his bed. he was starting to get anxious, worrying that someone dognapped cashew. no, that’s impossible. frantically, he ran down the hall that lead to the common room, earning glances from other ravenclaws. he stopped when he saw the dog next to a familiar face. 
“oh thank merlin,” junmyeon said in relief. “alice! where’d you find cash?”
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
hide & squeak ⤮ alice & theo
alice was quick to catch sight of the familiar figure turning the corner the moment she stepped out of her class and in the hallway, as if the boy sensed her presence and escaped instinctively. had it been anyone else, alice wouldn’t have bothered following him down the crowded corridors, but luckily for theo, he happened to be her favorite prey. “ you there! halt!” she called out in such a loud manner that it made some students look her way. she mind none of it and continued with her chase “take one more step forward and i’ll make sure the true god of darkness swallows you whole and imprisons your damned soul with the rest of the evildoers!” 
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ravalice-blog · 8 years
okay i’ll try to keep this intro post short...
alice mun here! thank you for those who sent me welcome messages i’ll make sure to get back to you when i can since i’m still in the process of fixing some pages on alice’s blog. as for plotting, you can reach me on twitter (@kimingyus) or send me an IM! i made the mistake of rushing through everything that i never considered writing pre-established so HMU with literally anything. if you have any plots of yours that needs to be filled and alice suits the role then dont hesitate to suggest it!
EDIT: i made a plot page but it’s extremely half-assed so if you want to grab anything from it here’s the link! also here’s some facts about my ravenclaw child that might spark some plots:
she was a chuunibyou.and grew out of it in the summer of her 6th year with the goal of being ‘normal’ but it comes out occasionally when triggered. (hyunggu fears her cause of it)
she’s really good at making sweets but the visual for them are..not as pleasant as they taste (if you want visual references here and here)
her attention span is pretty short she doesn’t like long lectures (side-eyes history of magic) but to make up for it, she has a pretty excellent memory. (this is where tutor suho comes in)
also the type to break everything she touches (”what does this do-...nevermind.”)
being a muggleborn she’s knowledgeable of everything muggle so if you need to know how to dab hit her up
that’ll be it for now! anyway lets get to plotting~ <3
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