ravens-champion · 5 years
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ravens-champion · 5 years
Hi I’m Vex’ahlia from campaign one of Critical Role! I really would like to find my family again—especially my brother and my husband, but also any of my kids. Our canon was pretty close to canon, as well. We wound up having five children, and our oldest was a tiefling that took the family name. Both me and Vax had incredibly thick, long hair and tan skin with tons of freckles. If any of this sounds familiar, pls message me at chaoticreckless or like this and I’ll find you!
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ravens-champion · 5 years
I have this really distinct memory of kissing Kiki. We were in a forest somewhere and the sun was setting. I was laying in the grass and she was in my lap. The setting sun was so pretty, but it couldn’t compare to how gorgeous she was. It made her skin practically glow and her hair looked like it was on fire.
When she kissed me, her lips were really warm and also dry and chapped. She wasn’t exactly confident about the entire thing, but it was perfect regardless. Honestly, if I didn’t need to break for air, I would’ve spent forever just kissing her.
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ravens-champion · 5 years
Pike was a beacon of brilliant light in a world that always seemed so dark. She was a ray of hope that I desperately needed, especially towards the end of my life. She was so incredible and I love her so much
I’m having a really bad day today and, honestly, I wish she was here to comfort me
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