In love
Skeletal System Coloring Book  - Printable
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This is a helpful tool for kinesthetic learners! The answers are on a prior post, ‘Skeletal System’.
Here’s the link: Printable Coloring Study Guide
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Learning Anatomy
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Foot Anatomy
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Hi, epic return with my art
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Lower Leg Anatomy Notes by therobuts
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This may be something would do if I'd liked onion rings
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Snape is inviting you to netflix and chill. You are not so sure. You make up an excuse. You stay home and check the rest of this slide show. (click here for the part I)
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This is Ziggy. He’s a 5 year old mini American Eskimo.
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El 95% de la gente que ve este post lo ignora, pero solo un 5% lo rebloguea en homenaje a todos los usuarios de tumblr que han fallecido.
Te extraño, amiga (via se-fuerte-y-lucha)
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aries: the definition of a fuckboy but they actually have a soul. literally don’t give two shits about the haters and are some of the most loyal friends i’ve ever encountered. have very sudden growth periods. super dedicated to anything they put their mind to. ALSO OH MY GOD SO GOOD WITH THE TONGUE 
taurus: very eccentric, don’t really know how to deal with emotions. get flustered easily but it’s kinda cute. dreamy demeanor. will ignore the hell out of u if u fuck them over. are lowkey terrified of everything but will probs never admit that as they have some weird element of ego tied into that. 
gemini: really chill people when u get to know them but will scare the shit out of u for like six years if u don’t approach them. do not fucking piss them off as they will butcher yo ass with their tongue and hang u up for the rest of the world to see. probably has daddy issues. writers. really physically attractive and everybody is intimidated as fuck by it. dumb as hell in terms of love and will flirt with you incessantly. REALLY FUCKIN GOOD WITH THEIR HANDS LIKE DAMN. 
cancer: big hearts. fuckin adorable little water signs that are likely drowning in a puddle of their own tears. do not know how to fucking flirt to save their lives. their laughs are kooky as hell and i love it. probably smoke weed. u either love ‘em or want to kill them or are in some poorly balanced inbetween.
leo: okay y’all needa settle down a bit. fragile fuckin egos if i’ve ever seen ‘em and react hardcore if u piss them off. pretty over the top with everything. but damn, are some of the most hopelessly romantic motherfuckers i’ve met. will treat you like a fucking god(dess) if u let them. not super good at social cues tbh. good friends to have if u need to be validated. need quality time. 
virgo: y’all are lowkey hoes and give no fucks about it and it’s fucking great omfg. despite that, they maintain an endearing innocence and can be childish af when things don’t go their way but will love u until the end of time. great taste in music. super fucking smart but don’t show it off too often. 
libra: jesus christ okay i love u guys. super understanding and will always try to see all sides of a situation. probably have been through a lot. aren’t afraid to call u on ur shit and are lowkey emotional shawtys that are still trying to find themselves. make really wonderful parents. get crazy excited over little shit and it’s fucking adorable. 
scorpio: don’t fuck with these hoes unless u know urself first. will expose the parts of urself that u didn’t want to see. super gnarly in fights and will love u until the end of time. pretty standoffish and need time alone when emotionally unstable. keep themselves in amazing shape. are the loneliest fucks i know; be kind to them always. are probably in great shape (physically.)
sagittarius: craziest mofos out there. abandon all emotions before going into a situation and can be super impulsive. funny as fuck and always seem to be on another level. push themselves to the limit and usually forget to give themselves a break. ambitious and can get shit done when they need to. 
capricorn: talk about a ride or die. y’all are loyal to the grave and are incredible friends. until u get fucked over. will probably make ur enemies’ life a living hell, sometimes over-the-top about it. can be v athletic. good writers/artists. really interested in spirituality and the ethereal realms. u guys know what to do in bed and flirt hard af. also so fucking funny oh my god. 
aquarius: amazing friends. probably hate u. easily excitable. space cadets 4 life. rly good with animals and love food but probably restrict their eating habits in one way or another. a paradox in that they are fucking driven as hell to get shit done but give zero fucks at the same time. lowkey kinky af. want to kiss everyone. 
pisces: emotional shawtys through and through. physically attractive as hell. not good at romantic relationships. won’t forget about u for a million years. keep their friends close but will push u the fuck away if they get scared. insecure and just want u to stick around.
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The Rock Has An Inspiring Message For People With Depression
Johnson shares how an episode of depression eventually led him to professional wrestling, and what he learned from the experience. 
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I just realized that Luna Lovegood’s 17th birthday happened while she was imprisoned at Malfoy Manor.
Now I have this horrifying sad image of a cheerful Luna singing happy birthday to herself on the morning of February 13th and when Ollivander asks her what she’s doing she explains that her daddy always sends her a singing letter by owl post at breakfast on her birthday but she doesn’t think the owl can get to her in the cellar, so she’s singing it to herself instead.
And she smiles quite peaceably and tells him, “I’m seventeen now, by the way. That’s rather special, don’t you think? Being seventeen?” and a stricken Ollivander assures her that it is and he forces a smile and leaves her there humming to herself all alone in that dark cellar on her seventeenth birthday.
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ATP Masters 1000 | ATP World Tour 2015 Honor Roll
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I like candy, I don’t really have a favorite though.
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“You know so little of war. Battles may be fought from the outside in, but wars are won from the inside out.” - A Darker Shade of Magic, V.E. Schwab
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This motherfucker sat on this account for two fucking years waiting to make this joke and all I can think about is how long they must have agonized thinking of the best way to deliver the punchline that they would only have one shot in their life at doing.
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